DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 155: After wave

> Chapter 155 Aftermath

The Illuminati broke with the Tianshui organization!

This shocking news, accompanied by a cold current south of Siberia, instantly spread throughout the supernatural force circle of the dynasty. {Net} It was just an ordinary cold morning in December, but it became hot because of this event, and everyone was talking and spreading crazy!

"This must be a rumor. The Illuminati hasn't announced it yet. How did you know?"

"Yes, Tianshui is an old ally of the Illuminati. How can it be over after a few years of friendship?"

At the beginning, because only a few people learned about it through special channels, many SuperGod users were skeptical of this news. Some grumpy people simply labeled the news with a rumor. After all, the domestic super-god circle has been calm for two years, and the two major organizations involved in the news are first-class organizations with twilight masters. They don't believe that without any sign or rumor in advance, the two major organizations can break up so abruptly!

However, over time, the authenticity of this message became confusing!

Organizations and users who have a relationship with the Illuminati and Tianshui are aware of the potential impact of this event and have begun to verify with the two organizations through various channels, either indirectly or directly. What only puzzled them was that the Tianshui organization refused to make any comment on the news, and the Illuminati, which rumored to have proposed the breaking issue, rarely maintained an ambiguous attitude!

Faced with inquiries and doubts, they were neither sure nor denied!

This attitude has made Chaos users more and more skeptical. Many people who previously insisted that the news was rumors have begun to shake.

"What happened to the breakup of the two organizations?"

"Who knows the truth of things?"

Some people ask such questions, and naturally someone will answer them. Some self-proclaimed analysts or people with great powers have published opinions and put forward their views. Although most of them are nonsense, but they are actually analytical and decent, very close to the truth!

One morning passed quickly, and more than half of the super **** circle was fermenting, waiting for the moment when the truth was revealed!

At this time, as the focus of everyone's attention, the senior members of the Illuminati are holding the last internal meeting: preparing to unify the caliber and handling related aftermath.

Although it is determined to turn its back on Tianshui, some interested members in the meeting still objected. For this reason, the chairman had to go out and explain the facts, and finally promised compensation for benefits, which completely unified the internal opinions. In addition, suddenly turning around with an ally who has had deep cooperation has left a large number of issues that need to be properly resolved. Of course, the most important issue is whether to declare war on Tianshui!

This is where the Illuminati is most hesitant!

The word declaring war was mentioned by the President of the Illuminati himself. He did not use war, but only declared war. The meaning itself is very clear. The problem is, even if it is just a declaration of war, the sequelae and impact will be huge. One carelessness may set off a huge wave in the circle!

Although the huge ship of the Illuminati is large, it has not yet reached the point of an aircraft carrier!

However, if war is not declared, will it give others the impression that the light will be weak and deceitful?

Tianshui snatched their interests on the main plane, and bravely ran an alliance with the Sanhua organization at the risk of offending them. If there is no indication at all, let alone how other organizations treat them, even if they are internal members, I am afraid they all need an explanation!


The chairman of the Illuminati has not hesitated for a long time, but he knows that when it comes to the organization with the twilight strong, no matter how careful it is!

In the midst of entanglement, the meeting lasted for three hours, and lasted until 2 pm!

Subsequently, under the attention of all, the chairman of the Illuminati personally issued a power-on, confirming that incredible rumor to the entire super-god circle in China!

"... Although the Tianshui Organization had a deep relationship with the Society in the past, it did not know how to maintain it. It is not only unbearable to not only do things that seriously damage the interests of the Society, but also to form alliances with the hostile organizations of the Society! On behalf of all members of the Illuminati, I hereby announce that I will formally sever all relations with the Tianshui Organization and reserve the right to declare war further based on the development of the situation! At the same time, we urge the Tianshui Organization to immediately cease cooperation with Sanhua and restart In returning to the position of ally, the Illuminati will pledge no blame ... "

It's not too long a power-on, it's like dropping a stone in the calm lake water, causing a wave of waves instantly!

Moreover, this stone is not ordinary stone, it weighs at least half a ton!

At the moment when the power was received, the entire Tianchao force circle was completely boiling!

If the previous rumors have only affected more than half of the area, now the Illuminati will come forward to confirm that the news spread quickly at a rocket speed. In the evening, everyone in the circle knew the shocking news. For a while, various analyses and comments were overwhelming, and major organizations also urgently printed internal journals to give special reports, so that members of their organizations could understand in time!

