Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 829 Destiny is impermanent

Although Alfonso is not responsible for taking care of the Red Sea trees, there is still no problem taking Sol into the Red Sea.

The timing of entering the Red Sea this time was quite coincidental. When Sol and Alfonso came down, groups of mermaids did not lie down on the sea bed and be lazy, but gathered around the roots of the trees in the Red Sea, nibbling something with their sharp teeth.

If you look carefully, you can see brown rhizomes hanging from the roots of the tree like tree knobs.

The expressions of these mermaids are very strange, they are enjoying themselves, as if they are enjoying a feast.

When Thor and the others passed by, not a single mermaid paid attention to them.

Thor let go of Kate and whispered to him: We will search separately. If you find someone with a similar smell, call me.

Kate nodded. He was not as sensitive to the Blue Scale bloodline as Thor. If it weren't for Floco's inconvenience to possess him at this time, it would actually be the fastest to let him come over and search together.

At present, Thor and Kate can only try to find other mermaids with the blood of the Blue Scales based on the clues left by Floco.

Alfonso did not search. He stopped at the densest place of tree roots and watched every move of Sol and Kate.

The Red Sea Tree is a very important strategic resource, related to the future of the entire Nephrite continent. Naturally, he will not let Thor stay under the sea alone.

Of course, I won't worry too much.

The particularity of the Red Sea and the Red Sea trees made the entire tribunal pay attention here.

If a situation arises that is beyond control, even the Lord of the Tribunal, Flim, will rush over as soon as possible.

Alfonso watched Sol and kept him from causing trouble, but he was actually protecting Sol.

Thor knew that Alfonso was watching him. Although he was nominally looking for the atavistic mermaid, he was actually searching for his target.

Thousands of mermaids gathered under the trees in the Red Sea. Sol only scanned them for a few days before sinking to the seabed to see if any fish had slipped through the net.

Kate searches for targets by scent near tree roots.

Sol swam deeper and deeper, approaching some distant canyons and caves.

Alfonso's eyes were fixed on Sol, and his hands were clasped together without realizing it.

Sol didn't know that Alfonso above him was inexplicably nervous, and he was just searching in some inaccessible places.

What he is looking for is a mermaid with Floco's bloodline. Such a mermaid is likely to be like the mermaid possessed by Kate, who has been trying to escape the Red Sea, and may appear in a hidden area on the edge of the Red Sea.

Even if they can't escape because the entire Red Sea tree is strictly controlled by the Tribunal, they will probably try their best to get rid of the influence of the Red Sea tree's roots on them.

Suddenly, while passing a place covered with heavy roots, Thor vaguely felt a strange spiritual power.

Just that mental power disappeared in a flash, as if the abnormality Sol just felt was just his illusion.

But Thor knew that he was absolutely not wrong.

He stood on the tree roots where the mental power fluctuation had just appeared, and lightly stamped the ground with his feet.

The result of the mental exploration was that there was indeed a gap below. It was very narrow, but it was enough for a thin person to pass through.

Just when Sol wanted to lift up the roots of the tree and take a look, Alfonso came down from above.

Did you find anything?

There may be mermaids down here too.

Alfonso took the initiative and directly lifted up a large tree root and brought up the sediment from the seabed.

The movement was a bit loud.

Thor raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not stop him.

There is a mermaid below. Alfonso glanced down, and then said to Thor, Do you want to go down and catch that mermaid?

Sol smiled and said, I'll go take a look and come back.

Alfonso made no other movement this time and just waited above.

Thor went down for a swim and saw a mermaid lying on a stone.

This mermaid has a few blue scales on its tail, which seems to be related to the ancestral mermaid.

But when Thor scanned the other party's mental body, he found that the other party's mental power fluctuations were different from the hidden mental power he had just discovered.

The mermaid just now should have run away.

Thor did not search further. Even if he went down, he would probably find one or two ordinary fish at most.

The extremely hidden mental power just now must have disappeared.

Now that the target has not been tracked, it has basically been lost.

Thor grabbed the mermaid he found and climbed out of the cracks in the ground.

The mermaid didn't resist. She looked just like the other mermaids, stupid and without any initiative.

There is one hidden here. Sol showed the mermaid he pulled out to Alfonso.

There are too many mermaids here. They may have been squeezed in. They don't know how to escape.

The mermaid that Thor brought out was very thin, even thinner than other mermaids.

If Sol hadn't already figured out that the mermaid in front of him was not the one he just discovered, he would probably agree with Alfonso. It was a mermaid that was squeezed in, couldn't find a way out, and was starved to death.

Alfonso looked down and saw a palm-sized cyan scale on the tail of this unusually thin mermaid.

Congratulations, you found your target among so many mermaids.

Can Thor say that his real target is not actually an atavistic mermaid?

He couldn't, so he took the mermaid back as a scapegoat.

When leaving the Red Sea, Sol also brought back some roots and stems of the Red Sea trees. After all, how can one study mermaids without the cooperation of red sea trees?

Unfortunately, if you want to take away a complete red sea tree, you must apply to the specialized red sea tree maintenance team of the tribunal, and then temporarily evacuate part of the seal maintenance of the red sea tree before transplanting it without damage.

The leader of the maintenance team is naturally the third-level wizard Roye who loves the red sea tree very much.

But Royer wasn't there.

Sol had no choice but to do the next best thing and chose a branch with relatively strong vitality, ready to go back and put it in the water to try.

Sitting on the boat on the way back, Mermaid Kate huddled in the corner holding the newly captured atavistic mermaid.

Although the two mermaids have different bloodlines, they are of the same species. With Kate's comfort, the new captives can live in peace.

After giving Kate a look, Sol turned back and asked Alfonso who was driving the boat.

Does this mermaid have a name?

Alfonso focused on driving the boat without even looking at the new mermaid, You discovered him first.

Thor turned around and saw that the newly caught mermaid was a male. According to Alfonso's customary naming method, Let's call him Quartz first.

The mermaid with a new name stirred, and was once again held tightly by Kate.

The road back is still dim, just like the difficulties Sol is facing now.

If you can't find or solve the cause of the mermaid's illness, you may have to accept Royer's plan to create a new royal family and transform the mermaid.

Alfonso said: I don't have much hope for Roye's plan. A new royal family? If the blood fusion was so simple, the Tribunal would not have allowed the current Yongye Royal Family to exist for so long.

In the dark water, a sigh sounded.

The fusion of blood cannot be accomplished by calculations and formulas. Sometimes, it is as unpredictable as fate. And fate cannot be created.

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