Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 851 Safe Zone

After sending two indifferent letters, Thor returned to the temporary residence palace immediately, cleared away the servants behind him, and immediately copied the information channel witchcraft circle in his mind on a thin metal plate.

Although copying on parchment is fast, parchment is easily deformed. For unfamiliar and complex witchcraft circles, it is best to inscribe them on metal or stone plates that are not easily deformed.

It took Thor three days to fully understand the entire array, and then he began to design it on his own.

In another three days, he successfully designed three information channels encrypted in different ways.

In this way, he has completely mastered this not-so-complex witchcraft circle, and can consider using the special characteristics of the phantom world to construct an information channel for himself that no one can pry into!

However, establishing an information channel across the world wall may encounter difficulties that I can't imagine... Thor gritted his teeth, No matter what, you have to give it a try. Otherwise, even if I participate in this masquerade, I may not be able to Determine the outcome.

Thor rearranged the passage connecting the colorful world in the laboratory, allowing Peer's remnant soul to come out and continue to be his guide.

Pei'er stood in her core circle very cooperatively and looked at Thor quietly.

Ever since it was learned that Pei'er from the Symphony World would not be able to come back for a long, long time, this sharp and venomous Pei'er became silent.

She no longer clamored to separate from Nerella. Two souls on the same black page suddenly get along in extraordinary harmony.

Thor, who has already had successful experience and mastered the know-how, no longer needs the fourth level of power to break through the limitations of the world wall.

He saw that the magic circle had started to operate, and Pei'er was also ready, so he started to start the ceremony to connect to the colorful world.

At this moment, Pei'er suddenly called Sol, Thor!

Thor paused the magic power in his body and turned to look at Peer.

Pei'er pursed her lips and said in a deep voice: Please help me ask that Pei'er. If she really doesn't come back, then from now on, I will be the real wind demon, and she, she will just be Pei'er. It’s time!”

From now on, Pei'er's remnant soul, or the Wind Demon, will be officially separated from the other half of her soul.

They are no longer the same individual, and the long river of destiny will flow in different directions.

This was the decision that Feng Yao finally made after long consideration.

If she cannot be completely separated from Pei'er in the fantasy world, she will always be just a remnant soul, but she clearly has her own independent consciousness.

She is not a part of Pei'er, nor is she a substitute for Pei'er.

She wants to be an independent individual!

I understand. Sol nodded, Then I'll start.

This time the wind demon nodded and his expression became relaxed.

Magic power surges, and mental power is like an electric current, following the passage that has been constructed long ago, crossing the wall of the world that blocks everything, penetrating the endless space, and arriving at the colorful world of unknown somewhere.

The ever-changing colors filled Sol's vision. Coming here again, Sol had a new understanding of this place.

Those colors don't seem to be just colors. The energy contained in it seems to be more advanced than spiritual power and magic.

It's just that Thor can't touch or analyze it yet. Maybe when he reaches the fourth level, he can try to study it.

Thor. Peer's voice sounded directly in Sol's consciousness. It seemed that she had somewhat adapted to the life here.

If Pei'er will not be contaminated by knowledge in the future, then her future will definitely be much better than staying in Borderland.

Of course, the risks here are also much higher.

Pe'er, I want to do an experiment here.

Thor, who also turned into a ball of twisted thin threads, directly stated his purpose.

What do you need me to do with you?

I want to establish an information channel here to encrypt information through the colorful world. Please help me see if there are any signs of interruption or loss of information.


That's right. Thor remembered Feng Yao's commission and conveyed Feng Yao's previous words to Pei'er.

However, after listening to Sol's words, Pearl just said lightly: Okay.

It seems that after the last separation, Pei'er did something that caused her to enter a special state now, as if she was missing some emotions and desires.

Even when he talked to Sol before, his tone was businesslike.

No more intimacy than before.

After greetings, let’s get down to business.

The ball of silk thread that Thor transformed into slowly expanded and contracted, and two fuzzy threads were squeezed out from the inside like a cocoon.

These two thin lines are connected to each other and form the basic form of the communication circle in the middle.

Thor then covered it with spiritual power, replacing magic power and becoming the energy source of the entire magic circle.

Because in the fantasy world, many actions can be completed with just one thought, so Thor quickly set up the entire encrypted communication circle.

Next, he needs to stabilize the entire magic circle and try to communicate with Char and Floco, who correspond to the two fate lines.

However, as soon as he tried to convey the message, the magic circle composed of thin lines suddenly dispersed.

It's as if everything is the moon in the water, shattering into pieces at the slightest touch.

Uh... it failed so easily. Sol began to review why the error occurred as soon as it started running.

The most important reason is that the magic circle constructed is not strong enough. Because the material of the magic circle is my fate line, the essence is still... am I too weak?

Although he only conducted one experiment, Sol also understood the problem.

But this problem is something he cannot solve immediately now.

If you want to build an encrypted information channel in the Symphony World, you need at least level four power, but he is building an encrypted information channel now to lay the foundation for advancing to the fourth level.

Good guy!

It’s an endless loop!

Pei'er didn't say anything. If it were her before, she should have asked Sol what kind of trouble he had encountered.

While Sol was thinking hard about how to untie the dead knot in front of him, another voice appeared in his mind.

【You want to build an information channel? 】

He is the devil of the fantasy world!

Thor didn't know how many death accusers there were in the world, but the one who spoke to him should be the same one every time.

Yes. But my current strength is too weak to build a channel so far away. Thor said with a wry smile.

At the same time, he held his breath and waited in his heart.

Thor was not disappointed, or the Death Teller seemed to have made his decision before he spoke.

[The world here is too turbulent, and your power cannot guarantee the transmission of signals. 】

Yes, I've discovered this too. But I don't have any good solutions for the time being.

【Very simple. 】

The devil said lightly.

【I will give you a stable space. 】

As soon as the other party's voice sounded in Thor's consciousness, a huge circular platform suddenly appeared in the colorful world.

This circular platform looks gray and does not match the color tone of the entire colorful world.

But its appearance is very familiar, and the original version is lying quietly in Sol's consciousness space.

The Death Teller actually divided a safe zone for Thor in the Symphony World without saying a word!

Second update!

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