Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 224 Return to Tokyo (Additional update 4k)

Lu Mingfei looked a little tired, and the staff who got off the helicopter were taking care of the scene.

They were all professionals. They used parts boxes to piece together a coffin. The make-up artist put makeup on Sidney and sewed up his severed hand.

Sidney was lying in a steel coffin, his face pale and quiet as if he was asleep.

"We will send him to the nearest branch in Kassel except Japan." Mai Shutoku stood behind Lu Mingfei, playing the role of a competent female secretary, "Kassel provides services for every student when they enter school. Everyone bought an insurance policy and they would take care of getting him back to where he belongs.”

"Let's arrange it this way." Lu Mingfei looked at Sidney beside the coffin. The staff brought a bouquet of white flowers, and Lu Mingfei put the white flowers on Sidney's chest with his own hands.

"What is my status now?" Lu Mingfei looked at the busy staff in black behind him.

"You are still an S-class student from Kassel in 2009. But half an hour ago, the old... former boss transferred all his properties to you. You inherited his identity as school director. You are now Kassel One of the seven school directors in Seoul, his status is the same as Hibbert Jean Angers, the head of the Gattuso family."

Mai Shutoku said eloquently: "In addition, you are also the creditor of the Eight Sheqi Family. They owe you more than 20 billion euros. This is an estimated amount, which is not completely accurate. Excluding the recent recovery of Japan's economy, the stock futures market Factors such as rising prices and energy shortages, as well as several convertible bonds totaling 7 billion euros, have not been taken into account."

Lu Mingfei was surprised: "Is the industry such a big one?"

"Yes, these are all yours."

Lu Mingfei quickly regained his composure after being surprised. He had no idea about money, and when Mai Jiudoku said 20 billion, it was as calm as talking about 200 yuan, which made him embarrassed to make a fuss.

He suddenly became one of the richest men in the world. He didn't seem to have any real feelings. He sighed and said, "You guys wait for a while on the first floor. I'll go upstairs and take a look."

Eriki stayed in the room upstairs obediently, and did not go downstairs even when she heard the sound of the helicopter's propellers.

You know, other people in the village followed Grandma Liu into the Grand View Garden and ran out to watch the fun, but the staff set up a cordon around the area. They showed their forged criminal police cards and drove back the villagers who were joining in the fun. .

Lu Mingfei went upstairs and opened the door.

Eli Yi stood obediently at the door waiting for him, standing tall and graceful.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what to say, so he closed the door and sat on the bed.

Eriki sat next to him, picked up the book, and handed it to him: "Is someone dead?"

Lu Mingfei almost forgot that Eryi's hearing was very good. Not only her hearing, but her sense of smell, vision, and hearing were also far incomparable. She should have known what happened.

The old man seemed to know a special way of hypnosis. When the clapper was struck, Eriyi behaved very abnormally. Lu Mingfei also had some confusing pictures flashing through his mind at that time, but the pictures quickly disappeared and he did not Nothing feels.

Probably because his Taoist heart is stable, but Eriyi is different. She is still a little girl with little knowledge and can easily be confused by something.

Lu Mingfei thought that as the more mature person, he should comfort Eliyi at this time, touch her head, and tell her that it's okay, everything is over, the bad guy has been eliminated by me, but we have a friend He died. He was great. He fought hard against the bad guys and finally bought time for us. He is a hero. We must pay tribute to him and thank him.

Mature men don’t have time to cry. After doing one thing, they will rush to do the next thing. Holidays are reserved for children. Adults can only squat on the toilet when going to the toilet. Smoking a cigarette every time, after finishing the cigarette, immediately tighten your belt and come out, and face tomorrow's life with a smile.

Lu Mingfei celebrated his eighteenth birthday last year. He is nineteen this year and has already reached adulthood. He must learn to bear everything by himself instead of crying and talking to his parents. Besides, he doesn’t know that his parents are there. where.

Thinking like this, a cold touch suddenly came from my forehead.

Eriki got out of bed, looked at him seriously, and touched his head.

"Don't worry, it will get better. I believe Sakura." She stood up the notebook, took Lu Mingfei's hand, and walked to the desk by the window.

There are many paper cranes on the table, and square post-it notes are stuck on the edge of the wooden table.

It wasn't that Eriki stayed in the house and did nothing. She knew someone had died, so she sat at the table and folded paper cranes like she did at the funeral that day.

