Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1705: , even for three months

The old man is the head of the family, and other families are already headed by sons or even grandsons. He still holds the power of the family and is unwilling to pass on the power. The old man responded silently to the threat of the violent bear.

Amidst a burst of screams, the old man's children, grandchildren and female relatives were pulled out. Just as the old man raised his head, he heard Violent Bear's ruthless voice: "Kill his son first!"

The knife flashed, and the head fell to the ground.

The old man gave birth to 8 sons and 4 daughters in his life. It can be said that many children are blessed. Due to various reasons, three of the sons died, and the remaining five were left. One of the sons was traveling, and only four were at home. Four heads rolled down at the old man's feet.

"I still want to resist and cut off my grandchildren." Violent Bear can't stand the threat of others the most. The Ping An Army's execution is very strong. As soon as Violent Bear's voice fell, the heads had already fallen. This time there were more heads, 21.

"You..." The old man felt that he was about to explode, and his anger was so extreme that his old face became distorted and hideous.

"It's really stubborn, even the great-grandchildren—" Violent Bear got impatient.

"I said, I said!" The old man yelled in horror, his voice was sharp. The monstrous anger seemed to be drowned out by a basin of cold water, leaving only deep fear. The Yellow River Knife of the soldiers of the Ping'an Army had already been raised high, and drops of blood fell to the ground along the blade, as if a heavy hammer hit the old man's heart, one by one.

"Don't cut it, I said the password, I can say the password!" The old man begged and looked at the violent bear, and the soldiers of the Ping'an Army also looked at the violent bear. Whether to kill or not was all in his mind.

The bear's bell-like eyeballs waited for the old man. After struggling for a few seconds, the murderous look on his face slowly faded away. He remembered Liu Weian's words, if he could not kill people, he would kill as little as possible. He snorted, "That's the way it is, so many people died. Do you think you are a woman? You still have to be popular!"

The old man hated so much in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it, he was obsequious. The pyramid was opened, and it was a small pyramid filled with food and treasures. With the experience of the Pingan soldiers, they were very surprised. This family looked ordinary, but it turned out to be a big fish. No wonder the old man had such a hard mouth at first.

Seeing the wealth that originally belonged to him being taken away by car after car, the old man’s eyes darkened and he passed out. This is the accumulation of three generations of their family. They are diligent and hardworking.

In "Budian City of Buzhou", when the city lord and bishop left, they made a lot of preparations to prevent them from being attacked. First of all, the city gates were only allowed to go out but not to enter. Then the elites of the major tribes were clearly required to participate in the pilgrimage and were not allowed to stay in the city. The only fighting elites left in the city were the clergy of the church.

"Buzhou Budian City" never dreamed that the Ping'an army did not take the usual route, directly entered from the air with a glider, and caught the left-behind elite by surprise. When "Buzhou Budian City" reacted, the whole city was already under control.

At the beginning, "Buzhou Budian City" was not very clear about the style of the Ping'an Army, and it was relatively tough. The price was the destruction of several tribes and the corpses everywhere, so the remaining tribes and families were honest, and there were occasional exceptions. The Northwest Lame Wolf stepped on it with a smile.


The evolutionary's whole body becomes a meatloaf. The Northwest Lame Wolf was born in the Canlang Mercenary Corps. If Liu Wei'an hadn't specifically explained it, none of the people in "Buzhou Budian City" would have survived.

After the robbery, the Northwest Lame Wolf didn't wait for too long. The Ping'an Army arrived and changed the chariot directly. The Northwest Lame Wolf and others roared away in an empty chariot and went straight to the next city.

Food and supplies were transported from all directions to the "Moon Ancient City", and all were transported back to the Han Dynasty by subway. Not only Liu Weian, but Bai Ling also did not expect this wave of bumper harvest.

At first, I thought that planning the "Maya Empire" would be a long-term process. Even if it didn't take ten or eight years, it would always take three to five years. Who knows, it's only a pilgrimage meeting to complete the goal.

The pilgrimage society has absorbed the elites from all over the country into the "Holy City". Theoretically, the Mayan Empire has no foreign enemies. Zombies are interested in humans. Humans are gone. Zombies will not attack the city for no reason. The habit of worshiping for many years has caused the Mayan Empire to ignore the safety of their hometown, and they just met Liu Wei'an.

Liu Wei'an is a member of the Han Dynasty, and he has no belief in the true God, nor does he have the habit of not launching wars during pilgrimage. Cities were captured one after another, and the news was different, which made the Ping An Army's operations very smooth, and there was no need to worry about things like tipping off the news.

