Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 831: Redefine the entrance exam

August 15th, five in the morning.

Zheng Wanfeng woke up before the alarm went off. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, her bloodshot eyes gradually became sharp and firm, and she got up and got out of bed in a determined manner.

At this point, my father, who was socializing until midnight last night, was still hungover, and my mother had already left the house early. She wanted to stock up on the small supermarket at home, and she would not go home all day today.

is an opportunity.

Zheng Wanfeng's heart skipped a beat when he thought that the plan he had planned for two months was about to be implemented.

She took a deep breath to suppress her nervousness, went into the kitchen and made a serious breakfast, chewing slowly at the dining table.

Today, she has to be in her best condition.

Seeing that the clock was gradually approaching half o'clock, Zheng Wanfeng lightly walked to the master bedroom.

The man's snoring sounded, obviously he was sleeping soundly. Zheng Wanfeng closed his eyes and shouted in a slightly louder voice, "Dad, Dad!"

The person on the bed frowned, turned over in dissatisfaction, and said vaguely, "What are you doing?"

"Mom called me to help, and told you to remember to eat!" Zheng Wanfeng continued.

"Mmmmm, I see."

The man was sleepy and half-drowsily shook his hands.

Zheng Wanfeng knew that he had already left an impression in his heart, so he calmed down a little, quietly closed the bedroom door, returned to the room, made the bed as if someone was lying on it, and then took the good things.

She didn't bring a bag, it was too conspicuous, and her mother would be suspicious when she saw it, so she only carefully put the ID card, key, small notebook and retractable capsule pen into the inner pocket of her clothes.

After doing this, Zheng Wanfeng twisted a fishing line out of his hand and tiptoed out of his small room. The line in his palm was pulled outward a little bit. Finally, with a "click", the door was successfully locked from the inside.

A bit of excitement flashed in her eyes, then she calmed down and went out the door in ordinary everyday clothes.

The back door of the community is the "Lao Zheng Supermarket" opened by her family, which has not yet opened for business. Zheng Wanfeng rubbed his eyes, walked in from the small door yawning, and called out "Mom" inarticulately.

"Dad hasn't woken up yet. I'm going to bring him a box of instant noodles when there's no instant noodles at home—"

The woman who was stooping between the shelves was very familiar with the voice of her child, and answered without raising her head.

Zheng Wanfeng intentionally shook the instant noodles a little. The footsteps were mixed with the sound of "crashing" when the noodles were shaking. Everything was very real, including her figure recorded by surveillance in the supermarket.

Stepping out of the small door again, Zheng Wan risked thinking that she had walked from hell.

She cautiously went back to the door of her unit first, and "destroyed the corpse and traces" of the instant noodles. During the period, she carefully avoided the grandma next door who went downstairs for the morning exercise. Then, while no one was around, she lowered her head and walked quickly towards the main entrance of the community.

Don't meet acquaintances, never meet acquaintances...

Zheng Wanfeng prayed secretly, her footsteps were fast, but she did not dare to go too fast, for fear of causing suspicion from passers-by.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly. She left the house as expected. The mother would think that she stayed at home and was watched by her father to do her homework for the holidays. The father who slept until noon would vaguely remember that she went downstairs to help her mother with the work. , and will not ask carefully.

Even if the mother comes home temporarily, the locked door can make her think she is staying honest. As for the father's side, will there be conflicts and help? It doesn't matter, with Zheng Wanfeng's understanding of the two of them, the mother will definitely scold the father for "talking nonsense without waking up", and won't find out what's wrong.

Then her father would quarrel with her, from quarreling at work to neglecting the family, and then arguing about who contributed more to the family, and then all kinds of trivial things would come out, and it would take more than an hour to talk about it, and then It was a cold war for most of the day, and no one paid any attention to her daughter, who was on her sophomore vacation.

Just like every day.

Near, near.

Zheng Wanfeng successfully got on the bus, and she was left far behind in the community.

Sitting in the most inconspicuous corner seat, she didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but cautiously shrank her body and lowered her sense of existence, for fear that someone in the car would recognize her.

The journey seemed extraordinarily long at this time, and finally, Zheng Wanfeng got off the bus following the flow of strangers.

In front of you is the high-speed rail station.

She glanced at the smart watch on her wrist - her parents didn't buy her a mobile phone, and she usually paid for the point of payment by the watch. This student watch has many built-in functions, including positioning and automatic information sending, which means that if she After leaving the current small town and arriving within the range of another city, the parents can immediately receive a text message on their mobile phones.

From the perspective of protecting the personal safety of students, Zheng Wanfeng is very sure of the thoughtfulness of this watch. but now…


She raised her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, found a pergola that sold cold drinks and hid it in the shade, took off her watch in her right hand, and a large number of complicated gadgets appeared in her slender palm, and there was a rough chip in the center.

