Konoha's scenery is different from Sunagakure.

Sunagakure can be said to be gradually entering the stage of modernization, mainly focusing on modern beauty.

Konoha is mainly primordial beauty.

To put it plainly, one is the steel jungle and the other is the primordial jungle.

However, the two have one thing in common, that is, rich, powerful, daunting, and afraid to provoke.

During the day with a group of old foxes for a day, he was exhausted.

He is very tired and wants to buy more for Ame no Kuni and Amegakure.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen is just one sentence. If you want to get more, you can, please let us see the strength of Ame no Kuni.

Strength, how to look at strength.

With a self-deprecating smile, Kumada is a little tired.

Think about the two Five Great Hidden Villages I saw.

Whether it is Sunagakure or Konoha, the two thousand elite Shinōbi who come out to welcome him are never because of how important they are.

It's just because people never care about it.

To take out two thousand elite Shinōbi, for others, it is more like a random act.

Very relaxed behavior.

Don't say that two thousand elite Shinōbi are two thousand Shinōbi. It is a difficult task to take out by yourself.

Nothing is wrong, you are not mistaken, it is difficult.

Except for Five Great Hidden Villages, any country is impossible to take out tens of thousands of Shinōbi.

This is also the reason for the transcendent position of Five Great Hidden Villages.


With a wry smile, I walked silently in the night market in Konoha, looking at the bustling scenery, thinking about the daytime meeting, Kumada was in a bad mood.

"It's too difficult, Hanzo faced the same situation back then.

No wonder, he was crazy.

It was too difficult."

Kumada suddenly thought of the dead Shinōbi World Demi-God.

He thought of the scene Hanzo faced before he died.

Before he laughed at Hanzo as stupid, but now he thinks, maybe, madness is not a bad thing, at least, after madness, it will be easier.

It's relaxed.

It's pretty good when it's dead.

Kumada suddenly shocked at the thought of death.

He found that when he thought of death, he himself was afraid.

Yes, he was scared.

When I think of the tragic picture after my death, when I think that I just walked to the front of the stage, and I died before enjoying it, then I have suffered a lot.

I haven't lived the kind of life where several Secret Jutsu waited on me.

I haven't lived a life of life and death with one thought, and a life of dispersing billions of wealth in one word.

I still really stand on top of ten thousand people, overlooking the struggle of sentient beings, and then say I don’t love money.

Kumada persuaded when he thought that he hadn't done anything like this before.

He feels that, in fact, it’s a good idea to be a tool man.

Yes, when I thought of being a tool person, I don’t need food and drink, and I can live a good life, Kumada suddenly felt that, in fact, a little bit of counseling would be good.

When I think of the scene after death and the scene of being laughed at by others, Kumada feels that everything can be seen away.

After counseling, after not wanting to die, Kumada discovered that she could actually fudge a wave of benefits from Five Great Hidden Villages, and then rolled back to Ame no Kuni to live the life of the King of the Mountain.

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and Sarutobi is the king.

At Ame no Kuni, he can enjoy the admiration of thousands of people, and he can tyrannically abuse power, which is pretty good.

As long as Ame no Kuni eats better and lives better, he can live well.

Well, that's the truth.

Being a tool man is pretty good.

Kumada looked away, not only did he look away, he now looked at the bustling Konoha Hidden Villages around him.

When I find myself working hard, I can actually try to challenge it.

Of course, his challenge is not to challenge Konoha's military force status.

Instead, it challenges the prosperity of Konoha.

They, Ame no Kuni, occupies a very good location. They can live well even by collecting tolls.

Kumada's thinking is getting more and more divergent.

He suddenly thought of one thing, that is, whether Kaze no Kuni or Hi no Kuni, they all have one thing in common, that is, their roads and repairs are quite good.

"I heard that Tsuchi no Kuni is also building roads. All over the country, as long as there are people living, they will build roads wherever they are.

Mizu no Kuni is also doing roads everywhere. Navigate the route.

Kaminari no Kuni seems to meet mountains and open mountains.

They are all building roads, so I should repair them too."

The more you think Coming more and more divergent, Kumada walked and watched, occasionally buying something, eating he he, and letting Kumada connect a truth in his head.

That is, if you want to get rich, build roads first.

Especially after thinking of the location of Ame no Kuni, Kumada was even more excited.

They Ame no Kuni, bordering the three Great Country, are very close to each other.

This is the opportunity.

Think about it carefully, this is an opportunity to rise, as long as you grasp it and charge tolls, you can get a golden mountain.

Moreover, think about it carefully, the small towns in Sunagakure are on both sides of the highway.

Why is this.

Kumada doesn't know, but Kumada knows one thing, that is, to imitate the way of the boss, yes.

As for things like me who live and die, what limits the upper limit.

Sorry, follow the boss, it is labor-saving and safe, he is not good.

Fragrant, very fragrant.

Anyway, Kumada feels that he is right.

"It's a pity that I didn't come with a shadow. Yahiko is looking at his hometown again, and Nagato is going to visit relatives again.

It would be nice if someone is around."


Kumada was a little disappointed. If he knew that he could come up with a "national policy", he would take a person with him.

One person counts the short, two counts the length.

However, Kumada thought of one more thing.

That is, Nagato’s Five Great Countries trip seems to be a trip for relatives.

this life, because Hitoshi accepted Uzumaki Clan, Uzumaki Clan crossed the better, and showed strong ability.

Five Great Countries have converged some Uzumaki Clan members.

In short, it is Uzumaki Clan. After Uzu no Kuni disintegrated, he wandered in Five Great Countries.

"No, Mizu no Kuni does not have Uzumaki Clan.

Not a perfect relative."

Who makes Mizu no Kuni Kirigakure do it? As for Uzu no Kuni, no matter how stupid Uzumaki Clan is, he will not escape to Mizu no Kuni.

The target of their escape can only be the other four countries.

Even so, Kumada still envy Nagato.

There is no one who can do the job as a relative.

Think about it, this can be considered no one in the past, as for no one in the future, then I dare not say.

I can only say that my life lies here, I won’t be envious.

shaking one's head, thrown out the messy thoughts, Kumada continues to move forward.

While walking, eating and drinking, Kumada found a convenience store, walked in very decisively, bought a notebook, bought a pen, and found a place on the side of the road. , Sat there, and started to write what I had just thought.

You need to write it down, and then slowly ponder the feasibility of it.

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