Different World Development Manual

Chapter 787: New governor

Camber's uprising was quickly quelled under the guidance of the Progressive Party and turned from fighting to protest.

Falkenhausen and Robert also breathed a sigh of relief, at least they wouldn't cause too much damage in Camber.

As a soldier, Falkenhausen knows how a rebellion in the city will affect the entire city.

Now that the Progressive Party has dealt with it, Falkenhausen need not worry anymore.

However, in the face of anger, protesting civilians and the Camber army, Falkenhausen had to withdraw the decree that banned the circulation of soft currency and brought the business of the Chinese merchants to the Camber governorate.

Falkenhausen lost his last fight, and he had to face the reality of powerless resistance, allowing Camber to enter the current that followed China from the earth.

The soft currency was once again returned to the Camber market, and the soft currency that was forcibly exchanged by the staff of the Government House was also returned to the civilians who were forcibly expropriated.

As for compensation, just take the shopping vouchers originally exchanged for them.

After all, the Governor's Office can't offer any compensation measures now. The economy is already in a mess. The downfall of the Falkenhausen cabinet is affirmative, and the next destined pro-China cabinet will take office to reverse the whole situation in Camber.

It was an industry under the name of Chinese businessmen. Falkenhausen arranged for Robert and the staff to come to the door to apologize personally and return all the properties to these Chinese businessmen.

For the compensation of businessmen, Falkenhausen, in the name of the governor, promised that the governor’s office would provide these businessmen with tax relief for two years, in order to encourage these businessmen from China and promote the development of Camberer’s business. .

This "war" that the workshop owners pushed back to fuel the flames ended in a miserable defeat by the workshop owners.

Under this blow, the owners of Campbell almost all went bankrupt because they could not recruit workers and the currency depreciated.

Those surviving workshop owners fled to the east of the First League.

All the workshop owners in Camber, except for those who chose to cooperate with Huaxia, were almost wiped out.

As for other industries that were brought together by the workshop owners, especially the financial sector, they were tragically affected in this "war" between the workshop owners and China, and suffered disasters that they simply could not bear.

The Progressive Party rose to prominence in the Camber Uprising, and received the Governor of Falkenhausen, entered various departments of the Governor’s Palace, and continued to impose martial law on Camber.

Although the Government House is still under martial law, the executives have been replaced by the Progressive Party. Therefore, civilians, the army, and business people are very cooperative with the Government House’s martial law.

In Camber, more and more civilians at the bottom, as well as compradors, mine owners, and farmers began to support this emerging Camber party.

Calm in the city of Camber, but civilians, merchants, and troops are all waiting for the decision made by the Governor's Palace.

In the Parliament of the Government House at this time, the leader of the Progressive Party, Louis Bourbon, who was hidden behind the scenes, appeared in the Parliament as a member of Parliament, and made a vigorous attack on the policies of the Government House.

"We created the First Alliance, not to allow soldiers to bleed for the stability of their country.

We created the First League not to fill the bottomless pit in the east of the First League with the finances that were already beyond our means.

The first alliance should be our economic vassal in Camber, but this alliance failed to fulfill the responsibility of contributing to Camber, instead it kept sucking our blood.

Those workshop owners, when the domestic economic crisis broke out, did not serve the country, but instead took their only property and transferred all to the First League.

For us, this is tantamount to a huge loss.

These fugitives who ran away from Camber must be severely punished, their nationality in Camber was abolished, their properties in Camber were confiscated, and they were auctioned to merchants who could buy them to make up for the financial shortfall of the Government House! "

What Louis meant was that the First League was supposed to carry out economic transportation for Camber, but now because of market instability, various rebellions have caused Camber to a huge financial burden.

This organization is no longer suitable for the economic development of Camber, and the Governor of Camber should make a choice, and must delink from the First League.

Those workshop owners who betrayed Camber in the crisis, their property was returned to the Government House and sold to those who could afford it.

As for those who are able to buy, they naturally refer to Chinese merchants from across the sea.

