DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 771: Always less than

After the blood flow, the **** seemed to be in a dangerous situation and suddenly became safe. Ice @ 火! Chinese

The recovery effect of blood circulation is proportional to the strength attribute. Under the powerful healing effect, the health of the deities began to recover quickly. Although Shock ’s offense was as long as four seconds, the **** warrior chose to open the Black King Bar, forcibly dispersing the offensive effect. This immediately caused the noise of the onlookers. Everyone knows that the gods are moving!

In the state of magic exemption, the gods were tough against Zhao Dingguo.

Seeing that the big move was about to cool down again, he also threw a second Wraithfire Critique towards Zhao Dingguo.

The cooldown of this skill from Skeleton King is not long, even if it conflicts with the blood of the gods, it is only extended to 10 seconds. If there is no accident, the one behind the hammer is probably the third one of the gods!

Zhao Dingguo knew this very well, so he was a little bit upset about the hammer that spoiled the situation.

If he ignores it, after being stunned, the **** will take advantage of the opportunity to grow up. If there is more life-saving means, it will be forced out by this hammer. After Lincoln was broken, and the star imprisonment and hurricanes were successively used, the **** felt that he should be stable!

However, Zhao Dingguo gave him a surprise.

After starting the ghost walk, Zhao Dingguo disappeared into the air instantly. Relying on a stealth of three seconds, the hammer was successfully avoided. Without the goal, the big move of the gods is ready to go naturally.

"Deeply stealth?"

The **** warrior knows the goods, and has encountered it many times, and immediately guessed it, can't help but be more surprised: "How much means is this guy in the end?"

Although he could not guess the true means of Zhao Dingguo, the gods knew that he was a bit bad at this moment. Black King Bar has a long cooldown. After outputting it for two seconds, it was wasted by a ghost wandering in vain. Although he has anti-hidden methods, he can't get deep stealth-not everyone has the most authoritative anti-hidden props, and even if they do, they may not be willing to waste in such a competition.

Just three seconds later, with the end of the deep invisibility, Zhao Dingguo, who had escaped the crit fire and abolished the **** Black King Bar, immediately took the initiative to manifest, and continued to suppress the gods with the lava elves. Judging from the scene, Zhao Dingguo is more like the one in the twilight. The spirit is the newcomer who has just entered the twilight stage.

Just so confident?

Seeing Zhao Dingguo really dare to show up, the **** warrior snorted and launched his third belated move!

Shouldn't it be stable this time?

After dealing with ordinary twilight masters, after so many methods have been consumed, the big **** can really be said to be stable. But what lineage is the supplicant? The most versatile mage with ten derivative skills!

Zhao Dingguo calmly cut out the rapid cooling. Once again interrupted the great move of the gods.

His rapid cooldown is authoritative and lasts up to 6 seconds. Zhao Dingguo will not miss this excellent output opportunity. The fanaticism of the new sacrifice will start and it will be exported with the lava elves. Although the spirit-blowing technique is continuously playing a role, Zhao Dingguo's more than 500 general attacks and the 40 real damage provided by the inscription divine costume still make the opponent's blood volume keep falling.

Observed that Zhao Dingguo's attack speed suddenly increased. The gods quickly realized what was happening, and they were both angry and pleasantly surprised.

Angrily, Zhao Dingguo dared to go crazy in front of him, obviously he didn't take him seriously. Surprisingly. The madness of the crazy mask has great side effects, which will increase the damage by 30%. If he can give him another big at this time ...

His wish was soon fulfilled.

Although the deity warrior possesses assault armor, the skin is thick and thick, and the blood recovery is super fast. But under the ultra-long control of rapid cooling. Zhao Dingguo's attack was paired with fanaticism and a second swiftness. Still forcibly hit the blood of the **** below 15%.

At this moment, it is triggered by the special effect strengthened by inheritance!

The red-blooded samurai automatically entered the state of magic immunity, then ignored Zhao Dingguo's rapid cooling with one second left, released the soul hunter skills for the second time, and used sacrifices against Zhao Dingguo again.

Cut, can't it be a little new?

Zhao Dingguo poked his lips, and when the opponent's big move approached himself, the second time he used the star restraint to seal himself. His astral imprisonment is not the lv1 thought by the gods, but the cooling time is as short as the full-level astral imprisonment!

This unexpected skill made him return for the fourth time without success. At this time, after repeated reincarnation in excitement and disappointment, the surrounding masters are already a little impatient: what is going on with this invoker? The big move of the gods every four seconds, why can't they hit or die?


Seeing Zhao Dingguo breaking through the seal, the **** whispered in a low voice, and then launched a crazy attack on Zhao Dingguo at such a close distance. With less than 15% health, his offensive speed is beyond imagination. Even if it can not be compared with the enthusiastic and swift Zhao Dingguo, it is not much worse.

