
“Take your time, Super Saiyan’s promotion not at all is so fast.”

“Speaking of which we are laying a Pseudo Super Saiyan before the Super Saiyan level, which is one step ahead of others. The normal Super Saiyan promotion strength is 50x, and we get 60x and 70x promotion after body transformation, and What’s not satisfying? “

“That’s true.” Sephelia’s delicate and pretty cheek smiled.

“Let’s go, Luffy and Lily have been waiting for a while, don’t let them wait.”

Sephelia: “Then I will train them next, I won’t start off leniently.”

Rolande asked: “When have you been in love?”

Sephelia’s eyes glanced at Luffy where they were, and a cold voice said, “This is for their benefit. The powerhouse in the Universe is respected. They are always independent.”

Then two people went to the distant meteor with Instant Transmission, Luffy and Ascar greeted them, and chatter continuously told his experience of watching the battle.

Rolande listened with a smile, guidanced them, corrected their misunderstanding, and returned to the Headquarters of Ascar Legion.

It has been a year since Ascar Legion entered the East Area. After this year’s development, the entire Legion has taken root in the East Area. Although it is not yet a great influence of fighting prowess impressive, as long as Ascar Legion is mentioned, No nearby star territory dares to belittle it.

Rising tree star.

In a piece of primitive forest, Rolande did not spar with Sepelia on this day, but sat alone on the branch of a huge ancient tree and studied the blue crystal in his hand.

The sun sprinkled through the lush leaves and shone on the warm of the person, causing people to feel sleepy.

Hatch, Rolande leans on the trunk, one foot hangs in in midair, picks up the crystal and looks carefully in the sun. The soft sun shines on it, except for the glittering reflections, but nothing is worn Through the light.

“Does this crystal absorb even sunlight?”

I guessed a long time ago that it might be a stored energy stone, but how to use it, always did n’t touch to find a way. As for putting things in your mouth to bite, it is probably only as little as Ascar Girl will do it, Rolande will never do it.

Playing with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution crystal for a while, Rolande suddenly thought, since it is a power stone, why not use energy to stimulate, maybe there will be something unexpected.

If you just do it, Rolande immediately raises her finger and gathers a cluster of peanut-sized energy balls of light at fingertips. Don’t underestimate this ball of light, just this peanut-meter-sized energy, released, is enough to destroy a planet.

The energy ball of light is close to crystal, puchi, and the energy is stuck on the surface of crystal, but not at all, any accident happened.

Rolande raised her eyebrows, removed the energy from her hands, and gently stroked the surface of the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution crystal with her hands, still the original cold touch. The high temperature scorching is enough to destroy the energy of a planet to contact the surface of crystal, but it is not excited even by a little temperature.

“No response. Is the energy not strong enough? No, the energy just now is enough to destroy a planet! Even an energy block, it should be burned when it encounters such energy. A bigger secret is still buried! “Thinking back, Rolande remembered the Mesanda planet that got this crystal again.

What exactly did Alta-seijin build that planet for, keeping the bloodline of races?

It’s just that these Alta-seijin will not think that there are rebellious guys such as Bojack in them, they actually treat all the sleeping Alta-seijin as energy source absorb.

This thing is really a power stone?

If not, what would it be …

By the way, Alta-seijin once enshrined the Red Dragon Balls from the Plentiful God. Can the power of Red Dragon Balls spur this energy crystal?

With the idea of ​​trying it out, Rolande urged the power of the Red Dragon Balls in the right arm, the Shenron pattern floated slightly, and a cluster of deep red energy surged out, converging in his palm.

“Try it, shouldn’t there be any problems?”

Close your palm energy to the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution crystal.

The instant skill, a sounding dragon roar sounded in his ear, and then saw a red energy rise into the air, turned into a pocket Red Shenron, and then suddenly dived into the crystal.

“Really reacted!” Rolande cautious and solemn observed.

About two seconds later, the expression of Super Saiyan Blue Evolution crystal sparkles with warm radiance. A trace of faint blue light floats on the surface of crystal, and a groan of wēng wēng wēng can be heard faintly. The sound was getting louder and louder. A group of blue energy suddenly burst out from the crystal. Where the light shone, a tiny crack appeared in the space.

“What’s the situation?” Rolande was surprised at looked. Although the surrounding space seemed to be cracked, it was strange that Rolande didn’t have a sense of danger, just like this energy was born with it.

As the blue light gradually spread, a fan-shaped cave appeared.


The entire space network is broken, just like cutting a space with a blade. The powerful whirlwind has scraped it. Before Rolande has time to think about it, a wave of energy is coming from the broken space. Rolande screamed, and planted his head in the broken fan.

Soon after Rolande’s disappearance, ripples appeared in the space, and the flat space quickly recovered. Everything was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

A silhouette came from the sky. Ascar was wearing a small waistcoat, carrying a mass of meat several times larger than her larger body with both hands, shaking her head and looking around, her small eyes kept glancing, “Strange, what about Father Ki? Disappeared, hum, I must be looking for mother, and I want him to help me make barbecue! “

Ascar didn’t find the silhouette of Rolande, and grinned unhappyly, and moved joyfully towards the other direction.

Primitive forest.

A ripple of space suddenly appeared in the sky, accompanied by a bright light, the entire space seemed to be broken, and ripples rippled. oh la la, like flowing water, a silhouette of a youth appears in midair.

This youth appearance is handsome, and luxuriant, it is Rolande who accidentally turned on the energy of Super Saiyan Blue Evolution crystal on Ryukyu.

Looking down at the dense primitive forest below, Rolande wondered, looking at the undulating rolling mountain range in the distance, no different from the previous scene, he remembered that he had fallen into a broken space in the past.

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