Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 835 Kuroshio Meeting (1)

Alfonso could tell that Saul really didn't want to come here to join in the fun, but today's meeting was ordered by Court Master Flim himself, and Saul must attend.

Today's meeting is related to the upcoming black tide. The Lord of the Court has named you to attend.

Thor was unmoved.

If he were to participate, it would be impossible to entrust him with important tasks. At most, he would just be a plunderer.

As for whether he will be used as cannon fodder, it depends on whether his own strength can impress the people of the tribunal.

Although he was reluctant, Sol could only put down the experiment in his hands and follow Alfonso through the Evernight Palace.

Finally, the two figures appeared outside the palace.

Huh? Isn't the meeting held in the Evernight Palace? Thor saw the soldiers and wizards outside and found that the scale of this meeting was probably much larger than he imagined.

Outside the Evernight Palace, there was a huge sunken parliament hall.

Like a lecture theater, the center of the chamber is lowest, with seats rising in rows around it.

Because it was already dark at this time, every row of passages was illuminated by burning torches.

As for why torches were used instead of fluorite, which was more energy-saving and more convenient, Thor didn't know.

He found that people in the Nephrite continent were very accustomed to using flames for lighting. Even high-level wizards use fireproof lamps rather than witchcraft to illuminate.

Follow Alfonso and sit in the front row. Thor waited quietly.

Not long after, Thor saw a man in a simple black dress and a golden crown of thorns striding into the parliament hall.

Behind this man with a strong aura was a short man who shrank his hands and feet and looked very inconspicuous.

But when Sol looked over, this man pretended to glance at Sol casually.

While thinking about the data he had obtained in the laboratory, Sol looked up to watch the excitement and happened to look into each other's eyes.

When they looked at each other, he suddenly saw that the scene in front of him seemed to have been filtered with a special filter, and the sky began to rain petals.

Before the surprise fully emerged, the petals that had covered the ground suddenly disappeared, as if it was a dream.

Thor looked to the left and right, and no one seemed to see the rain of petals except him.

Even Alfonso, who was sitting next to him, looked indifferent.

Sol turned his head and asked Alfonso, Alfonso, did you just see...



Alfonso was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, Did you just look at the black flame Stuart?

Thor nodded, If the Stuart you are talking about is the little man just now. Yes, he happened to be looking over.

Alfonso looked at Sol again, as if he was sizing him up again on the first day he came to Evernight.

Stuart is a third-level wizard who specializes in poison-attribute witchcraft. However, the poisons he developed are very special and are generally not used in frontal combat. It is said that one of them can test other people's spiritual bodies through hallucinations and mark them . All those who have been marked by him will be discovered by him once they appear near him.

Aren't you afraid of offending others by marking it so strongly? Saul said slightly dissatisfied.

He had begun to use his mental power to scan his whole body, trying to see where the other party had placed a mark on his body.

Alfonso shook his head slowly, It's useless. Stuart will not take action against the fourth-level wizard. But none of the other marked people found the place where they were marked. The marking process is very short. I heard that people were When marking, if one’s spiritual body is stronger than Stuart’s, it is possible to see the marking process, like a rain of petals.”

And people whose mental bodies are not strong enough will not even notice that they are hallucinating for a moment. But regardless of whether they can see it or not, the marked person cannot find the mark on their body.

Sol raised his eyebrows and glanced at Alfonso, Have you been marked too?


If he does this, no one will come to settle the score with him?

Stuart is the confidant of the Black Flame Emperor. It is said that he has been his guard since the Black Flame Emperor was a child. If someone troubles him, the Black Flame Emperor will protect him unconditionally. Moreover, the other party's mark will not cause any harm. The ability only allows Stuart to detect the approach of the marked person, and it is said to be to protect the Black Flame Emperor.

Does a fourth-level wizard really need the protection of a third-level wizard? Thor sneered, held his chin, and stopped asking.

He could finally see that the tribunal probably had nothing to do with Stuart.

Soon, more than two-thirds of the people in the parliament hall were occupied. A wizard whom Thor didn't know came to the bottom of the presiding desk and began to preside over the meeting.

Although wizards are holding a conference, since they represent two empires, it is inevitable that there will be some complicated and complicated things to say.

Although Saul was sitting in the front row, he neither spoke nor was introduced. He leaned directly on the back of a comfortable chair stuffed with cotton, closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

It looks like he is pretending to be asleep, but in fact he has entered his own conscious platform.

In the deep starry sky, the gray-white round platform is more simple and thick. The textures on the ground are becoming more complex and clearer.

The dead wizard's diary above his head floats quietly in the air.

Thor walked along the round platform, walked to the edge and took one step directly to the bottom of the round platform.

He was looking for the mark placed on him by the Stuart wizards.

Since the mark was imposed through hallucination, it was probably also placed on his mental body.

Thor's spiritual body has been completely integrated with his consciousness space. Nothing can escape being watched by the stars.

Unless its level has exceeded the sixth level wizard.

The eye of the storm was hidden on the back of the round platform last time, so Sol also came to the back to check it this time.

But he didn't find anything unusual.

After going around in a circle and coming back to the front again, Thor looked up at the diary.

It's not on the round platform. It can't be in the starry sky. Is it in the diary?

Thor raised his hand, and the huge diary above his head automatically shrank and fell into his palm.

The pages of the diary turned automatically according to Thor's consciousness.

But when the back cover of the last page closed, Thor didn't notice anything unusual.

There's something about this Stuart. No wonder no one has ever found his mark.

Although Saul failed to find the mark on two attempts, he was in no hurry.

As of now, he still has at least three methods to try.

The most brutal thing is to incarnate the thread of fate.

Let your eyes find the marks for you.

But doing so would be too dependent on the colorful world.

And the more contact he had with the guys who called themselves Death Tellers, the more fearful Thor became towards them.

Compared with the devil's complaint, the diary is more convenient.

Thor's mental power was slightly shaken, and he opened the diary again, and many black lines were formed on the white pages.

These lines extended in all directions, and soon the entire consciousness space was outlined into a world composed of pure black lines.

It seems to have turned into a three-dimensional sketch.

Thor's mental fluctuations carefully scanned every inch of the world.

There is no initial feedback.

Huh? Can't even detect the diary? Shouldn't it?

Thor scanned the entire consciousness space again.

Suddenly, he discovered something and couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, the most familiar stranger is myself.

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