Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1731: , are mine (Part 1)

"Ah, be careful—" Yan'er closed her beautiful eyes in fright. The passers-by on both sides showed regretful expressions. Zong Jingsun has a cruel personality, and if he makes a move, he will either die or be maimed.


Zong Jingfalcon's mace did not hit the Pingan soldier's head, but was blocked by a shield, and a deafening noise erupted. The red-scaled horse was frightened, and almost threw the woman flying, which made the woman furious, and a sword The red-scaled horse was beheaded, and the blood instantly dyed the street red.

"Ah!" Yan'er exclaimed again, she had never seen such a ruthless woman who cut off her head if she disagreed with her. Passers-by were no longer surprised by the woman's behavior, and it was unusual for her not to kill. On the contrary, the passers-by became interested in the shield of the Ping An soldier, but it did not break.

It is true that Zong Jingying has a violent personality, but it is also true that he is born with supernatural power and strong strength. His mace is in Kunmu City. Not many dare to take it hard, and he can't break a shield. If you read correctly, the shield is only silver. Zong Jingfalcon could easily smash through a golden shield.

What's even more inconceivable is that the soldier only seemed to be struggling, but he was not injured. An ordinary soldier, not only did he not die, he was not injured after taking Zong Jingfal's blow? Many people's eyeballs were wide open, even though it was just a casual blow from Zong Jing Falcon, it was enough to prove that this warrior was not simple.

"Zong Jing Falcon, you've only run two hundred kilometers, and you've run out of energy?" Zheng Shutong, who was dressed as a scholar, had a half-smile, and his tone was furious.

"Zong Jing Falcon is good at breaking out, but his stamina is a bit weak, understanding, understanding." The handsome young man Guang Xiao practiced a pun. Immediately, Zong Jing Falcon's face darkened. His eyes turned cold, his muscles swelled, and he felt a surge of strength. When it exploded, the red-scaled horse couldn't bear the force. With a click, all four hooves broke at the same time, and it fell short. Zong Jingfalcon took advantage of the force to bounce and flew.


There was a loud noise, and the whole street shook. Zong Jingfalcon jumped into the air and looked at the person on the ground in disbelief. It was not the soldier, but a different person. He was short, strong, dark, with a plain face, and his age was not older than At the age of twenty-five, with bare hands, he took a mace from Zong Jingying.

This person's fists are like brass, emitting a slight light, sitting on a horse with his waist down, giving him a sense of majesty. The smiles on the faces of Zheng Shutong and Guang Xiaolian disappeared, and a pair of eyes fixed on this person.

The players on the road also looked at this man with wide eyes, seeing that he was dressed like other fighters, but, can ordinary fighters blow Zong Jingfalcon into the air?

"Looking for death!" Zong Jing Falcon was really angry and roared. The terrifying aura was like a volcanic eruption, and suddenly the wind surged. Above his head appeared the phantom of an ancient giant beast with four legs and two heads. It was full of spikes, and it was extremely terrifying. The mace was gone, and only a black light could be seen striking the ground.

The ground sank, and the blow seemed to shatter the ground. Passers-by were so frightened that they quickly backed away.


The terrible collision sounded again, the storm swept all directions, and several nearby streets felt strong vibrations. Zong Jing Falcon was once again thrown into the air, his arms were numb, and he almost failed to hold the mace. A huge wave surged in his heart . The smoke and dust dissipated, and people saw the warrior maintaining a posture of raising one fist to the sky, with a solemn appearance. His feet sank by nearly half a meter. Within a radius of ten meters, the neatly laid rock slabs were covered with cracks like spider webs. .

"Who are you?" Zheng Shutong and Guang Xiaolian stared at the warrior as if they were facing an enemy. They thought it was intentional to dress up like this temporarily, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. They never believed that this man was just an ordinary warrior.

"Missed." The complexity in Zhang Wuhe's eyes flashed away. As a master, she should always pay attention to the situation around her and walk along the way. Her focus is on the ground knife, the female archer, the scalper and the stone cow. , there is no danger, so there is no need to focus on it, but it also reflects her lack of observation and cultivation base from the side.

A truly powerful person should be aware of every detail, every plant and tree around him is clear, and there are no unexpected things happening.

There is such a powerful member hidden in the Ping'an Army, if it wasn't for this attack, she would never know.

"His name is Niu Shiqi. He was an early member of the Ping'an Army. He behaved normally in the early stage. After practicing the aura eye, his cultivation level increased sharply. It can be regarded as a long-term accumulation." There was a hint of relief in Liu Wei'an's smile. It is short, only a few years, and it is incomparable with those powerful families that have been active for decades or hundreds of years. Most of the members are born in the humble beginnings, with low cultivation and no resources. It is extremely difficult to live in this dangerous World of Warcraft.

This has always been Liu Wei'an's most worrying thing. Finally, good luck came once and got a spiritual eye. The spiritual eye seems to be a window opened to the Ping'an Army. Many outstanding members stand out. Niu Shiqi then is one of them.

"He's practicing Arhat Boxing, right?" Huo Nanyi interjected.

"That's right." Liu Wei'an nodded. If there was a chance, he would not fight for his subordinates. The Arhat boxing record was obtained by Niu Shiqi, so it belonged to him.

In this regard, UU Reading is not like other aristocratic families. The things they get must be handed over to the family, and then distributed uniformly. Liu Weian hopes that the people below will have more opportunities to increase their strength quickly. , strength is respected, only strong strength can survive.

"Arhat boxing can't be done quickly, it's about step by step. The most important thing is the foundation. If the foundation is not solid, it can't exert its power in the later stage. Many people can't bear the loneliness and give up halfway. This person's arhat boxing is hidden and not revealed. It has entered the top level It's really rare." Huo Nanyi said.

"Miss Huo still has research on Arhat boxing?" Zhang Wuhe looked at her.

"One of the elders in my family practiced Fuhuquan, and he also dabbled in other Shaolin unique arts. Arhat boxing happened to be good at the elders. I often listened to them when I was young." Huo Nanyi said.

Yan'er didn't know anything about martial arts, but she listened very seriously.

"Niu Shiqi, you don't need to keep your hands." Liu Wei'an saw Zong Jingying launching the third attack endlessly, and a killing intent arose in his heart.

"Buddha nods!" After receiving the order, Niu Shiqi shot a sharp light from his eyes, and his whole temperament changed from peaceful and authentic to glaring King Kong.


The world seemed to be shattered, and everyone felt their chest was hit by a giant hammer, which was extremely uncomfortable, but the most painful one was Zong Jing Falcon, who was hit by a terrifying force just halfway through the attack, this force was like a mountain torrent Manpower couldn't resist the pouring, he didn't even have time to react, he threw the whole body away, the mace was also out of his hand, and he vomited blood repeatedly in mid-air.


Zong Jing Falcon fell on the side of the road like a dead dog, his face was sallow, and he couldn't speak at all. When he opened his mouth, a large stream of blood gushed out.

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