Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 198 Yuan Zhisheng’s hospitality

The fun moments of playing games always pass quickly.

A class in school can feel very long, but start a game of League of Legends and half an hour passes in the blink of an eye.

It is said that there are very few people in the world who can understand Einstein's "Theory of Relativity", but Lu Mingfei feels that he has also understood some of the mysteries of the theory of relativity.

He felt that only ten minutes had passed, but the time on his phone had indeed reached six o'clock in the evening. For him, time was flowing faster.

Maybe he is quite talented in academics. If he had been born a few hundred years earlier and summarized this theory, he might have surpassed Einstein in ability and left a "Lu Mingfei" measurement in the academic world like Newton. unit.

In the future, people will not only use 1 Newton and 2 Newton, but also 1-way Mingfei and 2-way Mingfei. It is exciting to think about it.

He had time to think about things here because he no longer had to use a controller to control the game character's moves.

Miss Sakura came into the room again. She changed into a set of clothes. This time it was a black kimono embroidered with cherry blossom patterns. A large dark belt was tied around her waist. Her smooth black hair was tied into a ball. She suddenly transformed from an urban beauty. She has become a famous lady in ancient times, with an antique charm in her movements.

She can handle all kinds of styles. Lu Mingfei remembers that when he saw her this morning, she was wearing a loose beige canvas skirt, looking like a neighbor's big sister.

Within this day, she had changed her clothes three times, each time with a different style.

No matter which outfit she wears, she looks beautiful. She is a very beautiful girl, with dark blue eyes that look like the sea.

Lu Mingfei felt that even if she was wrapped in a urea bag, she could still look like a model on a Paris fashion show.

"Miss and everyone, please come with me. The dinner is ready." Sakura bowed and said softly.

Lu Mingfei put down the controller. The round had just ended, and he and Eriki hadn't had time to play the next one.

Caesar and Chu Zihang's buttocks left the soft cotton-stuffed cushions. They stood up and followed behind Ying.

The corridor was quiet, the sun had almost completely set. The lights inside Genji Heavy Industries were turned on, very bright. Through the black glass curtain wall, one could see the entire scenery of Tokyo. This city that never sleeps is full of neon lights and billboards, and there is a constant flow of traffic. .

"Why did Senior Yuan Zhisheng invite us to dinner?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"In order to thank the three ladies for taking care of the young ladies, and to thank Mr. Lu Mingfei for his kindness in saving the crow, the chef in charge today is Mr. Joel Robuchon, who was dismissed by Michelin competitor 'Gault' in 1990. -Millau Guide' rated him as 'Chef of the Century'. So far, the number of Michelin stars he has received for his restaurants has reached 27, with each one having a three-star rating," Sakura said.

"I know him. He is a Frenchman. Do you want to treat us to French food?" Caesar said.

Joel Robuchon was a very famous chef, and he was invited to Caesar's birthday party.

Joel's cooking purpose is to "deliver love." What he says most to his employees and himself is: "If your parents come to the store today, or your good friend or girlfriend comes to the store, , would you cook such a dish for them?"

He is very good at cooking. Even if the Gattuso family has the financial resources, they cannot just invite him because he is very rich himself and is a complete rich man. Money has no special meaning to him. .

If it weren't for the friendship between Caesar's father Pompey and Joel Robuchon, Caesar might not have had the blessing to eat his food.

"Mr. Robuchon is also very knowledgeable about Japanese and Spanish cuisine. Because he will leave Japan and return to France soon, the young master invited everyone." Sakura said.

"It's really interesting to let a Frenchman cook Japanese food." Caesar put his hands on the back of his head and pretended to look around casually. The invisible Kamaitachi was released, and the fuzzy map constructed in his mind was combined with the acceptance in his eyes. The obtained image corresponds to the actual screen.

"Of course the Sheqi family has its own chef, but Mr. Robuchon's talent in cooking is indeed unparalleled."

"I remember that he is not a chef who cooks for money. How did you hire him?"

"Mr. Robuchon suffered from pancreatic cancer and came to Japan for medical treatment at the beginning of the year."

"You mean he found the special medicine here? This is to repay the favor."

"Sheqi Bajia does have hospitals, but we did not cure Mr. Robuchon's pancreatic cancer, we only helped him relieve his pain."

