Disaster Artist

Chapter 966: gossip

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Yu Shao is not a rookie.

Rolling in Lanchuan for many years, I have seen ups and downs, made mistakes, committed stupidity, betrayed, and encountered betrayal. I have accumulated a lot of injuries.

He thought that he had already developed his skills and mentality, like a suit of armor, invulnerable to bullets, but standing in front of Lu Qian, he realized:

I still have a lot of things to learn, and more importantly, I am still an ordinary person after all, and there is still a softness under the armor.

He couldn't help closing his eyes.

Letting the miscellaneous negative emotions boil over, then take a deep breath and regain reason, but there is still a little sadness in the voice uncontrollably.

"Director, you are a victim, you should be angry, you should be irritable, you should vent, these thoughts should be given to me."

"This is my job."

"Although I really thank you for taking everything into consideration, director, you should trust me, hand over some burdens and problems to me, and let me share them for you, so that every time I see 10% of the credits Then you won't feel guilty, okay?"

Inadvertently, Yu Shao also made a small joke, but the conversation changed, and the words were not finished.

"Director, haven't you noticed yourself? After Tan Xiao, you were involved in such an incident again, and you were a victim again. Is this really good?"

Yu Shao was also somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, he knew that Lu Qian was right; but on the other hand, he hoped to be able to give Lu Qian a bad breath.

It was rare to see Yu Shao's true feelings revealed, and Lu Qian felt a little strange, so he couldn't help chuckling, "Brother Yu, I'm not a victim."

Yu Shao was at a loss for words, thinking about it seriously, but couldn't refute:

It is true that Lu Qian became the target of calculation tonight, but in fact, Lu Qian is really not a victim, he needs to wipe a bitter tear for the reporter.

And, not just tonight.

So far, all the reporters who came to look for Lu Qian's fault have returned in vain, so that there is always a legend of Lu Qian in the circle of reporters and paparazzi.

Thinking of it this way, you should be angry, agitated, and vented, as if... it was the reporters.

But why does it feel weird?

"Director..." Yu Shao felt a little powerless, all anger and sadness, all Kang's feelings and loneliness, were smashed to pieces by Lu Qian in the blink of an eye.

Lu Qian chuckled again, "Brother Yu, as you said, I shouldn't be involved in this kind of incident anymore, from any point of view, the news broke out, in fact, it was in the hands of the reporters. If the parties tonight don’t say anything, the other reporters should applaud.”

Everyone is looking forward to the emergence of an annual event. If the news of tonight's event is revealed, doesn't it mean that Lu Qian is handing a knife to the reporters?

At that time, no one will miss it. Even if Lu Qian has evidence in hand, things may be out of control. Even the reporters say that it is not impossible for Lu Qian to direct and act the hype. With the performance, it will be really lively.



Reason and emotion are in a tug of war, and in the end, reason prevails.

Yu Shao let out a sigh of relief, "...Director, I understand."


Although Yu Shao didn't speak, the pause of the silent sigh could be heard, followed by a "but".

"Real life is like this, you need to learn to choose." Lu Qian can understand the "but" in Yu Shao's subtext—

However, still not satisfied.

Yu Shao shook his head. It was obvious that Lu Qian was the victim. If it wasn't for Lu Qian's wit, things might have gone to another extreme tonight.

If it weren't for Lu Qian, if it were anyone else, the situation might be embarrassing; moreover, what would happen after the news of what happened tonight was leaked?

As a result, they need to hold back and even help cover up the news?

What is this.

How to think how to be suffocated.

He let out a long sigh, but Yu Shao still couldn't hold it back, "Director, there are some things I still need to do, even though we need to help cover up the news, those reporters can't help but learn a lesson, even if it's a shock to the mountains, we still need to do it. If you do something, you can't just let it go."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Qian didn't hesitate, "Well, okay, I see."

so crisply?

A sharp 90-degree turn, so that Yu Shao couldn't hold back, and said more, "Director, do you agree?"

He also thought that it would take a lot of effort to convince Lu Qian.

"Haha." Lu Qian chuckled, "Brother Yu, trust me, I'm definitely not a good person."

"Ha. Ha." Yu Shao rolled his eyes, "Everyone says the director is a devil, but the director's role-playing is still addictive? I'm not fooled."

Lu Qian shrugged, "In order to avoid losing the vest, I will leave the follow-up to you this time, and let them continue to deepen the impression of the super devil."

"Brother Yu, it's time to pay back the salary I paid for raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while."

Hearing the light laughter from the other end of the phone, Yu Shao's mood also relaxed, even if the sky fell, it seemed that things weren't that bad.

For a long time, Yu Shao didn't speak, he picked up the emotions scattered all over the floor, then returned to normal and called again.

In the next period of time, rumors circulated in Lanchuan——

Two paparazzi broke into Lu Qian's mansion in Lanchuan, and were bitten by a mastiff dog. They almost died, and even alarmed the police and ambulance.

Soon, the rumor was clarified that it was not Lanchuan, but Qingcheng.

The paparazzi tried to sneak into Lu Qian's room to take a candid photo, but was caught by Lu Qian, who fought on the spot. The paparazzi broke two ribs and was pulled away by an ambulance, but all the news was blocked and suppressed abruptly.

The key is that the paparazzi have the handle in Lu Qian's hands.

However, another version began to circulate quietly.

In fact, the truth is that Lu Qian and a female reporter fell in love and were dating in a hotel, but they were smashed by the paparazzi, and the scene was very chaotic for a time.

Because the paparazzi took the key photos, and they were the ones that needed mosaics, Lu Qian finally collapsed and bought the memory card on the spot with 500,000 yuan.

But this version has not been around for long, and the new version has been updated~www.readwn.com~ is even more bizarre and confusing.

It turned out that a female paparazzi broke into Lu Qian's hotel room. As a result, she saw Lu Qian out of the bath and tried to seduce Lu Qian, but was rejected, so the woman was about to threaten Lu Qian's bathing photo, but she was caught on the spot by Lu Qian. In response, not only was the memory card snatched away, but his ribs were also broken and thrown out on the spot——

Everyone sighed and sighed that Lu Qian was so cruel to women, but he was really able to do it, and his ribs were broken when they were broken.

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Moreover, because of this incident, Lu Qian was furious. Not only did he arrest the security team of the crew and scolded him severely, but Lei Ming's brokerage industry suffered:

Lu Qian blamed the agency for not doing a good job in the media, causing reporters and paparazzi to circle around like flies.

"Refused to interview! All!"

In a fit of anger, Lu Qian directly issued a ban order, and all interviews of any kind were banned until the filming of "Deadpool" ended.

Broker Lei Ming shivered from top to bottom.

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