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“Golden Dream Elder, you can rest assured, I should come down this, and Lin Moonjiao and Lin Fengxue are good, since Lin Family encounters such a change, I have to shoot! “Qin Feng said firmly.

No matter what the money is the purpose of the money, it is necessary to take care of this matter.

Otherwise, once the money is chaotic, I don’t know what will happen.

and this is also what they are now in urgent need to solve, and if they don’t even solve it, there is no use.

Jin Meng very touched Nodded, it seems that Qin Feng is an Affectionate and True.

He said: “No matter what, this time Many Thanks you, if you need anything, you can tell me in time. And I will tell some messages as much as possible, I hope you can go smoothly! “

After completing this thing, his heart is SIGHED in relief, and it is really very afraid that Lin family is not falling.

Lin Yuejiao and Lin Feng Xue have gone in the end, Jin Meng also doesn’t know.

seems to be blocked in such a message. The money is very in place, so that most people don’t know how far the three occurrences occurred.

Wolf ambitions are all known, and for the money to react now, it is still quite doubts.

Qin Feng Cup One fist in the Other Hand said: “Golden Dream Elder, thank you for your honest, then I will leave! What news is still looking forward to me!”

Continue to stay in Myriad Treasures Pavilion has nothing to do, and Didn’t Expect Lin family has happened so much, which is really unexpected.

After seeing the back of his leaving. At this moment, the golden dream of Jin Dynasty gradually became cold, and there was a color of a slice.

and behind his back, there is a Illusory Shadow existed, and that Illusory Shadow said: “What do you think?”

Even if Qin Feng is also noticeable here, it is indeed a suspicion.

Jin Meng is saying: “What can I do? Since ancient red face, I don’t think about this Qin Feng, I can’t pass the red, I will tell them this news. It is a turn to them. When I was shot, I remember that this person’s strength is very powerful. I can’t preview it, it is necessary to send more powerful people to go! “

The illusory shadow nodded behind it is dissatisfied, and it will restore normal here.

At this time, in the dark Star Domain’s Black Dragon Seven, Sect Headquarters, Seven Branch Sect Master, all of the Origin Realm Powerhouse, now sitting in the conference hall, but only their face is not so at the moment. Good look, and at the top, it belongs to the MAIN SECT LORD of Black Dragon, Wanju Lin, which seems very young, is the presence of a supreme Powerhouse level.

“Tianjia, Lodie, how do you negotiate?” Wanju Lin Casually said.

He has not touched the BLACK DRAGON Seven Agree, if not recently, Dark World is not too peaceful, but it does not use it.

HEAVENLY ARMOR SECT SECT MASTER said: “Adults! All are ready. You can turn Powerhouse at any time.”

This is not allowed to make Wanju Lin Nodded, Heavenly Armor SECT is in the middle of Seven Method in Celestial, and UnTil Now is deeply attached.

Efficiency has never disappointed him, and this time is also very fast.

The SECT MASTER of the ground: “Adult, I have no other problems here, but there is a thing that may be reported to you!”

The total SIR SECT MASTER has never been closed in the front time, and he did not deliberately disturb.

Today is now going, then some things can be said.

Several other SECT MASTERs are also tongue, and this thing has already been said, but they have not agreed, and they also know that their total SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR Some tributes are not willing to rehabilitate the past.

If the zigchron is forced to speak this. Perhaps the total SIR SECT MASTER is not happy.

At that time, once Main Sect Lord is angry, I am afraid who has no fruit to eat.

After the ground is thinking, it is finally decided to say.

This is about Dark World’s future go, he naturally does not miss it easily.

Even more how is a serious consequence, even if the Black Dragon seven Ap will be lost, this is not allowed.

Wan Xu Lin looked at him as soon as they felt that the eyes of several other Branch Sect Master seems to be a bit wrong.

Is this bad? This is to let him come to a trace of interest.

“What?” After Wan Xu Lin asked as being as being awkward.

There are two sounds in the Landa, which is said: “Adults, this matter and the void battlefield, it is also my Branch Sect Master to tell me. Can you completely turn off the void battlefield?”

For some time, Wanjuxin has already known, but the ALL did not say That’s all.