While you are still in the state of exemption, you can feel the threat of the gods this time to start the evil power of Satan!

In itself, Satan's evil power increases the lifesteal by 25%. After turning on the Unholy Fever, the attack can absorb an additional 175% of his health. For example, if the **** deals 300 damage, then he can **** 600 blood at once. This very powerful skill lasts 3.5 seconds.

With the current attack speed of the **** warrior, as long as there is no limit, you can easily **** up the blood!

At 15% blood, it automatically enters the state of magic immunity, and then relies on Satan to force the blood to be full. This is the core support of the god's personal tactics. If you think about it, it was so hard to hit a 5,000-blooded Twilight Deity **** to the residual blood, and he was full again in just a few seconds. What a desperate thing ...

However, Zhao Dingguo will not give him a chance!

Even after his blood volume fell below 30%, Zhao Dingguo has been alert to his unclean fanaticism. At this moment, seeing the red light on the opponent's body, which marked the opening of Satan's evil power, Zhao Dingguo immediately wanted to use a push stick to eject himself, and turned back and put the ice wall to prevent the opponent from chasing.

While the ice wall is decelerating by 80%, it is still enjoying a 30% acceleration. Not to mention that the **** is just a prosthetic leg, even if he switches out flying shoes again, he can't catch up.


Unexpectedly, the spirit of Zhao Dingguo responded so quickly, he already raised his hand to attack, but at that moment Zhao Dingguo directly exceeded the attack range. In desperation, he can only quickly turn his muzzle and prepare to attack the lava elves. Anyway, Satan's evil powers come to **** blood, as do the lava elves.

However, Zhao Dingguo also did not give him a chance and immediately cancelled the call!

There are powerful gods in the air, but there are also gods who have been beaten by various means. He felt that the enemy seemed to restrain himself. No matter what he does, this guy can immediately come up with effective preparations. But ah, as the top-level twilight powerhouse, how could the **** warrior not have any exclusive skills?

Non-standard equipment is not unique to Zhao Dingguo!

At this moment, the gods used a piece of equipment produced by the Dreadlord of the Burning Legion. The powerful skills attached above are a bit like a flash of a designated landing point, and a bit like a white bull. After launching, the **** warrior will have a momentary pause and then immediately appear one meter behind the enemy. The next attack must trigger a crit effect of 1.75 times the damage.

The divine spirit pulled closer for a moment, which surprised Zhao Dingguo. But his response was extremely fast, and immediately cut out the strongest single skill-elemental trial!

After the four elements of the ice thunder fire earth ball appeared one by one, a powerful limiting ability combining multiple abilities was launched. Even though the gods are exempted at this moment, Zhao Dingguo's elemental trial just ignores exemptions. Not only did he forcibly silence him, the ice element of up to lv7 also made the **** enter a very embarrassing state-any healing and recovery effects received will be forcibly weakened by 70%!

What's more, the damage-passing effect attached to the judgment further limited the deities.

15% of his injuries to Zhao Dingguo were passed on to him, and the healing effect was reduced by 70%. When the two are combined, Zhao Dingguo's blood loss is very slow, but after the **** himself drives Satan, the blood recovery speed is far faster than imagined.

This unheard of powerful skills, even the night giants watching the battle, can't help but be interested.

Moreover, the **** can now output Zhao Dingguo freely, because his health is lower than 15%, and he has the effect of ignoring magic immunity automatically. Once the blood is sucked back, the magic immunity effect naturally ends. Zhao Dingguo's aging skills, which had just cooled down, immediately shot, driving the **** warrior into a level that he could not attack but would not be harmed by general attack ~ ~ Wipe! "

It is urgent to use the blood-sucking **** of Satan, but in the end, he enters a state of nothingness, and he can imagine how crazy he is. Moreover, unlike the gods who are extremely dependent on basic attack, although Zhao Dingguo cannot attack, there are many spells. Although the demon resistance is extremely high, as long as it is not magic immunity, there is play!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo cut out the Skyfire skill on the head of the god!

In the aging state, there will be a negative effect of a short deceleration, and it is as high as 50%. With the frost effect and paralyzed bite sphere that haven't disappeared, even if the **** sees the fire falling, he can't escape. Although the strong abnormal state resistance made the **** immune to this aging in advance, but Zhao Dingguo's sky fire was smashed down firmly.

Holy damage does not matter how much magic resistance you have. Even if it is 100%, it will be full damage!

After triggering the Grand Master's Flame Enhancement, adding 300 Intelligence damage, and the superior attributes of the Grand Master's Flame System and the Gold Badge, this sky fire with full-level fire elements will relentlessly **** the blood from the gods. Amount, hit the bottom again! (To be continued)

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