Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1700: , zombie army

No one expected that Liu Wei'an would dare to take the lead in launching an attack when he was surrounded by groups of people. He said that he was focusing on the man in black, but when he shot, he aimed at the bishop in purple, aiming at the strongest person . In the minds of worshipers, Ziyi Bishop Rongzhen Ximudu Saifu is the strongest.

When Liu Wei'an took action, a battle of life and death was unfolding in the north of the Holy City. One side was dominated by the clergy, and the other side was the Mohan family. Both sides were fighting for their lives, which was extremely tragic.

The clergy launched a sudden attack, which can be called a sneak attack, but the effect was not good. The Mohan family seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The two sides fought fiercely. The clergy were numerous and powerful. Inferior, back one after another.

The Mohan family is actually a tribe, just because a certain family is too famous, and the people are used to replacing the tribe with the family. The church is attacking the core family of the Mohan family this time, not the entire tribe. The whole tribe has millions of people. The church Not that silly yet.

The Mohan family occupies a vast area, with two hills. The population of the core family is about 100%. This is thanks to the doomsday. Before the doomsday, the disaster of the doomsday caused the members of this family to drop by more than 70%.

For a strong castle, the most effective way to destroy it is from the inside. It has not been a day or two for the church to deal with the Mohan family. It has already trained or planned a lot of people in the Mohan family. When the Mohan family did not expect it, suddenly The rebellion caught the Mohan family by surprise. They panicked for a while, not knowing who was the enemy and who was their own. The church took the opportunity to attack and quickly captured a mountain.

The number of people on the second mountain is relatively small, only about 8,000, but the people living on this mountain are all direct descendants of the Mohan family. There is no need to doubt their loyalty. There are many powerful people, but they stop at the foot of the mountain, and they can't kill them no matter what.

Three Tianpin exorcists have already dispatched, but they still failed to break through the Mohan family's defense line. Zuo Guardian stood on another hill and commanded the whole army. His face was as usual, and he couldn't see any expression, but he was very anxious inside. , There is not much time left for him.

The Mohan tribe is gathering their people, and now a small group of reinforcements has arrived at the scene, causing them a lot of trouble. The longer the delay, the more people will come, and the greater the pressure on the church.

With the power of the church alone, it is possible to wipe out some small tribes, but the Mohan tribe is the majority. The church alone cannot destroy the Mohan tribe.

He stared at the opposite hill. The building is continuous and layered. It is the core of the Mohan family. His son-in-law, even in the honeymoon period, only went in three times, and all three times he stopped at the third floor courtyard. Inside is a forbidden area, he is not qualified to enter.

Scenes of the past flashed through his mind, a red firework bloomed in the sky, a smile appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "Notice the ten evils, you can do it."

Not long after the order was delivered, an earth-shattering explosion occurred on the opposite mountain, smoke and dust rose into the sky, flames soared into the sky, and screams pierced the sky. The Mohan family suddenly realized that there were enemies everywhere, explosions in all directions, and the geographical advantage disappeared...

The Golden Pheasant tribe is a small tribe. The patriarch has always advocated for more children, but due to various reasons, the fertility rate has not risen but dropped, especially after the end of the world, the fertility rate has reached a freezing point. It is not because young people are unwilling to have children. It's because you can't protect or support your child, and you need to go all out to eat and drink yourself. How can you talk about raising a child?

Now there are only more than one hundred people left in the Golden Pheasant tribe. In order to continue the glory of the tribe and for the future of the tribe, the Golden Pheasant tribe has invested heavily this time, and the whole family has made a pilgrimage. The clan elders came here on stretchers, hoping to impress the true God with such sincerity and get the Pope's blessing. If they can get a drop of holy water, the Golden Pheasant clan will not have to worry about it for decades to come.

However, life is always full of drama, dreams are full, and reality is very skinny. On the way into the city, the Golden Pheasant tribe didn't have any worries, because they had full confidence in the holy city, not to mention that the holy city could wipe out all enemies, so many worshipers alone were enough to overthrow the Ping'an army.

The Golden Pheasant tribe didn't know the Ping'an Army, and they hadn't even heard of it before, but this didn't prevent them from judging. It was too far away, and the Golden Pheasant tribe couldn't even see the chariot formation clearly, and could only hear the sound coming from a distance. There were violent collisions, but the Golden Pheasant tribe was very active and sent out the few remaining 30 or so warriors in the tribe, hoping to contribute to the holy city and do their bit.

The patriarch confidently believed that he had already reached the gate of the holy city, and he would not encounter any danger. He didn't need to stay behind the warriors. Therefore, when he saw the zombies pouring in like a tide, he felt despair, and he was still desperate.

