Divine Conspiracy: Starting from adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 120: The system adds points! It’s as refreshing as eating forbidden fruit! (10,000-word chap

"How could this madman be unscathed?!" The great venerable's two divine thoughts descended from the gods, staring closely at the figure in the range in two completely different directions.

There was a puzzled look in his eyes: "How long have you not seen him? Less than half a month! In less than half a month, how does he feel...how does he feel that he has become stronger again?!"

Even the weird and grotesque evil god such as the Great Venerable expressed his disbelief at Fan Wu's change in strength.

It is conceivable that during Fan Wu's short period of time...

How rapid is the improvement in strength!

These changes in Fan Wu... were obviously beyond the Great Master's expectations.

However, the great venerable quickly put his thoughts in order.

She said coldly: "That's useless!


All of a sudden.

The rocky monster that failed to kill Fan Wu with one blow once again raised its huge fist, and some gravel fell from its huge body.

A sense of crisis called death shrouded the hearts of all Qintiansi members.

Even Monk Zhikong and Yun Jiuqing felt the urgency of this crisis.

"not good!"

The Qintiansi Chief Flag Officer of Qiping County seemed to realize what was about to happen, and the hair on his body stood on end.

The boy with eyes shrank even further, his expression changed drastically and he exclaimed: "The attack of the monster is not aimed at Daochang Fan, but at us!

! "

"Get out of the way! Don't be hit by the monster's fist!

! "

A group of Qintiansi members hurriedly dispersed around. They did not dare to imitate Fan Wu and stand still, forcibly taking the terrifying blow from the rock monster.

Because doing that is no different from committing suicide. They don't have as strong a body as Daochang Fan.

Although Daozhang Fan seems to be of flesh and blood, Daozhang Fan's flesh and blood body, and the flesh and blood bodies of these people...

There is a difference between heaven and earth!

There is absolutely no comparison!

Yun Jiuqing no longer cared about her image and demeanor, and her posture of spreading out to avoid was very embarrassing.

When she ran a dozen steps away, she heard the terrifying howling wind behind her. What followed was a deafening roar, as if a huge boulder had fallen from a thousand meters in the sky.

The earth is shaking!

Invisible air waves surged from behind her, and such a close shock wave made it difficult for Yun Jiuqing to stabilize her body.

She, who was already very light, was immediately thrown away.

He only recovered after falling to the ground a dozen steps away.

He was beaten to pieces.

My head is dizzy!

"Hiss!" Yun Jiuqing took a breath and covered her bleeding head. In a hurry, she looked back in horror and was stunned.

I saw a huge fist mark dent appearing where she originally stood.

Some bluestone slabs on the ground have been hammered into powder.

A lot of smoke and dust rose high.

It's amazing.

If the chief flag officer of Qintiansi hadn't promptly reminded them to evade, I'm afraid that many people would have been killed by this punch... At least Yun Jiuqing felt that he couldn't withstand such a terrifying punch. of.

"The ants react quite quickly." The Great Master's sneer was full of disdain. Among all the people present, only Fan Wu made her feel a little solemn.

As for Yun Jiuqing, Monk Zhikong, Xie Jiuyi... these people are no different from ants in her eyes!

Not even as good as an ant!

Fan Wu glanced at Yun Jiuqing and others, then looked at the rock monster that was descended by the Great Venerable, and then looked at the woman who was descended by the Great Venerable...

His expression did not change.

No mood swings.

"Huh?" The Great Master noticed Fan Wu's demeanor and emotion. She couldn't help but be a little surprised and said: "You are a bit beyond my expectation, you crazy guy. I thought you would be worried about them."

"But you don't seem to care about these ants. Huh! You, a madman, always refresh my understanding of people. I have always doubted, are you a human or a monster?"

Fan Wu grinned and said: "If you think I am a human being, then I am a human being. If you think I am a monster, then I am a monster."

The words fell.

There was a loud bang under Fan Wu's feet, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly dented into a large pit.

In the sight of the great venerable, Fan Wu seemed to have disappeared.

This made the great venerable instantly wary of Laman.

"This guy..."

"So fast!"

When the great venerable thought was coming to an end, Fan Wu's burly figure appeared in front of the woman who had been descended by the gods. The Demon-Breaking Male Sword in his hand was glowing with dazzling sword light.