Zheng Wanfeng murmured softly while flipping his fingers:

"Really, if it wasn't for only fourteen hours, I would have changed it at home last night..."

With a shallow sound, the watch in Zheng Wanfeng's hand has been replaced with a new core. Now it is the version used by adults, and the positioning information will be automatically sent to a set empty number.

"A little bit of anger, don't burn it halfway..."

Zheng Wanfeng put the smart watch back on her wrist, prepared her ID card with the other hand, and hid in the crowd to check in at the security check.

The ticket was bought at the beginning of July. She helped a classmate from a good family in the next class repair his drone while she was in school, and she got paid for it.

"Why are you going to Yangcheng?" The classmate who bought the ticket for her asked curiously at the time.

"Looking for relatives to play, I have a cousin who works there." Zheng Wanfeng's fans follow the lead, and her acting skills are quite natural.

The classmate nodded, no longer curious.

Back to the present, Zheng Wanfeng got on the high-speed rail all the way, she collapsed on the seat, and finally let out a breath.

The train was overcrowded at this time. There were many teenagers and girls about the same age as Zheng Wanfeng on the train, surrounded by a few adults who were asking for help.

"Baby, don't be nervous, isn't it all exams, we haven't lost the grades yet..."

The caring nagging that is unique to the parents is one after another in the vicinity. Zheng Wanfeng quietly leans against the window, his right hand is casually put down, blocking the smart watch on his left wrist.

At nine o'clock in the morning, before the high-speed train arrived at the station, there was an uproar in the surroundings.

"Oh, how can this be!" The parent in the seat behind Zheng Wanfeng said angrily, "How can we temporarily change the exam time! We are all on our way!"

What? Zheng Wanfeng's eyes narrowed, and he quickly leaned over to make a couple of sentences, rubbing the content on the parent's mobile phone.

It is an announcement just issued by the official website of Qinke University, to the effect that there are too many applicants for the test and the flow of people is too large. In order to prevent stampede accidents and other accidents, Qinyi Technology decided to change the test time to one week later.

The child sitting next to the parent immediately froze: "It's okay, it's okay, there's still a week left, I can still memorize knowledge points..."

In stark contrast to him was another young boy with glasses, who had already burst into tears at this time, wiping his tears while taking off his glasses, his parents couldn't even coax him.

"Give me a good time!" he cried and shouted, "How come there is still a week, I don't want to prepare any more...!"

The noise level gradually increased. I wonder if Qin Yi Technology had informed the trains in advance, and soon the high-speed train sounded a broadcast to appease the emotions of the candidates, and some flight attendants came out to control the atmosphere.

Zheng Wanfeng looked out of place among the parents and children with different expressions. She was lying on the small table, her lips pursed tightly, and she quickly wrote something in the small book.

The wording and font of that announcement are different from the previous style of Qinke University's official website... The word spacing and line spacing are too wide, the strokes of very few Chinese characters are written out, and there are also punctuation marks...

It's so difficult, so difficult. Could it be this way of thinking? Am I thinking wrong?

Zheng Wanfeng's writing became more and more chaotic. She closed her eyes abruptly and pulled away from her state of flow. Her forehead was covered in sweat.

What are you worried about, don't worry. Little Wolf has said it many times, haste is not enough...

She stared at the luggage rack above, various symbols appeared in front of her eyes, arranged and combined at a fast speed.

Gradually, Zheng Wanfeng's defocused eyes regained light.

That's true... But why are there two results?

Wait, let's be more precise, five decimal places, no, it's better to have six...

Zheng Wanfeng threw himself into the deciphering process again, and a small pen roamed like a dragon and a snake.

Phew. It should be this... but I always feel that there are other answers, many, many possibilities...

She wiped her sweat and rested for a while, just when the high-speed train arrived.

Parents who either complained or comforted their children took off their luggage and got off the station with their children.

Zheng Wanfeng sat on the seat without rushing to leave, and didn't move until everyone was almost gone.

There were a few people left in the carriage, and one of the young men looked a few years older than her, with a shiny back.

"If you don't leave, you will pass the station." He winked at Zheng Wanfeng.

Zheng Wanfeng looked away expressionlessly, ignoring it.

Seeing her reaction, the young man clicked his tongue and hinted, "I can't stay here, it's not this place, don't cause trouble to the flight attendants!"

As soon as he said these words, the expressions of the other two people in the carriage were a little shaken.

Zheng Wanfeng raised his eyes: "Okay, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and walked straight to the end of the carriage: "I'll go to the bathroom first."

The young man opened his mouth and smiled helplessly: "Hey, let's do it, let's get off the bus first!"

After he said hello, he greeted the other two, who hesitated and got out of the car with their luggage.

Zheng Wanfeng spent a while in the bathroom before coming out.

As soon as he came out, he saw the man who took the lead to get out of the car just now, with his arms crossed with a smile on his face, standing and leaning against the seat.

