
Seeing Ascar reluctantly hiding to one side and not letting her hug herself, Tights regrets that she shook her head and did not try to force it. After all, she is still unfamiliar with this girl, and after getting familiar with it, she can naturally get close. However, the daughter of Older Sister Sephelia is so cute that she wants a daughter.


Smiling demurely and elegantly at Ascar, Tights and kindness: “Lily has suffered outside these years, and here is your home from now on.”


“Well.” Ascar stood behind Sephelia, gently un’ed.


She is not very clear about the situation at Planet Sadala, but the goodwill of the blonde woman in front of her, she has already sensed, she is another wife of father, and she will also call her mother.


Alas, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan has the fastest update speed.


Of course, I had just eaten in Devil’s Lair star territory, and now it seems like I’m hungry.


“It’s delicious.”


Shit, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!


Rolande sat down next to Ascar. When he saw Luffy’s silhouette, he asked Tights: “Where did Luffy go?”


“He formed a squad with Iol and Barry to perform tasks outside.”


Later children of Iol and Moori Hertz, several years older than Luffy, Rolande was nodded when they heard that they were performing tasks outside. Although these children were young, they were strong enough to be on their own. Especially Luffy, after the cultivation of Tree of Might culture medium and the strong training of Sepelia, the strength has steadily exceeded 10,000 Power Level, which is a rare genius in the new generation.


Coupled with Hertz’s two sons to participate in the mission, there is no need to worry about security.


Day, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().


“Should you let Luffy come back early?” Tights asked.


“No, let him perform the task.”


“When he sees Lily, he will definitely startled …” Tights eyes narrowed, and I wanted to see son look surprised, “Right, how is Lily’s strength?”


Sephelia glanced at Ascar, differently said: “OK, approaching 100,000 Power Level.”


“Ah better than Luffy!” Tights was surprised.


“When I was born, the Power Level was 5,000.” Ascar proudly raised the head, and Sephelia struck her head. “After all, it is the weapon and power used by Porto Race to deal with Planet Sadala. Of course not bad. “


Tights Think about it, Ascar is a Pure-Blooded Saiyan combining Sephelia and Rolande bloodline, and the innate talent is more powerful than the ordinary Saiyan.


If Luffy does not work hard in the future, he will not be able to look up in front of the younger sister.


After eating the dim sum prepared by Tights, Rolande took Ascar to her home in Hertz and others. As a future Planet Sadala Princess, it is necessary for her to understand the situation of Planet Sadala.


When Hertz learned that Rolande had a daughter, he accepted it with a little surprise. After learning that Ascar has excellent innate talent, he looked forward to looking at Ascar. Ascar’s parents are so powerful, she will definitely not be worse as a daughter.


Hertz is looking forward to the appearance of a powerful Super Saiyan in Saiyan.


For the arrival of Ascar, Saiyan on Planet Sadala is generally welcome, after all, Ascar is a direct bloodline of Sephelia, which has immeasurable meaning to the inheritance of Planet Sadala Royal Family.


Although Luffy also has a title similar to Prince on Planet Sadala, he is not a Pure-Blooded Saiyan after all. If he inherits the throne in the future, there will be less orthodox feeling in jurisprudence. Planet Sadala Saiyan has always hoped that Queen Sephelia can add bloodline to the Royal Family.


The arrival of Ascar today has fundamentally solved the inheritance problem of the next generation.


It can be said that Ascar itself has an unusual meaning to Planet Sadala.


Therefore, in a short period of time, the existence of Ascar was announced through various channels to other universe influences, and her successor status was officially announced.


Sephelia usually kept silent, but her attitude was very clear. She directly classified the Saiyan clone brought by Ascar as a squad, and then recruited Evelyn and Uffia female Saiyan from Queen’s Guard to assist and set up Ascar Legion. Deployed on a planet not far from Planet Sadala. Secretly, there is another name for “Ascar Legion”, called “Princess Guardsmen”.


Almost par with her own Queen’s Guard.


In terms of strength, Ascar Legion and Queen’s Guard are really about the same.



Two months later, Ascar Legion was officially on track, and scientists such as Dr. Brief and ebony also checked all Saiyan clones to make sure they would not be at risk of mutiny. Ascar ’s The deep spaceship was also transformed into a true space fortress by Dr. Brief.


This period of time, Ascar’s life is quite comfortable, in addition to eating every day is to accept the temporaling of Sephelia, Ascar is also very happy about this, the daily strength of the promotion gives her full of motivation.


In her words, one day, sooner or later, she would grab Planet Sadala, and Sephelia smiled lightly, and let Ascar do it.


Until one day, Saifi Influence received a communication from Frieza-Force.


“Frieza wants to visit Planet Sadala?”


Rolande was surprised by the news.


“You should have heard of Ascar Princess before making such a decision … Rolande, do you want to agree to their request?” Hertz asked Rolande’s opinion so that Frieza would not be here, just Rolande said After all, the current Planet Sadala is not the original scale, with Rolande, Sephelia, and Broly Super Saiyan, they have no need to restrain fear Frieza.


Rolande tapped his fingers, and a faint smile appeared on his face: “Let him come, as a collaborator for many years, he didn’t even agree to a request for a visit from the opposite side.”


Hertz also laughed easily, nods: “Then I will notify Frieza-Force and fix the schedule.”


“Well, Frieza came to Planet Sadala the first time, and he must be entertained.” With strong power, things became tough.


Day, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().


Ps: When I return to my hometown today, the update will become unstable. First of all, I wish you a happy New Year. Now that the virus is epidemic, everyone should not go out if everything is fine.

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