A silver light came into view, the patriarch moved back in lightning, his body tightened suddenly, his neck became cold, he was already bitten by the silver zombie, the blood was sucked by the silver zombie like a tide, and the power of the patriarch also passed away with the flow of blood , The raised hand still has 10% of its strength, but when it falls on the silver zombie, less than 20% of it is left, and 20% of its strength is drizzle to the silver zombie.

After a few breaths, the patriarch was randomly discarded by the silver zombies and fell to the ground. It was already a corpse. The Golden Pheasant tribe was stunned by this scene. The warriors all went to assist the Holy City in dealing with the Pingan Army, and the rest were not old and weak The sick and disabled are women and children, and there are also a small number of evolutionaries, but their combat power is extremely low, and they are a little stronger than ordinary people. Facing a wave of hatred, bronze armor corpses, white-haired zombies, and black-haired zombies, their hands and feet are cold. , before he even had time to resist, he was embraced by the zombies.

Anyone who has dealt with zombies for a long time knows one thing, once hugged by zombies, the possibility of surviving is very slim.

More than a hundred members of the Golden Pheasant tribe turned into corpses in the blink of an eye. The corpses were crumpled and had been drained of blood. The Golden Pheasant tribe was at the outermost edge. Small tribes are generally treated like this, and they couldn’t find a good place. .

The only sacrifice made by the Golden Pheasant tribe was their screams. The screams woke up the tribes around them, and they turned around suddenly, their expressions changed drastically.

"There are zombies—"

The panic-stricken voice couldn't help but make people's hearts tremble. The warriors who were staring at the battlefield couldn't help cursing: "What's so great about zombies, just kill them. With so many of us, we are afraid of just a few—"

The scolding stopped abruptly, the warriors opened their mouths wide, their displeasure turned into fear, their eyes shone with despair, and they burst into a sharp cry uncontrollably: "There are zombies—"

Chain zombies, ogres, ghouls, abominations, predators, hunters, monkeys, golden zombies, back corpses... Dark zombies are all over the ground, flooding towards this side, many people are afraid I have never seen so many zombies in my life. The big tribes are uneasy, but they can still calm down and immediately dispatch troops. Those small tribes are filled with despair, their hands and feet are not in control, and they are loudly reprimanded by the chiefs and elders. The defense was formed tremblingly, and when the zombies charged, the fragile defense fell apart. Amidst the screams, several small tribes were overwhelmed by the zombies.

The army of zombies was advancing too fast. When I saw it, it was still on the outside, and there were small tribes resisting it. When the large tribes inside were ready, I found that the zombies had already arrived, and those small tribes had disappeared and were overwhelmed by zombies. There are still a few tribes that are not completely submerged, and they are already the lights of fireflies, which are about to go out.

With a flash of sharp claws, the tribal warrior suddenly felt that his arm could no longer be used. When he looked closely, a red line appeared. The next second, the entire arm separated from the body and fell to the ground with a smooth incision. The severe pain made the warrior twitch his body uncontrollably. With this trembling, the zombie hugged his neck, and his sharp teeth pierced into the main artery. The warrior's struggle quickly changed from fierce to weak, and finally became silent.


The knife was fierce enough to break through the rock and slashed on the golden zombie, only a slight mark was seen. The claws sliced ​​off the warrior's head, blood gushed out from his neck, and the zombies stimulated by the blood became more and more excited.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three tall and powerful evolutionaries hit the corpse-backed demon at the same time, and the corpse-backed demon remained motionless. The arms of the three evolutionaries were broken, and the corpse-backed demon suddenly approached, hugged the three of them, and gnawed at them. Lost, the three people who landed were already skinny, their bodies trembled for a while and then became silent.

The zombies have no fear in their hearts, and they will rush to wherever there are many people. Human beings have always relied on their numerical advantage to deal with zombies. When the numerical advantage is gone, human beings have no good means. The tribe wants to retreat, but there is no way to retreat. Behind them are other tribes. The tribe can't retreat until there is a vacant space, and even if a vacant space comes, it will be too late, the speed of the zombies is faster than that of humans.

One tribe after another fell, and the screams spread from the outside to the inside. The tribes inside were all focused on the Ping An Army. Swelling from a distance, endless.

"Oh my God, how come there are so many zombies!" Duo Duojia took a deep breath, even though she always thought she was very courageous, although she was a girl, she was not inferior to boys, and she felt scared at this moment, her expression turned pale. Unknowingly changed.

"Why did the zombies come here? This is the holy city, blessed by holy objects. Zombies don't dare to approach here easily. How could-" Wang Weifeng was also frightened by the army of zombies. When his eyes fell on the ground, he suddenly came to his senses. Shuo: "Blood, it's blood!"

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