It was actually able to give the Venerable a slight sense of threat and fear.

The sense of threat is not bad, after all, the Demon-Severing Sword is very restrained for the Great Master.

The Great Master himself had to admit this.


Fear, what's going on? !

The Great Lord was extremely angry. How could she have such emotions towards a mortal? !

The woman's body she controlled once again ejected an overwhelming amount of flesh buds, with a little white fireworks burning at the tip of each flesh bud.

Although the white fireworks didn't look big, they seemed to be able to burn everything, making the air crackle and burn.

It's a pity that Fan Wu's sword drawing speed is even faster than the Great Master's reaction speed.



The Demon-Breaking Sword easily cut a large amount of fleshy sprouts into two pieces. Fan Wu turned his hand and raised the sword upwards. The sharp tip of the sword just touched the great venerable's throat.

The Great Master only felt that some heat was gushing out from the throat of the body of the believer that he had descended into.

She knew...this was blood gushing out of a fragile human body.

The rock monster controlled by the great venerable opened its two giant hands, and swatted them towards Fan Wu like a fly.

She did not try to attack Yun Jiuqing and others again because she had realized that killing these people would not have any impact on Fan Wu.

At the same time, the Great Master ignored the blood gushing from his throat and held a strange seal with his hands.

Then the monstrous white flames rushed towards Fan Wu!

There is a blazing fire ahead.

There is a big palm sent from each side.

Fan Wu's retreat was only from behind.

The Great Master was certain that a madman like Fan Wu would not be able to take a step back... and the Great Master was right this time.

Fan Wu will indeed not retreat.

This level of attack from three sides was not enough to make Fan Wu retreat even half a step!

Fan Wu smiled ferociously.

The muscles all over his body were tense and trembling, and every cell in his body was cheering for joy and sending signals of excitement during this moment of high-intensity tension.

Every muscle on his body was bulging, making him much stronger than before.

There is a huge amount of strength accumulated in every knotted muscle.

That kind of terrifying murderous aura...

It is raging like a strong wind.

It makes people feel heartbroken!

Fan Wu held the Demon-Breaking Sword in both hands and took the lead in attacking the white flames coming forward, slashing through the air with his sword! This sword cut through the air, and the turbulent air flow caused a large piece of fireworks to fly back at a faster speed.

The next moment!

Fan Wu actually thrust the Demon-Breaking Sword into the ground, and then clenched his fists tightly with the palms of his hands. The strong muscles on his arms were as if they were made of steel.

Under the white firelight, it seemed to reveal a metallic luster.







His left and right fists suddenly hit the left and right sides, and the two fists collided fiercely with the two palms of the rock monster.

It was as if countless kilograms of explosives exploded at the same time, and as if two huge solid cannonballs on the left and right collided in mid-air.

The deafening roar was mixed with the crackling sound of shattering air, causing the ground beneath our feet to crack open inch by inch.

The members of Qintiansi who had just evaded the attack of the rock monster for a short time, and now were still worried about it and had not recovered, before they had time to react...

He was blown away again by the strong shock wave blowing towards him.

After being thrown into the air, they suddenly came to their senses.

Everyone panicked and hurriedly stabilized themselves.

I want it to be less painful when I fall to the ground.

Each member of Qintiansi fell to the ground like a torn sack.

The fall caused pain all over their bodies.

It also made them feel horrified.

The Qintiansi Flag Officer of Qiping County was one of the few people who landed uninjured. He landed on the ground in a relatively stable posture and looked in the direction of Fan Wu in shock.

"This is just the aftermath!" the chief flag officer said with shocking words: "Even the Baihu adults of Qintiansi are no match for that kind of weird thing, right? And that Daochang Fan...he... He can actually go head-to-head with monsters!"

This is not a metaphorical head-on, but a real head-on. It is a fierce collision between muscle and rock.

He watched helplessly as Fan Daozhang blasted his fists to both sides, causing the two huge palms of the rock monster to stop abruptly!

Yes! Mr. Fan, he...


How shocking and appalling is this?

With the sudden attack of the rock monster, it is estimated that even a solid building must be photographed into ruins, right?


Mr. Fan, he...


The chief flag officer no longer knew how many times he had taken a breath today. He found that this Taoist Fan was constantly refreshing his understanding of the word power.