"There are two less competitors." He winked again, "Thank you?"

Zheng Wanfeng slowly frowned and said nothing.

After a while, the flight attendant came to this carriage with cleaning tools.

"The registration number is 682538." The man smiled.

"The registration number is 446571." Zheng Wanfeng said half a beat slower.

The flight attendant was at a loss: "What?"

She looked at this and then at that, "Uh, do you two want to get off? If you don't get off, you'll pass the station."

"No, no." The man replied quickly, with a very determined expression.

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Wanfeng realized something.

"Wait, I'll get out of the car."

She nodded to the flight attendant, then turned around and walked out the door, ignoring the surprised expression of the young man.

After getting off the bus and leaving the station, Zheng Wanfeng didn't have a mobile phone, so he could only look for the map posted at the nearby bus stop.

She scratched her fingers across the glass partition, and her thinking became clearer.

"That's right... The registration number is not used for the secret code... The registration number itself is the orientation... What an interesting test question!"

Zheng Wanfeng's eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth opened wider and wider.

Amazing! It turns out that every candidate has their own "exam center"!

She rushed to the side of the road, holding a small book in one hand and waving a taxi in the other, with the pocket pen in her mouth.

"Huh, thank you master, go to... Changxing Hospital on Jianlong Street, Jiangling District, er, North Gate! I'm sorry!"

"Okay." The driver saw that the little girl was anxious, and immediately started the car.

After driving for about half an hour, the taxi stopped. Zheng Wanfeng transferred the payment code of the smart watch and paid the fare, then got out of the car and looked around.

Looking at it, she found the target.

It was a low-profile private car, with a black film on the window and a white cardboard pinned to the windshield wiper on the front window, which read the most common:

To contact the owner, please call XXX-X44-6571.

Is this the big hidden in the city?

Zheng Wanfeng sighed secretly, showing joy on his face, and walked towards the car in small steps, the back door of the car automatically popped open when it was half a meter away, which was enough for Zheng Wanfeng to see that there was no one in the car, and that Qin Yi Technology was unique. logo.

"Hit... to disturb you?"

Zheng Wanfeng carefully got into the car.

The doors of the car closed automatically, and at the same time, the roof of the car lowered a small screen like before the plane took off. The people in the screen were formally dressed and smiling.

"Welcome to the examination site of Qinyi University of Science and Technology.

"I will introduce the examination process below..."

Zheng Wanfeng felt like her goosebumps were about to rise. She desperately suppressed her excitement, listened carefully to every word said by the "exam staff", and followed the instructions.

"There are still three hours before the exam starts, please rest and eat as you please."

As soon as the staff finished speaking, a small box with three layers of space popped up from the seat on Zheng Wanfeng's left.

On the top is the insulation layer, which contains the standard box lunch of four dishes and one soup; in the middle are daily necessities such as snacks, beverages and tissue wipes; at the bottom is a refrigerator, which contains cola, coffee and other cold drinks, and even popsicles and ice cream.

Zheng Wanfeng was stunned.

She took out the lunch in a daze, put down the small table behind the passenger seat, and stared at the "catering box" while eating.

I really want to take it apart and study it... How does the temperature of the top layer and the bottom layer are diametrically opposite...

Zheng Wanfeng was excited by all the magical sights in front of her.

After she finished eating, the trash can was automatically ejected in the small car, shrinking and disappearing instantly after she threw away the trash. UU Reading


Zheng Wanfeng murmured.

"There are still two hours and 30 minutes until the exam starts." The staff's voice recalled her thoughts, "In the next two hours, please rest at will, if you need to go to the toilet, please get off the car and go to the nearest public restroom. ."

Zheng Wanfeng nodded hurriedly.

She resisted the desire to explore, stopped looking around, and regained her mind as soon as possible.

Two hours later, under the guidance of the staff, Zheng Wanfeng filled out the information sheet and personal questionnaire, and quietly waited for the exam to start.

Unconsciously, fourteen o'clock in the afternoon.

At the moment when the second hand and the hour hand overlapped, the driver's seat and the co-pilot's seat descended in front of Zheng Wanfeng until they disappeared, and a single-person desktop with suitable length, width and height rose up silkily, on which were placed stationery, tools, scratch paper and its own keyboard. tablet computer.

At the same time, in cities and provinces in Asia, in smart cars, in Internet cafes, in Qinke Experience Center, and even in parks, the holographic projection instantly covers one cubic meter of space on the examinee's body.

Zheng Wanfeng widened his eyes in astonishment.

She is no longer in the car, surrounded by spring greenery, gurgling water, or the breeze blowing on her face, soothing anxiety, or birds chirping at her ears, washing her tired, leisurely and comfortable, a natural and happy scene.

There was no one around, only her, the seat under her body, the wooden table in front of her, and the three.

The entrance exam for Qinyi University of Science and Technology has officially started.

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