DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 399: Unexpected start

La Niu Niu mPS: Third, for subscription support, a chapter ago

However, while Zhao Dingguo and the Fire Girl were operating, the Guards were not inactive.

I noticed that the assassin was still on the road to make money. The poison dragon on the guard side and the invoker were preparing to kill in the past. When the poison dragon was ready to go around, the prophet who had just hit a wild wave using the skill of summoning trees just happened to want to come online. And as a result, the two happened to meet each other.

The drug dragon's response is also fast.

A sudden small-scale encounter

Finding himself caught by the poisonous dragon, the prophet responded in a timely manner. He immediately trapped the poisonous dragon with the germination skill, and then opened the distance while throwing a big screen full of natural fury. Right when it was a counterattack, then Seeing that his teammate Poison Dragon has been eyeing the Prophet, the supplicant gave up his original goal and instead chased after the Prophet.

If the Inquirer is behind the Poison Dragon, the Prophet will definitely teleport away immediately

But now he wants to leave too late

While the poisonous dragon's tricks were still being reduced, the invoker quickly chased him up. The sonic wave cooperated with the chaotic meteorite, and the assassin who killed his money directly was frightened, and quickly shrank into the dark forest above the Scourge Defense Tower.

It can be said that the prophet died once for the phantom stab. If he had not hit the poison dragon first, the phantom stab would be dangerous.

However, the struggle of the Prophet before his death left Zhao Dingguo and several other heroes a little confused. After the Prophet was resurrected and saw his equipment, Zhao Dingguo was a bit surprised that the Prophet did not even have shoes on his body, except for an ethereal pendant and a magic power. Outside the staff, nothing else

Is this a naked red stick?

Honestly, the prophet's red stick is not because it has 400 more damage. It is still good to kill in the first and middle stages. If you consider it from the perspective of the entire team, it is better to be a Macon than a red stick. Or the magic stick and electric hammer are stronger than the red stick. His outfit should emphasize single killing.

In a nutshell, it's for extra evaluation.

In general, the extra evaluations such as MVP are on the side of the winner, but it is not necessarily that if the prophet frequently uses the red stick to win the head, and the audience leads the line, if he dies less, even if he loses in the end, it may become MVP

Although this is not common, it is not rare.

The clockwork goblin also found out the prophet's idea decisively stated that he planned to stop his outfit: "What red stick is out? Honestly, can you do something else?"

"There is a melee DPS like puppies on the opposite side, don't have a red stick. The magic staff has a pusher and pusher. There are so many masters. If there are three pushers, the guardian's puppy will be abandoned." Huo Nu also Solidarity in time

Honestly, under the lineup in this game, Zhao Dingguo did not actually agree with the prophet's red stick. If he replaced it with artificial legs and Macon, not only would his own survivability be improved a lot, but it would also have a great effect on the team.

In the face of teammates Qi Qi ’s opposition to the prophet is not good to insist on his own point of view, so he reluctantly said that replacing the red stick with a push would lose his money. If they have bought the red stick scroll, Zhao Dingguo would There is no way

"Come on the road"

When Zhao Dingguo exchanged opinions with the prophet, they noticed that the guards did not immediately retreat. The assassin who was there summoned his teammates to help the clockwork and the fire girl to be good, and immediately started to reinforce the road. After all, it was late. In that case, he still has to rely on phantoms to fight against the guard's puppy, and his development must be guaranteed.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo is also ready to rush to the road together

However, when he set off, Zhao Dingguo noticed that the warlock had emerged from the middle of the guard. Obviously, the line of sight was good. He wanted to receive two waves of soldiers. He already had the Xuanming shield and the recovery turban in hand. It is estimated that it will not take long. I can make Mekansm. As for the other people, the puppy must be playing wild, and the other three of the guards are on the road, which is the best opportunity for solo killing.

Order Warlock

In this battle, Zhao Dingguo is not a late stage and does not need to deliberately go to the line to make money; nor is it a strategic control field. He needs to pay attention to the team's movements at all times. He is responsible for the killing of GANK. He is looking for opportunities and slowing down the guard. Hero development gives time to one's own

The main task is to kill more people and ensure that they die less

Seeing that the opponent's important field warlock had a chance, Zhao Dingguo directly opened an invisibility, and quietly sneaked into his side.

At this time, the warlock was still sending troops and knew nothing about Zhao Dingguo's infiltration.

The next thing was logical. Zhao Dingguo used the ancient seal to silence his appearance when the warlock was completely unprepared. After Zhao Dingguo directly shocked and fired to increase his moves, he instantly hit the warrior's health to the bottom and waited for the warlock to do anything. Effective response, he ended the battle with an arcane arrow

The rich experience of solo killing has directly raised Zhao Dingguo to the next level.

