
“Android 18 is right. We focus on searching for Cell, and leave other things to Son Goku. We can’t make trouble for ourselves.” Android 17 agrees nods.

His nature is more indifferent than Android 18. Except for things closely related to him, he doesn’t take seriously anything else.

Earth’s safety is not his turn to worry about. You have to know that there are that many experts besides them on Earth. Even if King Cold comes from other worlds, there is nothing wrong with it.

Take a step back, even if the little demon of Son Goku and Trunks can’t stop King Cold, isn’t there their Teacher there? When the sky falls, there is a tall man standing on it. I believe that with the power of the Teacher, you really should feel The worry is King Cold.

Apart from hunting Androids Cell, Android 17 has no other thoughts at this time.

Alternate Timeline, if they can take action wrong with the ordinary-person, they should thank the heavens, thank the earth.


The small truck drove all the way on the spacious road. As it went west, the road gradually became narrow and long, and the solid asphalt road gradually turned into a bumpy gravel road. Accompanied by the sound of wēng wēng wēng from the car engine, the surging yellow sand was A long snake rose from behind the rear of the car.

Android 18 wears a pair of sunshade mirrors, bored to death looking at the scene outside the window.

At this time, it has been changed to Android 16 while driving a car. Android 17 is leaning back and dozing in the back row while holding his chest.

Suddenly, Android 16 slammed the steering wheel, and the car violently bumped over a big pit, leaving a long brake mark on the gravel road with a “chick”.

“What’s the matter? Android 16!” Android 17 woke up.

Android 16 stopped the car and stared into the distance, “The battle on Son Goku has become more and more intense since just now.”

“On this matter, there is no need to react so intensely.”

Android 17 responds casually without caring.

“King Cold’s Ki promotion has a large margin, which has surpassed me.” Android 16 said silently.


Android 18 somewhat unexpected, I closed my eyes to sense, and soon a trace of disdain appeared on my face.

“Son Goku, they are still playing around, they didn’t use full strength at all.”

Android 17 also followed the probe, and it turned out that King Cold’s energy was much higher than before. It suddenly reached 20100 Million Power Level, but logically speaking, Trunks’ attitude towards Androids, It shouldn’t be start off leniently That’s right.

Sense carefully, a sneer appeared on his face.

It turned out that Trunks was stopped by Vegeta, and now the one fighting King Cold is Son Goku.

“Hey, Saiyan’s lonely nature always likes to do such boring things, and I am not afraid of falling in the sewer!” Android 17 shook head, replaced by him, launched a full strength attack as soon as he found the enemy.

“Trunks must be annoying!”

“Isn’t this exactly what Saiyan likes to do!” Android 18 cover mouth and smile.

She was desperately trying to erase hidden danger, but the people around her always held back and sent assists to the enemy. She could imagine Trunks being angry now.

Sometimes Android 18 is very disdainful of Saiyan’s approach.

Obviously, he has great power, but he always likes to retain his strength. What is the use of using low-level Power Level for so-called probing? You must know that this is a battle for the survival of the planet, not a Martial Arts Tournament. Is the primary. It is the most stupid way to wait until you have been severely injured before using your full strength.

Saiyan is not Androids. Their Base Form strength is the biggest weakness. When encountering a smarter opponent, they have a way to launch a fatal attack before they have no body transformation.

“Hey, King Cold’s energy has increased again, has reached Son Goku’s equivalent strength.”

Suddenly, Android 16 said solemnly.

“25100 Million Power Level?”

Android 18 put a smile away, her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, and her tone was bad: “Full Power Super Saiyan’s strength, Son Goku, what are they doing?!”

“Hehe, fight the enemy stronger and stronger. I heard Bulla say that Frieza performed body transformation three times during Planet Namek, so this King Cold is also a body transformation!”

“I have never heard of King Cold being capable of body transformation…” Android 18 bit his nails.

Android 17 sneered, “It’s all turned into Androids, and Transformation Ability may have been developed, hey, Androids with unlimited energy, now they will suffer.”

