
“Was that going to cost a lot of money?” Ascar asked quietly, she didn’t have much money.

“It will cost a lot to recruit powerful people,” Evelyn said seriously.

Ascar has a bitter face like a jade carving. Ascar Legion is a start-up. Although the early stage has been funded by Saifi Influence, since she wants to make a fortune, she must solve the problems in subsequent development. Asking Saifi Influence for everything, Ascar is reluctant.

“Should we also have a Trade Planet?” Ascar opened his mouth and tilted his head.

“The situation we face is different from the original Ivy Star. Thanks to the previous battle, the surrounding joy is quite restraining fear to us. Besides, there are no attractive products, and Ivy Star’s success is not so easy to replicate.” Evelyn shook his head, Ivy Star There are many lucky ingredients in the rise.

If it wasn’t for Lana-seijins’ help to contact the Universe Commence Headquarters, plus the scarce resources like Saibamen seeds, Ivy Star would not have developed.

“That’s no way …” Ascar bowed his head suddenly, lethargic.

Evelyn’s clear eyes flashed a clear round, “Isn’t there still a Devil’s Lair influence beside us …”

“Go and conquer it!” Ascar didn’t even want to yell.

Evelyn is a bit funny when he sees Ascar’s tiger-like vigor: “What is your nonsense about Princess Your Highness? The Chief of Devil’s Lair influence is originally a Queen’s Guard person. It’s quite helpful to us secretly. I mean to They are seconded, and will return the staff after the difficulties at the present stage.

Ascar knocked down, hehe said with a smile: “Yeah, forget that they are their own.”

“Well, just do what you want, I’m going to train.”

After speaking, he jumped out of his seat without waiting for Evelyn’s reaction, and then energetic and bustling moved towards the backyard. Evelyn smirked when he saw Ascar run away.

“Ascar Princess is so cute.”

As the successor of Saifi Influence in the future, Ascar is naturally the best at focusing on promotion. We must know that for Saiyan, strength is always the first place. Although the development of influence is important, it must not be delayed by trivial matters. Got training. Evelyn was appointed by Sephelia to assist Ascar. In addition to its outstanding ability, Evelyn also urged Ascar training.

According to Sephelia, Ascar must spend half of her time training, otherwise she will not be allowed to go outside.

“… Lulu should be no problem. As soon as there are enough staff, Ascar Legion can expand further. It can also be considered as adding a great influence to Saifi Influence. Please consult with Uffia first.”

Evelyn thought to himself, and moved towards great hall.

Ascar’s training field.

The majestic mountains stand between blue sky and white clouds. The peaks are submerged into the clouds. The tall and steep mountain is winding and steep like an old tree. At this moment, in the woods of lush and green, Ascar’s young body exudes radiance. Opposite her are four dull-looking Saiyan clones with a Power Level of about 100,000 or more. Facing the attack of four clones, Ascar methodically Waving his arm, one after another took their attack.


fist wind brought fierce shocks, the steep cliffs suddenly swayed, and the severe shocks caused the air to squeeze, giving out a “zhī zhī” sound.

His … a few images of afterimage flashed in front of Ascar, and moved together towards him to attack.

Ascar blushed, only to feel that the pressure on her body suddenly increased, and her body flew out uncontrollably.

Suddenly, just after landing, the body bounced off, cracking close and numerous spider web-like cracks with the impact point as the center, and the fierce impact instantly destroyed the mountain peak. At this time, Ascar’s hair was slightly raised, full of body. The powerful cyclone, puchi puchi, the small stones all around floated slightly, floating away from Gravity.

Ascar had a small face on her face, her cheeks flushed, and then she continued to swing fist continuously.

peng! peng! peng!

Several strikes, the bodies of four Saiyan clones were blasted out, the storm suddenly set off, and a large swath of dust swept out like hiding the sky and covering the earth like a desert storm. Ascar was satisfied looking at his attack. He sat down, panting with both hands on the ground, and a few strands of hair stuck to the small face with sweat beads.

At this time-

A silhouette suddenly appeared in in the sky, and then attacked while Ascar was resting. This attack did not seem to be strong, but it collapsed the energy storm caused by Ascar in an instant.

Facing the enemy ’s attack, Ascar “xiu” jumped from the ground and waved fist and opposite side to strikes.

Cuck, the little fist was caught by a palm, and then Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Ascar only felt that his field of view had turned over, and his body was deeply embedded in a large radius of ten meters. In the pit.

“Oh …” Ascar groaned, and pitch black eyes watched the blue sky keep turning.

What happened when I didn’t respond for a while.

“Girl, how long do you have to stay in the pit?” With a mild voice, Rolande crouched on the big pit and picked up a stone and threw it down.

“Father!” Ascar regaining composure screamed in surprise, then snorted, apparently unhappy with Rolande’s sudden attack.

Rolande laughed, moved towards Ascar, took the action, immediately a strange Spirit Power pulled her little body out of the soil, and gently wiped off the dust on her, “Well, don’t be angry, I’ll come I brought you Big Brother to see you. “

“Big Brother?” Ascar blinked.

“Lilly, we’re here to see you.” Tights and Luffy approached.

“Little Aunt …” Ascar yelled at Tights. Although she knew that the opposite side was father’s wife, she should call her mother, but she couldn’t stand Tights’ attitude of treating her as a doll, plus her recognized mother was only Sephelia, so just called Tights Little Aunt.

“Also, call me Ascar, don’t call Lily.”

Ascar looks at Luffy bigger than her a bit, her frown is slightly frowned. Although the age of the two people is not much different, but because Luffy is Hybrid Saiyan, her body grows significantly faster than her, and it seems as if the size is worse. year old.

“This is my Big Brother? It looks so weak.”

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