Vol.4 Episode 13+



‘The true sky.’

It was an umbrella that covered them while they were struggling in the mud, and it was a shade that shielded them from the scorching sunlight.

That’s why it was called Jincheon.

The only thing they had to worship and wait for was Jincheon.

“I am Jincheon.”

Same words as the declaration of Yi Rowoon.

At that time, black lightning struck the top of Jincheonru once again.

The appearance of Jincheonru Pavilion blazing by lightning was similar to a torch in another sense.

A rain shower.

When Lee Rowoon closes his eyes.

-I can’t!

A scene I had never seen before began to paint like an afterimage.

‘It’s beautiful.’

A woman who wonders if she would be that kind of person if she made that word into a person.

The woman was on her knees, crying.

-How dare you betray the sky!

She cried and cried.


Even with her plea, a cold voice continued.

“I did not become your sky because I wanted to.”

The voice came from Lee Rowoon’s mouth.

“You made me a heaven, and you made me a god.”

-My dear Jincheon!

“So now I have to pay the price.”

Lee Rowoon spoke to the crying woman without changing her expression.


Her name.

“Have everything of Shinmaism.”

“It’s not what I hoped for, you who made it, take it.”

– Please!

Gather all the forces of silver.

“Promote me.”

After those words, I felt the afterimage of the woman called Ha-jin disappearing around her.

He wasn’t summoned to a strange place or fell asleep.

It was raining on Haomun Street, where Lee Ron was standing.

“No, Lord Moon.”

At that moment, Ha Se-min, a trembling pupil, stood up without hiding her embarrassment.

Ha Se-min ran with an umbrella, not knowing where it came from.

He was putting an umbrella over the little girl’s head.

“My dear Jincheon.”


I can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman.

But Yi-Woon knew instinctively.

She is the woman in the afterimage, Ha-jin.


Whether it was a shower or something, water droplets ran down her eyes.

He knew it instinctively.

The girl in front of you is Hao-moon’s munju and Ha-jin, the woman who appeared in the afterimage.

How she survived the long years.

I didn’t know how she was doing that.

I can feel the strange pain in my chest just looking at her.

‘Damn it.’

These memories and emotions.

There was no way I could not have noticed what this was.

Memories of Shin Yeo-wool.

All of a sudden, the Hao Mundo gathered in the streets.

They knelt and bowed their heads, bowing to Munju and Hajin.


It looks like the believers worshiping the gods.

“There was no way.”

Hajin said in a hollow voice.

“I had to pass on the teachings of Jincheon to everyone, but I could not use the name of Jincheon as an apostate.”

Hajin betrayed King Mu.

But, thinking of King Wu, he wanted to leave everything he taught to the next generation.

However, you cannot use the names of Shinma and Jincheon as an apostate.

“Inevitably, their faith turned toward me.”

So she wanted to become a god herself.

On the same day.

“But everything belongs to Jincheon.”

It was to give Jincheon, who reappeared, everything she had built up.

Ha Se-min bit her lip.

Hao Mundo with no expression.

She was a god to them.

A believer must obey whatever God says.

“You… .”

He said with eyes filled with deep regret.

“You repeat the same mistakes over and over again.”

She created a religion by thinking and judging on her own.

‘It’s been like that in the past.’


, the birth of the Shinma Gyo, which dominated the whole, was not what Shin Yeo-wool wanted.

“I just… .”

Stick hair.

‘It’s coming.’

The memories of Master are flooding in all at once.

Why is this all of a sudden?

‘Chaos… .’

You are connected with the masters.

The teachers shared the chaos that had been sealed to them, and there was a bond that could not be broken only by breaking it.

Master’s memories flowing through the string.




Lea Rowoon closed his eyes, leaving Hajin shouting at him behind him.

I don’t have to block the flowing memories.

I only thought of one thing in the meantime.


Who the country is.

What is the owner.

When Yi Rowoon wakes up again.

I saw Ha-jin kneeling down and bowing down.

“For many years, I could not even sleep properly because of the guilt of apostasy.”

Hajin’s voice.

“Please, please, end the long wait and pay the price of apostasy.”

It seemed so obvious what she wanted.

“You want me to kill you?”

Her death.

Jincheon was to condemn her.

She was a monster in Lee Ro-Won’s eyes.

The silver monster.

Another monster from the ghost wine created over the years.

She was no longer a girl.


She returned to the beautiful woman she had seen in the afterimage.

“Let me pay the price of apostasy.”


She betrayed King Wu.

A clear memory in the brain proves it.

-Kill me.

Shin Yeo-wool’s command.

But she didn’t keep it.

The price is horrendous.

The name of the Shinma has been erased, and there are no people left who remember King Wu.