He could see that there was no mana fluctuation in Daozhang Fan's body, it was simply relying on the terrifying power of his physical body.

Can the human body really reach this level?

Is there really no limit to the human body?

The flag officer was at a loss!

Obviously, all these pictures have exceeded his cognitive scope, causing him to step into a blind spot of knowledge.

"This madman..." The great venerable's spiritual mind used the perspective of the rock monster to clearly detect the huge palms of the rock monster, and there was a sound of cracking stones.

She could clearly feel that something foreign had been inserted into her two palms.

The huge force from the counter-shock made her feel that the arms of the rock monster were trembling!

This made the Great Master feel unbelievable!

How could this be blocked? If the human body is so powerful and terrifying, then why do we need monsters?

What she couldn't accept the most was that Fan Wu, who had taken such a blow, was still unscathed!

How can this be!



The Great Master noticed that Fan Wu moved again, and saw Fan Wu pull out the fists inserted between the palms of the rock monster, and then hugged the two hands of the rock monster in a gesture of embracing the giant tree. A huge finger!

Fan Wu's muscular arms were like a vise, preventing the rock creature's two fingers from moving.

The great venerable suddenly noticed something not good!

The next moment!

The Great Master heard Fan Wu's violent shout. He noticed the two fingers of the rock monster, heard an overwhelming tearing sound, and felt a power that was so powerful that she could not believe it.

That force forcefully dragged the rock monster hard, and the body of the rock monster, which was controlled by the great sage, staggered.

The huge body... was like a hill, falling forward completely uncontrollably.

This made the eyes on the head of the rock monster widen.

It watched helplessly as the ground came closer and closer.





The weight of the strange rock object was God knows how many tons. The moment it collapsed and declined, the ground in Qiping County seemed to tremble slightly.

The loud roar startled all the people in Qiping County.

All the Qin Tiansi were stunned!

Even though the blowing smoke and dust covered their eyes and made their eyeballs feel severe pain, they still stared at it without blinking.

The impact of that image is so shocking.

They had never seen it in their lives.

"This Taoist Master Fan, this... legendary general with incredible strength and the power of a dragon and elephant, is that all, right?" A member of the Qintiansi couldn't help but be stunned: "He relied on his strength to defeat the enemy. Was it dragged down by the rock monster?"

Xie Jiuyi secretly swallowed his saliva. Although he had already met Daozhang Fan countless times, he was shocked every time he saw him.

Because every time, his understanding of Daochang Fan was refreshed.

Just when you thought you already understood Fan Daochang.

Fan Daozhang will give you a big mouth and tell you - you don't really understand the depth of Fan Daozhang's strength, everything you see is just the most superficial thing!

Xie Jiuyi feels like this!

"Amitabha, Amitabha..." Monk Zhikong no longer knew what to say. He just kept chanting Amitabha.

Yun Jiuqing lowered her head, looked at her little arms and legs, and then at the rocky creature's finger, which was larger than her entire body.

She was dumbfounded: "Master Fan is so powerful, can he blow me away with just a breath?"

Think of that curious scene.

She shuddered.

He shook his head hastily to get rid of all these strange thoughts.

Fan Wu doesn't know exactly what these people think of him, and he doesn't know how to understand it.

His arms clasped hard again!


! "The huge rock monster that fell to the ground immediately let out a dull bell-like howl.

Because Fan Wu's hoop directly caused the two fingers of the rock monster to shatter instantly!

Its two fingers turned into pieces of broken gravel, scattered on the ground.

Fan Wu didn't stop moving.

He clenched his fists.

A punch, like a cannonball, struck the palm of the rocky creature.

The palm of the rock monster sunk directly into a huge dent, and there were cracks around the dent that spread upward towards its arm. The left palm of the rocky creature looks like a mountain of mud in a heavy rainstorm, giving people the feeling of being crumbling and about to collapse.

Two punches!

Fan Wu's second punch landed on the left palm of the rock monster in the blink of an eye. The left palm of the monster, which was about to burst, was covered with huge cracks.

Three punches!

Four punches!

Four punches were thrown out simultaneously, and in less than half a breath, the rock monster's left palm was completely shattered!

Fan Wu's movements still didn't stop. He didn't even breathe. He punched out one after another without breathing.

His steps are also step after step.

Move towards the arm.