Android 16 turned around and asked: “Do you want to support them?”

Android 17 leaned her head on the back seat closed eye meditation again, and sneered: “Don’t worry about them, take care of the troubles you cause yourself, we don’t have that much time!”

Let him wipe his butt to the trouble other people caused. Is he doing nothing else?

“Well, killing is not good, and it affects the surrounding environment.” Android 16 nodded, he said without thinking.

“So we are pacifists.”

Android 18 giggled, smiled like smoke, with both eyes looking charming, very moving.


On The Lookout.

Chi-Chi looked at the situation in Lower Realm with a dark face, anger appeared on his fair and delicate face, gnashing teeth said: “I knew that Vegeta would cause trouble, but he actually stopped Trunks. Let him take action, now King Cold’s power has surpassed them.”

“King Cold of Final Form, it looks more mature than Frieza, that is, the amplification of body transformation is not so exaggerated.”

Rolande touch the chin to observe the power of King Cold.

Shook his head with a little regret. Compared with Frieza, King Cold’s promotion is horrible. The two body transformations only went from 12100 Million Power Level promotion to 25100 Million Power Level. But think about it, Frieza’s body transformation is essentially to unlock the power of the blockade on the body, while King Cold really relies on the body transformation to promote power.

Well, there are not many promotions, but it is much better than Zarbon’s body transformation.

The only thing that can be praised is that King Cold has unlimited energy, so don’t worry about running out of energy. Because it was transformed into Androids, King Cold also has Android 17 and Android 18 physique.

The battle of Lower Realm is going on. Super Saiyan belongs to Early-Stage’s explosive warrior. The most powerful time is when the battle just started.

Soon, Super Saiyan’s power began to run out. At this time, both Son Goku and Vegeta gasping for breath, and their bodies became heavier. On the other hand, King Cold had a calm expression and ice-cold’s face was full of killing-intent. , There is no sign of weakness on the body.

“Not good, King Cold has the same status as Frieza, it’s really amazing.” Son Goku panting, “How long can you hold on Vegeta.”

“My breath is almost exhausted.”

Vegeta complexion was ugly with cold sweat on his forehead.

“You shouldn’t stop me just now. Now that Androids has completed the body transformation, what do you say?!” Trunks looked at Vegeta angrily.


Hearing Trunks’ complaint, Vegeta’s face looked a little ugly, and she regretted blocking Trunks and didn’t immediately eliminate King Cold.

Across from them, the King Cold hands behind ones back of Final Form, a pair of indifferent and devilish eyes looked at Son Goku.

“Haha, is this dying? What about the arrogance just now? Didn’t you mean to kill me? Why is there no strength?”

“Don’t be proud, King Cold!!!” Vegeta yelled angrily.

“no no no, I am not a King Cold. My name is Android 21. I am the most outstanding Lifeform in the Universe and the Ruler of the entire world in the future. Thanks to you, let me unlock the Transformation Form. In return, I will Slowly torture you, let you enjoy the fun of death first.”

Android 21 with scarlet eyes open, it looks like Devil walking out of the abyss, and the surrounding energy overflows, tumultuously impacting the nerves of Son Goku and others.

Son Goku’s heart trembled, and the aura on his body is no longer stable.

Vegeta and Trunks are not much better. Three people back to back, together, can resist the aura of Android 21.


“Do you want to rescue them?” Suno looked worried at Lower Realm.

“Let them take a lesson, at best, die again!” Rolande said in a cold voice. A battle with little crisis can evolve into this appearance, and a few of them are also quite capable.

This is Vegeta. They are asking for trouble. If they don’t get rid of this arrogant arrogance, they will cause more trouble sooner or later.

Remember that in the original work, Vegeta did not make such a mistake one or two times, and the enemy’s each time become stronger almost cannot do without his help.

“Teacher, save my father, okay!” little girl Bulla begged in tears.

Rolande touched Bulla’s head and said softly: “Well, just let them learn a lesson, there will be no mortal danger.”

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