Lu Mingfei was held by the girl, and a soft place in his heart was touched.

Hui Liyi wrote comforting words in the notebook. These were what Lu Mingfei said to her when she had nightmares, and now they are used on herself.

She stood on tiptoes and touched Lu Mingfei's head, then hugged Lu Mingfei and patted Lu Mingfei's back gently.

In her eyes, Lu Mingfei was just a child in need of comfort at the moment, not an S-class commissioner, not a big boss, not a ninja or a killer, just a child.

Lu Mingfei rested his head on the girl's shoulder, asking for this tenderness. They embraced each other and felt each other's body temperature.

This is probably what it feels like to be in love.

When you truly love someone, you won't want to let them suffer injustice.

I love you because you are in the world. Because of you, I feel that the world is perfect. I don’t want you to be unhappy or sad. Tell me half of the happy and sad things. I want to bear your unhappiness and share touching moments with you.

The boy felt the girl's passionate love, and the girl heard the boy's beating heart.

Lu Mingfei hugged the girl in his arms tightly, and the girl responded to him.

I love you, sometimes you don’t need to say it.

Lu Mingfei did not go further. He asked Eryi what things she remembered.

She said she heard a strange banging sound, and then fell asleep. When she woke up, she smelled blood, and a man who looked very similar to her father appeared in front of her. She couldn't remember what happened after that. That's when Lu Mingfei asked her to go upstairs.

"Dad? Who is your dad?" Lu Mingfei asked doubtfully.

Minamoto Chisheng said that he and Eriki were both orphans. They were recalled by the eight Sheqi families. After identifying their bloodline, they became the head of the Minamoto family and the head of the Uesugi family. The Minamoto family and the Uesugi family were both in name only, but in fact there was only one person.

This father had never heard of it. Speaking of which, Lu Mingfei didn't know who the real leader of the Eight Sheqi Family was.

Minamoto is just the director of the executive bureau, and Inuyama Ga is just the head of the lower fifth family. Minamoto is called the young master, so there must be a lord or something, right?

"Dad is the head of the family. My brother calls him daddy, so I also call him daddy." Eli Yi wrote while nestling in Lu Mingfei's arms.

"What's his name?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Eriki said that her father looked very similar to the old man who was dismembered downstairs, which was too strange.

"Tachibana Masamune." Eri wrote slowly.

Lu Mingfei stood up and wanted to go downstairs to take a look at the scene.

Huiliyi picked up the folded paper crane, Lu Mingfei opened the door for her, and they went downstairs together.

Lu Mingfei brought Hui Liyi to the coffin, and together with Hui Liyi, put the folded paper crane inside.

"Eli Yi, please stay here for a while. I have something I want to see." Lu Mingfei whispered in the girl's ear.

"I will be obedient." The girl nodded and raised her notebook.

"Please take care of her." Lu Mingfei said to Jiude Mai.

"This is our job." Mai Shutoku's attitude was respectful.

Lu Mingfei felt that the distance between him and her seemed to be inexplicably wider, but it didn't matter, just to avoid Eryi's misunderstanding.

He and Eriki held hands, hugged each other, and even slept in the same room. They couldn't be considered ordinary friends.

Although they haven't officially confessed their love yet, Lu Mingfei acquiesced that he and Eli Yi had become a couple.

He did have feelings for Eri. Just like Sidney said, men should be more decisive. Hesitation will not lead to good results.

Now that he has determined it, he will not change it. After everything is resolved, he will pursue it boldly.

When we came to the hall, the wooden floor was sunken into a large pit, as if it had been hit by a large rock flying from the sky.

This is the effect of Word Spirit King Power. Word Spirit No. 91 can amplify the gravity of the selected target dozens of times or hundreds of times. Due to the super gravity exerted on the person, even if the body can withstand it, the blood in the body will accumulate downwards. , leading to blood loss and lack of oxygen in the brain, and it is usually necessary to lower the head and prostrate in a posture to avoid blood loss in the brain, hence the name "King Power".

Lu Mingze's handiwork was lodged in his body, and Lu Mingfei knew about it.

Lu Mingze said that he is not a dragon, but he is not a human either. Don't think too much, just remember that you are yourself.