When the Great Master finally came to his senses, she was shocked to find that only half of the left arm of the rock monster was shattered by Fan Wu, a madman, with his bare hands and fists!

What a joke!

The Great Venerable’s eyes are about to burst! This is one of the few powerful words she has. She often uses this rock to pretend to be a mountain god, and uses it to deceive ignorant humans into offering incense to her.

Moreover, the secret coffin is still on the rock monster. If the rock monster is blown to pieces by this madman, then this time... won't she lose her wife and lose her troops again?

Wouldn't it be necessary to fall into another trap with this bastard Fan Wu?

Damn it!

The Great Venerable could not let this happen. Her mind controlled the rock monster and made it stand up again from the fallen position.

The most important thing is... to keep the Tianji Coffin, which was finally obtained, away from this madman!

at the same time.

She controlled the body of the female believer and came to Fan Wu as quickly as possible, but instead of attacking Fan Wu, she jumped suddenly and landed on the rock monster's head.

The body of the female believer shot out disgusting and disgusting granules. The granules did not fly towards Fan Wu, but pierced into the body of the rock monster between the electric light and flint!

A large number of sarcomas suddenly grew out of the head of the rock monster. When the sarcomas came into contact with the body of the female believer...

It actually enveloped the lower half of her body.

Both sides acted in an extremely disgusting and weird manner.

Melted together!


The two strands of divine consciousness that the Great Venerable dispersed from the gods merged into one at this moment.

Her breath.

Sudden rise!

"Huh? What's going on with that weird thing and that evil way?" Qintiansi Chief Flag Officer tried his best to move his shocked eyes away from Fan Wu. There was a look of astonishment in his eyes, and he fell on the rock. On top of the monster's head.

The changes between the rock monster and the female follower of the Great Venerable made him, the chief flag officer of Qintiansi, unable to react for a moment - what on earth were these two doing?

However, the sudden burst of terrifying aura from that strange rock thing still made Qintiansi Chief Flag Officer of Qiping County alert.

"This is like... Amitabha." Monk Zhikong frowned and said in a deep voice, "It seems like it has become one?!"

"Combined into one?" Xie Jiuyi's face was full of astonishment: "Just one of them is already extremely terrifying. If the two of them merge into one, wouldn't it be even more terrifying?"

Monk Zhikong hesitated for a moment before replying: "Judging from the current situation, it is indeed like this."

"Hiss!" Xie Jiuyi was horrified: "Then Taoist Fan, on his side, isn't it..."

Xie Jiuyi hated why his strength was so weak.

If he was stronger, he wouldn't need to be so weak.

If his strength is comparable to Master Qianhu of Qin Tiansi.

Maybe it can help Daochang Fan.


He is just a small flag officer of the Qintian Division. As a small flag officer in the Qintian Division, although he is not the lowest level member of the Qintian Division, he has nothing to do with the middle and high-level people on the premise. connection.

With such strength, if he rashly went up to assist Daozhang Fan, he would not only fail to assist Daozhang Fan, but would actually hinder him.

At that time, Fan Daozhang may need to protect him!

When you think about it, it becomes even more uncomfortable.

So powerless!

"Crazy guy!" A sudden sound came from the head of the rocky creature, interrupting all the distracting thoughts in the hearts of Xie Jiuyi and others. Just listen to the layer upon layer of sound that penetrates your ears like a demonic sound, and continues to sound: "I have said before, you have no idea how unfathomable my power is!


The Great Master controlled the rock monster and supported the ground with one hand, supporting the huge and heavy body.

A large number of sarcomas began to grow on the broken arm of his left hand.

One after another, the disgusting tumors were piled up at lightning speed.

Finally, half a huge arm was condensed.

The Great Master cast his cold eyes on Fan Wu. Her huge sarcoma arm was still growing a large number of sarcomas.

A lump of sarcoma turned into a huge mace, which was tightly held by the five fingers of the sarcoma arm.

Just the thickest end of the warty mace would probably require three or four people to hug it together.


The great venerable's body and arms ignited large white fireworks. The white fireworks quickly spread towards the mace in her hand, and soon the entire mace was enveloped in the fireworks.

The two attribute information above her head were also integrated into one at this moment.

[The rock and dayfire strange thing descended by the great venerable god]

The title has become like this.

The [Life] attribute has reached an astonishing 6,000 points!

