Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 222 Hero (6.7k more updates, please vote for me and subscribe)

Shutoku Aki grew up in the third-level boarding house of Mount Dalian in Gunma Mountain.

In my impression, she is a gentle girl with long, silky hair who makes people feel very friendly.

Before this, Lu Mingfei had never thought that the third boarding house would be such a prison-like place.

How could the orphanage where Aki was raised be a prison?

Lu Mingfei thought that the place where it was built was just a little remote, and the nurses inside were all gentle sisters. It would be a peaceful and harmonious place, with children playing on the slide, holding on to the ropes of the swings, and singing loudly. Laughter.

At night, the nurses would tell the children bedtime stories and give them candies.

This is a normal welfare home, isn't it?

Although there are slides and swings in this place, the high walls surrounding it block everything, and you feel an inexplicable sense of oppression when you walk in.

Lu Mingfei walked through the yard and came to the standing building. The pale and undecorated building had three floors. The walls peeled off due to the erosion of wind and rain, like desolate tombstones.

The smell of blood became stronger, very fresh blood.

Lu Mingfei didn't rush in. He put his ear against the wall and listened to the movement inside the building.

He didn't notice any special movement, so he stood up and took out the wedge pill.

The moonlight was bright at night, and the concrete floor was illuminated palely. Lu Mingfei stepped up the stairs and arrived at the door of the building.

The door was also made of iron, but the lock was broken and the rusty lock fell to the ground, leaving the door ajar.

Pushing open the iron door and walking in, you will see simple decoration and iron railings on the glass windows.

Lu Mingfei looked at the deep corridor, thinking about what this so-called boarding house was used for.

Obviously it is not a welfare home, but more like a prison, but it does not hold prisoners, but a group of children.

The eight Sheki families have set up boarding houses all over Japan, and have divided these boarding houses into different levels. Each boarding house is located in an uninhabited suburb. However, among the files discovered by the Yanliu Research Institute, none of them were found to be from a certain place. Level boarding house archives.

What's the point? To monitor these children? What's the difference between a level one boarding house and a level two or three?

Lu Mingfei moved forward step by step with questions.

There are old dolls and toys on the corridor. You can imagine the scene when this place was still in use. The children sat on the cement in the corridor and played house with the dolls and toys. Sometimes they would stand up and look out the window, which was surrounded by iron bars. Locked, they can reach out and touch the wind, but they cannot run into it.

Going deeper into the corridor, Lu Mingfei came to a corner.

There is a station here, similar to a nurse's station in a hospital, with empty pill bottles on a wooden table and a card with a serial number on it.

"Children here have to come here every day to receive medicine?" Lu Mingfei picked up the card number and looked at it.

A-2, B-12, B-9, C-22

This naming method reminded Lu Mingfei of a person, the boy who briefly transformed into the next generation in the Port of New York and New Jersey. Before his body collapsed, he once told Lu Mingfei his name: N-7.

Lu Mingfei continued to walk forward, passing some rooms on the way. The doors were all opened, and there were children's beds inside. There were clothes like white hospital gowns on the bed. Each piece of clothes had a number on it, and there were empty syringes on the ground. .

Lu Mingfei felt a little heavy in his heart. This place was more like a closed concentration camp. The children wore uniform white clothes. They received medicine at the station every day and were injected with medicine regularly.

He walked to the deepest part of the corridor. It was a heavy iron door. The other rooms were all wooden doors. Only this room had a pure iron door. There was an entrance at the corner, and the stairs went down, leading to the deep room. basement.

Lu Mingfei opened the heavy iron door at the end. The lock core of this door was inlaid with a warhead. It was probably Brother Caesar who pointed the muzzle of the Desert Eagle at the lock core and fired. It seemed that they No abnormalities were encountered on the surface.

Inside the door was pitch black, there was nothing, no windows, no lights, a small room that looked like a toilet cubicle. In such a narrow place, Lu Mingfei couldn't even sit down and could only stand.

Lu Mingfei immediately understood its purpose. It was a solitary room used to punish disobedient children.

There is no light, no space, and no one to talk to you. It's like being drowned in a dark deep sea, isolated from the world.

