Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1648: , legal plunder (below)


"Yamug, do you still have food? Lend me some food. There is no food at home. I will return it to you when I spend half a month." Luo Guji came in a hurry early in the morning To a good friend's house.

In the past, the two families lived next to each other. After the transformation of "Blackwood City", due to the different locations chosen, one of the two families is on the east side of the community and the other is on the west side of the community. The straight-line distance is only 300 meters, but it takes more than ten minutes to run.

The sense of alienation came out all at once, and Luo Guji couldn't judge whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for a while, but even if it was a bad thing, he didn't have time to take care of it now.

At home, there was no food yesterday, and the wife and children are still waiting for the rice to cook.

"I'm still going to find you." Yamuge looked sad.

"What's wrong?" Luo Guji thumped in his heart, with a bad premonition welling up.

"Let's take a look." Yamuge took Luo Guji to the big tank where he usually stored grain.

The tank was empty, nothing was left.

"I ran out of food yesterday. I was wondering if there was any other way to get some food. Who knows, I ran out of money. Last night, I didn't sleep all night. I wanted to go to you in the morning to see if there was any food in stock. , you came first instead." Yamg said.

"What's the matter, you spent the money too?" Luo Guji was a little strange. Yamg is a squirrel, he likes to hoard things, and money is usually only in and out.

In the circle of friends around him, although Yamuge lives the poorest, he is the richest one.

"I bought a chariot." Yamg whispered.

"Why do you buy a chariot?" Luo Guji was very surprised. Yamuge is the person who dislikes electronic products the least. He doesn't even use electronic watches. How could he buy a chariot?

"I thought it was cheap, so I wanted to buy it to transport goods. The transport capacity of a chariot is hundreds of times that of a trolley. If we have a chariot, we can complete our daily workload in one trip." Yamu Grid whispered.

" do you do now?" Luo Guji asked.

"I don't know." Yamuge is also very guilty now. All his savings have been bought for chariots. His pockets are cleaner than his face now.

"Yamug, do you have any money? Lend me some money to buy food. I'm so hungry that my chest sticks to my back. I haven't eaten since yesterday. I'm dying." There was a man with a blue symbol painted on his face. Wen's man rushed in, yelling as he ran.

"Luo Guji, why are you here? What are you doing at Yamg's house early in the morning?" The man looked surprised.

The corner of Luo Guji's mouth twitched, and he didn't want to talk anymore. It's understandable that he and Yamuge ran out of money. After all, it costs a lot to support a family. The man in front of him is also a child they played with since childhood. He is not married and single. Alone, life is the happiest, and there is no rice to cook, this is too much.

With a bitter face, Yamg told the situation.

"Oh!" The man struck hard with both fists, showing a remorseful expression, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have bought a chariot."

"Why are you buying a chariot? You don't even have a driver's license." Luo Guji was very surprised.

"Things with four wheels are not easy. Why do you need a driver's license? Can it still turn over? I plan to be a driver in the future and deliver goods. It's better than bending over in the farmland, so as soon as I gritted my teeth, I borrowed money to buy it." Get in the car." The man said.

"With four wheels, you won't overturn? Where did you get the confidence?" Luo Guji was speechless.

"What should we do now? Everyone has no money and no food." Yamg looked worried.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." The man said loudly. Yamuge and Luo Guji immediately looked at him expectantly. The man is idle, but Lu Ziye has many friends, so maybe there is a way.

"Part-time job!" The man spat out two words.

Luo Guji and Yamuge were dumbfounded, what is 'part-time job'?

Recruitment, two simple words, wiped out the labor force of "Blackwood City". First, they emptied the pockets of "Blackwood City" with a variety of products that "Blackwood City" had never seen in their entire lives, and then bought up all the grain and raised the price of grain.

The people in "Blackwood City" wear beautiful, clean, and comfortable clothes, and live in spacious, tidy, and atmospheric houses, but they are hungry. Their only choice is to sell their labor in exchange for a chance to survive.

The Ping An Army mainly provides three types of positions, ordinary people, that is, non-evolved

Those who are farmers, grow food or collect orchid fungus, and evolutionists, can choose two more options, fighting occupations, dealing with zombies, and catching live zombies in exchange for food or money. Those who are unwilling to fight can choose to do logistics.

Anyway, in a word, if you want to get, you have to pay first.

From the master of "Blackwood City" to a migrant worker, the role transition was completed unconsciously. Many people are also grateful to the Ping An Army, thinking that they have given them the superior living conditions and employment opportunities today. In the past, if there was no food, they could only wait for relief from the city lord's mansion or the church. This kind of relief was entirely based on luck, sometimes it was available, and sometimes it was not.

It's different now, as long as you have hands and feet, you can rely on your own hard work in exchange for success in labor. It gives everyone a chance to change their destiny, especially women, who also have the right to work.

There are also some people who, UU Reading can’t hold back their face, are still considering whether to go to work. Soon there is news that more and more women are coming out of their homes, and they have seized a large number of labor positions. , There are not many remaining labor positions, and competition is needed, and the tense atmosphere has risen, and no one dares to be naughty anymore.

"This model is very good, and we will adopt this model in the future." Seeing that the transfer of roles and rights has been completed quietly, Liu Wei'an is very happy. He has become the master and has also received a lot of labor. It is carried out under the rules of the church and is legal and compliant.

The old city lord, an old antique, couldn't find any reason or opportunity to refute. In only two or three days, "Blackwood City" went exactly as Liu Wei'an wanted. Evolvers go out to deal with zombies, start in the morning, and basically come back at night. The super-performance chariot makes every evolutionist full of praise.

Even evolutionists who take the agile route like to sit in the car. Farmers grow food under the guidance of experts. According to the truth, the Mayan civilization is also an ancient civilization, and it is also a new farming civilization. However, their planting technology still stays at the primitive level of spreading seeds on the ground. Whether they can survive depends on God’s will. stage, so many years have passed without any progress.

People in "Blackwood City" should be grateful for the land of Blackwood City, otherwise, they would have starved to death countless times. Everything seems to be on track, except for a few people who are out of tune with all these changes.

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