"These two problems are just the most acute problems in the country. We must abandon the First Alliance and increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

These are just some of the many problems in the country. I believe that our Camber Modern Progressive Party will gradually lead Camber to normal and even prosperous in the future.

It just takes time and the help of our allies. "

The so-called allies naturally refer to the allies of the Progressive Party, Chinese people.

Louis continued to criticize: "Domestic policies are the same, and overseas are the same.

Due to prolonged oppression, many territories overseas have declared independence.

The navy is again colluding with pirates in the Central Sea, and is now suppressed by the Continental Congress **** fleet in the name of fighting pirates and unable to go out in the harbor.

It has become very difficult to maintain the cost of overseas territories in this situation where there is no navy.

Like the First Alliance, those independent overseas territories have also become our financial burden.

Instead of continuing and actually forming independent overseas territories to maintain a hostile state and investing more military expenditure on them to pacify them, it is better to recognize their independence at this time and create a good external environment for us. "

Governor Falkenhausen and the special adviser were sitting in the parliament, listening to Louis's criticism, although they were cursing mother in their hearts, but they also knew that this was probably the best result of the "defeated country" after the "war".

Louis’ speech won the support of most of the Camberians, whether they are civilians, soldiers or businessmen, whether they are compradors, workshop owners, farmers, or financial factions and other factions.

The recent close relationship between the Progressive Party and the Chinese people undoubtedly shows that China is behind them.

The elite naturally knows the cause of the chaos in Camber and who the opponent is.

Only the opponent can save Camber now.

Surrender to the opponent and wait for the opponent's rescue.

The civilians, merchants, and troops outside the parliament also waited for the results they wanted.

The parliament voted and the cabinet of Falkenhausen was disbanded. Due to decision-making problems, Governor Falkenhausen caused domestic and foreign difficulties, and the military and the navy suffered heavy losses.

The new governor is Louis Bourbon, leader of the Camber Modern Progressive Party.

The coming of Governor Louis, the compradors, mine owners, farmers, and land transportation bosses all celebrated.

The Progressive Party’s governance means that Camber will fully embrace the modern civilization brought by China. The emerging classes in Camber and the classes that benefit from the emergence of modern civilization will also develop rapidly.

As for the old forces represented by the workshop owners, the old interest groups, because they triggered a "war" with the Huaxia people, have now become a situation where everyone is calling for fighting in Camber.

However, the cabinet formed after Governor Louis took office made the people of Camber feel a little puzzled. The former Governor Falkenhausen and the special adviser of the Governor's House were among them.

What does it mean?

Louis is going to play reverse?

Campbell was afraid of Louis playing reverse in life, borrowing the Chinese to take the lead, and then silly counterattack.

However, this is not the case. What is meant by words and deeds is a vibrant modern market, not a colony lacking vitality.

The matter of peace and benefit has been engraved in the blood of Chinese people since ancient times.

Robert himself is an elite class in Camber, and he understands the domestic situation in Camber, and he is very skilled in politics and economy. He can play a very good role in reforming Camber's economy.

Falkenhausen is the father of Camber's "modern army". In terms of the reform of military equipment and military modernization, perhaps no one can compare to the world's open eyes except those elites who have studied abroad. Falkenhausen.

The cabinet retained Falkenhausen for two reasons, except that after the military reforms in Camber, China would purchase more China equipment.

The other reason is that I don’t know whether the spacecraft of Horizon World is a blessing or a curse for all kinds of creatures and civilizations living on this spacecraft.

If it is a disaster, a Camber army that can use modern weapons is obviously beneficial to China.

When communicating with Tracy, Tracy also revealed to her words and deeds the predictions that the elves had received, that it was a disaster brought about by the Five Constants.

Although I don't know what this catastrophe specifically refers to, at least words and deeds must be prepared.

Therefore Falkenhausen was appointed Minister of Military Reform by the Cabinet, and Robert was appointed Minister of Economic Reform.

At the same time, a Chinese reform team was also invited by Louis, a mediocre governor, to enter Camberland and serve as an advisory team in the cabinet.

After the "war", Camber also began to quickly enter a state of reconstruction.

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