"What does it mean to be on the throne?" Lu Mingfei looked down at his hands and the knife at his waist. A pool of blood at the door of the hall suddenly caught his attention. It was composed of intermittent blood drops and could be vaguely seen. Outlined, like letters.

This is the clue left by Sidney!

Old Tang's flame barrier did not cause damage to the scene, and he controlled the temperature very well.

Lu Mingfei turned his head suddenly and looked at the sink, trying to restore the scene at that time.

The faucet at the sink was on, Sidney was wearing an apron and he was washing dishes.

Eriki said she heard the sound of a clapper and then fell asleep.

The walls of the hall are very thick, and if the sound of banging can be heard there, Sidney can hear it too.

Did he notice anything unusual after hearing the sound?

Why was Eriki hypnotized but not Sidney? Lu Mingfei felt briefly uncomfortable when he heard the sound of bangzi.

Lu Mingfei ignored this doubt for the time being and continued his analysis.

He walked to the place where the wall was broken. There was a lot of blood here, and the severed hand was also dropped in the corridor. The old man broke through the wall from here and cut off Sidney's right hand. Then what?

Lu Mingfei frowned and walked step by step to the entrance of the hall. There was a pool of blood trailing in the corridor.

Sidney was killed immediately after losing his right hand, and then the old man dragged the body here?

No, the corpse had no effect on him. Sidney was still alive at the time, and the blood stains were the message he left behind.

Lu Mingfei squatted down and identified it carefully.

There are four characters in total. The first character is a thick dot, as if a finger has pressed hard here. Is this the letter O?

He identified it one by one. The O seemed to be followed by an N, then a vertical bar, which was either an uppercase i or a lowercase L. The last one was a bit strange, b?

ONIb or ONLb? Is there such a word?

Lu Mingfei scratched his head. He had a hunch that this was crucial information.

He thought for a while, sat on the edge of the door, closed his eyes and tried to feel how Sidney was writing at that time.

After opening his eyes, he suddenly realized that he had seen the wrong thing.

The correct pronunciation should be PINO, all in capital letters.

"Pino?" Lu Mingfei whispered.

There seems to be an unfinished letter at the back, an arc-shaped crooked tooth, like a C.

In English, pino is a personal name, Pinno or Pinoy.

The message Sidney left in a panic could not be very complicated. If C was added, Lu Mingfei's first thought was Pinocchio.

Pinocchio, the name of the protagonist in "Pinocchio".

Children all over the world know this puppet whose nose stretches out when he tells lies.

Although it is a puppet, it has life.

What does this imply?

Lu Mingfei frowned, asked the staff for a mobile phone, and took this picture.

Then he walked to the lawn again. As soon as Eriyi saw him appearing, she came over and took his hand.

"Does your former boss have any instructions?" Lu Mingfei asked Jiude Mai.

"He is your boss' director now. You can call him director." Mai Shutoku said helplessly: "The director said, let us ask you what you want to do now. Be specific and not too vague."

"What I want to do." Lu Mingfei thought about it and said solemnly: "First, I want to eliminate the organization that made Deadpool in Japan. Second, it is about the awakening of the White King. If its awakening is a disaster , then destroy it, and thirdly, I want Eri to recover, these are the things I want to accomplish most at the moment."

After Lu Mingfei finished making the request, Mai Jiudoku's cell phone rang, and a text message was sent.

"Copy that, boss!" It came with a child's graffiti, a grinning face, and text underneath.

"Then let us return to Tokyo! Go and conquer the Sheqi Hachi Family! The source of everything starts from there!"

Mai Jiutoku showed it to Lu Mingfei.

"Boss, we can leave at any time when you are ready." Mai Shutoku said.

"Let's go now." Lu Mingfei looked back at the small two-story wooden building, held Hui Liyi's hand tightly, and intertwined their fingers. Hui Liyi still needed serum, and he must have it for the Sheqi Eight Family. Going for a trip.

"Aren't you waiting for your senior brother?"

"They don't need to be involved in the next thing. Let them stay here. I can solve everything."

"Yes." Mai Shutoku took a step back with a loud voice.

Lu Mingfei wrote a letter for Senior Brother Chu Zihang and Senior Brother Caesar. After giving the letter to the staff, he held Hui Liyi's hand and boarded the helicopter. The rotors turned and the helicopter was like a black bird. Generally disappear in the bright moonlight.

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