Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1846: , guard the throat

The third killing formation was named by Liu Wei'an himself. Because he didn't know the name of the killing formation, he just picked one at random. He is not that arrogant about the first killing formation. Based on his understanding of Taoist techniques, he vaguely knows that this killing formation cannot be ranked first. There are more powerful formations in the world. If it is second, there is The feeling is too low, but the third sword is just right. It just so happens that his sword is also called the third sword. The two third swords complement each other.

After a month of hard work, the killing formation was carved out, and it was a lucky success. He was very satisfied with its power and did not try it. However, he was sure that he would not be disappointed.

There is no end to the progress in the art of formation. After a month of hard training, his understanding of formation has improved. He once again upgraded "Suzaku City". Huo Nanyi, Master Lu and Tuhuang Sun felt the most obvious. The power of "Suzaku Formation" has been increased by about 10%. The only disadvantage is that the consumption has increased by 20%. Liu Wei'an also knew that the reason was his lack of ability. If he could reduce the consumption, then he would be able to establish a sect in the formation.

The greatest benefit from the increased power of the formation is "Kunmu City". The masters in the city obviously feel that it is easier to kill Warcraft. Yesterday, it took an hour to kill a Level 4 Warcraft. Today, it only takes fifty minutes. Ten minutes. The reduction is extremely precious to experts.

Liu Wei'an held the first meeting since he took over "Kunmu City". He held the meeting as the city owner. The participants included the top leaders of the Ping'an Army and representatives of the major families in the city. They were not necessarily the family heads, but some family heads. Or if the person in charge fails, the top master, the individual master who can be ashamed of himself, is at the platinum level at the very least.

The conference room was large, but simple, and there were no stools, because Liu Wei'an did not plan to hold the meeting for a long time. He hoped to end the meeting within 10 minutes.

On the only table, a slightly rough sand table was made. It was thrown out temporarily. It is impossible to be exquisite, but the basic mountains and rivers are there, and the proportions are correct.

"Everyone, let me tell you my plan." There was no opening video, and in the face of everyone's puzzled eyes, Liu Wei'an got straight to the point. He pointed with a stick at the narrowest place leading to the border wilderness in the central region and said: "The Ping An Army will Build a city here, and no matter who enters or exits from now on, they must obtain the consent of the Heian Army."

Some Sanren masters may not have realized the meaning of these words. All the representatives of the aristocratic families present took a breath. The place where Liu Wei'an was pointing was the only entrance to the central region.

The importance of this place is known to anyone with little geographical knowledge, and the major families will naturally be aware of it. However, for so many years, no one has occupied it. It's not that they don't want to, but that they can't.

Everyone had no choice but to leave reluctantly. No one dared to take action. The power of the "Suzaku Formation" has been deeply engraved in the bones of every person in Kunmu City.

"After clearing the borderlands, I will establish an empire, the Heian Empire. At that time, anyone who has made a contribution will be rewarded, regardless of his previous identity as a commoner, poor man, slave or ronin. The Heian Empire , only look at merit and ignore other things. Under the hereditary system of high-ranking officials, it is difficult for ordinary people to stand up. I provide you with an opportunity, and it may be the only opportunity. Whether you can seize it depends on everyone here. I have chosen." Liu Wei'an's voice was still calm, but the pressure under the calm was deeply felt by everyone.

"If you don't open it to us, where will we go to eat?" Zhao Si said with a pair of bull's eyes.

This kind of reform seemed ordinary, but soon, the people of the Ping An Army realized the huge benefits.

"The cafeteria has always been run by the Ping An Army and provided free food to everyone. Now there is an order from above that the cafeteria is not open to the public. Only people from the Ping An Army can enter." said the Ping An soldier.

Kunmu City, Tianxian City, Nantian City and Ocean City all wanted to compete for control of the Throat. No one would give in to the other. In the end, they had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. Each of them defended a part of the city, and the four cities formed a A circle, working together to control the throat.

They look at me and I look at you, they all hope that someone will be the first person, but unfortunately, no one has the courage to be the first person. The ability and means Liu Wei'an showed in "Kunmu City", especially at the moment Controller of the "Suzaku Formation", no one dares to oppose him.

"They are members of the Ping An Army, so they can naturally go in." The Ping An soldier said.

"What do you mean? I don't understand. Isn't the canteen always open for everyone to eat?" A master behind Zhao Si was very puzzled.

"From now on, all supplies of the Ping An Army are only for the use of the Ping An Army. If others want war supplies, they can go to the stores to buy them. The major stores in the city have reopened."

"The Ping An Army is treating people differently, this is discrimination, this is wrong, I protest, I protest strongly1

"Are you kidding? Do you know what you are talking about? I only want 30 talisman arrows, the simplest and most common flame talisman arrows, not flame explosion arrows. Don't get the price wrong."

Many people showed expressions of relief. Although they were unwilling to join the Ping An Army, they were also unwilling to be expelled. In this period of rampant monsters, if they were expelled from "Kunmu City", they might encounter misfortune at any time.

Warriors of different levels enjoy different benefits, including all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

"Do you want to use this method to force me to join the Ping An Army?? In my dream, the more you force me, the less I will join." Some people also have resentment in their hearts and are treated differently. No matter who they are, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Why don't you let me in?"

Next, Tang Dingdong reformed the Ping'an Army. The main point was the hierarchical system. The levels were divided according to strength and contribution. First-class warriors, second-class warriors, third-class warriors, fourth-class warriors... The decimal system was adopted. , one is the largest.

