DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 181: Destroy Moonwell

Moon well organization headquarters!

Although the number of members is almost the same as that of the Illuminati headquarters, the real strength need not be mentioned. It is completely different. Therefore, the Illuminati can occupy the Pearl City in a grand manner. The moon well organization can only occupy a sub-provincial city in the neighboring provinces!

As the chairman of the Moon Well, Du Hui was very dissatisfied with the status of the organization he created.

Ambitious, let him have more delusions than reality. Previously limited to strength, he could only take this dissatisfaction to heart. But since the Illuminati and Sanhua started confrontation, he suddenly found that the tree that he had been a vassal of was not as solid as it seemed. Although there is still only a sign of slump, Du Hui's adventurous personality makes him decide to get mad at the fire once!

The greater the risk, the greater the benefit.

If in the end Sanhua really overpowers the Illuminati, then as the first one to jump out, how can you share a benefit. It doesn't matter if this stalemate persists for a while. Sanhua has safeguarded his reputation and status, and will certainly protect them from the accounts of the Illuminati after the fall, otherwise no one will go to Sanhua again!

As for the light will easily defeat Sanhua?

It's impossible to look at that!

It was with such a comprehensive consideration that Du Hui would jump out early as a clown and help his new master San Hua shout and cheer. The development of things was originally expected by Du Hui. The Illuminati did not let go of the war, and it was about to retreat. But just now, the news from a friend he made deliberately surprised him!

The Illuminati almost set off to fight against Sanhua!

When he first received the news, Du Hui was on the spot and refused to believe it anyway. However, as he quickly verified with other forces, the news he received all confirmed this. Although the attack on the Illuminati was secret, it was limited to before the attack. After the fog of war, communications are disrupted. How can other organizations not know what is going on?

In the end, Du Hui had to accept the fact that the Illuminati really did!

Moreover, with the further news, the Illuminati completely took the upper hand!

"The Twilight Strong sent by the Shining Organization has been teleported to start mediation!"

"Hundreds of bodies were lying on the ground. Among them, there are more than one hundred members of Guangsanhua!"

"Sanhua's headquarters building is crumbling, and the resurrection springs inside are destroyed!"

Before, the two major organizations were still fighting because of the fog of war. No one knew the specific situation. But when the brilliant master came forward, the forces related to the two major organizations sent people to the battle scene. These messages that made Du Hui's soul fly are exactly what they sent back one after another!

What's more, they also came to the conclusion that the Illuminati hit the Sanhua with a single loss!

How can this be?

Sanhua's vitality was seriously injured, and they must have no time to support the moon well. Without such a backing, depending on the strength of their organization, once they face the thunder of the Illuminati, what will they use to resist?

As soon as I thought about it, Du Hui felt so dark that hundreds of rising suns and even masters of the evening rushed towards them.

What should I do?

With the strength of the Moon Well, it must be impossible to stop the Illuminati. Even if the loss of Sanhua is not small in this offensive, they can recover very quickly. I'm afraid it won't take them two or three days, they will remember what they have done, and the army will come!

Did another top-tier organization seek asylum, or immediately swept away all the resources of the Moonwell organization?

However, in the event that the Illuminati would simply ignore the idea of ​​this little flea, would it not be a loss for you to make a hasty decision yourself? In order to create the Moon Well, he also put in a lot of hard work!


It would be nice if he had a reliable relationship at the top of the Illuminati, so he wouldn't have to worry about it!

But while Du Hui was still hesitant, the sudden glow of skills and killing sounds shattered the luck in his heart. In a hurry, he quickly ran out of the window and saw members of the Illuminati outside the headquarters. There are as many as seven or eight hundred of these guys in Du Hui's eyes, and they have surrounded the entire moon well headquarters, even if a fly cannot fly!

The Illuminati is fast!

Du Hui took a breath of air, but never expected that the Illuminati would strike him that night.

But after a closer look, he unexpectedly found that these people outside were actually divided into two groups. The other part of the dress is also uniform, but obviously different from the style of the Illuminati. After looking at the emblem on her chest with her eyes wide open, Du Hui found out that more than 300 people were actually soul-stabilizers!

It's the same as the Illuminati ~ At this moment, he finally realized that the Illuminati was obviously ready to take him. The person in front of the Soulstone is the best example. If they had not been contacted in advance, how could they have killed here with the Soulstone immediately after playing Sanhua?


This is finished!

Seeing the other person's situation was like a bamboo shoot, he easily killed his members, and then a surge of water came in. Du Hui hurried back and forth twice in his room and finally made up his mind.