Even if someone wanted to tip off the news, they had to be as fast as the Ping An Army.

"Five Bears City", five bears is the name of a hero of the Mayan Empire. Wu Xiong was born in the Yute family. Back then, the Yute family went to the battlefield for the safety of the Mayan Empire. In the end, the whole family perished, and no one was spared.

Liu Wei'an came to "City of Five Bears" with his escort, and saw from a distance that "City of Five Bears" was caught in the flames of war, with raging flames and thick smoke rising into the sky.

"You guys come later!" Liu Weian got off the car, his speed exploded, and his whole body was shot out like an arrow from the string. After a distance of two kilometers, he arrived within a few breaths. The city gate turned into ice slag, scattered all over the ground.

Although the people in "Five Bears City" are only old, weak, sick and disabled, they are unwilling to give in. Everyone is resisting. Old men over a hundred years old are hiding in the dark with crossbow arrows and sneak attacking.

With a flash of light, the sniper rifle appeared in his hand. Almost at the same time, the index finger of his right hand pulled the trigger, and a ray of flame shot out.


There was a hole the size of a teacup on the pillar, and the head of the archer hiding behind the pillar exploded like a broken watermelon.

Bang, bang, bang!

On the second floor in the east, three archers with the most ruthless archery headshot. Liu Wei'an shifted his gun, and tongues of flame shot out one after another. On the right roof, six archers shot their heads almost simultaneously. Blood and brains splashed in the air. Liu Wei'an had already shifted his target. On the ground, the head of the evolutionary who turned into a hungry wolf suddenly exploded. The hungry wolf was thrown several meters away. After landing, it returned to its human form.

The body of the gun vibrated, and a hundred meters away, the evolutionary who was holding a scimitar shot his head, and almost hit the Pingan soldier in the back. Liu Wei'an went from the gate of the city to the middle of the street, killing nearly a hundred evolutionaries one by one, but none of them could get close to him.

"Get out!" Liu Wei'an put away the Thor sniper rifle, and punched out from the air. The giant man who was besieging the Ice and Snow Goddess frantically blocked, his arms snapped off instantly, and the terrifying force was transmitted into the body along the arms, his internal organs were shattered.

Look carefully, there are pieces of flesh in the blood spurted out by the giant man.

"Ask the heart finger!"

The heart of the female evolutionary holding two swords suddenly exploded. As if struck by lightning, the female evolutionary was discouraged like a tide of strength, and fell limply on the ground. The back of the ice goddess was close at hand, but she had no strength anymore.

"Get out of the way!" Liu Wei'an said, and the Ice and Snow Goddess left without any hesitation. The eyes of the three evolutionaries blurred.


The three evolutionaries flew in response to their fists, and after landing, there was no more movement. When the Ice and Snow Goddess was liberated, the Ping'an Army who followed Liu Wei'an also arrived. They quickly occupied the commanding heights, and the Thunder God sniper rifle was condescending and started shooting wildly.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour before it ended. It wasn't because the Ping'an Army released the water, but because the people of "Five Bears City" were too tough. UU Reading www. Not afraid of death, there are only one soldier left, unwilling to surrender, Liu Wei'an's face is cold, he didn't get used to them, let "Five Bear City" beg for hammer.

In the end, all the enemies were wiped out, and the Ping'an army won a complete victory. Except for two serious injuries, more than 20 people were slightly injured, and none of them died. Annihilating the enemy + was considered a great victory, but none of the Ping'an army was happy.

Except for gold coins that cannot be burned, everything else that can be burned is burned. What the Ping'an army valued most was food, and the gold coins were just incidental, and they picked them up when they saw them, and didn't worry about them if they didn't see them.

"It doesn't matter. There are many cities in the Mayan Empire. One is missing, and there are others." Liu Wei'an comforted everyone, and the convoy set off to the next city. Fortunately, this is a big city, and it returned with a full load.

The robbery trip lasted for three months. The battle of the holy city came to an end. The holy city was victorious. All the invading zombies were wiped out, and the worshipers began to return. Therefore, Liu Weian ordered the end of the robbery trip. In fact, there were not many results. Most of the wealthy cities were robbed once.

In three months, the Han Dynasty supported another 200,000 Ping An Army. Otherwise, with the previous strength, it may not be possible to win the city of the Ant Empire in three years.

The people who went out to fight were exhausted. Liu Weian had a three-day holiday, and they had their own rest, but the logistics department couldn't rest. They had to send all the food and supplies back to the Han Dynasty before they could have a holiday.

Liu Wei'an didn't take a rest, and got on the car to the holy city with Bai Crazy, Da Xiang and others.

Doom rises

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