"This is not fair. We are also trying to kill monsters, and we are also contributing to Kunmu City."

However, Liu Wei'an was already very satisfied.

When the experts went to the inn to eat, they suddenly realized that the prices in "Kunmu City" were not low. The price of Warcraft meat was clearly marked. Different levels of Warcraft had different prices. At this time, everyone realized that the prices of food in the cafeteria were random. The meat of level 5 and level 6 monsters is a luxury item that they are usually reluctant to eat.

"Isn't this Zhao Si?? What's wrong with him?" Someone recognized the man at a glance. He was a master of knives. He was a master of hobs in one hand and could go off the edge with his knives. Those who were not familiar with his knife skills would easily suffer.

There is no harm without comparison. Only after clearly seeing the prices marked in the store can the experts know how much benefit they have obtained from the Ping An Army in the past days. Talismans, talisman arrows, shields... At that time, as long as they contributed to Kunmu City, they could receive them for free according to regulations. But now these benefits are gone. At this moment, many people regretted it and began to consider whether to join the Ping An Army.

"How is this possible? Where else can I buy so many charms??"

"It seems that Zhao Si wanted to eat in the cafeteria but was stopped." A master next to him said. At this time, everyone discovered that there were suddenly four soldiers of the Ping An Army in the canteen that had always been unguarded. The soldiers were wearing heavy armor and carrying thick-backed swords on their waists. They looked majestic. The two soldiers behind them were also holding gold. Level shield, in combat status. "From now on, the canteen will not be open to the public." Ping An warrior explained.

"I would like to ask, if you don't join the Ping An Army, you will be expelled immediately?" A Sanren master asked in a low voice, his expression was a little uneasy, but he still looked at Liu Wei'an bravely.

"There are still many restaurants and inns in Kunmu City. Of course, you can also solve them by yourself. When the Ping An army did not come, everyone was not hungry." The Ping An soldier said.

After dinner, when the experts went to the Ping An Army station to collect war supplies as usual, they were stopped. The Ping An soldiers informed everyone.

The situation was better than Liu Wei'an expected. He thought that one-fifth of the number of people joining the Ping An Army would be good. Unexpectedly, fully one-third of the people agreed to join the Ping An Army. However, they were mainly individual masters and wanderers. There are also slaves and aristocratic families. The only members are the Huo family and the Li family. The Li family is probably related to Li Yinyang. There is also the Leng family and the Cheng family. These two families have fallen into decline and are no longer considered a wealthy family. They can only be regarded as big families. People are gone.

No matter how big the opinions of the experts are, and no matter how loudly they protest, it is impossible to change the decision of the Ping An Army. Some experts shouted for a while, but found that it was useless, so they could only leave bored and disappointed, and they went to the store to buy. , but when I asked about the price, I almost jumped.

"Creating territories and creating a family fortune for future generations is a matter of your own free will. I won't force it. However, I can guarantee that joining the Ping An Army will definitely bring unimaginable benefits. That's about it. That's all I have to say. Having said that, I will give everyone 10 minutes to think about it. Those who stay will be deemed to have agreed to join the Ping An Army. Those who do not agree to join can leave directly." After Liu Wei'an finished speaking, he walked out of the reception hall to avoid causing pressure on others. .

This is the origin of the four major cities. Now, Liu Wei'an wants to monopolize the throat. Has he asked anyone else? Can anyone else agree?

"Some people should have heard that Ocean City, Nantian City and Tianxian City have all been conquered by Warcraft. Now Kunmu City is left alone to defend one side. This is the best time to take down the Throat. I know someone will Those who disagree, but it doesn’t matter. Anyone who disagrees will be expelled from Kunmu City immediately. If they resist, they will be killed." Liu Wei'an downplayed it, causing several representatives who were about to speak to shut their mouths tightly in fear.

"Are you crazy? You dare to shout at this price, why do you still want to show your face?"

At meal time, at the door of the cafeteria, a muscular man suddenly shouted, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. ,

"First, the Ping An Army does not accept everyone. Those who are incompetent will not be accepted, those who have poor character will not be accepted, and those with evil intentions will not be accepted. Second, only those who oppose the Ping An Army will be expelled. Those who oppose the Ping An Army will not be accepted. They are enemies. If they are enemies, I naturally cannot keep them by my side. I know that some people are not familiar with the Ping An Army and dare not join them rashly. I will not force myself on such people. As the saying goes, a melon that is forced is not sweet. Do you understand what I say?" Liu Wei'an's voice was clear and clear, without any ambiguity.

"How much?? Are you trying to steal money?"

"Why can they enter?" Zhao Si clearly saw that many people had entered before first step was to build a city so that external forces could not enter. The second step was to eliminate internal opposition. Power, four words, 'Shunchang Niyue', don't rush to refute it, I will show you the strength of the Ping An Army later. "Liu Wei'an raised his hand to signal everyone to be calm. The words 'Shunchang Niyue' will make anyone feel uncomfortable, except for the Ping'an Army.

"Don't you want to disgust me? Okay, I won't kill the monsters. Even if I go, it will be just a waste of money. When the time comes, when you beg me, I want to see if everyone doesn't kill the monsters, I just rely on you for safety. The army himself can deal with the monsters."

"Yes, we have to unite. We are not going to kill monsters. Why do you want me to work and not give us meat? Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Everyone must have some backbone and resist this behavior together. Unless Liu Wei'an comes to beg us in person, we will not kill the monsters. When Kunmu City is destroyed, who will regret it?"

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