DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 319: Decisive invisibility

Nine minutes and fifty-five seconds.

The stronghold at the river channel is already faintly visible, and it is obviously ready to be refreshed. At this time, the disaster-stricken parties gathered in one tower on the middle road, and the specific direction of action depended on the goal of the guard. As for the five guards, they are relatively scattered, standing on their own ancient wild points downhill, staring at the stronghold on the upper road.

There is no doubt that in order to win this stronghold, you must defeat natural disasters.

It's not easy for the guard to do this. In front of them stood two thresholds that could not get around. The first is the big move of Thrall and Parker. In conjunction with the kinetic field, if more than three heroes on the guard side are trapped and silent, then this team battle basically need not be played. As for the second point, it is naturally the Lich's big move.

In the early stages, the Lich's tactics were extremely lethal. If the position is not careful, supplemented by other skills, the Scourge can instantly drop two or three guards in seconds.

"Everyone pays attention to the position, of course, it is best to grab him before the Lich's big move."

This is the word of the twilight **** who controls the elf. Actually, he does not need to say that Zhao Dingguo knows it, but knowing it is one thing. Whether it can be done when the war actually starts is another matter.

Tenth minute!

At this moment, a large silver six-pointed star magic array appeared at the river rune on the road. As long as a hero enters, the Six Array of Stars will continue to count down. However, once an enemy hero enters during the countdown, the time will immediately reset to zero. It will not start again until the opponent is driven out of the magic circle. Therefore, from a certain perspective, heroes with stealth skills will have an advantage in stronghold battles.

However, the location of the river channel is at the rune refresh. At the ten-minute mark, it wasn't just the magic circle that appeared, and a stealth rune also came out.

"Invisibility? Ryan is going to grab it!"

This stealth rune immediately made the heroes of the guards move. If you can let your own ryan sneak into the opponent's hero, then control it by hand and drop one or two of the most dangerous heroes. The battle for the middle position is tantamount to winning. There are three strong Twilight presents. Where can I not know the importance of this stealth rune?

Originally, the great gods planned to delay the observation of the natural disaster situation, but this time they did not hesitate and rushed to the stronghold.

The Scourge also had a vision at this river course, and of course saw the invisibility. But they only wanted to follow the guards, so they were farther away from the runes than the guards. At the moment when the rune appeared, the heroes of the guard side rushed past, but the natural disaster was slow.

Slower. Slowly.

Demon Sorcerer Lane loaded the Stealth Rune with a magic bottle.

At this moment, the heroes of the guard side all breathed a sigh of relief. Because his side does not have a stealth unit, the Scourge side does not have any props for development at this time. If animal messengers arrive temporarily, they may have been occupied by this stronghold. If they come to fight now, there is stealth Lane, the guard side is not afraid at all.

A rune let the initiative of the battlefield be completely controlled by the guards.

"It's not easy this time."

Scourge heroes are also aware of the threat a stealth Lane has on their side.

You know, although the natural disaster has three big team battles, but the guards are not weak. Captain's second boat, Wandering Swordsman's Stormhammer complement Ryan's skills. Can also kill Scourge heroes. If Ryan's problem is not solved, it will always be a hidden danger if he rushes to kill him!

But if you let it go like this, it is tantamount to giving them a stronghold.

"Gondo. You go in stealth and find a way to give Ryan a mark."

Notice that Ryan of the other party did not immediately use the invisibility. Obviously, he wanted to keep this ace. Although there must be powder on the opponent's body, Gondor may be caught when he marks it, but he is a bait. As long as Lane is tracked with Tracking, the invisibility threat is ineffective. Even if Gondor is set on fire by the Guards later, other Heroes of the Scourge can take advantage of it.

Sacrifice him for the regiment's destruction.

Gondor, who was somewhat bleak, couldn't resist the task. Can only bite the bullet.

However, the great gods in the guard are not vegetarian. With the arrival of a new wave of soldiers in the middle, they noticed kondo's disappearance, but the other heroes of the Scourge were closer to the stronghold, and they only needed a few steps to come and kill. Or to respond.

A Gondor with a big move is invisible. What can he do?

Even Zhao Dingguo can guess, let alone the twilight god?

Sensing the danger, Lane immediately used the stealth rune.

A rune lasted long enough for the guards to occupy this stronghold, although the most deterrent effect of a nuclear bomb was on a launch pad. Instead of already hitting, but it is not bad to be able to occupy a stronghold without blood. At least, they are already ahead of the natural disaster in progress.

But just then, an accident happened.

Gondor knew the dangers of visible markings, so he planned to mark up when the invisibility was about to cool down, and then escape again in stealth. Even if the guards have powder, they need to waste one more action. But as he came over to mark, Ryan suddenly disappeared. Gondor hesitated for a moment before realizing that Ryan had anticipated his actions and used an invisibility in advance.

