First I wish you all a Happy New Year

On September 6, 2021, I released the first chapter of this book, and it is now the fifth month.

So far, a total of 680,000 words have been written, 146 days, an average of 4,657 words per day.

Still owe a lot of updates.

It’s hard to believe that I have to write so many words every day, and I have persisted for almost half a year.

To report on the results, the current number of subscriptions for the first chapter is 12,551, and the number of follow-up subscriptions for the latest chapter is about 1,000, and the number of chapter subscriptions has not exceeded 2,000 for a long time.

After it was put on the shelves, many people left. For every 12 people, only about 2 are still reading it, and the remaining 10 people have left for one reason or another.

This is my first book, and I have no reference standard for this data. I don’t know whether it is good or bad, but the loss of readers is always a sad thing.

Good stories are hard to write, I just have to do my best.

I am very grateful to every genuine reader who has read the latest chapter, which has given me great motivation to persevere.

The story is already halfway through, and I hope to continue the remaining half with you all.

In the new year, I wish you all to get rich, be single, be healthy, and have a long life for your family.

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