"It sounds like your medical technology is very advanced."

"In 1984, the government formulated the "10-year Comprehensive Strategy for Cancer Control." In 1994 and 2004, it formulated the "New 10-Year Strategy for Overcoming Cancer" and the "Third 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy for Cancer Control." Thanks to the policy , Japan has become the world recognized as the most advanced country in cancer prevention, examination and treatment. "

Sakura said: "Any famous hospital in Japan has the same technology, it's just that Mr. Robuchon happened to choose our hospital."

Chu Zihang nodded to Caesar, there was nothing wrong with Ying's statement.

One of Chu Zihang's few hobbies is reading, and he will pick up any book and read it, so he knows a lot of knowledge. He is like an encyclopedia. If you don't understand anything, you can basically get the answer by asking him. , his photographic memory makes him a walking database.

The Japanese government has indeed formulated anti-cancer policies for thirty years.

The first thing in the 30-year strategy is to introduce the most advanced equipment for cancer screening. The number of these equipments per 100,000 people is the largest in the world. In particular, PET/CT used to examine tumors accounts for 88% of the total number of PETs.

Relying on these equipment, Japan has accumulated the largest amount of early-stage cancer patient detection data in the world. Many Chinese people also come to Japan to seek cancer treatment. Their technology in cancer cure is in a leading position in the world.

The technology that allows a hybrid to go berserk and turn into a human-faced fish-type controllable Deadpool will definitely require a huge knowledge base and research. It is absolutely impossible for a small organization to create "White", there is no possibility.

Even if there are really talented scientists like those in science fiction movies, they still need the support of funds and equipment.

When earth-shattering inventions are made in small, leaky huts, we usually call them "minke".

Only in the fantasy world of movies and novels can such bizarre things as "civilians" creating perpetual motion machines appear.

You know, Cassel, who spends billions of dollars on research every year, is amazed by the technological content contained in the "White" evolutionary medicine. Cassel has gathered almost the world's top scientific researchers, but in the past six months, the The research on "White" is still at a shallow level.

It’s hard to imagine how “White” was born in such a small place in Japan.

Everyone in the Kassel Research Department unanimously does not believe that the Japanese branch has such advanced technology. They all know that there is a rock flow research institute in Japan, but they feel that the people there are just a group of hard-working fools who work late at night and do not sleep. They had to work tirelessly to barely compete with them. They believed that there must be something else hidden behind the Japanese branch.

This is also the main reason why the principal sent a trio to Japan to investigate. Before the trump card is completely revealed, the secret party is unwilling to carry out large-scale operations.

Night falls in Tokyo.

The terrace known as "Xingshen Temple" is covered with tatami mats, and deep-sea bluefin tuna weighing 200 kilograms is placed on a long table.

Teriyaki puffer fish, charcoal-grilled spring fish, peony shrimp sashimi, and blue lobster sashimi flown from France, with mellow and fragrant sake chilled in the wine flask, this is the highest standard reception dinner.

"Please take care of Eri Yi." Yuan Zhisheng picked up the wine glass and toasted, "As an older brother, I don't have time to spend time with her, and I feel really guilty. Eri Yi said she had a great time yesterday. This friendship is I have to pay it back, so I want to treat you to a private meal."

What he said was true. He really just wanted to treat Lu Mingfei and others to a meal.

He owed Lu Mingfei a favor in front of Tamamo before. Today he went to the family-owned hospital to visit Crow lying on the bed. The guy was on an intravenous drip, but there was no shortage of company. There was a little girl named Hua Xianghuazi who kept him company. At Crow's bedside.

In the final analysis, the gang is an illegal and violent organization. Every year, they compete with the gangsters for the chassis and fight with guns. There are even conflicts between different factions within the gang. Many people are injured or lose their lives. Cutting off fingers is a very common thing. .

Each of the eight Sheqi families has its own hospital responsible for receiving the wounded. After all, gunshot wounds appearing in regular hospitals will inevitably cause problems.

When Yuan Zhisheng left, Wu Wu was chatting happily with Hua Xiang Hua Zi, and laughter could be heard outside the door.

It was a blessing in disguise, as his right-hand man seemed to be getting a girlfriend.

It was the little girl who spoke in a weird tone that made Yuan Zhisheng always get goosebumps on his arms.

