Doomsday Fortress

Chapter 843: death toll

"Don't let the zombies appear around the gathering place?" Zhang Fei murmured, somehow he didn't understand what Wang Yi meant.

"I know what to do, leave it to me, Brother Yi." Yang Bing stepped forward and said.

"Okay, leave the rest to you, and have a meeting in the conference room at night."

After Wang Yi finished speaking, he walked directly to the back of the gathering place, where, Li Mei and the others were still waiting for Wang Yi.

"Yang Bing, what exactly does Brother Yi mean?" After Wang Yi left, Zhang Fei looked at Yang Bing with a puzzled face.

"At that time you will know."

Yang Bing waved his hand casually and immediately went down to prepare.

After a while, two shells suddenly exploded on both sides of the corpse group. These corpse groups were immediately attracted by the violent sound and moved toward the two sides of the city wall.

At this time, the closed city gate was suddenly opened, and then a dozen tanks and armored soldiers roared out, but these vehicles were all dyed with scarlet colors and exuded a strong smell of blood. After rotating around the corpse for a few times, there were soldiers who kept throwing bags of blood from the car.

After a while, these zombies were attracted by the strong smell of blood, and dozens of cars lined up immediately, leading the group of corpses to move forward.

Without the command of the zombie king, the zombie is just a bloodthirsty monster.

However, there are still a lot of zombies that have not been attracted. There are about 10,000 in number, but their fate is relatively miserable. After all, those soldiers have been bullied by the corpses for so long, and so many brothers have died. Naturally, resentment was incomparable.

There are so many corpses, they don't dare to do anything, but there are only zombies of ten thousand backs left. For the soldiers who have already experienced this fight, they are basically here to send Jihua meat.

As the last zombie was decapitated, the corpse group's attack on the city came to an end with the victory of the Daqingshan gathering place.

At night, the conference room inside the barracks.

The lights were brightly lit, and all cadres above the company level in the army attended the meeting. Of course, they were still alive.

The previous battles were basically led by military cadres, so the casualties of these cadres were the most obvious.

All the troops in the original gathering area, including the guard regiment, consisted of forty-five company-level cadres, 15 battalion-level cadres, and five regiment leaders, but the little aunt, except for Yang Bing and others, the battalion-level cadres died. Of the four, even more than half of the company-level cadres died, which is not tragic enough.

As for the civil servants led by Xu Liqiang, there were no casualties. After all, they were not in the fight. When the corpse group attacked the city, they were more to comfort the survivors and maintain order in the gathering place.

"Brother Yi, the group of corpses outside has been completely cleaned up. About 90,000 zombies were all attracted to a place 50 kilometers away from the gathering place, and some of the remaining zombies were all wiped out by the troops."

Yang Bing stood up and said, no matter what, this battle was ultimately won by the gathering place.

"Where are those basic meat?" Wang Yi asked.

"All have been sent to the soldiers who participated in the battle, and the rest will be given priority to the families of those who sacrificed soldiers, and the last is given to Deputy Chief Xu."

Yang Bing went on to say that the number of zombies annihilated this time exceeded 100,000, and the basic meat obtained is also very optimistic, but because the basic meat can only be maintained for twelve hours at most, there are many basic meat directly. All have expired, and the rest is enough to be used collectively.

"Okay." Wang Yi nodded, his eyes turned to Xu Liqiang and said. "Does the casualty report come out?"

"It's done." Xu Liqiang said, and handed the stack of documents in front of Wang Yi.

This not only records the number of soldiers casualties, but also records the situation of the families of those soldiers who died, and Xu Liqiang is well prepared.

"Four thousand, three hundred and fifty-six people."

Seeing this number, Wang Yi couldn't help frowning.

Wang Yi thought that the army would suffer a lot of casualties, but he did not expect the casualties would be so serious.

More than 4,300 people died. It is necessary to know that there are only 3,000 people in a combat regiment. In this battle, more than half of a regiment was lost. It was tragic, and Wang Yi was heartbroken.

The team that was finally pulled up lost nearly a third in a war.

"The families of those soldiers who died must keep in mind that the gathering place will provide them with food, housing, and various materials for free in the future." Wang Yi pointed to the document and said the names of the soldiers who had their families in the gathering place. ,

"Yes, boss."

Xu Liqiang solemnly noted that these soldiers died for the gathering place. They could not enjoy the victory, but they couldn't just forget them.

Although most of these soldiers were alone, even if they had relatives, they might have died long ago.

The number is small, only about one-tenth, and it can be supported by the conditions of the gathering place.

"How is the situation on the survivor's side?" Wang Yi continued to ask.

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