1632. Chapter 1632

Chapter 1632

“It’s that person!”

A female soldier of the Red Makeup Guard said something, and everyone recognized it. The person on the opposite side of this influence was the man who almost pushed down the first person who explored the road.

Except for their huge size, the people in Genting really didn’t think that this person was outstanding.

“Let me do it.”

The redhead said this while looking at Xia Bai.

Xia Bai looked at Ye Zhongming, then hesitated, nodded.

With more contact with the red hair, Xia Bai knew very well that when he was not injured, the battle power was worse than the red hair.

Of course, if she suffered a serious injury, then she should be a little stronger than the redhead. Can be counted as a war beast, Jiubao against the undead ichthyosaur, her overall strength is not as good as red hair.

This gap is small. Sometimes it’s not fixed, because two people haven’t really tried, and can’t prove who can survive to the end when the real Life and Death fight.

However, Xia Bai knew that her battle power would increase exponentially when she was injured. In the face of the enemy, it is still possible to be killed by others in Early-Stage. In this respect, she is not as safe as red-haired. That’s why she quit.

“Relax, I’ve recently made some changes.”

Hong Development smiled as if telling everyone that she had regained her full life.

The two made a decision, Ye Zhongming said nothing more, he nodded at the red hair.

The redhead walked between the two sides, standing about ten meters away from the robust man.

The entire space suddenly changed, and the other places became completely dark. Only the two people in the middle had bright rays of light around them. Some energy lines emerged from the void, and they were intertwined rapidly, and soon weaved out. A beautifully shaped ring.

“The first single-player match starts in ten minutes. Within ten minutes, one party dies or the surrender game ends. The winner can choose to accept the surrender or continue fighting until one party dies.”

“When the time runs out, if the two sides have not separated the winner, then the one with the most remaining physical points will be the winner.”

“If the winning individual wins by killing the opponent, the shorter the time spent, the higher the reward. The initial reward is ALevel 9. For every minute spent, the reward is increased by Level 1. If you win within one minute, the reward is S. -Level. The affiliated team will receive the corresponding B9-BLevel 1 rewards, the highest is ALevel 9 don’t reward. “

“If the individual who fails fails, the influence he belongs to won’t get rewards. If the person who fails fails to surrender and accepts, then the individual will get DLevel 9 other rewards, and the belonging influence will get E9 rewards.”

“If the two sides need to judge the victory through physical points, then the winning individual will get BLevel 9 rewards, and the belonging influence gets CLevel 9 rewards. The losing individual gets CLevel 1 rewards, and the belonging influence gets DLevel 1 rewards.”

As soon as these awards and so on were announced, everyone who listened was also confused. After all, no one knows exactly what the awards with the letters are, but it can be distinguished that the rewards obtained by killing the other party are the best. The shorter the time, the shorter Well, if you kill in one minute, you will get S-Rank other rewards.

Think of all the magic in this roulette space. Everyone thinks that S-Rank’s other rewards are estimated to be excellent, maybe gold or even Purple Grade.

The rewards are tempting, but not so easy to get. To get the best level, you need to have completely overwhelming strength.

No one would say badly when it wasn’t played. After the light and shadow platform appeared, everyone else who was hidden in the dark became nervous.

“Ahan killed him!”

Such a sentence suddenly exploded in the team hidden in the darkness, followed by hustle and bustle of cheer, and then a variety of cheering sounds, mostly with slang and dirty words.

There are few people here in Genting, and the Red Makeup Guard hasn’t spoken yet. Only the Junior Army is unwilling to fall behind to cheer on the red hair.

On the light and shadow platform, the big man named Ahan seemed to be excited by his own cheering sound and entered a violent state. He opened his arms, showed strong muscles, and faced the red-haired furious roar from time to time.

“The physique points for both sides are, Genting Villa, 6789 points.”

The sound of this interrupted cheers and howls without any effort.

“Hidden snake journey party, 4780 point.”

At the top of the light and shadow screen, two people’s physical points appear.

As a result, the cheering and cheering sound of that party did not sound again.

It’s not clear what the physical points are, but it’s not difficult to understand, it’s nothing like things like blood in the game.

But for a 6789, a 4780, the gap between this and this is a little bit bigger, which is a full 20.9. One is a woman who looks lovely, and the other is a majestic robust man. The difference between the gender and body shape and the numerical value makes the two sides look a bit dramatic.

“The game is about to start. Enter the ten-second countdown, 10, 9, …”

The two people in the light and shadow platform were much calmer than the others below, staring at each other closely. When they heard the countdown, they each made some actions.

The redhead pointed one hand obliquely to the ground, and a red long spear appeared in his hand. The red Battle Armor on his body spread to some uncovered places, from a set of simple armors to full-body armors.

The red scale on the armor is covered with long spear, and the two sides are united.

“Genting Villas’s physical points, 7131 points.”

A change that increased the number of red-haired physique points by hundreds.

Ahan was breathing hard, and his burly figure had swelled a lot. He reached into his leather pants pockets close to his legs, took out two butter-like things, and quickly spread them on the bare On the body, the skin instantly glowed with oil. Under the rays of light of the light and shadow platform, you can clearly see that some small substances are creeping on it.

“Hidden snake journey party, physique points 6660.”

Oh ~~~

Watching the changes in the values ​​above, the team of Hidden Snake Journey sighed with surprise.

Although there is still a gap between this point and red hair, the difference is more than 2,000, and now it is less than 500. The gap is narrowing rapidly.

“1, 0 … start!”

With an order, the two people in the middle of the ring rushed forward at the same time, and the gunshot of red and the waving hand of the robust man collided.

It’s hard to imagine how much courage and self-confidence is needed to use flesh’s body to block weapons, but this man named Ahan did just that, his hands became extremely large. Lived redheaded long spear!

(End of this chapter)

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