[Strength] attribute reached 99 points!

With a [Strength] attribute of 99 points, this is definitely the existence with the highest [Strength] attribute that Fan Wu has ever seen among so many evil ways and so many strange things during this period!


Those gods whose [Strength] attributes were all question marks were not included in Fan Wu's calculations.

Because they are all over the top.

Fan Wu felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression from the divine thought descended from the current Great Master. This means that the current Great Master's [Force] attribute value is stronger than his [Force] attribute.

Fan Wu's current [Strength] attribute is only 80.01. Even with the 20% [Strength] attribute blessing of "Star Sword Art" lv2, it is only 96.012!

Even if the Great Master's [Strength] attribute is only slightly higher than him.

But this is also a very fatal gap!


Facing such an imposing Great Master, Fan Wu still didn't have the slightest worry or nervous expression on his face... He was still as calm and calm as ever.


[Name: Fan Wu]

【Life: 116.02+】

【Power: 80.01+(+20%)】

[Skills: Xingxiu Sword Technique lv2 (0/100), Evil Ghost Way lv1 (0/50)]

[Free attribute points: 6.611]

This is Fan Wu’s current personal attribute information. His current free attribute point balance is 6.611 points!


"add a bit!"

The balance of 6.611 free attribute points was suddenly cleared at this moment, and Fan Wu's [Strength] attribute soared from 80.01 points to 86.621 points!

Don't look at the fact that his [Strength] attribute alone is still numerically inferior to the Great Master's 99 points of [Strength] attribute, but also look at the 20% blessing provided by the Constellation Sword Technique in his [Skill]!

Adding the 20% [Force] attribute blessing, Fan Wu's [Force] attribute value...reached an astonishing 103.9452!

It was extremely powerful and crushed the Great Master's soaring [Strength] attribute value.

The time spent during this period...

No more than one breath.

Fan Wu's body erupted with an even more astonishing surge of violent evil energy. When the [Strength] attribute value exceeded 100, his aura underwent earth-shaking changes.

Under the influence of his explosive momentum, Qin Tiansi and others had to hide in the distance because the battle between the monsters and Fan Wu was too terrifying...

They even felt a powerful sense of pressure, overwhelmingly pressing towards them.

It felt like they were all hit by invisible air hammers.

His whole head was buzzing.

His consciousness paused for half a breath.

My heart stopped for a few seconds!

Because Yun Jiuqing was a little closer to Fan Wu than everyone else, she bore the brunt of Fan Wu's violent aura.

At that moment, Yun Jiuqing was in a state of confusion, as if his soul had left his body for a moment.

After she regained consciousness.

Only then was he extremely shocked to find that the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat. His whole body seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and his mind still had a "buzzing" feeling.

Yun Jiuqing was shocked!

"Is this... is this just the momentum unleashed by Daoist Fan?" Yun Jiuqing murmured to herself in stunned silence, with a hint of worry in her voice: "I just... was almost knocked unconscious by this momentum!

! "

She really felt a sense of disbelief. Things like aura were so mysterious that it was difficult to explain clearly.

But unfortunately, she was almost stunned by the momentum!

Fortunately, she was a cultivator. If she were an ordinary person... Yun Jiuqing felt that she might have rolled her eyes and fell down on the ground.


Monk Zhikong also tightened his grip on the nine-ring sword. For a moment just now, he almost dropped the sword in his hand. He remembered clearly the moment he was struck by the momentum.

Monk Zhikong muttered: "Amitabha... What did Master Fan do? Just now... it seemed that it wasn't that scary..."

I don't know if it was an illusion on his part, even though he was far away from Daochang Fan.

But the moment he saw Fan Daochang's back.

It was like seeing the Vajra Bodhisattva in the temple!

This made Monk Zhikong's eyes widen: "Could it be that Master Fan is already in the Immortal Class? No...that's not right!"

He shook his head hastily: "Illusion!




Monk Zhikong tried to wake himself up.

He also found that Fan Daochang in front of him had become very strange to him.


He, Monk Zhikong, has never truly seen the depth of Fan Daozhang's strength!


That's right!

Those present were not the only ones who were shocked: Monk Zhikong, Yun Jiuqing, Xie Jiuyi and others.

And the great venerable one!