But no matter what, you are lucky to be alive. Among such a dangerous group of dead waiters, there were only two dead in the end, and Lu Ming was indispensable.

It was precisely because of this incident that Yuan Zhisheng was determined to follow his parents to eradicate the fierce ghosts.

Tomorrow is the day when the diving bell arrives, and training will begin at that time to strictly guard Tokyo Bay.

Although the Divine Burial Site sank to the bottom of the abyss, the exact location is still unknown. Divers need to operate the diving bell and use sonar to search for possible locations below the sea surface, and finally eliminate them one by one.

Under the deep sea is an environment even more extreme than in outer space, and steel cannot withstand the terrifying pressure. In such a place, the human body will be easily crushed like a balloon.

With the quality of the diving bell, although it cannot dive into the deep sea, it is enough for preliminary investigation.

After that, an unmanned deep submersible is dispatched to locate the divine burial site, and then the bomb is dropped.

Remote signal control can blow that ancient place into ruins, and all the embryos connected to the god will be turned into pieces with a loud "bang".

This is their plan.

This will be a job that requires patience. Although they have enough bombs to clean the seabed of Tokyo Bay, Japan is a country with extremely unstable continental plates.

Geologically speaking, it sits at the junction of the Asian and Pacific plates.

Kindergarten children must learn how to save themselves in the event of an earthquake. Every household is equipped with an earthquake first aid kit. In many places, only lightweight materials are used to build houses. This way, if an earthquake collapses a house, the survivors will be more likely to survive. .

This is all learned experience. Most Japanese people have turned a blind eye to earthquakes. If the earthquake is not felt strongly, they will not even bother to move.

Earthquakes occur frequently because the seabed in Japan is unstable. If too many bombs are dropped here, it is likely to cause large-scale plate landslides, and the four Japanese islands will slide into the seawater.

It is said that the Divine Burial Hall fell from the ground to the bottom of the abyss due to a plate landslide.

Therefore, dropping bombs is a delicate operation that must be meticulous and cannot tolerate any mistakes.

Starting tomorrow, the family will fully promote the "Jiyuan Project", which will be the signal for the war to begin.

Tonight is the last time Yuan Zhisheng can enjoy a leisurely dinner.

He toasted Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang, and Caesar one by one. Hui Liyi sat next to him and raised his glass, imitating his toast.

Several people drank and ate meat happily.

They chatted about some interesting things about Kassel College, such as the beauty pageant held by the vice-chancellor every year and the Free Day.

Having a common topic can bring us closer, but there was a tacit understanding between the two of them not to talk about "White" related topics.

Eriyi, on the other hand, couldn't get a word in. She buried herself in picking up the vegetables and went to help pour the wine when the wine glass was empty.

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but sigh that her sister had really grown up and understood a little bit about the world.

The past practice of locking her up was indeed wrong. She should bloom in the sunshine like a flower.

She has grown up and should no longer let others dictate her life. She has her own choice.

Yuan Zhisheng thought for a while and looked at Lu Mingfei one more time.

This guy is indeed a rare hero among men. He stepped forward in a critical moment and saved the crow. This is a favor that Yuan Zhisheng owes him. Apart from his force, his character is also quite qualified. Without relying on Taking advantage of Eri's favor.

Yuan Zhisheng had an spy. He knew everything Eryi was doing in school. If Lu Mingfei touched Eryi, he would definitely act like an elder brother and ask Lu Mingfei to talk.

If he couldn't bear it any longer, he might even beat this kid up. After all, he would never trust his sister, whom he had known for so many years, in the hands of a deceiver.

Eri's knowledge in that area is a blank slate. She is a girl who ignores her surroundings and takes off her clothes to take a shower regardless of whether there are men around.

She has no idea how attractive she is to men, nor does she know the difference between men and women.

If it were you, would you be willing to see your innocent daughter being seduced by a lecherous man?

No one would accept it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhisheng gave Lu Mingfei a complicated look, patted his thigh with his hand, and sighed softly.

Thanks to "Meng Qingyao" for the 1,500-point reward, "Senior Bai must pass every exam" for the 1,500-point reward, "Tuntun丶" for the 500-point reward, and "Addicted to flag" for the 100-point reward. 100 points rewarded by "Writing a Pen and Forgetting the Rest of Your Life"

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