Stay in the mountains, no worries, no firewood!

Since it can't be beaten, it can only be withdrawn!

He said nothing, quickly packed up the important things at hand, and then pressed the self-destruct button. Thirty seconds later, all internal records and files organized by Moonwell will disappear, and then a small bomb will end it. Even if the Illuminati occupied this place, they would get nothing!

After doing all this, Du Hui quickly launched the reel of transmission!

The Illuminati is so rich that it can use several times its strength to block the building, but it cannot stop the transmission. It is said that the top props on the main plane can temporarily block the space of an area, making it impossible to use any teleportation and flashing skills. But after all, it was just a rumor. Even the three major organizations have never heard of it!

Since the Illuminati doesn't have that means, then I'm sorry, see you later!

A flash of white light, Du Hui's face with a vicious and cold smile appeared in a small city 300 kilometers away. And just after his body disappeared less than twenty seconds, a stealthy twilight class rushed in quickly, only to catch up with the explosion caused by that small bomb!

"You're in luck!"

He took a sigh of disappointment, not flickering at the flames and shock waves coming from his face, as if it were just a breeze blowing on his face. The fiery flames did little harm to him!

However, Du Hui could escape in time, and the other members of Moonwell were not so lucky!

Not everyone has teleportation, and the speed at which light can strike is extremely fast. Some who have scrolls on their bodies have never had a chance to escape without thinking about whether to use them. Dare to face a large number of Illuminati members forcibly TP, most of them were interrupted by skills, and then killed in groups, only a few lucky people decisively escaped the birth!

Among them, Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li and Yang Fei formed a three-man squad and rushed to the front line!

Everyone knows that Moonwell Organization has a twilight master. Rushing too far forward, in case he was followed, it would be troublesome. But Zhao Dingguo also had his own calculations in his heart. He did not believe that the president of the Moon Well would dare to shoot in the face of the Illuminati and the Soul Soul in a total of four dusk. As long as it is not a master of dusk, the remaining rising sun will never be able to seconds them in a short burst!

Once Dingguo can't be spiked, Zhao Dingguo's star imprisonment can rescue him in time, and the skills of Lao Li's Aphotic Shield and Yang Fei's puncture will also keep up. Even other members of the guild next to it will shoot immediately!

As for possible traps such as goblin mines, you don't need to worry too much.

After all, Moonwell is just a small organization. Do you have any thoughts to prepare for those? And even if they are dedicated, it is estimated that traps are set up in places that are easy to sneak into outside the headquarters. No one will bury landmines in the headquarters where they are infested. Wouldn't it be an unfair death if they stepped on by mistake?

Therefore, the three of Zhao Dingguo seem to be moving forward, but there is actually not much danger.

Proportionate to them actively fighting, naturally is a rich harvest!

Unlike the big scene wars of the Illuminati and Sanhua, the branch attacking the moon well is completely one-sided. In addition to the beginning, the people in Moonwell also resisted a little, and the rest was a tiger and wolf-like Illuminati killing around. The battles that occur are often small-scale contact battles, and they do not have too many skills. They rely on ordinary attacks and basic attributes to compete!

In this kind of battle, with the tacit understanding of Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li and Yang Fei, it is natural to have a fish!

Back when Tianshui broke up with the Illuminati a few years ago, the three could work together to slay the Rising Sun Gu Rong. After such a short period of rapid growth, the strengths of the three have improved to varying degrees. Like Zhao Dingguo, he has the specialization of ice fragments and ice system; Lao Li also has the flashing assault skill; and Yang Fei's Frost Nova is coming soon ~ ~ A trio of new strength, strangle Rival opponents are a breeze!

From the beginning of the battle to now, in just seven or eight minutes, they have killed six enemies in succession!

A cyan real-name key floated in the air and looked very tempting. But Zhao Dingguo knew that someone was cleaning and was responsible for tracking. Naturally, he would not violate the rules for the keys that are almost impossible to open good things. Instead, he valued the rewards of the Illuminati headquarters!

What if he could get what he desperately needed from it?

For example, the skills of lightning, or the corresponding elementary and specialized book pages?

With such thoughts urging in his heart, Zhao Dingguo was naturally full of motivation. He and Lao Li and Yang Fei ran all the way to kill those opponents who had nowhere to go to the center of the top floor of the Moonwell headquarters, and then they stopped with other members. Before killing the resisting enemy, he was naturally relentless. But now more than thirty people who have lost their will to resist, waiting for surrender, he will not be good to start!

After all, that would be slaughter!

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