
The computer said that as long as you point the suction cup at Android 17 them, the opposite side will immediately lose resistance and let yourself be slaughtered, but now, why can’t you suck them? !

Where is the problem?

Cell panicked completely and looked at Android 17 with horror!

Suddenly a bitter chill rose in the mind, and Cell shuddered. He found that Android 17 was too strong, so powerful that it made him invincible. Reality is not at all developing according to his ideal script.

“No, you can’t stay here.” Immediately, Cell gave up the idea of ​​continuing to absorb Android 17. Now he just wants to escape quickly.

However, the Android 17 at this time will not let him go. He leans forward, and the cold face of Android 17 is close to Chi Chi.

Cell shook his head, immediately lost consciousness, the whole person was forcibly beaten out.

bang! !

A deep and quiet ravine was drawn along the surface, and then fiercely hit a bare pure rock ridge. The ridge instantly collapsed into a pile of rubble, and plunged into the ground several hundred meters deep.

“Aaah!!!” Cell crawled out of the broken stone, with two vertical pupils fully bloodshot, and a hoarse and crazy roar from his throat.

“courting-death!” Cell roared.

Android 17 looked at Cell with an angry look, with a curved line at the corner of his mouth, “Don’t be aggressive if you don’t have the ability to do it. With this ability, you still dare to claim that you are the perfect Androids, making people laugh! There is no limitlessness. Energy, without strong power, can’t even be compared to King Cold Royal Capital, which has been transformed into Androids.”

I shook my head, “But it’s really hard for you. If Time Machine takes you to other Parallel Universes, there may be a chance. Here, you are at best second-rate Androids.”

“Hateful, obviously just the raw material of my Evolution, why do I have such a strong power!!” Hearing the mocking words of Android 17, Cell both eyes wanted to split, unable to restrain one’s anger, angry roar.

“Android 17, can you hurry up, if it doesn’t work, change me, I don’t want to see this hateful guy, call me fiercely.”

Android 18, standing in the distance with both hands crossed near chest, looked a little impatient, and the soft light wind blew her beautiful hair.

“Well, do as you say.”

Android 17 moved towards Android 18 I replied, my face condensed, but the movement in my hand is not slow, and it’s like a lightning shot out, arrogantly attacking the Cell.

The two pupils of Cell shrank suddenly, but only a fuzzy afterimage could be seen.

pēng pēng pēng!


One kick and one fist landed firmly on Cell, making Cell lose his temper.

Furthermore, in accordance with the requirements of Android 18, Android 17 focuses on those vital parts that are prone to severe pain. In a few minutes, Cell has been destroyed by him. The opposite side wants to absorb himself and Android 18, he has no reason to let the opposite side die too comfortable.

Android 17 grabbed the hard Insect carapace, brute force a tear, ka! Two wings were torn from the body by the ribs and flesh.

Pap, and crushed the shoulder blades on the opposite side…

Cell within the body has Namekian cells and excellent healing ability. The tail and wings that were just torn off by Android 17 quickly re-grow, but now, such healing ability has become a source of pain for Cell. It can be said that not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death.

Each time recovery needs to consume a lot of physical strength, and finally the energy accumulated by Cell is losing rapidly.

In just a few minutes, Cell’s Power Level dropped to the lowest point in history, which is worse than when I just took the Time Machine over four years ago.

With this strength, let alone resisting Android 17, even running away has become a problem.


The open mountain is raze to the ground.

Android 17 picks up the bleak-looking Cell with blood foaming at the mouth. At this time, Cell’s qi is almost gone, the aura on his body has long been disappeared, his eyes are half closed, the corners of his eyes and lips are bleeding, just like a difficult situation like a stray dog.

“tsk tsk” shook his head boringly. Android 17 throws away the Cell like trash. When “Pa” rang, the dust rose.

“It’s boring, I want to absorb the rubbish of this level and I and Android 18!” Android 17 sighed slightly, and opened its arms to completely destroy Cell.

At this time–

A cluster of energy waves shining with dark red electric light attacked from the Cell, and the dark red energy swiftly stroked the shock void. In the fierce sky-splitting sound, the ground cracked a straight line.

Cell tried its best to launch an attack on Android 17.


Android 17 coldly looking at, a cold lightning glow flashed in his eyes.

Squeeze the fist firmly and move towards energy wave and smash it away, the dark red energy instantly turned 90 degrees and flew far to a mountain, forming a surging forward with great momentum, moved towards a straight heavenly spread out all directions moat.

Android 17 moved and appeared in front of Cell. The ice-cold face showed no expression. Then, in the horrified gaze on the opposite side, a hard fist blasted the past with a violent blast. Through Cell’s body, a vacuum zone was formed behind him, and the blood splashed out like raindrops, instantly infecting the earth.

Cell looked at it incredulously, and was surprised to find that there was a terrifying hole in his chest, and the internal organs were all shattered by the violent power.

“Aaah!!!” Cell roared miserably, with a crazy expression, “I haven’t become a Perfect Form yet, so I shouldn’t damn here.”

“By the way, there is Time Machine. Find it, I’m going to another world!”

Cell screamed and turned around to run away.

“You have no chance.” An indifferent voice rang in my ears, but I saw Android 17 fingers constantly gesturing in the sky, more than a thousand energy beams exuding cold light like tenacious steel wires, winding Turn around.

chi chi chi!

There was a harsh sound in his ears, and the tiny lines exuding crystal cold light were woven into an airtight grid, spreading across his body. Ka-cha, like a laser scanning, under the slight vibration, Cell’s panic expression is solidified, and the whole person is cut into small particles.

crash-bang, Cell has become a mess!

“Is this guy dead? Teacher said that as long as the core chip is not damaged, this guy can recover quickly.” Android 18 moved forward, clutching his nose and looking at the mud on the ground.

“Don’t worry, my technique is very good and I haven’t let go of a piece of organization.”

Android 17 said confidently.

Android 18 is still worried, and I checked it carefully with Android 16, and finally nodded, “It’s dead completely, even if you have Namekian cells, it is impossible to resurrect.”

“I’ve said it a long time ago.” Android 17 sat on the rock on the side and tilted one leg over the other, smiling lightly, and solved the scourge of Cell. He was in a relaxed mood.

“En?” Android 17 suddenly moved towards one direction.

“Who is here.”

“Piccolo!” Android 18 days blue eyes moved towards the sky, and a fuzzy silhouette gradually flew from the sky, “It’s the Namekian, maybe it was attracted by the fluctuation of the battle just now.”

“Unfortunately he was late.”

Android 17 jumped from the rock and greeted Piccolo, “Hey, you are late, the enemy has been solved by us.”

“You killed Cell?” Piccolo asked, looking at the blood spilled on the floor.

“Of course, Cell is nothing amazing.” Android 17 answered with a smile.

Piccolo nodded, he is also sighed in relief, so that all the instability factors on Earth are erased. After chatting with them with Android 17 again, Piccolo said hello, and the sky turned into a black spot and flew away.

“What should we do next, continue our trip?” Without the interference of external factors, Android 17’s mood became very relaxed, and I asked Android 18.

Android 18 tidyed up my clothes, beautiful eyes flashed, “No, go to West City.”

“Why are you going to West City?” Android 17 looked at her puzzled.

Android 18 rolled the eyes, “Idiot, we don’t have much money. As our Master’s Wife, should Tights support us some.”

“Yes, yes, it should be funded!” Android 17’s eyes lit up, and immediately realized that Eldest Young Lady of Capsule Corporation is very rich, and they called Master’s Wife not in vain.

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