DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 291: Goodbye Xu Zhiguo

~-~ ps: I was thinking about two changes, but I'm a bit tired today ... I'm sorry, I'll make it up tomorrow.

Along the way, all the people in charge of the reception were replaced by members of the Tianshui organization.

In order to host this night of the gods, Tianshui obviously also spent a lot of effort. Even a few high-level executives in Tianshui stood in front of the hotel and greeted guests here. But the smile on their faces disappeared when they saw the President of the Illuminati!

"Come in!"

Sweeped by the majestic eyes of the President of the Illuminati, the Tianshui executive wanted to be alert unconsciously. But he reacted immediately, this is his own place. Although the opponent is a great twilight god, he will never shoot at this time. Realizing this, he coughed awkwardly a bit, and put the Illuminati party in the same manner as a stranger.

"Hum, Zhao Ping, he turned his face away!"

Director Ling, who was also accompanying him, apparently dealt with the high-ranking Tianshui, and he was dissatisfied when he saw that he was posing as a stranger. However, complaining and complaining, in fact, he also knew clearly that in the case of the two major organizations turning their faces, pretending not to know is actually the best way to receive.

If you say too much, everyone is embarrassed!

"Oh, here's the Illuminati."

"Look at that, the one who takes the lead is the President of the Illuminati.

"The gods who come today are really horrible ..."

When they saw Zhao Dingguo coming in, there was a sound of discussion in the lobby of the hotel. As the first-class forces counted under the three major organizations. The arrival of the Illuminati obviously attracted great attention. however. Apparently, they have experienced similar scenes more than once. His steps did not stand still, and he stepped up the stairs in a hurry!

By convention, this night of the gods is also divided into three layers.

The first floor hall is used to entertain ordinary organization masters who come to join. As long as the strength is sufficient, there are basically no restrictions on access. The second layer requires a certain identity, such as Zhao Dingguo. Although the strength is only the rising sun, once it has the perfect bloodlines, the second is the focus of the Illuminati. So you can go up to the second floor. As for the third floor, that is the conference hall prepared for the great gods. Only the top great gods are eligible to come!

"You guys are just strolling here, remember not to do anything with people. There will be a meeting later. It may take a long time, if there is nothing urgent, just wait patiently!"

After telling Zhao Dingguo and Liu Feng, the chairman and the chairman of the board went up three levels.

In the presence of the chairman, Zhao Dingguo and Liu Feng were naturally no different. As soon as they left, Zhao Dingguo and Liu Feng naturally took a few steps to both sides, widening each other's distance. Although no one is stupid enough to do it, it is virtually drawing boundaries.

Zhao Dingguo didn't like Liu Feng, and the latter hated Zhao Dingguo who grabbed his attention!

Because there are still a lot of outsiders, Zhao Dingguo does not want to lose the face of the Illuminati. He just stepped back. Feel free to grab a cocktail from the passing cart and drink it for yourself.

Liu Feng's movements are similar. Find a place to sit and start paying attention to the great gods who come and go.

I have to say that the scale of the night of the gods is really big. In just a few minutes, a group of experts from two major organizations successively came over. Some of them stopped at the second floor like Zhao Dingguo, while the rest of the core decision-making people stopped for a while, and Shi Shiran stepped up to the third floor.

"Look, it's ng great god!"

"Legendary Captain 820! It is said that the team leader won the first Super God qualifying team match, and has the perfect level of vengeful soul blood. It is said that the strength has reached the peak of twilight!"

"Well? Isn't that the maple of Yueyefeng and the pianist 430? The two gods came together."

"It's the radiant Haitao boss, my idol."


One master after another stepped up to the third floor. Although few of Zhao Dingguo could recognize them, the whispers of the others let Zhao Dingguo identify them as soon as possible. While lamenting the glorious record and strength of these great gods. Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be shocked. He arrived for just over ten minutes, and the great twilight-level **** came into place. And according to one who came early. There are already thirty masters of twilight walking in and out!

Every twilight master is a human bomb!

It can be said that most of the top gods in the domestic super-god circle have converged on the night of the gods tonight. Even if the real **** comes to the world, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by so many Twilight masters!

This five-star hotel has also become the most dangerous and safest place in the world!


Just after Zhao Dingguo's thoughts fell, a slight gunshot came from outside. Although the hotel's sound insulation is very good, none of the ordinary people present had extraordinary hearing, and naturally recognized the gunshot. Some people who are proficient in ordnance even directly judged that it was the sound of a May Fourth Pistol!

"what happened?"