The great venerable god descended on the rocky creature, and the trace of contempt revealed in that rough face froze. He stared at Fan Wu with an expression as if he had seen a ghost in the daytime.

The eyes of the Great Venerable are full of incredible colors!

"What's going on with him?!" This was not the first time that the great venerable saw Fan Wu. He suddenly gained a lot of strength, which made her very confused and puzzled.

In her eyes, Fan Wu, who was a few breaths ago, was like a little mouse that could jump easily.

After a few breaths, Fan Wu looked like a wild beast in her eyes, exuding a terrifying aura.

It made even her great venerable feel frightened!

"Could this madman always have such strength, but he just hid his strength before that? Why did he hide his strength? Why should he hide his strength in front of me?"

"Is he just trying to tease me? In his eyes, everything I do is like a cat or dog in a theater troupe?"

The great venerable's eyes suddenly widened a bit.

She felt that the situation she had guessed was almost the same as the truth!

This made her very angry!

"He looks down on me!"

"Crazy guy!


"Crazy guy!


"Crazy guy!


Three words of "crazy" came out of the great venerable's mouth. The layer upon layer of demonic sounds that penetrated the ears shocked some weak members of Qin Tiansi and caused severe pain in their eardrums.

I saw the great venerable man controlling the strange rock object, holding tightly the fleshy mace that glowed with white fireworks in his two big hands.

With a spirit of destroying everything, he swung his head towards Fan Wu.

The warty mace drags blinding white flames.

Absolutely appalling!

Fan Wu had already pulled out the Demon-Breaking Sword that was stuck on the ground. He raised his head and stared at the huge mace falling down, feeling the rolling heat wave coming towards his face.

His expression remained unchanged.

The muscles in both arms suddenly became tense, and the Demonic Sword in the hand was pointed directly upwards, slashing out horizontally with an attitude of cutting everything into pieces!



The Demon-Breaking Sword, which was blooming with dazzling sword light, and the sarcoma mace, which was bursting with white flames, had an unprecedented fierce collision.

The violent power of the Great Master was transmitted along the body of the Demon-Breaking Sword, to the hilt, and then to Fan Wu's palm.

But that violent force was digested and disintegrated by the knotted muscles of Fan Wu's arms.

On the contrary, it was the power that exploded from Fan Wu's arms.

The great venerable one is a little bit overwhelmed!

The Great Master's arms holding the sarcoma mace were lifting up a little uncontrollably. She knew that this was her own strength and was not as strong as the madman in front of her.

This was even more difficult for her to accept!

Puff - a sound as if something was being scratched suddenly sounded. The Demon-Breaking Sword burst out with astonishing power, cutting the sarcoma mace hard, and the blade was deeply immersed in it.

Fan Wu slashed through with his sword!

A section of the Great Venerable's sarcoma mace fell directly to the ground, and the broken part was extremely smooth.


Fan Wu's feet sank into another depression, and in the blink of an eye he jumped onto the part of the sarcoma mace still held by the Great Venerable.

Blazing white flames burned all around.

Unable to hurt him at all.

It just forced his hair to become slightly twisted, that's all.

Fan Wu used the sarcoma mace as a runway. In a few steps, he reached the sarcoma arm.

The great lord reacted.


The Great Master wanted to throw Fan Wu off her arm, but when she just started, Fan Wu used a very exaggerated posture and slashed the sarcoma arm at his feet with his sword!



Fan Wu could feel a very obstructive resistance, but this resistance was in the face of his surging power...

Nothing at all!

The sword light that burst out from the Demon-Breaking Sword cut off the huge sarcoma arm!

The Great Master's action of throwing away his hand ended, but it was not Fan Wu who was thrown out, but one of her arms! The rock monster she controlled once again entered a state of broken arms!


It was different from the feeling of being chopped on the sarcoma mace. When the Demon-Breaking Sword was slashed on the sarcoma arm, the severe pain that invaded the soul was unbearable for the Great Master.

Her face immediately distorted, and she roared and screamed in layers, rolling up circles of sound waves and spreading outward.

The members of Qintiansi whose eardrums were already slightly damaged were shocked.

At this moment, the ears suffered great damage again.

Many people have become temporarily deaf.

Yun Jiuqing also covered her ears in pain, but this still could not block the demonic sound from penetrating her ears. She looked at a huge arm with a shocked face and fell heavily.

