
“It’s all Android 18, she has to buy those limited-edition items in the store.” Android 17 directly blames Android 18 for the reason for being late.

The beautiful eyes of Android 18 stared at Android 17, and called out for himself, “How can you blame me, it is a limited edition product, I don’t know when I will be able to meet it next time, of course I can’t miss it.”

“What product is so important?” Ascar asked curiously.

“It’s just a bag.” Android 18 flushed, “Ascar, I also brought you one by the way. The color is very beautiful.”

Android 17 cast aside her lips, “We are all used by her to buy all kinds of luxury goods. Those things are good-looking but not practical, and we don’t usually need them. It’s better to bring more capsules.”

“Hey Android 17, I just buy something I like, don’t need to say so, be careful not to find a girlfriend in the future.”

Tucked a delicate bag to Ascar, Android 18 turned around and glanced at Android 17, and yelled aggrievedly. A pair of shiny blue crystal eyes seemed to warn him not to talk nonsense.


Android 17 is shrugged, just as good as you like.

Ascar accepted the Android 18 bag, took it in my hand and looked at it. If I agree with Android 17, this bag can’t pack anything except for its unique shape. Lie to those little girls who like to spend money, but she still accepts the kindness of Android 18.

“Thank you.” Ascar thanked, picking up a bunch of sugar gourd in return.

Android 18 shook his hand to indicate that he did not eat sugar gourd.

“Ascar.” Android 18 has a soft voice, and her expression becomes kneaded.

“What’s wrong?” Ascar asked.

“Because I bought a bag, I don’t have much money, can you support me a little bit.” The face of Android 18 was sorry.

Ascar stared at her with shining eyes. If I remember correctly, she had just received a large amount of pocket money from Tights a few days ago.

“Earth’s prices are a bit expensive.” Android 18 said seriously.

“I don’t have any money on Ah!” Ascar spreads his hands, and pushes Android 18’s chest with his arm, lower the voice said, “I don’t want to go to Tights anymore, she is so rich, she must be willing For you?”

“That’s so sorry, I have asked her to take it once.” Android 18 has a thin face, and I can’t say anything if I want money.

“So let you save some flowers…” Android 17 looks at Android 18 deflated, and some taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, he just can’t get used to Android 18’s big hands.

He also said that he won’t find a girlfriend in the future, but he wants to see if this is the virtue, who dares to marry her in the future.

“There is no place for you to speak here.” Android 18 presents the majesty of an older sister.

Android 17 obediently closed his mouth and swept his eyes elsewhere.

“For pocket money, I have some here, or I’ll give it to you.” The gentle and kind Launch saw that Android 18 seemed to be short of money, so he generously took out his pocket money and installed several Suitcases.

“Ah, Launch, where did you get that many money?”

Android 18 cry out in surprise, looking at the suitcases that Launch took out of the capsule, which were full of cash, there are hundreds of millions of them.

She never saw that many money when she grew up.

“Some are my pocket money from my family, some are from Rolande to maintain my daily expenses, and some, they seem to be another one I don’t know where I grabbed from… Probably!” Launch used his lush white fingers He touched his chin and seemed to be remembering.

Her family property is relatively substantial, and the usual expenses are not large. Rolande and Tights will give her a sum of money for daily expenses every month, and she has saved the money well.

The total number added up is also an amazing number.

Plus the blonde herself went out to robbery from time to time, she didn’t even know how rich she was.

Of course, this is only the currency on Earth, and does not include the Higgin and space gold circulated in the Universe issued by Saifi Influence. With her identity as the Queen of Planet Sadala and the attendant, there are also private planets, which can also be considered in the universe. The number one character, the real Little Rich Lady.

“You are too rich, right.”

Android 18’s eyes are immediately full of envy.

“I usually don’t spend much.” Launch handed over a few suitcases full of banknotes to Android 18. “If you have money, don’t spend it arbitrarily. No one will want it in the future, um, like this kind of bag. Don’t buy the bag next time.”

“Well, listen to you.” Android 18 smiled openly and put away the suitcase.

At this moment, Android 18’s favorability for Launch has reached the highest level. This Big Sister is kind and gentle, and I really like it.

“Lazuli seems to be a fan of money.” Ascar whispered to Android 17. Android 17 looked at the sky silently, sighing nodded, “…she was not like this before, maybe it was the one held by Dr. Gero. After several years of depression for too long, the cerebellar water was squeezed out.”


“I can hear it all.” Several blue veins appeared on Android 18’s face, and he looked over at it with a bad complexion.

Ascar and Android 17 quickly closed their mouths and walked into the living room led by Launch, “Rolande and Teacher are still not up, you guys will call them for a while.”

