For the upcoming Otsutsuki Clan, Hitoshi knows that every Hidden Village is making its own preparations.

And even Rikudō Sennin doesn't know the expert from Otsutsuki Clan, and they don't have the information. At this time, they need to make the most balanced preparation.

Ninbo phantom develops on three sides, and there are two Kage Level Experts in each aspect. When the time comes, it is also easy to resist the sudden foreign enemy.

Not to mention the three-sided development of the ninja phantom, they have to come up with something else.

For example, the existence of Ninja Tool who is good at using various exotic flowers, such as Shinōbi who likes to use hidden weapon.

This is the rhythm from fundamental defense to death.

Hitoshi also had to sigh, these people really don't have a good deal with, everyone is very difficult to deal with.

Not only Hitoshi, but Rikudō Sennin also admires the influence of Hidden Villages.

Deserving to be a person who can sit in the shadow, regardless of good or evil, does not evaluate the character.

Foresight, ability, and determination are all the best choices.

Every aspect has to stand up.

The most important thing is the pattern. When other people are still considering whether the price they pay is worth it, they have already taken action to truly get the greatest benefits in their hands.

Other people compare Kage Level and natural resources to think about the value of it.

Five Great Hidden Villages does not care at all. Some natural resources can be exchanged for a Kage Level expert. They are willing to do such good things.

Kage Level expert, no matter how loser it is, it is also Kage Level.

The Kage Level expert in Fourth Shinobi World War is also very strong.

Two Ninjutsu-type Kage Level experts can destroy the city even if they let go.

At the beginning of the second Shinōbi World meeting, everyone's expressions were a little weird. The silent figure appeared behind looking other people, everyone was very upset.

There is no way, there are too many hatreds. Five Great Hidden Villages fought with each other and caused too much hatred.

Just like memories in childhood, you grabbed my lollipop, no one can do it.

Faced with this kind of situation, everyone can only choose to be silent.

Be aware that when Hitoshi did not become a Complete Body at first, he was almost killed several times during a mission.

Now the enemy is right in front of you, if you really can’t do it, just ask if you feel uncomfortable.

This is also the reason why everyone collectively resurrected Shōdai Second-Kage and did not resurrect the old bastard. There is no way, there are too many hatreds, and they can only do it privately.

In the end, it was Rikudō Sennin who couldn't stand it anymore and broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Everyone, the reason for holding the second meeting is also very simple. It is to discuss how to develop Shinōbi World.

Our Early Stage preparations have been completed, and what we need now is to develop the entire Shinōbi World.

The main purpose of this meeting is to establish the route we will take in the future.

Only by confirming the route, we can go on safely."

Rikudō Sennin said that this Sage is also a person who has been advancing with the times and has learned a lot of things. He has a clear understanding of some of your knowledge.

So, when Laozi speaks, there is a set of sets. Official words, everyone is very clear.

"Technology shares part, transaction taxation is fully balanced, import and export tax is abolished, each country’s special product must be opened for free, and the quota is divided by how much its own country contributes. Where can you get it from other countries? How much quota.

Since it is Allied Shinōbi Village, we have to come up with some cross-cutting things."

Hitoshi put forward his own suggestion, since it is to develop the real Shinōbi World , Then it can’t just be fun.

If it's just for fun, then there is no need to do it.

Everyone fell silent after hearing Hitoshi's words.

Not all, just like Senju Hashirama, he didn't understand at all.

Looked his younger brother was silent, walking with his fingers without tapping, Senju Hashirama was very puzzled.

"Tobirama, you tell me quietly what happened."

Senju Hashirama stabbed his younger brother and asked in a low voice.

Senju Tobirama glanced at his Old Brother. In other things, his IQ was not bad. In this kind of thing, he can only say that he hasn't reached a negative number yet.

"According to the Sāndaime Kazekage system, we need to provide a batch of free natural resources every year. According to the value of these natural resources, we can get different shares from the natural resources provided by other people. Free natural resources.

At the same time, when the time comes, our import and export goods have no tariffs. If this happens then, the realm between country and country is not clear.

To share part of technology, we have to help the poor, but at the same time we can get something we need."

Gradually, the discussion in the room became louder and louder, and Senju Tobirama took advantage of it. Take this opportunity to explain to Old Brother.

Senju Hashirama listened to his younger brother's explanation and said he understood it.

"Isn't this a good thing? Just agree directly."

After understanding, Senju Hashirama said, do you still need to think about this kind of thing? For such a good thing, everyone agrees directly.

Senju Hashirama stood up directly.

"I agree with Sāndaime Kazekage, I think his proposal is very good."

"We share a part of science and technology, and what everyone shows is definitely not available in other countries, so you can Make up for each other's shortcomings.

There is no problem with sharing a part of natural resources.

The higher the value of the things you take out, the higher the rate of return you will get, so you don’t want to change Useless things."

Senju Hashirama's words are like opening a door.

Everyone here knows this truth, but no one dares to stand up and say that.

And Senju Hashirama stepped forward and gave everyone a step.





Everyone understands and understands that after a step, everything is easy to say.

"I think we should vigorously develop the ocean.

Although we are also developing the ocean today, the development is not yet in place. I think we should vigorously develop it, not just the ocean The islands in China and the seabed world.

For millions of years, none of us have understood the situation of the seabed world.

Even if the seabed world is not developed, there are many things we need in the ocean. Things exist.

And if we want to go outside, we must first develop our planet’s things."

This time it was Mizukage.

Before, everyone was developing the ocean, but the development was not in place. Everyone just went to the ocean to find what they wanted, not what they wanted, and everyone didn’t want to get it.

Basically, he is a realist.

Kirigakure is lonely overseas all year round, and will carry out various developments.

I have to say that Kirigakure is now the richest in natural resources among all Hidden Villages, and they store a large amount of various materials.

It's just that they are almost out of the ability to quickly convert materials into power.

Their ability has begun to limit the speed and time of material transformation.

So, they proposed that everyone come together.

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