Several dusk-level masters stood up and looked outside, others were a little more curious. However, the people present were not afraid!

Soon the news came from the people in Tianshui.

People on the night of the gods come to the party, and naturally, transports such as helicopters and luxury cars are indispensable. After all, the Great God is also a human. Except for direct transmission, other people always use transportation. But when so many luxury cars come together, it will inevitably cause some greedy and stupid guys to sting. In the end, a triad member of a five-member gang discussed it and decided to steal a car according to the temptation!

Everything here is being monitored, how could a few little hair thieves succeed?

As soon as a few guys started, the people in Tianshui found them. Furious into shame, the leader of the theft group took out a fake May 4 pistol in an attempt to scare people!

His kick is kicked on the steel plate, and it is also the hardest super alloy steel plate in the entire real world!

Want to rob more than thirty twilight gods, as many as hundreds of twilight masters?

In this situation, Zhao Dingguo felt terrible just thinking about it!

"What about the results?" Of course, the people present were not worried about someone being injured or letting the robbers escape. They were more concerned about the end of those unlucky ones, and don't accidentally let people play dead.

"What else? The virtual spirits just happened to pass by. Their dusk master Xu Zhiguo split into two avatars in an instant, scaring them silly first, and then killing them with a knife!"

"Are the ethereal people also here? That Xu Zhiguo?"

Hearing this name, when Zhao Dingguo immediately rang the headquarters to hold a lecture, the guy who seemed to be silent but had no one in his eyes. However, he was a twilight master with a perfect grade of educated pedigree, and was the target of the promotion by the Ethereal Organization. Zhao Dingguo couldn't compare with him at that time. But now it's different. Zhao Dingguo himself has perfect bloodlines, and he got it earlier. Although the two have different strengths, they have the same starting line!

Just then, a group of virtual spirits have already stepped up to the second floor.

The chairman of the virtual spirit naturally needs three levels. As for Xu Zhiguo, although he is already a master at dusk and has extraordinary strength, he is not qualified to cross the third level and can only stay with them. Although he had to accept this fact, Xu Zhiguo's face was obviously a little dissatisfied. He stood on the corner of the second floor with his chest on his chest, and apparently exuded a cold breath that was not close to anyone.

This attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, with his expression, makes people feel unhappy.

Zhao Dingguo is worth it, after all, his strength is not as good as others, and it is hard to say anything. But the most indispensable in this hall is genius. Other twilight-level masters in other organizations, seeing Xu Zhiguo's appearance, and arrogant people have to go to find trouble.

"That is Ren Shan of the tk organization, with a rare phantom assassin bloodline!"

"Is there a new-generation master of the town soul stone? The nickname is Fuhua Luokuan. I heard that it is the blood of a necromancer. Can resist, fight, return blood to blue. The two of them have a good show against Xu Zhiguo. I watched it! "

The two sides facing each other are heavenly pride, and their strength is extraordinary. At this moment, they come together, that is, a comet hits the earth. Without saying a few words, the two sides pulled their faces down, as if they had the intention to do something. Some pretty Ren Shan showed her weapon, flashy arms raised her arms and opened the heart of dedication. Xu Zhiguo did not evade, and his body fluttered. When he opened a big move, he could achieve it, and he recruited two identical clones!

The battle is about to start!

Their unusual movement quickly attracted people in the entire second floor lobby. Seeing that there was a tendency to do something, Zhao Dingguo hurried to come and watch. Not to say how gossip he is, but to take the opportunity to observe the true strength of the elites of major organizations. In this case, when the day comes, you can know what to expect.

"Hey, stop!"

People in Tianshui naturally found out that it was wrong ~ ~ Hurry up and tried to dissuade. Unfortunately, in their capacity, Xu Zhiguo could not stop their confrontation. The three masters ignored Tianshui at all, and the momentum became more and more fierce.

This way, a war is inevitable!

Their confrontation has nothing to do with Zhao Dingguo. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo also hoped that the three could really fight. But at this critical moment, the big gods on the third floor noticed that they were wrong, so they went down and started mediation. The front face was a little fat, with a pair of glasses, and it seemed to be the radiant Haitao god!

If you talk about strength alone, this great **** may be just ordinary in the twilight, but he is the earliest group of super **** users, but his connection and influence are not said. Just a word can pull up a dozen twilight gods to help. In the face of such a strong man, even if he was proud to enter Xu Zhiguo, he would not dare to show half a point, and he could only obey it.

"Did it fail?"

Seeing that the three were separated and stood aside, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but regret it. Today's banquet seems to be much less lively. (To be continued.


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