With such a stun, the guards seized the opportunity.

Although the first-level tracking spell has been cast far away, the elf instantly linked the Skeleton King and accelerated his pursuit. Zhao Dingguo reacted slightly slowly, but also started the battle roar in time. With the acceleration of the two major skills, the speed of the Skeleton King increased by 32% in an instant, and he quickly approached Gondor.

Realizing the danger, Gondor couldn't take much care of it anymore, and gave a follow-up operation indiscriminately, then immediately went into hiding and wanted to escape.

However, Gondor's Tracking only increases movement speed by 20%. Under normal circumstances, 20% of the moving speed is an insurmountable ditch, and only Gondor chases others. But the two acceleration skills existed at the same time, but it became a situation where even the guard wanted to escape, and the guard was not chasing fast. As the two sides get closer, the elf raises his hands and dusts, and the skull king's crit fire also throws his hands up!

"I rub it, it's sold!"

Seeing the guard hero quickly catching up, Gondor's miserable voice sounded through the natural disaster voice channel.

Whether to save him or not, as one of the two twilight gods of the Scourge, the one who controls the Lich obviously thinks no rescue is necessary. The position of the bounty hunter was not good, and it was dusted again, almost dead. If it goes up to rescue, it will no doubt be in the lower arms of the guards, and the stealth Lane will probably be happy to give them a lesson. But a few dusk masters hesitated for a moment, still did not sell teammates, but chose to support in the past.

In their opinion, they have Parker's big moves and silence, the imprisonment of the shadow demon, and even Thrall's skills. As long as these three positions are scattered and don't get stuck by Lane's full puncture, it may not be impossible to fight.

As soon as his teammates moved, the Lich had no choice but to follow.

Fighting began along the river near the natural disaster.

As an important auxiliary skill, the elf's lightning chain is undoubtedly added by the master. This ability not only accelerates, but also makes enemies stunned when they encounter lightning links. Although there is no additional damage, but the victory can be repeatedly stunned many times, is also a strong unstable control skills. At this moment, the Skeleton King and the elf are using the stun effect of the lightning chain, while moving in a small range in front of Gondor, output.

The bounty hunter's health is dropping rapidly.

At the same time, Captain Cuenca released a torrent some distance ahead of Gondor. This position can not only prevent bounty from escaping, but also slightly prevent the rescue of the natural disaster side. It is a very good skill.

Zhao Dingguo did not immediately release the Stormhammer, he was waiting for Lane.

There is a terrible output of Lane's output, but relying on him alone may not be able to kill the important hero of the Scourge. If equipped with your own hammer, it will be much easier to kill the Lich instantly. Without this powerful output of field team battles, it would be too difficult for the Scourge to win this battle!

Ryan in stealth also knew this. He crossed Gondor and walked directly towards the oncoming Scourge hero.

Here, the Lich and the Shadow Demon left and right, forming a horn of each other.

Due to the terrain, Lane could not stun two people at the same time with a puncture. But it doesn't matter, in addition to his puncture skills, he also has two levels of black art!

The moment before the heroes of the two sides are about to converge, Parker launches the illusion orb, apparently trying to fly over the big move + silence. Just then, Lane shot. He first pierced Thrall and the Lich at the same time with a puncture, and then turned the shadow demon with a hex. After these two skills were completed, he attacked the Lich a bit, and then threw directly. Ryan knows his position and is the heart of the Scourge lineup. As long as the other party reacts, I am afraid that it will be difficult to connect out a set of skills, or even be directly spiked. Therefore, his big trick is to get out as soon as possible.

Is it outbreak? ~ is to deal damage instantly!

After taking a puncture and a big move, the Lich's health instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. However, the Lich's economy is still good due to the road alone. In addition to his little magic wand and two branches ready to make Macon, he also added a bracer. Relying on the increased blood volume of the wristband, the Lich actually survived this round of outbreak!

He immediately took the magic wand points and pulled back some health.

At a critical moment, a hammer flew over from a distance and took a solid picture of the Lich's face. The 10-magic magic wand points just increase the life by 150 points. Zhao Dingguo's Stormhammer hurts much higher than this, kill the Lich directly, and by the way, the shadow demon next to him will stun again!


Ryan, who had put out a set of skills, saw an opportunity and could immediately turn around and run away. He has no skills now, and staying here is useless, it is better to retreat first, wait for the skills to cool down, and then use the magic bottle to recover.

Although Lane has temporarily lost his combat power, the killing of the Lich means that the winning face of the guard has been increased by 30%! !! ~!

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