People will go crazy if they stay in such a place. There is a concept in psychology called "sensory deprivation". This term comes from a famous psychological experiment conducted by a Canadian university in 1954.

Scientists used generous remuneration to attract many college students who voluntarily signed up. They tried to deprive the subjects of their senses (touch, hearing, vision, smell) as much as possible in a strictly controlled laboratory, and observed the subjects' status. Variety.

The experimental process is similar to a small dark room, and the subjects cannot communicate with the outside world in any form.

Even if there is a generous reward, almost no one can survive the next day. The vast majority of people have insomnia at the eighth hour, are impatient, and are eager for stimulation. A small number of people who persist in the later stages show that they cannot concentrate. , slowed thinking reaction, disrupted thinking process, serious deterioration of scores in intelligence tests such as language and reasoning ability, daydreaming, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations and other mental abnormalities.

The experiment was eventually stopped due to social controversy, and the subjects of the experiment were lying on the bed, not standing.

Standing will not only put psychological pressure on people, but also exhaust your physical strength quickly. You know, ordinary people may faint if they stand in a military posture for more than 2 hours. Locking a child in such a place will How could such an inhumane person do such a thing?

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, walked out of the confinement room with heavy steps, and walked towards the basement, where the smell of blood came from.

The further down you go, the stronger the smell of blood becomes.

The spiral staircase goes all the way down, like a passage to hell.

Lu Mingfei found Chu Zihang and Caesar. They were in the basement. He heard their faint conversation.

"This meat should be enough. I'll stay here and you go back first." This was Chu Zihang speaking.

Lu Mingfei walked to the bottom of the basement, where a faint firelight shone from a room.

Caesar suddenly flashed out of the door, and the Desert Eagle's gun was pointed at Lu Mingfei's position, but after seeing Lu Mingfei's face clearly, he put down the gun.

"Why are you here?" Caesar breathed a sigh of relief. Kamitachi felt the flow of the wind, and he thought he was an enemy.

"You didn't come back within the agreed time. I was a little worried, so I came to find you." Lu Mingfei also put away the knife, "What is here that keeps you here for so long?"

"Alas" Caesar sighed and waved, "You will know when you come in and take a look."

Lu Mingfei followed Caesar into the house. The air in the house was very turbid, blocked, sour, and moldy. In comparison, the smell of blood was fresher.

But compared to the heart-stopping scene in front of me, the smell of blood was nothing to mention.

This is a room full of tools, an iron operating table stained with iron marks, sharp props, gears for cutting bones, iron hooks hanging from the air, plus the smell of blood in the air, this place looks like nothing at all A slaughterhouse.

Three iron cages are placed together, and the cages contain deformed monsters. Their skins are white scales, their sharp claws are connected with ferocious muscles, and their heads have human hair, which is dry and waxy, like barren weeds. Chaotic, the cover came down to hide their faces.

These are human-faced fish deadpools that have not been completely deformed. One of them even has human legs connected to its waist, but those legs are so short and thin.

The smell of blood came from a wild boar with a bullet hole in its head. Chu Zihang was using Murasame to bleed the wild boar. He cut off the pork and put it in the cage. The monster shrank in a corner of the cage. Two traces of tears streaked down his trembling, twisted face.

But after smelling the smell of flesh and blood, his breathing gradually became heavier, and he finally pounced on the fresh meat.

"This is a hidden Deadpool research base." Caesar whispered: "Have you been to the second and third floors?"

"I've never been there." Lu Mingfei felt heavy.

"There are some paper materials there, recorded in Russian. Chu Zihang can read Russian. Although the information in it is very obscure, we can still analyze some key information." Caesar took out a cigar and lit it, "Here The children are all Japanese mixed-race orphans. The bloodline of the descendants of the White King seems to be extremely unstable. The Sheqi family will examine the babies when they are born. If there are problems in the examination, they will be sent to the mountains one by one according to the risk level. Go to the boarding house."

"These boarding houses are arranged in descending order according to the risk level, and are divided into first, second and third levels. Once a year, judges from the eight Sheqi families will go to the boarding houses to check the blood stability of these children. If they pass the test The person can leave and be brought into the family to be cultivated."

