Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 806 An’s new job

Noah easily dismissed the panicked soldiers, turned around and respectfully led Thor upstairs.

Thor looked at the boy in front of him whose expression and aura changed freely, and felt in his heart that the changes in this little apprentice were really getting bigger and bigger.

But how many people in the world can still maintain their original aspirations after going through Qianfan?

Nor was he qualified to judge Noah.

Thor followed Noah to the top of the Blackwater Tower.

Due to backward construction technology, the height of the top floor is less than two meters, and there are slopes on all sides, making the space even more cramped.

There was only one box placed in this room. The box was covered with a wooden lid, and a witchcraft prop was placed in the center of the lid.

This prop was also given to Noah by Thor before.

It is a witchcraft prop with automatic defense and resistance. It is not very powerful, but consumes low energy, and is not complicated to make. It is very popular among wizard apprentices.

Now without Noah's introduction, Thor knew that the box contained what they found.

He stepped forward, raised his hand and took down the defensive witchcraft prop. The witchcraft prop was as quiet and honest as a rabbit.

It's still freshly baked.

Sol raised his hand to lift the lid, and looked down to see the contents of the box.

It was a bone fish.

The body of the fish is one meter long, and the head occupies almost one-third of the body.

The teeth in the fish's mouth are extremely sharp and long. Even if the fish's mouth is closed, these ferocious teeth will come out of the fish's mouth.

But no matter how terrifying the opponent's appearance is... there is probably no way this fish can fight like the White Bone Flying Lizard.

Forget it, although the size is smaller, at least there is a complete experimental subject. It is better than extracting the teeth from the white bone flying lizard.

Thor raised his hand and put the bone fish in front of him directly into his storage.

Noah complained from behind, Mentor, you don't know that the Blackwater tribe went deep underground and into the desert in order to find the Bone Monster. Dozens of people have died in the past six months, and there are still dozens of people continuing to explore outside.

Thor turned around funny, Speak frankly, what do you want?

Noah chuckled and stared at Thor with big eyes, Teacher, can I have some branches of Xiaowei?

Little algae!

Sol was startled. He hadn't gone to see Xiaozao yet after he came back. He didn't know if Xiaozao was awake now.

After going back, he must check on Xiao Zao's condition. Although there are people from the Wizard Tower helping to take care of Xiao Zao, he still has to take a look in person before he can rest assured.

But Xiaozao's current state is definitely beyond Noah's control. If you are not careful, you may swallow the entire population of Blackwater City.

Xiao Zao is not good. Xiao Zao is also a magical creature. The environment here is not suitable for it.

Noah opened his mouth.

Thor knew he was trying to explain that he only wanted one branch.

The branches are not suitable either. The current state of the algae is not stable. In this environment, it is possible for it to mutate.

Noah shut his mouth immediately.

He wanted to borrow the powerful Xiaozao as the guardian beast of Blackwater City, but he didn't want to be accidentally killed by his own people.

But now that Blackwater City is becoming more and more powerful, there is no guarantee that it will not arouse the covetousness of other forces.

Although he has many witchcraft props in his hands, they are basically at the apprentice level.

The wizard apprentice has not yet transcended the world, and if he faces a powerful individual, he may be replaced.

So Noah now urgently needs a strong and obedient trump card.

At first, he focused on his mentor Xiaozao because Xiaozao was cute and obedient.

But now it seems that it is no longer possible.

Noah looked at Sol helplessly, obviously wanting Sol to help him find a solution.

Okay, since you found a complete bone monster, I'll find you a bodyguard and thug.

No matter how many things Noah did in this world, he was always trying to complete the tasks assigned by Thor.

Thor opened the diary in his mental body.

An, are you willing to stay in the Chaos Territory and help Noah develop territory?

Ann didn't hesitate at all.

[My master, you don’t need to ask me if I am willing or not. As long as I can help you, I can do anything you ask me to do. 】

Thor knew that Ann's words were not discounted at all, just like she had asked to stay in the diary before, so that she could learn from Senior Morton and be ready to sacrifice herself to help Thor at any time.

After An found his enemy at the Inverted Tree and personally devoured his enemy's soul, he showed a negative attitude.

It's not that he is negative towards Thor, but he doesn't crave strength or new knowledge like others.

In addition, Thor's strength has now surpassed most of the souls in the diary. They can only follow Thor and it is difficult to play a key role.

So when Sol chose to let An stay to help Noah, her heart sank at first, and then she felt a little happy.

In any case, with her close to second-level strength, she is definitely a ceiling-level combat effectiveness in the chaotic realm.

Here she is more valuable.

After getting Ann's answer, Saul directly pulled Ann's soul body out of the diary in front of Noah.

A translucent body appeared between Thor and Noah, and gradually squirmed and transformed into a tall figure with eight spider legs on the lower body and a beautiful woman on the upper body.

An held his waist with one hand and looked down at Noah opposite him.

Little guy, can it be okay for my sister to stay and protect you?

Noah swallowed hard.

He really still wants Xiaozao, who is strong, and most importantly, cute and obedient!

Noah finally happily accepted Ann's protection.

Thor directly extracted a large number of soul fragments from his body and gave them to An. The pure soul fragments filtered by him are more important to An than the magic crystal. It is an important way for her to replenish energy.

After solving Noah's problem, Thor silently returned to the White Bone Flying Lizard, and then flew away from Blackwater City.

Except for Noah and Ann, no one knew he had been here during the whole process.

This is also to cooperate with Noah's plan to create a god.

Since he is a god, how can he often appear in front of ordinary people?

After Thor returned to the temporary laboratory from Blackwater City, he saw Floco, the water god, coaching Byron.

He jumped down from the White Bone Flying Lizard and landed near the two of them.

Lord Floco, do you want to stay in the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower next?

Floco knows the most about the elves and can help Byron.

However, Floco shook his head and refused.

My consciousness can't stay in this body for long. My state is not stable yet. If I stay here for a long time, problems will arise on Mina's side and her relationship with me will be exposed.

After helping Thor stop Ophelia, Floco has been hiding next to Mina and continues to regain his strength.

After breaking the seal, he can transform himself into a water elf and hide in Mina's water glass or even in Mina's blood without being discovered.

It can be said that when he was promoted to the fifth level, Floco had completely transformed himself into a water elemental life. This is something Ophelia simply cannot do.

The latter could only place his consciousness in different liquids until he died, but his body was still a wizard of flesh and blood.

Speaking of Mina, Sol also thought of that lonely and cute little girl.

He couldn't help but ask: How is Mina doing now?

Flora laughed, Not bad, better than her father, and now she has started to be exposed to witchcraft runes and meditation.

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