Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1625: , gem theft

"The gemstone on Bishop Green's scepter was stolen." Chen Danxia said. Green is the name of the cardinal of "Blackwood City". Generally speaking, everyone respects the cardinal as a bishop, and basically no one dares to call him by his first name.

That's why Chen Danxia, ​​who came from the Han Dynasty, didn't have basic respect for the church, so he was called like this.

"Gem? What gem is so precious?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"A black gem looks like obsidian, but it's not obsidian. The thief took advantage of this feature and replaced the gem with an obsidian, so that no one knows exactly when the gem was stolen. Bishop Green Because I couldn't sleep, I took the scepter to wipe it, only to find that the gemstone had been dropped, and I was furious." Chen Danxia said.

"This bishop is also weird, going to bed so early." Liu Wei'an said.

"Bishop Green is getting old, and he pays great attention to self-cultivation. His standard sleep time is 8:30 in the evening, and he gets up on time at 6:00 in the morning." Chen Danxia said.

"Nine and a half hours, such a long time, how can I sleep?" Huang Yueyue was very puzzled. The elderly are different from the young. The young are lethargic. Some people can lie in bed for more than ten hours. Different, due to the decline of physiological functions, the quality of sleep is generally poor, and it is not easy to sleep peacefully for 6 hours.

The elderly get up early, not because they have something to do and rush to work, but simply because they can't fall asleep.

"Is there any special function for this gem or is it just a symbol of royal power?" Liu Wei'an asked. If it's the former, he has to get involved, if it's just the latter, he's not interested.

The rights of items come from people, and items are dead, so what about priceless gems, in the last days, they are not as useful as a bowl of rice.

"It is said that this gemstone has magical power, but there are different opinions about its specific effect, and it is very mysterious. It should be a kind of propaganda effect." Chen Danxia replied.

"What are the rumors?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"Some people say that black gemstones are items outside the Milky Way and do not belong to the solar system. They can increase intelligence and enhance wisdom. Some say that black gemstones are left behind after the death of great figures in ancient mythology. They have the effect of prolonging life and improving sleep. It makes people young, and some people say that black gemstones contain mysterious power. If they are extracted, they can immediately turn an ordinary person into a peerless expert. There are also some other sayings, such as killing people invisible, picking things from the air, etc. It has everything, as if the gem has become an omnipotent god, and can achieve anything." Chen Danxia said.

"Isn't it too exaggerated?!" Huang Yueyue laughed, how can there be such a powerful thing, it's just a stone, at most it's more beautiful.

Liu Weian suddenly lost interest. As a highly educated person, he still has basic scientific knowledge. Stones at most contain certain mysterious substances, some of which are beneficial to the human body, but they certainly cannot reach the level of prolonging life and rejuvenating children. It is a propaganda method of the church, the purpose is to shape the prestige of the scepter.

Chen Danxia also talked about what he saw and heard after entering Blackwood City. The tribal system of the Mayans allowed them to have rich and colorful customs. Although they are in the same city, some customs may be completely different, or even incompatible.

Some races object to women's public appearance, while some tribes are matriarchal clans. The living habits of the two tribes are completely different. Clans that oppose women's publicity can have three wives and four concubines, and even make their concubines serve their friends. The matrilineal clan is the other way around. Women can raise several men, as long as they are able, ten or eight, ten or so Either way, no limit.

Huang Yueyue blushed, she didn't dare to look at Liu Wei'an.

Chen Danxia went back to rest after eating, and Liu Wei'an also pulled Huang Yueyue into bed. There was a layer of black stones under the bed in Heimu City, which is said to improve sleep, but I don't know if it's true or not, Liu Wei'an's Sleep has always been good, there is no contrast, I can't feel it.

In the middle of the night, the hotel was awakened by a loud knock on the door. It should not be knocking, but kicking the door. The loud sound spread far in the dark night. Liu Weian and others immediately opened their eyes and heard the sound of the hotel. The boss ordered the clerk to open the door quickly, but the clerk grumbled dissatisfiedly and dragged himself to open the door.


The clerk in the store pulled out the concealed plug, and the door was violently kicked open. The clerk unexpectedly hit his nose with the door, and with an ouch, he covered his nose, his face was full of pain, and tears fell out.

A group of clergy broke in.

"Search for me!" Luohe Xiuwen walked into the hotel, glanced at the layout of the hotel with shining eyes, and said in a voice without the slightest emotion, "Don't let any suspicious person go, every corner must not be let go, if anyone dares to resist , you have to kill him.”

The hotel owner who came out in a hurry originally wanted to ask questions, but when he saw Luohe Xiuwen, he immediately closed his mouth, and even wished that he could become an invisible person so that he could not be noticed, but it is impossible not to be noticed.

"Who is the boss?" Luohe Xiuwen asked, his eyes had already fallen on the shop owner.