Launch served them hot tea, and then went to call Rolande them. Soon, the silhouettes of Rolande and Sephelia appeared in the living room.

“Lazuli, Lapis, I asked you to come here yesterday. You see what time is it now.” Rolande sat on the sofa and yelled at the sister and brother two people. Lazuli sister and brother obediently trained, does not Dare has any objections.

After cursing for a while, seeing the sister and brother bowing their heads, Rolande extinguished the fire. Spirit Power observed the energy in them, nodded slightly.

“Not bad, I didn’t just focus on playing.”

Android 18 echoed with a face, hehe said with a smile: “Where do we dare to relax training, Android 16 can testify, I have time to train every day.”

Looking at the look I have been serious about Android 18, Rolande waved his hand and explained the reason for calling them. Although Launch has briefly explained them on the phone, the specific situation of Cell It is not very clear.

After listening to Rolande’s introduction, Android 18 has a slightly wrinkled nose and his face is full of murderous aura.

“Cell again.”

“I can kill him again, this time I will never let him die simply.” Android 18 is enough for one after another Cell that makes his own idea.

“The Cell this time is different from the one you met last time. According to Son Gohan, this Cell has become a Super Perfect Form many years ago and is very powerful.”

Rolande especially emphasized.

Super Perfect Cell, the Saiyan cell that is within the body has evolved to the Super Saiyan 2 level. It is not a dimension at all from the cell in the primitive stage. The former belongs to the most perfect form of Cell’s life, while the latter is at best. It’s Super Saiyan from Surpass General, it’s not in the same class at all.

“Super Saiyan 2 level power really cannot be underestimate. Especially he also has the ability to absorb others to enhance his own power, so Lazuli, you have to be careful.” Sephelia followed nods.

“I crackle and rattle so that he can’t recognize who I am.”

Android 18 is waving a fist with a face of baleful qi.

“These words wait for you to have the ability to play Ascar, let’s talk about it, they all said Cell not simple, be careful and prudent. If you don’t work hard, when will Bulla surpass you.” Rolande thumped over.

Android 18 touched my head, this time it’s not noisy. They are not as powerful as Ascar and Luffy, who are younger than him. Android 18 is the boss’s unwillingness. If even the smaller Bulla catches up, then she’s this Where can the face of Big Senior Sister go?

Or, let the Teacher start a small stove for himself?

Android 18 can’t help but think of it.

At this moment, Tights walked out with a tablet, pointed at the screen expression on the tablet and yelled in a panic: “Look at it, is this the Cell you mentioned? He challenged Worldwide!”


“No way.”

Everyone was surprised, Rolande was frowns even more, took the tablet and looked at it.

In the picture is a blue silhouette. Although it is a little different from the dark green with black dots all over Perfect Cell, Rolande recognizes it at a glance and it is indeed Cell.

“Uh…Cell Jr.?!”

Rolande was surprised.

This is clearly Cell Jr. who appeared in Cell Games in the original work.

Neither the sharp horn on the head nor the black wings on the back are very big, and they are not tall, very small.

On TV, Cell, who is not very tall, first destroyed half of the city facing the camera, and then announced that he would hold the “Cell Games” in nine days and accept the challenge of the Worldwide powerhouse. If the challenge fails, he will kill all human, let everyone die each and every in terrifying fright until the last person is left.

“Nine days later, the location is the fifth district, 80 kilometers northwest. I will prepare the arena there and accept the challenge of all humans. If the challenge fails, I will kill all humans.”

“Son Goku, Son Gohan, Vegeta, are you ready?”

Cell Jr. called the names arrogantly, and then destroyed the other half of the city in front of Worldwide. For a time, the terrifying atmosphere spread to Whole Earth, and everyone was frightened by the murderous look.

“Is this guy the Cell you are talking about?” Tights asked suspiciously.

“Although he is a bit smaller and has the wrong color, it is indeed the Cell. This is his Perfect Form.” Rolande replied in the affirmative.

“What the hell is Cell going to do to challenge all humans?” Tights was a little surprised.

To challenge the whole human, he is too courageous!

“Hehe, what kind of’Cell Games’ he is going to hold is too rampant. He certainly doesn’t know how many people on Earth can beat him.” Luffy said with a cold face, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. .

“Even Super Perfect Cell, this attitude is too arrogant.” Sephelia looked unhappy, considering whether to take action.

“I want to have a pet!”

Ascar looked at the Cell on the screen and chirped.

“On him, the Cell before the Felt and the Ki from King Cold may have absorbed their cells. This is why he is so arrogant.” Rolande groaned, and said to the sister and brother beside him: “You two don’t get involved in the Cell Games affairs. Go to Planet Sadala for the time being to avoid the limelight.”

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