DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 626: Unpredictable negative effects

Chapter 626 Unpredictable Negative Effects

定 Zhao Dingguo's attitude towards the holy sword is relatively positive.

Even if you have a holy sword, as long as you are careful, do n’t leak the wind. Besides, the relics of the saints are not general merchandise, they are not so easy to handle. They haven't even gotten the glory of Yan Yuelan, let alone the second holy relic. Even if the holy sword is really made after the glory, it is estimated that five people will have to be in the high order at dusk as soon as possible.

At that time, Zhao Dingguo held the holy sword, even if it was twilight, he dared to fight!

So, now they can consider preparing for it.

Tong Yanyuelan's point of view is similar to Zhao Dingguo. Although there are shortcuts from Teacher Jia Ruo, the skeleton of the hero is too difficult to find. There are quite a few in Carovinch's secret place, but unfortunately they have been taken away by the instructor. However, she recently discovered another way: "Dingguo, did you notice? The super-order monsters transmitted by the Burning Legion can also extract the energy of the dead body to form the saint's relic."


This news surprised Zhao Dingguo.

He thought for a moment, then guessed that Shen Caiwei should be found on the body of the Voidwalker Elder in Mingzhu Pedestrian Street. If the news is correct ...

With the increasing invasion of the Burning Legion into the real world, they have launched more than a dozen portals, and the number is still steadily increasing. Although most of them are just ordinary monsters, there are no abnormalities after being destroyed. But there are also two or three portals, and after being destroyed, there are top monsters like Voidwalker Elder. Among them, there are top-level super **** organizations like the Illuminati. After meeting, they are happy to gather masters in one fell swoop. Of course, there is also a little strength, but the result was that the monster was killed and killed, and the vitality was seriously injured.

One thing can be expected, as the number of portals increases, the number of these super monsters will increase.

This is a way to save trouble!

The only problem is that if one is not good enough, the special method of synthesizing the relics of the saints will be leaked out. If other large organizations knew this approach, Zhao Dingguo would actually have no advantage.

How to use this shortcut while avoiding leakage of news is worth their careful consideration.

Yan Yuelan was not as optimistic as Zhao Dingguo. She thought about it and said, "The energy needed by the Holy Relic can indeed be collected this way, but when I used the corpse of the Voidwalker Elder, the Super God Platform reminded me that this energy is related to The innocent energy required by the Holy Relic does not exactly match. If it is forcibly absorbed, the final Holy Relic may form an unpredictable negative attribute. "

"There are still negative attributes?" Let alone Zhao Dingguo, even Li Feng was a bit surprised.

What is the negative attribute of "unpredictable"?

Yan Yuelan didn't know about this problem, she just guessed: "Maybe it's a curse effect, or it keeps dropping blood when you equip it ... Isn't this method you heard from the instructor? Maybe you ask He might know. "

定 Zhao Dingguo nodded and asked, "What do you do now?"

Yan Yuelan shrugged: "The hero's bones on the theme are too difficult to find, unless we find a way to sneak into the historical heroes cemetery of the two major legions. However, the difficulty is too high. The cemetery has top elite guards. The plot hero personally sits in the town, and there is a perfect alert magic circle. Not a master of twilight, don't think about it. So, even if there is any curse, I insist on absorbing it. Regardless of his negative effects, take out the relic of the saint first . "

This is a very simple idea ...

However, Yan Yuelan's decisiveness can also be seen from here. If replaced with Zhao Dingguo, in this case, may not be able to make up their minds to cut the knife quickly.

Anyway, after a death team battle, after the Lan Elves team verified their strength and tactics, Zhao Dingguo also won the gold badge, and settled the matter of considering the second saint's relic after the glory. For Zhao Dingguo, this battle is a huge improvement in strength. In particular, after using the rewarded pedigree practice scroll, his pedigree level jumped to LV13.

Three great moves, first-level fire element, first-level earth element, then fourth-level thunder and fourth-level ice.

加 This plus point was originally an ice thunder system with a little focus on survivability. The fire element was only added by one level. However, since both soul equipment are all fire elements. Zhao Dingguo's skill level is actually Level 4 Ice, Level 4 Thunder, and Level 3 Fire, which looks a lot like the whole system plus points.

According to the original idea, Zhao Dingguo planned to continue to upgrade the Thunder element. However, considering the powerful characteristics of the three lava elves, Zhao Dingguo decided to supplement the skill level of the fire element first. In this way, with four ices and four fires, under the summoner's flame will bonus, he has a 50 chance to recruit three firemen.

Also, as the level of fire element increases, the damage of many skills also increases.