But the recent situation in the dark Star Domain is getting angry, letting him feel that RainStorm seems to be coming, if you don’t do some preparation in advance, I am afraid that there is no meaning, which is not now now. The situation is here.

Sure enough, Wanju Lin Brows Tightly Knit. Do you have related to the void battlefield?

and there are several Branch Sect Master’s faces are somewhat uns, but he still has to bear a hint of anger in his heart, saying calmly: “Nothing, everyone is a person, try it, you are just If a message is conveyed, I will not blame you, rest assured. “

After he heard him, this talented in the heart of Lodyn Sighd in relief, and then said all the original committee of the matter.

and this matter is related to Qin Feng. If it is possible to solve it early, it will not face too much trouble.

But Wanjuxin’s face has some things that are wrong. There is a Branch Sect Master board: “You Ranked Second, you have a seven armor, you can do it in this moment, you are doing it!”

Everyone is ignite. This is also uncommon to make the face of the zones.

is just that the message That’s all, and also feel that Qin Feng is reasonable, otherwise it will not say it in such an important meeting.

But seeing the reactions of everyone, it seems that it doesn’t matter!

Once the allochies in the void battlefield, the same as the devil is attacked. This kind of consequence is probably a very serious.

Even if Black Dragon seven Azong is all dispatched, it is not necessarily possible to pay.

Didn’t Expect These people have developed That Many and the development of dangerousness.

This seems to be in the world, it is quite helpless, and his heart is also more sad.

After Wan Xu Lin slowly and the heart, this said: “You always say how Qin Feng, Trifling Return to Origin That’s ALL, is it really credible?”

“Adults, the sentence is true! I also hope that adults are clear! I am responsible for the void battlefield, for it is very familiar, if you don’t feel some changes, you will never In this important meeting, this is coming! “Sna Hye fist in the Other Hand said.

He is loyal to Wanjuxin, if not, how can it be responsible for the void battlefield?

There is naturally clear that the void battlefield is where their particularity is, but they must have to recognize the facts. If you do anything, what is the meaning?

Black Dragon seven Appearance is able to jump up, and be a Dark World’s first transcendent influnce, can it be a legacy?

If you do not, what is the achievement now? Even with the existence of SuPreme Powerhouse, it is afraid of it.

All people don’t talk, after all, there are current Sir SECT MASTER Wanjuxin sitting here, they don’t know what to touch.

I only know that there must be a choice that you should have in this thing. At that time, it was a lot of Well Known. It is now true that it is not what they are willing to see. It seems to be more deteriorated.

Once the void battlefield is completely closed, maybe it will be more chaotic? This is also my idea in this heart.

“After this, I need this matter. I still take a while. Nowadays, Dark World is cloudy, it is clear that there is a chaos soon, if we are not prepared, in this After the chaos, Black Dragon Seven Agrane may not exist, you must understand this reality! “After thinking about a moment, Wanjuxin said slowly.

If you have to face yourself, even if you deny it, this is the fact that I have never crucial.

Why is it just a little in your heart, otherwise it will not cause this situation.

Deadly is indeed his most important figure, even in Tiajia, he has never been heavily imported in his own heart.

Almost every Major Event will give it to the landlord.

It seems that this thing is really important. If you don’t, he will not say this in this important meeting.

The next may have to consider more things, and only this will be able to keep Black Dragon seven A.

As a supreme powerhouse, once he is dangerous, he has his own responsibility to perform.

This is also an existence that is not overlooked, only can be careful.

Subsequently, everyone continues to meet the meeting, with the pressing of Wanju Lin, others are naturally darent, after all, the land can have always been the red man around Wanju, and now has been total SIR SECT MASTER’s sweep, perhaps his day will not be so good.

They have the opportunity to get the attention of the total SIR SIR SECT MASTER, who will be willing to give up this opportunity?

As for how to link between VARIOS SECTS, how to do it, you can see how they own itself.

But they are now definitely, that is, there is no more contact with people with the land.

Otherwise, if you are known by the total SIR SIR SIR SIR SIR SECT MASTER, some of him will attract some of his disgusting, then there are some do not pay.

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