1997. Chapter 1997 two roads

Chapter 1997 two roads

Ye Zhongming brought six guards, all of whom were Golden Mask fighters. There were more people in Jie Su, but because he came to eat here, he sent some people back to the aircraft and he only took two people around.

The attack had just begun, and two Golden Mask fighters and a Sioux guard were killed, reducing the stréngth of eight guards by half.


Jie Su’s voice came. He pulled Ye Zhongming first and started to retreat.

He had to retreat, because just looking from the blade light on the front, the attackers there were stronger than them, and it was basically impossible to break through.

While pulling Ye Zhongming back, Jie Su waved his arm toward the front, and a ray of light flew out, and landed on the blade light that had more power.

The colliding stréngth produced a huge counter-thrust. The already broken door of the restaurant was completely broken, and the wall next to the door was broken together.

stréngth speeded the two sides apart and stepped back the waiter at the sneak attack.

At this time, Jiesura pulled Ye Zhongming to the place where they were eating just now. There was a window leading to the side road.

With a bang, the life that had previously emitted cold air under the ground rushed up, and along with him, there were countless sharpness of about 20 centimeters, with dazzling rays of light in the light.

The backward waiter who was blown by the air also stabilized his body and rushed towards them. There was a loud footstep outside the door, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Ye Zhongming and Jie Su and the others did not have good faces. They knew in their hearts that it was the fame of Xingzhao City that relaxed their vigilance, which gave these people the opportunity to assassinate.

This is a city of neutrality. It has not changed for so many years. This is still the city of art and business. It is the first resort of the universe for leisure. It is of course large and small. Venue.

For so many years, I haven’t heard anyone openly doing anything on the street here!

It is this concept that makes both people feel nothing, so they will relax their vigilance. When choosing a place to eat, the first consideration is not safety but taste.

However, some people openly want to kill them.

The price these people paid later, the two of them have no mood to think about, what they think now is … hurry up and escape.

Since these people have shot, they will definitely try their best to kill them here. They must escape, even if the chosen route will be guessed by others, even if there is a trap, they must jump in.

Because, if they escape into the trap, they can still struggle. If they stay there, they will die.

“Let me grow up, you go first.”

A golden mask warrior stood still. He didn’t turn around and stood in front of everyone.

If these Icicles and the waiter were allowed to approach, then an instantaneous block would be enough for the most powerful Bladesman to arrive, and everyone would lose the chance to escape.

So he stepped forward to sacrifice himself and fight for the opportunity for everyone to escape.

“come back!”

Ye Zhongming whispered.

How could a golden mask warrior stop these three killers? The moment he earned his life was actually enough for them to open the window, and sacrificed a person for this, Ye Zhongming felt it was not worth it.

“I am going too!”

After all, Ye Zhongming is not the commander of these people. The order they received was issued by Cheng Yingjin to protect Ye Zhongming at all costs.

Now the situation is critical, they must stand up, even if … it is dead.

At this moment, Ye Zhongming had a new understanding of the Star Eyes.

The other two Golden Mask fighters glanced at each other. One of them rushed out without saying a word, but the attitude was already obvious. The three people should be able to win more time for the people behind.

“Let’s grow up, don’t let them down.”

The last Golden Mask warrior took Ye Zhongming to follow Jie Su from the broken window to the street, and moved away away from the restaurant.

Now, only Jie Su and Ye Zhongming were left with their own guards.

There was a fierce fighting sound in the restaurant, and the building began to collapse in vibration, but these sounds stopped abruptly after the huge footsteps entered the restaurant.

Ye Zhongming shook his fist in pain. He knew that the three golden mask fighters were gone.

They may be able to play with the other two raiders for a while, but the life with the knife on the front is much stronger than them, and a Jie Su also knows that there is no enemy.

The running Jie Su and Ye Zhongming had huge questions in their anger. Who are they? Want to assassinate them here?

“In front is the conference center, where there are not weak guards stréngth, these people should refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.”

Jie Su means running there, no matter how arrogant these killers are, they will not choose to enter the conference center. There is a place where the cosmos will hold meetings. Representatives are stationed all year round and the guards are not weak.

This is the easiest way to get out of trouble.

However, the problem quickly appeared.

In front of them, a fork appeared suddenly.

A straight side lane was separated by a triangle-shaped building, extending two roads, bypassing this huge building, and no more than five hundred meters, is the conference center.

Which one to choose?

At the back, the two silhouettes appeared in silhouette. The waiter was in front of him, not far behind him, followed by a huge life, each arm holding a giant knife.

It seems that the sacrifice of the three Golden Mask fighters has replaced the life of Assassin using the ice attribute element ability.

They must make a choice, or the sacrifice of the three soldiers will be meaningless.

But just when they were going to choose a direction, at their feet, a stréngth suddenly came out. Unlike before, this stréngth seemed to have an endless burning sensation.

Two people complexion greatly changed, one after another moved towards both sides.

“Meet there!”

Jie Su knows it’s time to make a decision, because if they want to go the same way, one person will have to pass through the flames emerging from this, but they have no way to come to the other two Assassin This was done before, so walking separately is the best way.

Jie Su and his escort, Ye Zhongming and the last mask warrior, were forcibly separated here.

Soon the waiter, Assassin, arrived with the giant with a knife and merged with the flame man who had just emerged from the ground. Strangely, they did not continue to chase.

“Come on, our mission is done.”

The waiter said calmly, the three of them immediately turned around and returned, and soon disappeared at the end of the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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