The puppies playing wild in the nearby wild spots immediately rushed out to support, but Zhao Dingguo's single kill was neat and clear. When the arcane arrows were shot, they turned around and left. If they can get three seconds in the morning, the puppies may still be able to empty their skills Anti-killing

At the same time, the battle on the road has already begun

White Tiger upgraded the big move early and used the stealth of the big move to launch a surprise attack while the hero on the road was not prepared.

Because there was no precaution, the fire girl in front of the station was shot directly by Bai Hu's close-up arrow, then the chaotic meteorite was crushed by it, and was immediately killed by the spike. The three heroes of the guard began to siege the clockwork, the poison dragon He was also given a big clockwork. Although the opponent's footsteps were blocked with energy gears, the three heroes were all long-range attacks. The barriers and push effects of the energy gears could not be exerted. When he escaped by making a gap, his health was only A little left

A wonderful skyfire harvest

Facing the guards who killed two people in succession, the phantom stab just gave the blade of suffocation far away, but eventually did not dare to go, and chose to retreat directly. The prophet also planned to come to the rescue, but when the fire girl was killed, The situation on the road was already irretrievable. He immediately teleported to the lower road and started to take the route. This was also one of the greatest functions of the prophets. When the team battle was impossible, he changed the road decisively to take the line.

Although the prophet is somewhat selfish in terms of equipment selection, it is unambiguous elsewhere

As the three heroes of the Guards forcibly broke one tower of the Scourge, the Prophet also took off one of the towers of the Guards. Although two heroes were killed, both sides broke the outer towers, and the Scourge was able to recover the loss slightly.

However, the fierce battle did not slow down slightly due to the exchange of outer towers all the way, but it became more intense.

After killing the warlock in the middle, Zhao Dingguo noticed that anxious runes were brushed down the road, so he set off to load the red runes into the hands, and then Zhao Dingguo returned to the middle and stopped for a while, wanting to see where there is still a chance this happens At that time, a poisonous dragon TP pushed away by a tower came to the lower lane, which made Zhao Dingguo's eyes shine.

After the resurrection, the clockwork also stared at him, purchased the fog of trickery, and TP came to the middle

After opening the fog together, the two sneaked into the lower lane and hit the drug dragon. They were caught off guard. Although the main move of the clockwork was wrong, they failed to hook the other side, but the impact of the interruption with little barrage impact and the reduction of Zhao Dingguo was not significant. In the end, the poison dragon alone cannot escape, and this head was again obtained by Zhao Dingguo.

In this regard, the clockwork, which has always been without a head, is very calm.

Due to the success of GANK, Zhao Dingguo's grade and economy are very good. He bought a magic staff and was ready to make a push rod. Then he bought a set of real eyes that always opened the fog and grabbed it. It was not economical. Moreover, if it is a field battle, a true eye can also effectively respond to the failure of the white tiger's big move just on the road, that is, the guard uses the white tiger's big move to launch a sneak attack by the group.

Because the puppies are in the wild, it ’s still very dangerous for a person to line his eyes.

Out of prudence, Zhao Dingguo called the clockwork and the fire girl specifically, and then came to the middle of the lower channel, inserting his real eyes in the clear blue real light, and he really saw the river channel on one side After the guard's reconnaissance guard attacked the eye several times in a row, the three men quickly evacuated.

After all, this is a guard site. If you stay for a long time, it will be more or less dangerous.

Without the vision provided by the protective eye, the action of the guards was really much smaller in the next few minutes, but their vigilance and retreat also lost Zhao Dingguo's chance of grabbing and not too long, focusing on the vision of the guards. When they made a comeback, they not only clung together and reinserted their protection eyes, they also bought sentry guards to reverse the eyes that Zhao Dingguo had inserted.

Now, the natural disaster side lost sight of the lower channel.

Fearing that the Guards Corps would be ambush there, Zhao Dingguo did not dare to pass by for a short time, and could only converge temporarily. During this time, the Guards Corps completed a transfer, and the four heroes gathered in the lower lane to launch a natural disaster. A wave of advance

It depends ~ ~ This is to give the puppy time to develop

After making this judgment, the Scourge also began to prepare intensively for defense. In addition to the phantom stabbing, the other four people, including the Prophet, rushed over to the Fire Girl and clockwork to use their skills to clear the army from time to time. Summoned treeman, blocked in front

Because they are guarded according to the tower, Zhao Dingguo is still confident in keeping this wave. Moreover, the phantom spine also has TP. Once the battle is broken and the harvesting rhythm is entered, the prickly spin will immediately support TP.

With five to four, the odds are high.

However, this first wave of real teamfights since the beginning of the war ended with their defeat in Zhao Dingguo.

The attack by the guard was very sudden

Zhao Dingguo, they are alerting the guard's group-control warlock, and the invoker's movements saw that the two of them did not rush too far forward, and the people of natural disasters also determined that the idea that the guard did not fight in this wave could be here At that time, the white tiger who seemed to be playing soy sauce in front of him suddenly stepped forward two steps, unexpectedly launched a jump under the Scourge Tower to be continued)

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