“The price… .”

Hajin was alive with that guilt.

I couldn’t trust King Mu, and he led the world to ruin.

I’ve been working hard to wash away that sin, and I’ve been raising Hao Mun.

She is crying with the shower.

For a long time, the world assimilated to her represented her feelings.

“I will.”

Her voice was heard with afterimages.

-Kill me.

She wants to find rest in this endless life, her true heart.

“You… I know.”

Lee Rowoon spoke to her in a heavy voice.

“I’m not the one you’ve been waiting for.”

Lee Rowoon clearly referred to himself as Jincheon.


A person who has the qualifications of a silver king.

But what she has been waiting for is not the one who deserves it.

‘Yeoul Shin.’

He’s been waiting for him.

When it rains, her emotions are swept into the rain.

‘You won’t come back.’

She thought that when her successor herself appeared, Jincheon and Shin Yeo-ul, whom she had been waiting for, would not appear.

So you think that waiting any longer is meaningless.

I still want to leave the end to Jincheon’s successor, Lee Rowoon.

Hajin closed her eyes and didn’t say anything.

It was telling me that what Lee Rowoon said was the correct answer.

“Not me.”

“The person you have been waiting for.”

It’s not me.

“It doesn’t matter. It is certain that you succeeded Jincheon.”

“That’s right. However.”

Lee Rowoon reached out to her kneeling and said.

“The person you have been waiting for is also back.”

Hajin was a person who could be expressed in one word by Lee Rowoon’s standard.

Those who are trapped in their own sins and cannot escape.

Therefore, he created a fanatical belief by changing Haomen into a religious form.


“I don’t like it.”

Lee Rowoon didn’t like a human named Hajin.

Her behavior definitely deserves condemnation, or she deserves to be stoned for being the villain of the world.

But how about that?

“You did not betray Master.”

The stigma of apostasy.

But that’s also the case for Master.

Disobeying Master’s command to kill himself, he became an apostate for Master’s sake.

Her long wait.

It was also made with a heart for Master.

He could never curse at her for having endured this hellish life as a means of atonement for his master.

“If you should be punished.”

“I am not the one to be punished.”

It will be his master.

“I really… That person… .”

“Master is back. You must have seen the proof.”

The reason why Hoi was able to control Haomen.

The reason why Ha-jin had to hand over the right, because Hao-mun belonged to King Wu.

“God… machete.”

She saw Master’s death.

Even if it’s not certain, it’s evidence that you can’t help but expect.

In front of her like that, a more convincing proof, herself, appeared.

“Master is in someone’s hands. No, it could be Master’s will.”

“But I plan to get Master back.”

Even if that’s what Master wants.

-If we meet again, we will have to fight each other to kill each other.

Remembering King Mu’s voice, Lee Rowoon reached out to Hajin.

“Would you like to join us?”

The rain gradually stops.

Her feelings melted in the rain.

It made Yi-Woon laugh bitterly.


A love that has lasted for thousands of years, perhaps even more.

Maybe that’s the real madness.

Hajin held Lee Rowoon’s hand.

Hajin stood up.

They both looked towards the same place.

To Ha Se-min, a man with empty eyes.

An ordinary child of Hao Mun.

A child who never thought of fate.

A child like that.

‘From today on, your name is Ha Se-min.’

The day I was chosen and given my name.

Light seeped into the empty eyes.

‘You have to live in the dark from now on. Are you still okay?’

It’s okay.

You are my light and darkness is my salvation.

‘I am the king of black eyes.’

Ha Se-min gave everything for Hao-mun and Heuk-shi.

My god.

For the sake of the owner.

I wasn’t even greedy.

I was just proud of the fact that I was working for Heukshi for Haomen.

In spite of the numerous favors and gifts pouring in from all directions, after a thorough calculation, only Hao Mun was received.

I didn’t do anything for personal achievement.

‘It’s a gift.’

I wore only the suit she gave me, and I didn’t touch the many wealth that I could use.

It was Hasemin like that.

But now, the world is being taken away from you.

It’s disappointing.

I thought you weren’t greedy.

I just thought I was satisfied with everything I was given.

“I wanted it.”

But behind the scenes, it was clear that the desire for Hao Mun was also growing.

I was able to admit that feeling only now that I was deprived of everything by that man, Lee Rowoon.

Eyes faded and empty.

Now everything is fine.

The darkness that I thought was light to me just turned into darkness.

“I don’t give it.”

The hand that reached out towards him.

“Haomen is mine.”

“Me… Are you making fun of me?”

Good, he reached out and said.

“You rule Haomen.”

Light enters the empty pupil again.


The sky that serves as an umbrella and shade.

“Are you going to catch me?”

He said.

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