"Yes... I am!" The store owner knew that he had done nothing wrong, but felt guilty for no reason.

"Give me the roster of passengers who checked in the day before yesterday, yesterday and today." Luohe Xiuwen was not asking, but an order.

The shop owner didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction, so he hurried to the counter and took out the roster.

"Who are these people?" Luohe Xiuwen glanced at ten lines, and soon he read the roster, and his eyes stayed on the list of the Ping An Mercenary Group.

"They are travelers who have just moved in from "The Ancient City of the Moon." The innkeeper replied tremblingly.

"Is there a caravan named Ping'an Mercenary Group in Ancient City of the Moon?" Luohe Xiuwen asked. The innkeeper looked a little disturbed, and he couldn't answer this question. At this moment, a scream sounded from the second floor, the cry was full of pain, Luohe Xiuwen's face changed, lightning rushed to the place where the scream came from, before entering the door, he saw a figure flying towards him, he glanced at It was obvious that this person was one of his subordinates, who had been forced into the church through the relationship of the City Lord's Mansion. His mind was a bit dull, but his strength was good. At this moment, he was beaten out and passed out. If he was allowed to hit the wall, his head would be bleeding. In his mind, Luohe Xiuwen slowed down and pushed out with his right hand.

When he touched his subordinate's back, he moved to the side, relieved his strength, then put him down, let go of his subordinate, and a blush flashed across Luohe Xiuwen's face.

"What happened?" The clergy from all directions rushed over, and when they saw Luohe Xiuwen, they immediately stopped walking and saluted with a respectful attitude.

Luohe Xiuwen ignored them and stared at the room. There was a woman with a beautiful face who was born with a weak aura, and the other was a young man who seemed to have no sharpness, but was actually restrained in essence and contained terrifying power in her body.

"Who are you?" Luohe Xiuwen's muscles bulged, ready to explode at any time.

"Who are you? You broke into my resting area in the middle of the night, don't you know that this kind of behavior is impolite?" The young man is Liu Wei'an, and the woman is Huang Yueyue. They couldn't sleep, and they were whispering on the bed , just when Liu Weian was a little distracted, the door of the room was kicked open, and then several people broke in. He was naturally rude to such unruly people, and kicked them all out with one kick. He was quite restrained, and only used a little strength, otherwise, none of these people would have survived.

"Bold, how dare you talk to your lord like this!" A cleric scolded angrily, but was immediately stopped by Luohe Xiuwen.

"I am Luohe Xiuwen, under the order of the bishop, to track down the criminal." Luohe Xiuwen saluted, which is a kind of salute only for noble people, and said slowly: "If there is any offense, please forgive me."

"See clearly?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"Offended." Luohe Xiuwen walked into the room slowly, his eyes scanned every corner, Liu Wei'an stared at him coldly, and did not make a move.

The room was small, and there were no curtains or other coverings, so it was clear at a glance whether someone was hiding.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If you find a criminal or abnormality, please report it to the church as soon as possible." Luohe Xiuwen exited the room.

"Yes, it is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the church." Liu Weian said plainly.

"Aren't you a Mayan?" Luohe Xiuwen asked knowingly, whether it was Liu Wei'an or Huang Yueyue, they were very different from the Mayans, and they were authentic Han dynasty people.

"You don't think I'm the one you want to arrest, do you?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"Whether it is a criminal or not is up to the bishop to decide. I am only responsible for arresting people." Luohe Xiuwen said.

"No." Liu Wei'an said.

"Let's go!" Luohe Xiuwen left with his men. After ordering everyone to evacuate from the hotel, Luohe Xiuwen was the last one to leave. The moment he stepped out of the gate, Luohe Xiuwen's body lightened and he was relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief, UU Reading didn't care about arresting criminals, and returned directly to the church. He wanted to report this matter to the bishop.

The clergy under him couldn't understand his pressure. From the moment he walked into Liu Weian's room, he was pressed by a mountain. Every step he took, he stared at the huge pressure. On the surface, he was the same as usual, but in reality Up, struggling.

It wasn't until he walked out of the hotel that the pressure disappeared. He had only felt such pressure in front of the bishop and the temple knights.

He knew very well that Liu Weian was not something he could deal with, so there was no need to question Liu Weian, even if the other party was their target, he would not be able to catch him.

"It seems that there is trouble." Liu Weian was a little helpless, what's the matter, he couldn't sleep well.

"Looking at Luohe Xiuwen's appearance, he should be a sensible person." Huang Yueyue said.

"But the cardinal is unreasonable." Liu Wei'an said.

"Why?" Huang Yueyue was puzzled, at this time Fang Xiaoyuan walked in and suggested to Liu Wei'an: "We can copy the practice of Moon Ancient City."

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