
I felt vaguely a dangerous idea in Emma ’s mind. Rolande was worried that she would use her mother as a mother to conceive the next generation, so she faced her squarely and said, “Scientific research is more serious. But do n’t take your own bloodline cracking a joke. “

Scientists, especially female scientists, can really do anything once they get crazy.

Although Rolande used to make a wish to eliminate the possibility of artificial research and replication of the Saiyan gene, natural integration belongs to the scope of Lifeform’s reproduction and is not within the limits.

Emma looked at Rolande seriously, her bright eyes narrowed, and giggled said with a smile: “Are you worried that I will borrow your species for research, rest assured, I am very clean and not married Get pregnant first. “

Speaking, Emma looked up pretty face and looked at Rolande, “Really don’t consider being with me?”

It’s a really terrifying demoness.

Rolande glanced at Emma and removed her head from her, “I don’t think about it, I’m married, and I will go back someday.”

“Oh.” Emma is a bit lost nodded, she has made it so clear that the opposite side is still different, and it seems that two people are really impossible.

Being able to become a little-known scientist at a young age, Emma is also quite proud. Since Rolande has so clearly refused, she will not continue to entangle, and sort out her thoughts, as if nothing happened. I also turned my mind to Lifeform research, and then talked to Rolande about building a powerful life database.

Rolande didn’t touch her this time and smiled, nods agreed.

Anyway, just show some power in front of them. With a little control, it is enough to use power below 1,000 Power Level.

The next day, on a plain about a hundred kilometers from West City, Emma and Dr. Brief prepared the test device, and then the dodge waited for Rolande to release his power.

“Retreat a little further, this is not safe.” Rolande shouted at Emma, ​​100 meters away.

“It’s not enough for 100 metres?” Emma stunned.

“At least one kilometer, since you are collecting experimental data, I will show you the true power.”


Emma and Dr. Brief did not suspect him, and continued to withdraw from several hundred meters backwards. When the distance reached a kilometer, they used the communication device to signal that they were ready.

Rolande nodded, his excellent eyesight made him see the situation on Emma’s side. At this moment, she was holding one hand in her pocket and the other with her forehead moved towards him.

“Don’t be too surprised.”

A slight smile twitched at the corner of the mouth, Rolande lifted his breath a little, probably using within the body a few hundred 1 /10000th of strength, although this power is small, but has also reached no one on Earth Reach.

Well, about 1,000 Power Level!

generally speaking A 300 Power Level expert full strength attack can easily exert an effect similar to a nuclear bomb attack, and 1,000 Power Level is absolutely shocking on Earth, enough to sweep several cities.

“Now, Dr. Brief, do you think it is necessary for Rolande to make us back so far, I can’t see the front.” Emma put her hand on her forehead and looked at her, a ray of light wind blows over her Brown beautiful hair.

Dr. Brief took a cigarette and took a sip. “He must have meant what he did, speaking of which. I never thought I could meet Alien one day.”

“Saiyan is very similar to Earthling, or you will study Lifeform with me in the future.” Emma looked at Dr. Brief.

“Forget it, I’m still interested in researching machinery.”

“Well, I will definitely ask you to help me when I develop Robot …” Emma said in a clear voice, and there was a chi chi sound from the wireless communication in her ear, and she saw a flashing light in the distance At last, the Tao said.

But what happened next was completely beyond her imagination.

I saw a fiery sun rising abruptly from the other side of the horizon. The sun suddenly exploded when it rose to ten thousand meters above the ground. The gorgeous radiance was as dazzling as the fireworks burst in the night. All the radiances were covered, and the turbulent storm swept across the earth. The tremors trembled from far to near, and soon reached where Emma stood.


The wind howled, the storm swept across the earth, and a top-down wind pressure slammed down. Emma fell down to the ground and protected her head with her hands. A pair of blue eyes looked horrified at a distance like a star. Explosive terrifying scene.

The whole person is stunned.

“was too scary, this is the power of Rolande!” Emma screamed excitedly, her eyes glowing with strange radiance.

“It’s almost comparable with nuclear bomb!”

“Are all Dr. Brief data recorded?” Emma shouted.

“Note it down!”

Dr. Brief found a bunker to protect himself. Why did understood Rolande let them back a bit further? Such terrifying movements, if they stand too close, they may be directly burned to ashes.

After a while, the storm of terrifying gradually subsided, and the smoke began to dissipate. Rolande leaped to Emma’s side, looked at covered in dirt, but looked excited Emma, ​​said with a light smile: “How? , How do you feel? “

Emma is crimson and excited.

“It ’s so great, I ’m the first time to know that the human body can also exert such amazing power. Compared to you, those martial artists on Earth are really unable to withstand a single blow, maybe even Mr. Son Gohan is not Your opponent. “

Rolande knows that Son Gohan in Emma’s mouth refers to the old Gohan live in seclusion at Mount Paozu, not Son Goku’s son Son Gohan. This is only the power of 1,000 Power Level, barely exceeding the limit of Low Level Planet.

“Worthyly is a warrior race in the universe.”

Next, I asked about the division of Planet Level in the universe, and Rolande one after another explained it.

Emma listened to Nods again and again, constantly looking at Rolande as if he found a new mainland, stretched out and stroked Rolande’s chest, and sensed that solid muscle. Somehow, Emma felt that she had some hair all over her. hot.

After seeing Emma suddenly lower her head and not speak, Rolande raised her eyebrows, ignored her, and started talking to Dr. Brief.

Outside the universe, there is light purple smoke.

God of Destruction Pomonfrey appeared respectfully next to a person with a purple hair robe, bending slightly, “North Lord, I’m sorry, but the subordinate let the person using Dragon God’s Power escape. Find his whereabouts. “

North held a divide staff and looked at God of Destruction Pomonfrey, and spoke indifferently: “I don’t blame you. I saw the whole process in my eyes. I never thought that Saiyan had two Dragon God’s Power… … “Shaking the divine staff, a scene of Kai’s Space in the selfie world appeared in the void, and Rolande in the picture was protected by two red and one blue Shenron.

“Dragon God Zalama cares for him.” A cold voice.

North waved divin staff and continued to show the scene after Rolande fell into the space crack. I saw that he continued to drift in the turbulent space for a long time, and finally fell into a parallel world.

“That Saiyan is now in the 45th Universe.”

God of Destruction Flashes through a bright light in Pomonfrey’s eyes, ruthlessly, “Subordinates will kill him!”


North gave a lightly nod, “Take care as soon as possible, right, that Saiyan is different from the local Saiyan. He has the God power of the” Level 4 Sequence “on his body, don’t let him run away.”

After God of Destruction Pomonfer left, North frowns, feeling a little doubt on the face of divide staff, suddenly moved towards the deep space and then closed his eyes lightly, the whole space once again calmed down.

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