She swallowed secretly.

From the painful howl of the strange thing, she could already tell how much pain the other party was feeling.

Those who hear it are sad.

The listeners shed tears!

On the other side, Fan Wu cut off the Great Venerable's sarcoma arm with a sword and fell steadily to the ground.

The movements in his hands did not stop.

The Great Master's screams made him feel as if he had not heard them.

Fan Wu holds the Demon-Severing Sword.

A sword.

Cut it out again!

This sword landed on the body of the rock monster. It is clear that the length of the Demon Breaking Sword is not particularly big or long compared to the size of the rock monster.

However, when the sword sank into the strange rock body.

But almost half of its body was cut open!

The body of the rock monster controlled by the great venerable god descended once again became unstable, like a boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff somewhere.

It seemed that all it took was a kick from someone to make the boulder collapse.

"Crazy guy!



The Great Venerable let out a furious roar of pain. She raised another huge rock arm and smashed it down towards Fan Wu like a falling giant axe.

Fan Wu leaned over slightly, and immediately tilted the Demon-Breaking Sword upwards, slashing out with one strike!

The blade of the sword bloomed with a star-like light, which was particularly bright in the night.

Only a white line was seen, sweeping across the great venerable's fallen arm. The great venerable's arm had not yet completely landed on the ground.

It broke off at the elbow.

Landed with a bang!

Both arms were completely chopped off, which was completely unexpected by the Great Master. She simply couldn't figure out why someone could become so powerful in an instant.

And Fan Wu would not take the initiative to answer the thousands of questions that emerged in the Great Master's mind.

Take advantage of her illness.

Kill her!

Fan Wu suddenly put his other hand into his waist. The City Emperor's Order was held in his hand, and he flicked his arm!

The city emperor's order turned into a dazzling red light, piercing the night sky.

It fell straight into the rock monster controlled by the Great Lord!


The great venerable's furious sounds and screams stopped abruptly, as if they were restricted by something.


This is an excellent opportunity!

Fan Wu immediately seized the opportunity.

The muscles in his legs were already tense, and he jumped with all his might, reaching a height as high as the Great Master's head.

From this height, Fan Wu could clearly see the face of a great venerable appearing on the head of the rocky creature.

That face was filled with pain.

Angry faces all over.

And among the pain and anger, there was also a little bit of shock.

The Great Lord didn't know what happened. She just felt as if something had entered her body just now, and then she suddenly couldn't move. She couldn't control the body of the rock monster with her spiritual mind! Nor can she control the white dayfire of her female believer!

He looked at Fan Wu who was close to Chi Chi, looked at the exaggerated muscles on Fan Wu's body, and looked at the Demon-Breaking Sword that exuded a dangerous aura.

The Great Master's eyes gradually widened.

She saw that the bright sword light of the Demon-Breaking Sword had become very dazzling to her eyes.

She had seen this scene before.

When she was in Yinghe Prefecture, she had seen this Demon-Severing Sword emitting a similar bright light. That kind of light seems to come from the starry sky of the universe, as if it is attracting the light of the stars all over the sky to fall down.


The Great Master discovered that... the bright sword light erupted from the Demon-Breaking Sword this time was more dazzling than the last time she saw it.

Let her eyes,

Even with his spiritual thoughts, he felt a dull pain.

The Great Master didn’t know the reason for this.

Is it because Fan Wu is too close to her?

Or has Fan Wu become stronger?

The next moment.

The Great Master saw Fan Wu, who was so close to Chi Chi, dragging a starlight sword several feet long, whizzing towards her! The bright white light had completely covered her field of vision, making everything she saw black and white.

What followed was indescribable tearing pain.

The tearing pain seemed to be transmitted to her body through the divine thoughts descended from her.

The Great Master felt as if his soul had been thrown into a stone mill and ground into pieces!

Except for the pain…

Still painful!

[You successfully killed the "rock dayfire monster descended by the Great Lord". Congratulations on getting free attribute points: 10 points! 】

Following the huge body of the rock monster controlled by the Great Venerable, it collapsed as if all its strength had been stolen.

Add system kill prompts.

This soon followed.

"It's great!" Fan Wu felt a feeling that was more refreshing than eating the forbidden fruit several times in one night.

Make him very comfortable!

Very cool!

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