Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 461 A Little Strange

Looking at Archaeological City from the outside is a completely different feeling from living inside.

The carriage was driving on a road that was not considered wide. Compared with the random dozens of stories of high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, the narrowness of the road makes the originally magnificent buildings suddenly become depressing.

Especially when walking between two rows of buildings, a huge shadow is cast down, and the ground floor is dark and humid and solemn.

And from a closer look, those tall buildings are not so magnificent.

The windows are so small that it is difficult for adults to get out of them.

The dense windows make people feel oppressed, as if eyes hiding behind the walls are coveting everything on the street.

In stark contrast to these dense and depressing buildings, there are not many people on the streets.

Occasionally, a few rickshaws with strange shapes speed past.

Sol glanced at it, and it seemed that it was also moving forward through gears and other machinery, but at a very fast speed.

Marsh was obviously dazzled, his driving speed couldn't keep up with the speed in the wilderness, and he was quickly overtaken by those rickshaws.

Then there was a buzzing sound above his head, and Marsh raised his head high, and found a small airship flying over ten meters above his head.

The sky was getting dark, and the tops of the black pillars on both sides of the road suddenly lit up, startling the horses pulling the cart.

Seeing this scene, Sol was also amazed and puzzled, The moment the lighting equipment is turned on, there are magic fluctuations. That is to say, at least there is a kind of magic infrastructure running through these blocks!

If it's just a separate building facility like the wizard's tower, it's normal to use such magic equipment, but this is a city!

How did Archaist, or the Baidong Academy behind it, use so many witchcraft resources on ordinary people?

The underlying productivity of witchcraft is simply not enough, right?

Five minutes later, Sol finally arrived at his destination on the map in the Guidebook.

mediation center.

According to the guide, it is responsible for a series of intermediary matters such as finding a job, finding a house, finding a spouse, and so on.

It is the first recommended place to go when you first enter Archaeological City.

Even if you just come for a tour, you can find a suitable guide here.

As soon as the carriage stopped under a particularly square tall building, Sol heard the faint sound of a piano coming from the tall buildings on both sides.

Immediately, as if a certain switch was turned on, the buildings on both sides rang out at the same time.

A series of black shadows emerged from the exits of different houses, and slowly gathered on the street, forming a dark torrent.

This... so many people? Even the well-informed Agu was stunned by the sight before him.

Not only the buildings on both sides of them, but also the front, the high-rise buildings in front of them, and the buildings on the street in front of them are all pouring out crowds.

The streets, which were not originally considered wide, were suddenly full of people.

As far as the eye can see, except for a few rickshaws, everyone else travels on both feet!

Most of the people who passed by looked numb, only occasionally seeing some vivid smiles when talking in low voices.

This is concentrating the population of the surrounding cities and towns into Archaeost City. Sol still held his chin and looked out from the car window. The scene in front of him somewhat reminded him of his previous memories.

Concentrate a large population, live a very regular way of life, and use novel reading materials to continuously attract people into the city... The owner of this city has turned everyone into parts of the city. What does he want to do?

After hearing Sol's analysis, Agu said in a low voice: The real owner of Archaeological City is Baidong College. And the current Baidong College's talker is their old dean Pang De, a second-order wizard.

Baidong Academy is also selling various witchcraft props to the outside world, and it is said that as long as they have money, even people with poor magic and spiritual aptitude can become wizard apprentices.

Baidong Academy cast a wide net, not only caught wizard apprentices in the net, but also ordinary people such as small fry were not let go.

I'm afraid they are working on a big project. At this time, the crowd coming out of the buildings on both sides had become thinner, and Sol jumped out of the carriage, It's useless to think so much, we are just a team of renters looking for a house now. Just customers.

On the bright side, Marsh stayed where he was, but in the dark, there was actually a clone of Xiaozao plunging into the soil for vigilance.

Saul only took the compressed luggage and Agu for important items, and the two entered the red square building on the right.

After entering the building, Saul and Agu saw the gate that could be automatically guarded, and a pass was required to open it.

A cabin that can run up and down like an elevator, but requires a dedicated person to control it by hand.

It seemed to be the sound of the piano after get off work just now, but now there are not many people in the building.

The elevator took the two to the 20th floor, the top floor of the building.

The top floor is an oval hall with supposedly hidden rooms on both sides. The middle is empty, only a few benches, surrounded by a ring of counters.

Posters and confetti were scattered all over the floor, and someone was cleaning it up.

As soon as Sol came in, he saw a boy pulling a woman and arguing with a woman behind the counter, it seemed to be about the rent.

Take another look at the sign above the woman's head behind the counter, it is indeed an area for renting.

Sol walked to the adjacent counter and asked, Do you have any houses for wizards here?

The man behind the counter was lowering his head to sort out the materials, but when he heard the voice, he raised his head and smiled brightly, throwing the things in his hands aside casually.

Of course, my lord, welcome to Archaist!

In just ten minutes, Saul successfully got a key. This key is a copper leaf, but the pattern on it is constantly changing. When Sol's hand is pressed on a certain position, the pattern will stop.

The man who served Sol graciously escorted Sol to the door.

Originally, he just took out a volume of documents with normal enthusiasm, but when Sol chose the house and took out the silver pass for registration, the man's expression changed drastically, and his attitude was twice as respectful again, and he took out the document from the back room. Another volume of housing information.

The house Saul had originally chosen was the top floor of a tall building.

And the new house information that the man puts out is at least a villa.

Sol took a quick look, compared the prices, and chose the original top floor.

There is no way, the wizard tower has collapsed, and he still has a small wizard tower, four conscious bodies, and two pets to keep, so he must save money.

Although Sol did not choose a bigger and more expensive house, the agent was not disappointed at all. When Sol left, he took out a business card and handed it over respectfully with both hands.

This is my business card, which is my information. It has our communication number on it. If you need anything in the future, you can find the intermediary center through the communicator in the room. I can come to serve you at any time.

Such a familiar scene made Sol a little nostalgic. He took the other party's business card and looked down.

John... Thinking of a certain novel, Saul raised his head and asked, Could you be the little farmer John in the book?

The man named John smiled honestly, Actually, after this book was promoted, many people changed their name to John. I hope to be as lucky as him.

Accepting John's business card, Saul once again refused the service of traveling in the flight cabin.

Without him, it's not free.

Back on the carriage, Agu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Sol looked calm on the outside, but he was also surprised inside.

If he hadn't discovered that the underlying logic of many props had the shadow of witchcraft runes, he really thought that there was an extra all-round traveler who came here to be the city lord.

However, he finally confirmed that although some things are similar, the essence is still much worse.

After returning to the carriage, Sol asked Xiaozao to take back the avatar hidden in the ground, told Marsh the location, and prepared to go to the new home.

However, as soon as the wheels started, Xiaozao suddenly protruded from the back of Sol's neck and breathed on Sol's face.

Hmm... Xiaozao, what are you doing?

Xiaozao wrote a word crookedly in the air.

Big tree.

Several people came together at the same time.

Big tree? What big tree? Which big tree? Penny asked babbling.

The word tree is missing a dot. Agu said with a frown.

Sol was stunned, Here, it seems that I haven't seen a single tree.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at his feet.

The big tree you mentioned...could it be underground?

Finally caught up.

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