DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 344: Accidental Shortcuts

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PS: Although the update is not very powerful, the ticket to be given is still to be given ... I found out that if you don't ask, you will not be too lazy to vote. M * /. // *

This soul ring means adult love worth 1,200 win points.

Before Zhao Dingguo helped Yan Yuelan to do this task, it was considered free. Even though Yan Yuelan proposed not to kill and drop along the way, she still owed Zhao Dingguo a favor. But if this soul ring is accepted, then Zhao Dingguo will become money-handling. If you can't help someone complete the task, then you become your own.

With such scruples, Zhao Dingguo wasn't sure at the moment whether he would accept it.

However, for a spell turret with top ten skills, Soul Ring is really useful during the long SS war.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Yan Yuelan pouted a smile and said, "Easy to ask someone to do this task, the cost will not be less. So, if the state will be able to help me Complete the task with a high evaluation, and this soul ring is regarded as a reward. If the task is not passed, then it should be borrowed. Is this good? "

"That's the answer."

Zhao Dingguo also felt that this reason was good, even when he promised hard.

Although he was earnestly helping before, but with the tempting carrot of Soul Ring in front of him, Zhao Dingguo clearly felt that his motivation was another three points.

After finally hitting the jungle walker god's health below 15%, it released the last roar, and finally it was blue!

Without that steady stream of returning to old age, the speed of the two killings suddenly increased.

"Kill it!"

If you continue to drag on, God knows if there are any other big tricks for such an elite monster. While it's not blue, killing quickly is the best option. The anti-injury of the blade armor, the attack of the lava elves and the armor-breaking effect, and the full output of Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan, quickly reduced the jungle walker's health. Maybe it's because this guy is usually very powerful, so he doesn't have any abnormal skills, and they are successfully killed by the two.

The final blow was actually grabbed by Yan Yuelan's side-by-side vision.

Although Yan Yuelan's own health has also fallen to the bottom of the valley, if there is only one dark dancer left, it will be too easy to deal with it.

Three minutes later, the two ended the fight.

As the most strenuous guy. The jungle rambler made nothing fall, leaving them busy for a long time. In contrast, although the Seth Dark Dancer was equally stingy, he also dropped a +3 agile agile slipper, which meant that they didn't leave empty-handed. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to access us.)

After a little rest, the two walked towards the center of the foothills according to the information that Yan Yuelan had obtained.

There, it is said that a holy place similar to the resurrection spring appeared. Although the total amount of resurrection spring water is very small. It is not much stronger than the ordinary moon well of the Elven clan, but it is OK to restore the state of three or five people.

Zhao Dingguo's luck was not bad, he found it after a search. After returning to full status, the two move on.

The next difficulty is much higher than before.

With the increase in slope, it took two people a lot of effort just to climb hard. What's more, the endless monsters on the roadside make them overwhelmed. After finally dealing with the jungle ramblers, they met the Seth soul thief again. Otherwise, just after rushing out of a group of mobs, he was purified by Master Xester who didn't know where to come out. Just pay a little attention. The two were trapped in a large group of monsters.

If it weren't for Zhao Dingguo's powerful hurricane attack, it would blow up all the monsters blocking the road. It wouldn't be so easy for them to try to find a way.

Rao is so. When they rushed to two thirds of the foothills of the northern valley, they were still in trouble.

This is a valley road more than fifty meters long, with cliffs on both sides. The front road was blocked by an elite monster Seth Hellbringer, and there were dozens of nostalgic pursuits behind. If you change to someone else, you may choose to return to the city immediately. As long as you are not stunned by a monster that has a heavy hit, there is still a great chance to escape. But Zhao Dingguo was unwilling to give up, so he quickly looked around. When I recalled the terrain at the entrance to the valley road, I suddenly lighted up.

"Have you seen the mountain beam diagonally ahead?"

Zhao Dingguo pulled Yan Yuelan back and pointed to the precipice twenty meters away from the left. Presented her thoughts to her.

He noticed that there were enough bumps between his position and the cliff's beams. If you can speed up to more than ten meters away, set foot there, and then jump again, you can rush up the mountain beam. There is enough place to stay there. The **** is relatively gentle, the stones are sharp, and there are large areas of ivy. You can definitely climb from the cliff that is tens of meters high on both sides, bypassing the pass that was opened by the husband and wife!

This may be a shortcut that can be tricky and can greatly reduce the use time.

"Try it."

Yan Yuelan looked at the terrain calmly, and felt that it could be tried. Take the physical fitness of SuperGod users. Jumping over a distance of more than ten meters with run-up is not a problem.

