1993. Chapter 1993 million

Chapter 1993 million

Cooperation between the two parties was reached.

Ye Zhongming has two things to do for the Library, looking for a High Level swear scroll and creating a ‘free’ antidote.

The Library is Ye Zhongming … there are too many things to do.

It’s just that Ye Zhongming can think of it when he reads a book, and told Old Dean that there are many, many.

The first is that he has obtained the permission of S-Rank. Naturally, this cannot be made public, but the librarian has been in the Library for so many years. It is still possible to do this.

The advantage of this is that Ye Zhongming can read and learn all the books in the library without restriction. Perhaps the core skills of those super races and other races have been taken away early, and Ye Zhongming cannot watch them, but the remaining books are enough to fill the Genting King’s curiosity.

Also, after all, librarians are inherited from generation to generation. Perhaps when Senior was alive, he had read some unbanned books. Later, the books were banned, but passed down through their oral narration. There are also those who have not been banned, but have been taken away after the decline of the status of the Library, and some people have learned and inherited the same.

Old Dean also made a list for Ye Zhongming specifically for this, all of which are books of this kind. Ye Zhongming took a look and was completely shocked. Basically, all of them contained strong ethnic secrets. Lost thing.

This is an intangible, but also a tremendous wealth.

Secondly, because of the need to train Alchemist to make ‘free’ antidote for librarians, Ye Zhongming needed some books to cultivate Alchemist. The librarians quickly found all the relevant books. Later, Ye Zhongming said that he could try to train The complete refining system, the librarians did not have any objection, directly asked Ye Zhongming for the storage method, and then stored all the recipes and materials for refining medicine.

Seeing the sweetness, Ye Zhongming simply asked to take away many secretaries of cultivation techniques, as well as manufacturing and gene books. Old Dean waved his hands, no problem.

Now the attitude of the librarians is very clear, Ye Zhongming can take away copies of any books he wants.

Taking these things as human feelings, the librarians are not distressed at all, even if these books are their common love, compared with freedom, it is nothing.

In addition, some of the librarians came to Ye Zhongming and wrote a few books for him silently. Ye Zhongming looked at it, and it turned out to be about the Taros red dwarf manufacturing technology.

“These books were put here many years ago by the Talos Red Dwarf, and later they were taken back. They are the only books on their manufacturing methods. The content of these books has been for a long time, and the manufacturing technology is different from cultivation. techniques, the newer the better, so these books are for your reference only. “

This collector who accepted the previous inheritance said to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming said he knew and thanked them.

In fact, Ye Zhongming thinks that these books are also very good. At least he can figure out what the manufacturing principle of the Talos Red Dwarf is, so that the dwarf’s equipment will disappear in my eyes. Although he could not immediately master or even catch up with other people’s technology, at least, Ye Zhongming will find a way to surpass.

In addition, the two sides also agreed that this place will be a place for Ye Zhongming to train strong men. He will send some of his henchmen to further education, and the librarians will teach them according to specific conditions.

In short, this will become a training base and school for Ye Zhongming in the future, providing him with better and stronger men.

Of course, Old Dean and the experts here will personally guide Ye Zhongming to practice.

In the end, the thing that brought the most intuitive benefit to Ye Zhongming right now is that the library gave money.

They gave Ye Zhongming …… 10 million monthly pensions.

At the time, Ye Zhongming was stupid when he heard this number.

He almost hung up and only received 10,000 units of monthly pension.

A piece of red condensation-grade equipment made by the Talos Red Dwarf, the best of which is 50,000 years old.

A precious medicine of Changxu aquarium, precious eight turns, at most it is less than the hundred thousand month old.

According to Ye Zhongming’s knowledge, at a auction that year, a piece of Lenny’s equipment was sold for a few thousand thousand years.

10 million monthly gold, can you buy a strong God-level equipment? Ye Zhongming doesn’t know, but even if it’s not enough, it will never be too different.

When the Library of the Palace hits, it is a scary 10 million!

All of a sudden, I really stunned Ye Zhongming.

Although the king of Genting knows that most of them need to buy various refined materials, they have not stipulated how you must spend it. You must make a list and so on. Instead, Old Dean said very grandly, not enough. If you say so, ask someone.

The only requirement is probably to let Ye Zhongming come to the Library once every cosmic year, and personally tell the librarians about the progress of refining free antidote and let them see hope.

For this, Ye Zhongming naturally agreed.

By the time Ye Zhongming left the library, he was completely different from him before he entered.


Jie Su received Ye Zhongming, said with a smile: “I thought you would stay in it for a few more days.”

Ye Zhongming sorry said: “It’s addictive and I’ve made you wait so long. I ran in the wrong direction.”

Ye Zhongming came out of the Palace Museum, not at all first came to the place agreed with Jie Su and several guard clouds, but first teleported to another place, where he got a space equipment, in which he was placed All the books you need and the full 10 million month old.

“It’s okay, go. I’ll invite you to eat. Although you are a rich man, it’s not cheap to read in the Library, especially the A-Rank access. It’s expensive and scary. I guess it took a lot of five days.”

Jie Su didn’t know that he was standing in front of a multi-millionaire with a very high gold content.

Because Xingzhao City is a neutral city, the life that lives here has more leisure and leisure to study other things besides fighting, which has created the title of the capital of art, the capital of music, the capital of cultivation and so on. Of course, there is also the capital of gourmet food.

Jie Su familiar found an elegant restaurant. After he came in, he and Ye Zhongming had a table alone, and his table was guarded by the Star Eyes.

“Taste, this is the signature dish here. It ’s hard to forget once. It ’s a bit expensive, and it hurts me to eat it.”

Ye Zhongming looked at the menu before and found that the food in front of them that barely enough for two people is going to be a thousand years old, which is really too luxurious.

After the dishes came up, Ye Zhongming tasted it. It was really delicious, and it really made people think that the world is beautiful.

Ye Zhongming looked at Jie Su while eating, making the latter smile with a bitter smile and asking him what happened.

The king of Genting put down the tableware and whispered: “If there is a chance to come here to eat here later, would you let it go?”

(End of this chapter)

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