As Zhao Dingguo went further and further on the path of the perfect invoker, Lao Li, Yan Yuelan, and Li Feng also used this death team to win a victory, and their pedigree cultivation rewarded a lot. Six levels. Even if it hasn't arrived yet, it is more than half of the fifth grade, and it will soon reach the sixth grade. As a result, the combat effectiveness of the entire team has increased greatly.

的 The increase in strength has made Zhao Dingguo eager to try, and he is really looking for a personal fight. Unfortunately, the real world has been rare for a few days recently, and even the invasion of the Burning Legion has temporarily avoided the pearl. As for his potential enemies, what child rat team, Mikhail organized by Hei Xian, did not move, and did not give him a chance, making Zhao Dingguo somewhat depressed.

But in this brief calm and calm, Xu Zhi state has moved!

After this death group battle, Zhao Dingguo ushered in the time to enter the main plane. Thanks to the gold badge, the weekly stay on the main plane has been extended to three days. For Zhao Dingguo, this is undoubtedly good news. It was also just before he was ready to enter the main plane that the Illuminati sent a message in the eyeliner of the Ethereal Organization: Xu Zhiguo might have acted.

After buying a batch of props at the end, he entered the theme with his team members.

This news is too important for Zhao Dingguo.

He has been waiting for Xu Zhiguo to begin the promotion to the Twilight Mission for some time, and he has been impatient for a long time. Seeing that the other party might have started now, Zhao Dingguo immediately entered the theme and began to mobilize the forces of the Illuminati to follow Xu Zhiguo's actions. At the same time, he also sent applications for assistance to the Six Dynasties, Soul Soul, and other affiliated organizations as a member of the Illuminati.

In this case, it is difficult for Xu Zhiguo to hide his whereabouts--especially if the Illuminati has already determined his mission goal.

In just three hours, Zhao Dingguo, who was in the World Tree Base Camp, received feedback. Masters from the Six Dynasties indeed found Xu Zhiguo's trace near the Katola Magma Lake. Along with him, there was also a man who was also a squad.

资料 After verification of the data, that person is Xu Zhiguo's teammate, a charm witch with rare bloodline.

This teammate confirmed the intention of Xu Zhiguo more and more.

Lava Dragon Egg Lord, one of his famous skills is to summon the Lava Lake and Dragon Egg Rogue to help. The charm witch's skills can happen to temporarily control one of the non-elite monsters to help fight. In addition, he also has good healing ability and output ability, which can help Xu Zhiguo's operation.

Although it is not clear why Xu Zigu brought only one teammate, for Zhao Dingguo, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

If Xu Zhiguo brought seven or eight dusk masters to help, Zhao Dingguo might not even dare to take the opportunity. In the face of so many masters at the same time, even if it is his current strength, he will have a big loss to go up, and it is possible to be left permanently.

After the target action was determined, Zhao Dingguo was not busy anymore.

Katola Lava Lake he knows, the base camp of fire monsters. The two of them wanted to kill them all the way to the end of the Lava Dragon Egg Lord, which could not be solved in three or five hours. Depending on the strength of the rising sun on the periphery and the dusk-level monster there, it may be possible for more than a day. Zhao Dingguo went early, but he followed him in vain, and he might be found. So, after receiving the news, he first visited his mentor.

As for the purpose, of course, to ask, if you fill the sword with the power of the Burning Legion, what will happen to the relic of the saint.

This question really hurts Jia Ruo.

If you ask any other secrets, they have been mixed in the two major legions, and they are very good. If there is no doubt that he is the master of the world ~ ~, he is hardly clear. But the Burning Legion is, after all, a force outside the main plane. Although invaded once a long time ago, no one knows the detailed information. Jia Ruo did not know what the negative effects of the so-called "unpredictable" were, but he considered it for a moment and finally affirmed this method.

that's enough.

As long as the last relic of the Holy One can come out, as for any negative effects, since it is unpredictable, it proves that the Super God platform can not be determined now. In this case, they will see the move. When the negative effects really come out, then make targeted remedies.

Premature worries only keep them tied, and the last thing fails.

After leaving from his tutor, Zhao Dingguo came straight to the base camp. Here, he waited for Li Feng who met together.

The mission of the two men was not to fight Xu Zhiguo, but to destroy him. This task is much easier than head-to-head battles, so you can take a cooler, and it may only take a proper stun to complete. Moreover, once the destruction is completed, they must face the furious Xu Zhiguo. Although Zhao Dingguo is confident in his current strength, he does not think it will be stronger than Xu Zhiguo, who started to hit the twilight.

After all, the other party became famous earlier than him, and his pedigree, strength, and backing are not bad.

In this case, it doesn't make much sense for other teammates to follow. Only Li Feng, who has reached the sixth level, has the tactics of ultra-high maneuverability, and it is the most convenient to destroy.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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