"Those who fail the test will be taken to a higher-level boarding house according to the final result, or they will stay in their original place. The first-level boarding house is the destination for all people with dangerous bloodlines. Once they go there, they will They will not be allowed to come back. The Sheqi Eight Families call these beings 'ghosts'. When they go berserk, the family's inquisitor will be responsible for cleaning up the family. The Fierce Ghosts are an organization established by the defecting ghosts."

Caesar stood by the door, staring at Deadpool in the cage eating flesh and blood: "Although the boarding house is located in the suburbs, according to the specifications of the Sheqi Eight Family, the third-level and second-level boarding houses are designed according to the standards of a children's welfare home. Yes, except that they are not allowed to go out, these children will enjoy complete treatment."

"But we don't know whether the eight Sheqi families are deceiving us, or whether this family has been invaded by the fierce ghosts. They conduct human experiments here and study Deadpool. Originally, the tragedy here was even more horrifying. Chu Zi and I "Hang spent some time cleaning up the place. I don't know what to call these three." Caesar put out the cigarette.

"Although they have become deadpools in appearance, their minds have not completely changed." Caesar's voice revealed a sense of powerlessness, "They are like immature children. When we found them, their scales stood up. They got up and huddled in the corner and made strange noises. We thought it was a warning. We originally wanted to get to know them, but when we got closer, we found that they were crying. They just couldn't cry because they had not had water for a long time. "

"It was already dark when we found them. After discussing it, we went to the foot of the mountain to get water and hunted a wild boar. We just finished handling everything ten minutes ago, so we didn't come back."

Lu Mingfei was silent. He looked at the half-dead waiter in the cage who was eating like crazy, and thought of Wei Ming's undead people who were corroded by the power of Long Yin, and those crazy pharmacists who studied the transformation into scum.

In the past, in Xianfeng Temple, there were many royal children like Mi Niang, but in the end only Mi Niang survived.

The monks of Xianfeng Temple kidnapped innocent children to the temple for experiments.

The ancestral hall of Xianfeng Temple is dedicated to the children who died. Mi Niang has been staying at the ancestral hall to mourn everyone.

In this troubled world, she has always been a bystander. She hates Long Yin and the monks who kidnapped her.

Many years later, the monks died, and Lu Mingfei came to Xianfeng Temple, taking away Immortal Slash and bringing Jiulang's wish to cut off Long Yin.

Master Xianfeng's "The Chapter of Everlasting Traveling Insects" recorded their true intention to create Mi Niang. These insect possessors, who did not even understand their own missions, gave Mi Niang the transformation they created. The son of Ruo has only one mission - to be the cradle and the dragon's return home.

Mi Niang finally forgave those monks, stopped watching, and chose to join forces with Jiulang to sever immortality.

Today, Lu Mingfei asked himself this question again: What is the difference between the power of dragon blood and the power of Long Yin?

He gripped Cedimaru's knife tightly and looked silently at the cold operating table soaked in blood.

Caesar put his hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and lit another cigarette at some point.

Chu Zihang didn't say anything and just cut the meat silently. Deadpool was not interested in cooked meat. Fresh flesh and blood was what they longed for.

At this time, Old Tang suddenly started shaking crazily.

Lu Mingfei realized that something extremely critical had happened. He shook off Caesar's hand and immediately rushed to the deserted stairwell.

"Old Tang, what happened?" he asked eagerly.

"One of the pastry shop signs has disappeared!"

The disappearance of the mark means death, and there are only two marks in the sweets shop, one on Eryi and one on Sidney.

This means that one of Sidney and Eri has died.

Lu Mingfei's heart trembled. He didn't have time to go downstairs to explain to Chu Zihang and Caesar, so he rushed out of the basement as quickly as possible.

Sidney was humming a tune and washing dishes in the kitchen wearing an apron.

In the hall, the quiet red-haired girl was watching "Tian Yuan Breakthrough".

Although Eriyi is very good-looking, she always gives people a sense of distance from others. It seems that only in front of Lu Mingfei, she will show her girly side. The rest of the time, she is like a queen. .

