1858.Chapter 1858 has one’s hair stand on end

1858 Chapter Have One’s Hair Stand On End

“The second phase of the test will end in an hour. All novices immediately stop attacking each other and look for an open area nearby to be picked up.”

“Offenders are executed.”

“The on-going hunting can continue. Now, the novices in the last thousand of the leaderboards must take the time to earn points. After this period, the number of eliminations in the last place is one thousand!

“Please note that novices in the top 100 points standings, if you can keep the ranking until the end of the second stage, you will get an additional 2% points rewards. Please point the 101 to 1,000 points standings Novices, if you can keep your rankings until the end of the second stage, you will get extra 1% points rewards. “

“Rewards will be issued in real time after the end.”

The recorder uploads such text to remind every alive novice that the second small cycle is over for three days.

Ye Zhongming looked at Amus who was less than one 100 meters away from him, and smiled coldly.

After killing Hawkins, he kept running with his team member.

In fact, this kind of running is not a escape, because without the mechanical speedboat, people like Ye Zhongming and Neptune have a significantly faster speed in the sea than the three of Amos. If it was n’t for Amos because his husband was killed, Ye Zhongming is going to be chased and replaced by someone else.

Ye Zhongming calculated the time to light a bonfire on an island, grilled some hunted prey to eat, and sat there watching Amus coming from far and near, and then when he was less than 100 meters away from him Stopped by regulations on the display.

The King of Genting really hoped that Amours would be stunned by hatred and come up to attack him, but this woman who killed her son and her husband, just looked at him with that cold and gloomy gaze, sitting on the ground, The body is wet and dad, heaven and earth’s difference to separate from the image of the queen toes.

Sitting in the position behind her, Wadai and Akha were also very embarrassed. They chased at full speed for several hours, even if they were 9-Star Evolver.

At the same time, in their hearts, they were already full of fear to the man opposite.

Is it true that they can’t beat you? No, neither ribbons nor accars think so.

9-Star Evolver’s recovery ability is quite terrifying. Ye Zhongming is one of the well-know figures. With a long virtual water clansman, they don’t think they have no battle power now.

Of course, no one wants to face 9-Star Evolver who is crazy and has a powerful battle power, which is also recognized by them. The same is true for Ye Zhongming. Everyone knows that this is crazy. Woman will never hesitate, what if she is really replaced? This should be the scruples in the hearts of these people.

Wallace and Acqua’s eyes on Ye Zhongming are very complicated, because this person and Amos form a sharp contrast, they care more about the safety of the members of the team, not just as the Hawkins and the couple, they are just a relationship of interest.

Naka stuck the long-handled knife next to him, and looked at his ranking on the recorder, feeling very uncomfortable.

Four thousand seven hundred and fifteen.

She doesn’t think her strength should be like this, she thinks that even if she can’t enter the top 5 10, the top 100 is absolutely fine.

It’s been delayed now.

The thought of leaving was irresistibly raised in my heart.

Now this woman, Aimus, is crazy, full of revenge, and Vadai and Ye Zhongming have unsolvable grudges. His younger brother was killed, but what about himself?

Nizha thinks so, he doesn’t have any hatred in it, so why follow them to do such a useless fight? Just because it belongs to Treasure Island?

this pygmy girl made up her mind, and after this cycle was over, she stopped following Amus.

Amus doesn’t care what other people think. She knows that the only goal in the rest of her life is to kill the man in front of her.

She knows she is crazy, but she has not lost her mind, she will continue to strengthen herself until she kills this person!

She placed the dead body of the child behind her back on the ground next to her leg, took out a package, and before opening it, others saw the blood stains leaking out of it.

Then she stood up and walked directly to Ye Zhongming, in the slightly nervous mood of Jiu Kui and the others … took away a burning wood from the bonfire, and then went to split a tree next to it, within a minute Created a new bonfire.

“Go with me …”

Wadai wanted to see if there were any prey around him. The low level of strength and weakness can be easily grasped, but before he finished speaking, he was shocked to find that Amuse had opened the dripping parcel. Grab the minced meat from the inside and place it directly on the flame.

The temperature of the bonfire didn’t hurt her armored hands, only the rotten meat.

Ye Zhongming was also surprised to watch this scene that made people feel trembling.

This woman is roasting her husband’s meat!

Then, it did n’t take long to cook. It was estimated that it was only a couple of minutes. Amus pulled back his hand and brought it to his mouth. He put most of the raw meat in his mouth, chewed it, and chewed it. Staring at Ye Zhongming and laughing.

This is a scene that has one’s hair stand on end.

Can hate really make people so? After Ye Zhongming’s initial shock, he just watched Amus quietly eat all her husband’s flesh into her belly.

The arrival of the cited aircraft represents the end of a small cycle and the beginning of a period of deep-seated hatred.


“Welcome back.” Zi zi Kaba appeared above the novice camp. It was strange that this time he not at all let these surviving novices do other things, but watched him all first.

“I said that to make it more difficult for you, you may believe it, but I think that if it is all a change in numbers, it seems that it can’t excite your attention, so I think that letting the last thousand people die before you should Can it stimulate you? “

He smiled, and then right hand grabbed it in the air. One thousand people who had been sent back to the Points List had been sent back. All the novices who hoped to survive all slammed, and his body was blown off directly.

Everyone thinks that they should have been fitted with certain devices when they were brought back, otherwise there would be no such effect.

After those burst, blood mist contaminated the surrounding novices.

“Well, good, I like your expressions, okay, now you have twelve hours of free time and enjoy yourself, because before the next cycle begins, I want to tell you something even worse.”

zi zi Kabbah finished, disappeared with the disgusting aloof and remote.

The second rest cycle is here.

(End of this chapter)

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