Even many supernatural organizations from abroad have closely followed the progress of the relationship between the two organizations!

As one of the strongest armed circles in the world, every move in the country has attracted the attention of supernatural organizations in other countries. After two years of calm, the sudden occurrence of this incident also forced them to pay great attention.

Seven in the evening!

After the Illuminati came forward to confirm, Tianshui finally responded.

They said in the power-up that there might be some misunderstandings between the two major organizations, and that the cooperation with Sanhua only stayed at ordinary levels, and there was nothing inappropriate. At the end of the electrification, they also issued a non-nutritive message expressing their willingness to continue to improve understanding with the Illuminati!

Obviously this is to confirm the new position, and also completely push yourself to the opposite side of the Illuminati!

Tianshui's speech was like pouring oil on the fire, which brought the noisy force circle to a boiling state. For a time, all irrelevant forces related to the two major organizations jumped out, either supporting, opposing, or refuting. In the end, even the three super-god organizations were shocked and came out one after another!

After a brief discussion, the Huiyao Group also sent their new member Huang Chen and the only female twilight strong to be cold, and will soon come to the two major organizations to mediate!

This is actually a disguised intervention.

In this regard, both the Tianshui organization and the Illuminati organization support and oppose the mixed. But their strength is there, and they cannot tolerate any objections!

How did the soul superorganization collapse? Behind it is not the shadow of the three major organizations!

Under such threats, both Tianshui and the Illuminati maintained adequate restraint. But the turmoil caused by this incident will not stop for a while. Moreover, many guys with a keen sense of smell realized that the supernatural force circle that had been calm for two years may be turbulent again because of this matter!

This is a landmark event worthy of a big book!


Just when the entire supernatural force circle in the dynasty was paying attention to the Illuminati and Tianshui, Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li and Yang Fei had already quietly returned to their buildings.

Everything was as expected, everything else was ignored in the face of the shocking news. Even members of the Tianshui organization have forgotten that someone has voluntarily attacked their industry and blatantly killed a full member. Only the angry twilight-level master still remembers how to find that place!

He was the leader who was ordered to come to support last night!

At that time, after feeling the horror of his body, the three of Zhao Dingguo immediately turned around and retreated.

You know, a rising sun Gu Rong is already so difficult, not to mention a dusk-level master? Their attributes are so different that they can have a crushing effect, and you can kill them in just two clicks! And watching the members of the meeting be killed in front of him, the dusk-level master had a sense of contempt, and he vowed to catch up with and kill the three people who dared to scatter on his own organization.

The speed of the evening powerhouses is naturally much faster than them!

Seeing the other party quickly catch up, Zhao Dingguo had to open the halo of the ancestors' war drums for the third time. This somewhat delayed his time to catch up, but also made Zhao Dingguo extremely distressed. The equipment that was brought out in the last death teamfight resulted in three active skills being used in one battle. After using up the last time, if you want to use it, it will cost 750 win points to recharge!

However, everyone knows the end of being chased by the twilight master. In order to save his life, Zhao Dingguo couldn't care so much!

It must be fortunate that the master of this evening class is a typical melee power enhancement ~ ~ and there is no suitable entry skill. It was this shortcoming that made Zhao Dingguo fled back and forth in front of their helicopter. Seeing the helicopter that had already been launched and could be lifted off at any time, Zhao Dingguo was slightly relieved, turned his head and temporarily sealed the master with a star imprisonment, and quickly climbed into the helicopter!

Because of the priority and specificity of the star imprisonment skill, the twilight-level strong can not be immune, and was sealed for two seconds.

By the time he broke the seal, Zhao Dingguo's helicopters had begun to raise altitude, and finally escaped successfully!

The unwilling Tianshui organization resolutely used their helicopters to chase them, but the armed helicopters flying by Yang Fei could be the top cargo in the combat troops, and their performance was better than Tianshui's. Therefore, after chasing hundreds of miles without success, they had to give up helplessly!

The three of Zhao Dingguo were able to return to their place without any risk!

Successful killing of the enemy, yet another person did not die, this is certainly something to celebrate. What is even more worth looking forward to is the two real name keys obtained after the killing of Zhou Chengwu and Gu Rong!

What can be opened inside?

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