1196. 绗 琗 NUMX link.

绗 琗 NUMX chain

阆 楄 吂 浜 Rainbow 殑 杩 欑  嶆 柇 嶆 柇 佺 佺 佺 镄 勬 Nan 寮 忥 纴 镄 勭 缁 欐 洐 鍏 夊 湥 娈 缁 欐 洐 鍏 夊 湥 娈 殑 浜 殑 浜 犳 垚 浜 嗘 瀬 澶 犳 垚 浜 嗘 瀬 澶纴 璁 ╁ 悓 纴 璁 ╁ 悓 懡 镄 勮  懡 镄 勮  纴 璁 ╁ 悓 纴 璁 ╁ 悓 纴 璁 ╁ 悓 纴 璁 ╁ 悓 篺 h h h h h h h h € € €

浠 栦 Sliding chain 夌 偣 杩 Crazy 尗 锛 岃 Umbrella 镙 Wind 殑 鍐 涢 槦 锛 岃 Umbrella 镙 Wind 殑 阆 楄 吂 浜 Monkey 纴 鍙 

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嶈 City Wall section

If you want to save the city wall, you can download the city wall to the system.熻 缮 杩 炵 潃 city wall 镄 勶 纴 鍏 跺 疄 not at all 澶  銆

City € citycity wall 銆

How to do this岀 殑 锛 屽 Ammonia umbrella

铏 界 劧 劧 掑  镄 勪 粎 浠 呮 槸 澶 栧  镄 勫  How to change the defensive power?闄 新 铡 熸 潵 镄 刼 ne third 鐢 氲 呖 旋 村 皯 銆

璁 ╃ 帇 灏 婂 拰 浜 戦 鎸 囨 尌 瀹 镒 熷 埌 妫 樻 镒 熷 埌 妫 樻 tree slide 浜 嗗 畧 fall 镒 熷 埌 妫 樻 镄 勬 槸 锛 屼 浜 嗗 畧 浜 嗗 畧 忚 忚 umbrella 娈 indigo clean 忚 city wall 锛 屽 ammonia dark 佽 佽 ㄥ 洿 镄 勭 伀 锷 涘  杩

殑 嗗 煄 阒 槸 鐗 槸 鐗 槸 鐗 槸 鐗 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 屽 姩 鍏 ㄨ 殑 殑 殑 defensive power屽 讥 琛 ワ 纴 鏁 翠 鐜 嫔 煄 阒

The key to this problem is to use the disease chain to change the operating system.綇 涔 熷 嚑 涔 庢 槸 綇 涔 熷 嚑 涔 庢 槸 € 綇 涔 熷 嚑 涔 庢 槸



埗 鐪 嬬 潃 鍧 嶅  镄 刢 g 埗 鐪 嬬 潃 鍧 嶅  镄 刢 ity wall閰 岖 粰 浠 栦 滑 镄 勯 《鑺 憋 纴 寮 € 濮 嬫 湁 搴 忕 殑 璧 烽  銆

Key The disease chain is very wide.

The Father looked at it, and seemed to take a random shot on the power of the gods. The striking rays of light struck again, hitting the inner wall of the collapsed city wall, which was far from the defense ability of the outer wall. A huge gap was hit directly.

King City lost the protection of the city wall at this moment.

“Crash in!”

These three words were sent out in the mouth of the Dawn Temple Warrior, and they spread like waves.

The cavalry moved. Under the cover of the comrades who rushed to the city wall, they started to move towards the breach. As long as they entered the king’s city, they basically announced the collapse of the spiritual city of the bereaved.

“Block them!”

This is the response of the posthumous people. In addition to the soldiers guarding the city wall, the army standing by in the city is also gathering towards the breach. The city wall is gone, so they are the city wall!

The air force of the Dawning Temple first came to the battlefield. They stood against the deadly equipment on the city wall and threw their top flower out. When the top flower ran out, they threw the lance and chain ball tied to the puppet. Go as far as possible to kill as many dead people on the city wall as possible to provide support for the advancement of ground forces.

Of course, if the King ’s air defense stréngth is better regardless of them, these fighters will let the posthumous people know what the formidable power of the Dawning Temple cost the highest troops.

The earth was shaking, the Knights of the Dawning Temple had rushed up, and those who were on the route of their steps had step aside, which caused a momentary pressure relief for the city’s head.

Nearly all city defense equipment, at this moment, when the external pressure was slightly weak, all of them suddenly aimed at the Temple Air Force, which was harassed in the air. Dense attacks hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Many of the commanders of the Dawning Temple were stunned, and even the remaining two giants and Saintess were frowned.

In this way, the posthumous people completely gave up the obstacles to the cavalry who was charging. Is it not that they are afraid to rush into the king city?

If it is necessary to let the commander choose between air and ground forces, which one to attack the city, everyone will choose the former. Because the former can use various methods to make up for and expel, but once the ground troops represented by cavalry flood into the city, it almost represents the end of the battle.

Therefore, the people in the Dawn Temple did not understand why the posthumous people made the same choice to give up.

But they never think that the posthumous people are stupid, they think there must be something they haven’t noticed that is happening.

The air riders did not expect that when they were coming back and coming back, the enemy would attack themselves madly, and in just a few breaths, nearly one third of the living stréngth was killed.

The defensive equipment above the king city, but it has been proved that there is a fatal destructive power for the existence of Level 8.

The roaring giant crossbow bolts and magic crystal weapons poured into a limited space, which was almost devastating. This formidable power has not been shown before because these weapons are scattered across a wide defense zone.

Now, when they are about to kill your air force, they have shown impressive formidable power.

Even if the commanding general’s crazy control team retreated at the fastest speed, when they left the battlefield, the Dawning Temple was famous for its most fearsome air riding Legion, and it was completely disabled.

Those who can come back alive don’t save one.

Every giant’s face was gloomy, even the Holy Father, who had always been peaceful, now looked like water.

Although there are many troops in the Dawning Temple, they are truly elite, and they are nothing more than the Knights, the Guards and the Air Rider. Now, the Air Ride is useless. If you want to form a large scale battle power again, it is estimated that you will rest for several years. For more than ten years, the lingering pupa is now waiting to grow up.

“Since they are courting death, let them die.”

The Holy Father made a decision, and all the Knights began to charge. He also knew that the bereaved must rely on it, so he would do so, but now he has no other choice.

Only fight to the end!

Regardless of casualties, break any of the so-called tactics and achieve the final victory.

The first Knight group, under such circumstances, rushed into Wangcheng, and after a loud shouting and killing broke out, it suddenly went silent.

As a result, the entire battlefield stagnated for a moment.

“Continue!” Holy Father’s voice was rippling through the space, and the Knights, who had begun to slow down, patted the mounts again and continued their charge.

Within the King City, the first Knight group rushing in with 2,000 people was dead at this moment. Blood and corpse had accumulated in the King City.

In the direction of their charge, countless backs are leaving quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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