Doomsday Rise

Chapter 1591: , 7 wolves (medium)


The sound of sharp gold reappeared, ripples rippled, and a huge mace flew into the sky. When all eyes were attracted by the mace, the elephant suddenly accelerated, like a flash of lightning catching up with the retreating giant Northeast wolf. Suddenly overlapped and then separated, the elephant moved sideways, blocking the eastern forest wolf that was shooting at Liu Wei'an, while the giant northeastern wolf stood still, its eyeballs protruding exaggeratedly, almost falling out, staring at the elephant After a while, a smear of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his whole body shrank like a deflated balloon, his huge body fell down, and his eyes quickly turned gray of death.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the giant Northeast wolf has lost its life. This scene shocked everyone. The seven wolves of the Canglang Mercenary Corps were famous for their viciousness. They were the top combat power in the ancient moon city, and now one of them died.

Many spectators were already preparing to leave, and they had a terrible premonition that a storm was about to form.

"The people who killed our Canwolf mercenary group, the Creator God will not be able to save you." The relaxation on the Eastern Timberwolf's face has disappeared, replaced by a strong murderous intent, his two arms slowly opened, A storm was forming, and an ancient forest faintly appeared in the midair. In the depths of the forest, a blurred figure of a giant beast appeared. .

What the Eastern Timberwolves acquired was the ability of the ancient Timberwolves. When they enter an explosive state, they can easily tear apart tanks and fighter jets, which is extremely terrifying.

The elephant saw that the eyeballs of the Eastern Timberwolves began to turn green, and his rationality told him that he should stop at this time, but his strong self-confidence made him just watch calmly without interrupting, bowed slightly, raised his shoulders, and lowered his knees , This is his ready to erupt action, a publicity of power is accumulating, like a volcano about to erupt.


The Eastern Timberwolves put their hands together and compressed the storm into a ball the size of a basketball. With a push, the sphere shot towards the elephant. At the same time, the Timberwolf from the depths of the ancient forest jumped out, revealing a mountain-like body with two green streaks. God's light shot out, shining on the elephant.


"This giant is so confident that he didn't interrupt the Eastern Timberwolves' energy accumulation. He must regret it very much at this moment."

"Although the strength of the Eastern Timberwolves is not as strong as that of the Giant Northeast Wolf, the Giant Northeast Wolf can only dodge it when he strikes with all his strength. It is true that he can do miracles with great strength, but there are still many ways to restrain his strength in the world."

"It's understandable that the Han people from the east don't know the abilities of the Eastern Timberwolves. Even we Mayans, how many people know that the ancient Timberwolves have the ability to curb the actions of others?"

"Elephant—" Hearing the discussions around, Huang Yueyue showed a worried expression, and Fang Xiaoyuan glanced at Liu Wei'an, feeling calm.

Mountainous pressure hit, the space solidified, and with a compressed force, it wanted to crush the elephant. If an ordinary expert encountered such a force, he would have no other choice but to close his eyes and wait for death, but he It is an elephant, whose physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and has reached the level of a monster, and his even more powerful ability is strength.

Stretching his arms violently, the terrifying power was like a volcanic eruption, the solidified space was torn apart, and the elephant punched with lightning, smashing the sphere in front of him.


The sphere was compressed by the storm. After the explosion, invisible wind blades shot in all directions. In an instant, there were cut knife marks in all directions. Thinking of the crisis falling from the sky, finding something wrong and trying to avoid it, it was too late. The speed of the wind blade was too fast, and the wind blade passed by everything. Many people were cut off, and more evolutionaries were hit by several wind blades. corpse.

The elephant's punching wind formed a vacuum zone. In this area, the wind blade could not get close, and it was even more impossible to cause him any damage. He sank his waist and immediately threw out his fists like a bison. The target was not the Eastern Timberwolves, but the Void. The ancient forest wolf in the world, he actually wanted to fight against the ancient creatures in the air.


The head of the ancient forest wolf shook violently, and the green eyes were scattered. The ancient forest wolf ate the pain and let out a long roar, and the void was distorted like ripples.

The onlookers were stunned. They had never seen such a fierce person, even ancient creatures dared to attack.


Seeing that the ancient forest wolf was not injured, the elephant became angry. His eyes turned red in an instant, and he punched again. This time, the speed was slower. The friction between the fist and the air created circles of ripples. Feeling heart palpitations, as if the heart was grasped and twisted by some force.

The ancient forest wolf, who felt dangerous, wanted to retreat into the forest, but how could the elephant give him a chance, his fist accelerated instantly, and lightning struck its head.


The head of the ancient Timberwolf was torn apart, the blood spurted hundreds of feet, and the blood stained the sky. The scene left a lifetime of shadow on the crowd watching.


As if struck by lightning, the Eastern Timberwolf spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as white as paper, his body shook twice, and finally he couldn't stand still, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, his eyes went dark, and an elephant appeared in front of him.

