Doomsday Rise

Chapter 2058: , half human and half corpse

The bright sword light fell, and dozens of Yaksha were cut into pieces. The corpses fell like raindrops. Liu Wei'an slowly landed on the ground. After his feet touched the ground, his figure shook slightly, but he quickly stood firm and said to everyone. : "Go southwest, about thirty kilometers away, there is a city."

He couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't bear it anymore. After five days and five nights of crazy fighting, plus he hadn't had a good rest since the fighting started, he was under great mental pressure. Jian Twenty-san, Chang Yueying and others followed behind without saying a word. Everyone's expressions were blank. The long and fierce fighting made everyone lose the mood to talk. It was also to save energy and seemed to talk more. In just one sentence, a huge amount of energy is wasted.

The chatty Erliang beggar also became silent.

Fortunately, there was more than just their team on this huge battlefield. There were several teams fighting in Yaksha. They were so far apart that neither of them knew who the other was and had no idea of ​​getting closer.

In the past five days, Liu Wei'an and others had killed so many yakshas that they themselves could not count them. However, the number of yakshas in the sky not only did not decrease, but increased, and dark clouds pressed over the city.

The only good news is that there are more human masters. From time to time, masters come from all directions to support them. The humans who can enter this place are all masters among masters. Every one who appears can attract a wave of Yaksha's attention. Liu Danger is preparing to move because this master attracts Yasha's attention. Otherwise, Yasha will be staring at them. It is really risky to move.

Liu Wei'an opened the way, and the others followed. Thirty kilometers usually took a few minutes to reach, but now, it took a full two hours to walk. This is a dilapidated city with almost no human habitation. It was tortured by zombies and then baptized by yaksha. Those who can still survive are the lucky ones.

A quarter of the high-rise buildings have collapsed or tilted. The city roads are filled with abandoned cars, fallen billboards, street lights, garbage bags, etc. There is an indescribable stench in the air. In the deserted corners, There is always a low abnormal noise, and I don't know whether it is small things such as mice or cockroaches moving around.

The city is very desolate, but no matter what, the high-rise buildings always give people a sense of psychological barrier. They can block Yaksha's sight to some extent and cause some trouble. After entering the city, Jian Twenty-san and others obviously feel that the pressure has weakened. At the same time, the huge feeling of fatigue made everyone feel as if their legs were filled with lead, which was unreasonably heavy.

Rushing into a building and heading straight to the basement, Taishi Chugong was about to kick the door open when he suddenly stopped.

"Does your foot hurt? Wait for me!" said Erliang beggar. Taishi Chugong's leg was injured and he was always limping when he walked.

"Sister, someone unexpectedly got in first." The Erliang beggar stopped when he was about to open the door. There were a few words written in blood on the door.

"If there is someone else, don't disturb me!"

The blood stain has dried, but judging from the degree of dryness, it must have been written yesterday.

"Someone should be adjusting the breath, so let's not disturb him." Jian Twenty-san said. He knew at a glance that it was human blood. It should be the blood of the person who wrote it, and he casually got a little bit on his body.

"Let's go." Liu Wei'an said. Everyone exited and chose the next building. This city is not small. Although many buildings collapsed, there are still many left behind.

However, there were many people who had the same idea as them. Several people walked into seven or eight buildings in a row, and they all wrote the same words in blood at the entrance.

"If there is someone else, don't disturb me!"

Some of the fonts are regular, some are random, some are strong enough to penetrate the wall, and some are extremely scrawled. Most of them were influenced by the people who built the first building. Writing retains people's attention, which is easy and convenient.

"There are quite a few injured people." Huangfu Yiyi said. People with strong strength also have different blood. Through the color of the blood, the owner's condition can be roughly judged.

"With so many yakshas, ​​the saint is afraid that there is no guarantee that he will not be injured." Che Luotuo said lukewarmly. His temper was not very good to begin with. After being injured, his temper became even worse. Taishi Chugong didn't know how much he had in his head. He dared not speak out when he was angry, and others tried their best not to provoke him.

"It's getting dark, let's go deeper inside." Liu Wei'an glanced at the sky. The people in front of him were looking for the nearest building because they were injured. There should be more vacancies inside.

Sure enough, when they went deep into the center of the city, they finally saw no one writing at the door.

"Let me just say that there is no one in this building." Taishi Chugong was proud that he had chosen this building.

"Crooked melons and cracked dates." Erliang beggar was very disgusted. According to his view of beautiful things, at least they must be symmetrical. This building is a product of the new era or future technology. It is twisted and asymmetrical. It is what he dislikes the most. type.

However, the building he was interested in was too far away and everyone was tired, so the distance determined their thoughts.

Everyone is very excited and can finally rest. Maybe because they are tired of fighting with humans, Yasha's aggressiveness has decreased, and he will still attack the targets he sees without mercy, but for those humans who hide very secretly, Yasha will not I will search the ground to find it like before.

It's a bit like being a picky and picky temporary worker.

Suddenly, Chang Yueying stopped and everyone was startled. They followed her line of sight and their hearts suddenly felt cold. Bones, fresh bones.

Fresh bones wouldn't be thrown here for no reason, there are people, and they just came in in the past two days.

"That's not right!" Gongshan Liujing and Erliang Beggar said at the same time.

"These are not animal bones." Song Qingtian said slowly.

"What do you mean?" Huangfu glanced at him one day and looked for Shuyuan He never paid much attention to Song Qingtian.

"These are not the bones of common animals like chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, but they look like human bones." Song Qingtian said.

"What do you mean-" Taishi Chugong was startled.

"These are not human bones, they are Yaksha bones." Gongshan Liujing affirmed.

"Who eats it?" After Taishi Chugong asked this question, the whole group fell silent. The first reaction was zombies, but I immediately rejected it. It is true that zombies can eat human flesh, but this thing does not spit out bones. Although some zombies will dislike bones and refuse to eat them, how can they eat the meat from the bones? Feeling this way?

Judging from the distribution of the discarded bones, it is clear that this is a behavior unique to humans, chewing while eating, and casually spitting out the bones that cannot be chewed.


No one wants to think about this, but apart from this answer, it seems that no more consistent answer can be found. Yaksha is not a human being. However, except for having two extra wings, in terms of appearance, it is no different from humans. Eating Yaksha , and eating humans can basically be equated.

"This is the only one, we won't change places." Liu Wei'an said calmly.


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