Seeing the monsters coming behind him, Zhao Dingguo immediately cut out the ice wall and blocked them slightly. With this time to fight, he carefully judged the distance and stepped back to start sprinting. With the graceful posture rising up into the air, Zhao Dingguo strongly supported his left hand on the rock, adjusted his trajectory, and successfully landed on the middle bump.

The next jump is much easier.

You don't need much judgment this time, you just need to jump over. Due to time constraints, Zhao Dingguo had too much time to consider and jumped onto the mountain beam with all his strength. Although he flung forward with too much force, with the thick rattan, he still perfectly stabilized his figure.

Everything was as he expected.

Appearing ahead is another road above the cliff. Although it is not as good as Gudao on the left, it can win by bypassing the elite monster and throwing away a large group of ordinary monsters behind it. Without this shortcut, when they return, they will only be able to sweep away the monsters along the way, and finally kill the keeper of Seth Hell. In that case, I don't know how much time to waste!

Two seconds later, Yan Yuelan also successfully jumped onto the mountain beam before the monster rushed up.

This place to accommodate was not large, and coupled with continuous jumping, Yan Yuelan temporarily failed to stabilize his balance and directly hit Zhao Dingguo. Out of instinct, she reached out and pushed.

This action is a bit dangerous.

Because there is a steep cliff below, if you fall down, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die. Zhao Dingguo was worried that she would fall because of the reaction force, and immediately reached out and caught her. Although she loosened her body immediately after stabilizing her body, Yan Yuelan's face turned slightly red with this somewhat intimate move.


At this point, twenty meters away, the place where they jumped was surrounded by a large monster. These Seth thieves and jungle walkers looked at them fiercely, but could not help.

"Come here!"

Zhao Dingguo forced himself not to think about the brief contact just now, but to provoke the monsters provocatively. As a result, the inner thest soul thief was thrilled, and the monster behind him was directly pushed down the cliff. It is estimated that most of the bones are missing, which is called miserable.

This made Yan Yuelan laugh.

This unintentional smile has a lethality index that is larger than Lane's three-level scepter. Zhao Dingguo decisively chose to turn his head and continue to move forward along the mountain beam. Although they were bumpy all the way, they could fall off the cliff under one foot, but with great care, the two managed to bypass Seth Hellbringer and jumped down from the narrow pass.

Due to the increase in height, the height of this jump is more than 30 meters.

Even with Zhao Dingguo's strength attributes, falling from this height could not be intact. Fortunately, this drop of blood is still tolerable. Compared with normal combat, this loss is nothing.

Bypassing this most important threshold, the next step is easier.

Although the monster gets stronger as it gets to the top of the mountain, it has disappeared. The two can run all the way, relying on the speed of the leading monster, directly kill to the top of the mountain to complete the task, and then forcibly TP break away-for Yan Yuelan, this is the only way, Zhao Ding ’s state-of-the-art stealth skills are here, and he can stay Help her finish, there are more options.

Unconsciously, after spending nearly two hours, the two finally reached the top of the mountain.

Here, Zhao Dingguo saw Yan Yuelan's destination, an ancient magic formation with magical space power. As long as the mission was officially started and he successfully stood on it for five seconds, Yan Yuelan had completed the mission. But unfortunately, in front of this magic circle, standing in the foothills of the northern valleys, the most powerful elite monster-the ancient jungle rambler!

Just like the difference between ordinary monsters and ancient wild animals in TA, the strength of this ancient jungle rambler is also a complete mess.

According to the information provided by Yan Yuelan ~ ~ This horrible elite monster not only has a strong group stun skill, but also has the ultimate trick called resurrection-resurrection!

The resurrection is full of blood and the cooling time is only five minutes!

This resurrection consumes magic, but compared to Skeleton King, it can be launched at 140 points, and its resurrection can be completed with only 1 blue. In other words, if you want to kill it, you must either have a strong blue burning skill, or have a strong enough output to complete the kill again within five minutes of his resurrection and cooling, otherwise this guy is immortal.

However, as the most powerful elite in the foothills, the ancient jungle ramblers have far more health and magic than ordinary elite monsters. Moreover, for those units with blue burning skills, it will give 100% priority to attack and have the greatest hatred. The combination of these factors makes this guy a BUG-like existence!

In general, there is no reasonable five-man dusk team, and it is very difficult to kill it.

With Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan's current strength, it is impossible to deal with it. If this guy does not have the resurrection skill, it can be considered. But now, you can only let Zhao Dingguo find a way to get rid of it, and then give Yan Yuelan some time to let her successfully complete the task!

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