Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 853 The Black Tide Is Coming

Xia Ya: [Is there anyone? Is the signal cut off? Isn’t this Symphony Channel quite sensitive? Why is it not stable? 】

As soon as he and Floco finished discussing the business, Thor heard Char, who was locked up in a small dark room, shouting there.

Okay, I just had something to discuss with Floco. Now let's talk about you. How is your condition? Have you taken control of the Inverted Tree?

Xia Ya's voice was full of exclamations.

[It’s not easy for me either. I was only at level 1 when I died. I managed to reach level 2 with the help of external forces. Now I have to tame level 3. 】

Thor is also aware of Char's situation. It would be good if he can take a good rest in the Inverted Tree now. There is no rush for him to rise immediately.

Of course, you can't be too pretentious. Otherwise, if you don't have a fate with ups and downs, how can you provide Thor with enough power of destiny.

Anyway, Thor planned to wait for Char to adapt to the body of the upside down tree and find something for him to do.

Xia Ya: [By the way, although I am cultivating now, I also sent roots outside to investigate the situation and discovered one thing. 】

What's wrong?

Xia Ya: [The Principality of Kema seems to be in some chaos recently. Almost all the troops and wizards originally stationed outside Archaeological Site were gone. He looked solemn, as if something big had happened. 】

The troops have been transferred. Could it be that there is another war? Now that the Principality of Kenas is in decline, could it be that there is an invasion by other forces?

However, the Kema Empire and Thor are not so closely connected after all, and Thor will naturally not let Char, who is still recuperating, risk venturing out.

Okay, if there is anything going on near Archaeologist, please help me keep an eye out, but don't leave Baidong College. Don't affect your body.

Xia Ya was actually a little moved for a moment.

After he calmed down, he thought about how he was moved? Could it be that Thor has influenced his mind?

Before Char could think about it, Thor had already disconnected the Symphony Channel.

Now the time he can stay in the Symphony World is limited. Once the business is done, it's time to leave.

When leaving, Sol said goodbye to Pearl again.

Goodbye. Pei'er's voice was more emotional than when we first met, Next time you come again, I won't show up.

Sol understood that it was not easy for Pearl to survive in the colorful world. After all, this was a place where she had to work hard to survive.

I know, I already have a platform space here. I won't trouble you anymore when I come here. You can focus on yourself.

Although he couldn't see Peer's appearance, Thor could still recall Peer's flamboyant and somewhat stupid appearance in the Borderlands.

He sighed in his heart and finally said, Goodbye.

There was no reply from the other party.

Thor disconnects and returns to the wizarding world.

After Sol left, I don't know how long it took before a faint goodbye came.

After Thor's consciousness returned to the palace where he temporarily lived, he no longer thought about Pei'er.

In fact, he and Pei'er were not even lovers. It was just that they both had crises to deal with at the time, so it was more advantageous for them to be together.

Now that Pei'er has survived the biggest death crisis and has another chance, Sol will naturally not hold on to her.

This is also the norm in the wizarding world.

Is anyone looking for me? Thor stood up and asked the wind demon and Nerila beside him.

Feng Yao was too lazy to speak, while Nerila was more attentive.

The attendant who came here frequently during this time came to see you, but he knocked on the door and left when you didn't answer.

Thor knew that it was Xander who came to find him.

He stayed behind closed doors these days, and if anything happened to Sander, he could only come to him through his attendants.

This is also in line with Xander's current slightly impatient state.

It's time to go see Xander too.

Thor thought to himself, interrupted his many days of retreat, walked out of the palace, and took a car to meet the puppet emperor of Yongye.

The preparations that need to be made are almost done, and the next step is to help Sander's sister, Mido'er, adapt to the new body.

If his third goal can successfully take root after this black tide, then Sander and Mido'er will no longer be mere puppets.

Many parties are preparing intensively. The wizard responsible for monitoring the movement of the Kuroshio in the front changed from reporting every three days to reporting once a day, and finally to reporting once an hour.

The entire southeastern coastline of Nephrite has been assigned wizards for defense.

These wizards have to fight against the underwater monsters that come with the black tide.

Every time the black tide comes, it will be accompanied by monsters that have been severely polluted and alienated, often more and sometimes less, and irregularly. But the Tribunal must defend itself to the highest standards every time.

If a monster breaks through the defense line, destroys the Red Sea forest, and lets the black tide come ashore, the Nephrite continent will be pulled towards the Eye of the Abyss.

Even if the defense is breached once or twice, it doesn't matter, but no one dares to gamble the future of the entire continent on the consequences of one negligence.

On the day when Kuroshio officially appeared at the defensive cordon, as expected, no one assigned Saul a task.

Thor was originally invited to treat the mermaid. Although the fundamental problem has not been solved so far, the Yongye royal family has always provided good supplies, and there is never a shortage of witchcraft materials and magic crystals.

There is no need for Sol to consume your own inventory.

But if Thor wants to help on the defensive line, the people of Yongye will only welcome him.

After all, he is a third-level wizard, and a third-level wizard who is powerful enough to seal the eye of the wind on his own.

Even if he can only help in one defensive area, it can make people feel more at ease.

And Thor had already made up his mind to show up on the battlefield today.

Before setting off, he first went to see Sander and handed him the black branch that he had cultivated for a long time.

Mido'er is already inside now, but she will definitely have to adapt well in the past few days. Please stay with her more and let her not be afraid.

Sander carefully took the branch, remembering that before Mido'er entered the black branch, he often saw Sol turning the branch up and down with one hand. Mido'er was moved into the branch by Thor two days ago. I don't know if she has been knocked unconscious these days.

Xander was only worried in his heart and did not show it outside. Whether Sol was doing it out of habit or with an ulterior motive, it was not his place to question.

He is not a wizard, and he can only be the emperor by being a useful person to the wizards.

Thor handed over the black branch without worrying.

Now Miduo'er looks like a bare branch, but as long as she wants to move, she can grow into a towering tree in an instant.

It's just that it's not needed now.

Thor left the Evernight Palace and went directly to the beach.

He asked where the Black Flame Emperor was beforehand and chose the corresponding defense area without any hesitation.

When we get near the coast, the weather is different from inland.

Although it was cloudy above the palace, it was still daytime.

The closer we go to the seaside, the thicker the clouds become and the darker the color becomes.

When we reached a high ground by the sea, we looked into the distance. The sky was gray and black, and the sunlight was completely blocked.

The thick clouds were rolling and surging, as if there were countless insects and snakes hiding in them, twisting and climbing, ready to break through the clouds and emerge at any time.

The sea under the clouds was also reflected lifelessly, with no rough waves.

Before the big wave came, the water was extremely calm, and the tide even reached the outskirts of the red sea trees.

The red sea trees that originally shone like gems in the sun now looked as hideous as if they were stained with blood.

The black tide is coming. Thor whispered, as if he was afraid that if his voice was too loud, it would shatter the fragile peace in front of him.

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