"Forgive me—"

Before the Eastern Timberwolves finished speaking, they were smashed in the head by the elephant's fist.

"Be merciful—"

The voice and the figure appeared almost at the same time, but unfortunately it was still a step late. It was a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, very handsome, with a cane and a ponytail. He was a trendy young man.

Northwest lame wolf!

Abandoned by his girlfriend, in a fit of anger, he cut off one of his own legs. When he was about to die, he was suddenly inspired to seek business. He burned the incision with a soldering iron, blocked the blood vessel, and survived.

Don't look gentle on the surface, but he is an out-and-out ruthless person. After the apocalypse, he gained the ability to evolve, and threw his girlfriend's family to feed the zombies, and his girlfriend's current husband's family was also thrown to feed the zombies. , because his parents all died at the mouth of zombies, he has no worries and cares, his favorite thing to do is to catch people and feed zombies. For this reason, where he lives, he raises two zombies, one is an ogre, One is a ghoul.

With a zombie as a pet, one can imagine how terrifying this person is.

"I don't understand the language of birds." Elephant's answer left the Northwest Lame Wolf speechless. He is an intellectual and a high-achieving student, so he has learned the language of the Han Dynasty, but the Eastern Timberwolf is just a rough man. If it weren't for good luck , obtained the ability to evolve, it is estimated that it is just the nourishment of zombies.

He can't even speak the Mayan language well, let alone the language of the Han Dynasty.

Suddenly, two figures appeared, one shot from a distance, and the other appeared suddenly. None of the onlookers could clearly see how this person appeared, as if he had stayed in the center of the street since ancient times.

This person has a strange face and a retro dress. He is about 60 years old, with black hair and no white hair. He holds a stone drum in his right hand and a short stick in his left hand. If you look carefully, his left hand only has two fingers, the index finger and the thumb.

Seven-fingered polar wolf!

No one knows why the Seven Fingers Polar Wolf has no fingers. He is the boss of the Seven Wolves and rarely shows up, but once he shows up, something big will happen.

The skin of the person shot from a distance is as dark as ink, and if he closes his eyes and appears in the dark, no one will be able to see him, and he will be able to blend in with the night directly, but he is an out-and-out white man. A head of black hair, thick and lush, this person is tall, with lightning eyes,

The reason why a white person has black skin is because of the changes after the person gained the ability to evolve, and no one can figure out the reason.

Dumb black wolf.

Before the doomsday, this person was a private slave raised by a nobleman. Once, because he spoke too loudly, he was disliked by the master's daughter for making too much noise, and then his tongue was cut off.

There was no accident. After the end, after the dumb black wolf gained the ability to evolve, he killed all 206 members of the noble family, ranging from a 131-year-old man to a 2-month-old baby. Keep.

The Mayan Empire predicted the doomsday in advance and made a lot of preparations, but the doomsday was a catastrophe, and it was not so easy to survive. The outbreak of zombies caused the Mayan Empire to suffer a lot of damage. Although it was not as serious as the Han Dynasty, it was orderly. Also confused for a long time.

The birth of a large number of evolutionaries has caused a serious impact on the original order. A large number of civilians died, and many nobles did not escape this catastrophe. However, the nobles are the top power of the Mayan Empire, and their evolution rate is much higher than that of civilians. In addition to holding power, there are very few nobles who died.

Most of the nobles are the beneficiaries of the doomsday catastrophe. The dumb black wolf who killed the nobles as a slave is tantamount to provoking the system of the Mayan Empire. UU Reading This is a bad and serious behavior, which is not tolerated by the empire and has been pursued by a large number of nobles Killing, the dumb Hei Lang fled all the way, until "Moon Ancient City" joined the Can Wolf Mercenary Corps to find a place to stay.

The Ancient Moon City is a city with a high degree of openness. As long as there is no crime committed in the Ancient Moon City, the Ancient Moon City will not be held accountable. The Canlang Mercenary Group is beckoned by people who kill people like hemp and do all kinds of evil. None of these people is simple. The younger generation, with powerful strength, has become an important force in the ancient moon city. Even if the ancient moon city wants to pursue it, it is not an easy task.

The dumb black wolf found the courage and meaning to live in the Can Wolf Mercenary Group, so he is extremely loyal to the Can Wolf Mercenary Group. He appeared from a distance, did not stop, bypassed the elephant, and rushed towards Liu Wei'an.

When the elephant moved, the Northwest Lame Wolf followed suit. He lifted his foot and kicked it on the ground.


The ground trembled violently, and in an instant, everyone within a three-kilometer radius felt a terrible wave coming from the soles of their feet. Countless people fell to the ground, their bodies numb. Numerous cracks appeared on the ground, spreading towards the elephant's feet, a murderous intent was not released, the elephant's body was stiff, and it didn't dare to stop the dumb black wolf.

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