Sidney didn't really like being alone with Eriki. The atmosphere was too cold and quite embarrassing.

He still prefers Miss Ritsuko from next door, especially when she laughs, her laughter is as good as a lark.

This is not to say that Eri is not good, but that Sidney and she are not from the same world.

Sidney is just a C-level commissioner with a mediocre pedigree and a mediocre record in Kassel. Apart from his marksmanship, there is nothing outstanding about him.

The only way he could save his life was through Lu Mingfei's rescue.

When the human-faced fish's teeth bit down, his mind really went blank.

His heart was still pounding long after he was pulled out of the water.

After coming to Japan to establish a safe haven, he found that he was still suitable to be an ordinary person.

Ordinary people don't have to fight monsters to the death, they just need to stay in a small room and watch TV.

He sat at the door of his shop, fanning himself and watching the sunset. He often thought about what life would have been like if he had not chosen to enter Kassel.

Before entering Kassel, he was a star surrounded by his peers. He had excellent grades and was an ace on the basketball court.

After the interview and admission, he became a member with no outstanding points. There were people better than him everywhere.

When the earthly phoenix arrived in the real dragon's nest in Kassel, it seemed to have turned into a pheasant that could be seen everywhere.

In fact, he wanted to join the New York branch at that time just to prove himself. He wanted to show off in New York, and he also thought about becoming a legendary dragon slayer like Principal Angers. When he was a boy, he was always passionate.

Now, his hot blood seemed to have turned cold. After facing death, he seemed to have a profound enlightenment.

There is nothing wrong with being an ordinary person, there will always be someone who will be a hero.

Even if he wasn't in New Jersey that night, Lu Mingfei could solve everything.

On the road to slaying a dragon, what is needed is a hero, not a large number of soldiers. People like him only need to do the logistics for the hero. Just like now, washing dishes and cooking, although it is only trivial. It was a small thing, but he also contributed.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded in Sidney's ears.

It was like the sound of wooden sticks hitting each other, dull and rhythmic.

Sidney wiped his hands on his apron and put down the bowl.

Which kid sneaked out to play with toys near the sweets shop?

This sound sounds like some kind of musical instrument, coming from Africa? Or India?

Sidney couldn't hear it. He felt that the person who knocked the stick was very poor, because the music sounded unpleasant, and it was most likely a child who knocked it.

Wandering out so late at night was dangerous and would make his family worried. Sidney decided to catch this naughty boy and send him home, where his mother would spank him hard with a bamboo stick. .

Go back and enjoy maternal love, it is a very precious thing!

Sidney followed the direction of the sound.

Something happened suddenly when he walked to the hall. The wooden wall was cut off by a sharp knife. The sharp knife was placed in front of Sidney. His pupils shrank and he immediately reached for the Colt in his clothes bag. Pistol, but the blade cut off his right hand without any hesitation, and blood poured out like a fountain. Before he could even react, he saw his right hand rolling on the ground.

A man wearing a Noh mask walked in from the crack in the wall. He put his index finger in front of the lips on the mask's face: "Shh, don't make any noise. As long as you don't make any small moves, I will spare your life. After all, I There are many things I want to ask you.”

"Your bloodline is too low, but you should be able to see that there is a big gap between us." The masked man waved the Japanese long sword in his hand, and the light of the sword flashed. Before Sidney could see clearly the traces of the sword, the one beside him Neat cuts appeared on the broom, which was cut into eight sections, and the cylindrical wooden stick rolled on the ground.

"Originally I just wanted to take away the three prototypes, but I didn't expect that an abnormality report was found at the police station. Two savages appeared in Zhendong Village. You really know how to find a place to hide." The cold laughter of the masked man came out , "I found you guys in the afternoon. I originally thought he wouldn't leave, and I was planning to give up and look for another opportunity, but Goddess of Luck is still on my side."

Blood gushed out from Sidney's broken wrist. He clenched his teeth due to the severe pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. With his remaining left hand, he tried to use his sleeve to simply bandage his wrist, but the masked man's knife was raised again. On top of Sidney's left wrist.

"I told you, don't make any small moves." The blade pressed into Sidney's skin, oozing blood.

Sidney nodded in horror.

"Open your mouth." The knife was held between Sidney's lips, and the cold blade was stained with blood.

Sidney opened his mouth obediently, and a metal pill slid into Sidney's mouth along the blade, followed by a heavy blow to the abdomen. Sidney retched in his throat, and the pill slid into Sidney's mouth. belly.

"C-level?" The masked man said with disgust, "That's fine, it will save me the time of synchronization."

Sidney's head suddenly felt a sharp pain and numbness, as if an electric current had penetrated into his brain.

He moved uncontrollably, his eyes rolled up, foaming at the mouth, bleeding from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and his twisted posture was like a puppet.

"Forget it, the adaptability is still too poor. You are still useful. Let's keep you alive for now."

Sidney's consciousness returned, but it was vague and his body could not move at all. If it weren't for the severe pain in his right wrist, he might still be in a coma.

He knew that he was far from a match for this masked man, so he could only hope that Miss Eriki could subdue this guy.

Miss Eriki possesses the spirit of "judgment". In this field, the masked person will be wiped out in a snap of her fingers.

He was dragged into the hall by the masked man, leaving a trace of blood on the ground. Miss Eriyi fell to the ground, as if she was asleep, breathing slowly.

The nosebleed flowed into Sidney's mouth, with a sweet and rusty taste.

The masked man threw him away and walked towards the sleeping Eriki.

There is a Walkman on the table, which is a disguised annunciator. The button is in the center of the Walkman, and there is a teapot beside it. Sidney is most confident in his marksmanship. Normally, he could hit the teapot with it. the body of the pot so that the spout touches the button of the annunciator.

As long as the annunciator sends out a connection, regardless of whether the connection is successful or failed, the Monyach will be able to detect anomalies here.

But his dominant right hand was broken. In this state, he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand. He didn't know if he could still hit accurately and perform a fancy shot like he had practiced in the past.

He worked hard to move his left finger, leaving a message on the ground with blood.

If he stays still, the masked man probably won't kill him.

Mr. Lu Mingfei will definitely be able to defeat this masked man. Heroes will defeat evil. He just needs to wait for the heroes to save him, just like last time.

Shooting was a dead end. If he did something unruly, the masked man would definitely kill him. Besides, he felt that he had no way of shooting and was just doing a useless job.

Just do nothing and just wait for the heroes to save their lives.

This is how it is played in movies. Shouting "Help!", Superman in red pants will fly and hammer away the falling rocks.

He lost the courage to hold a gun. In the face of death, everything became meaningless. His only hope was Lu Mingfei, who had not returned yet.

The masked man approached Eriki gently, as if he was afraid of waking her up.

"Tian Yuan Breakthrough" is playing to the end of the first episode on the TV, and the eldest brother is shouting: "Come on! Simon! Use your drill to drill into the sky!"

Sidney heard the cry dimly.

What's the use? Simon's drill can break through the sky and penetrate the Milky Way because he is born with the strongest spiral force. He is born to be a hero. Everything done by a person without talent is in vain.

Yeah, what's the use?

The corners of Sidney's mouth raised slightly. He wanted to laugh, but couldn't. Blood flowed from his facial features. He looked extremely embarrassed, like a clown with colorful makeup to make people laugh.

The bullet was fired from the Colt pistol and hit the handshake of the teapot. The spout turned and hit the button on the Walkman, and the small red light flashed.

"How is that possible! Why can you still move!" The masked man ran over, grabbed Sidney's collar and lifted him up, "What did you do! Tell me!"

Sidney just looked at him mockingly, raised his left hand tremblingly, and gave him a middle finger.

"You damn, vile, pig!" The masked man gasped angrily, and the long knife penetrated Sidney's chest.

Sidney's eyes gradually darkened, but there was still a smile on his face. What he thought at the last moment was probably: "Hey, young man, you shot really well, like a hero."

Erika blinked her eyes, as if she had been awakened.

The masked man threw Sidney's body outside in panic, took off his mask, and revealed his face.

(Rounding off, today’s update is 11,000. Please give me a monthly ticket and let’s go. I’m really drained. I have a collapsed face.jpg)

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