Soul, independent existence? Isn't that just a ghost? Sol's mind flashed all kinds of visions he saw in the wizard tower.

Of course not that kind of form! It's a complete, independent, and conscious spirit body, not an incomplete body that will be alienated, crazy, and polluted by the unknown at any time. Winnie was a little excited as she spoke, but she looked at the red candle , the head gradually tilted down again.

They argued for a long time, and no one could convince the other. So Gorza took Yula away. Ha, the Principality of Kema immediately announced that the two were married.

Which idea do the tower master and Mrs. Ura support?

Winnie didn't answer right away, the red candle had already burned a third, and the white fireworks were unusually stable.

They really became husband and wife later, but one day, Yura woke up and found herself fixed in a dark laboratory. And Gorza cut her skull with her own hands, and peeled off her skin to make A pink bandage.

Having said that, Winnie stood up slowly, and she turned to look at Saul.

Sol vaguely saw a miserable smile in the black silhouette.

Golsa hid the skull and then wrapped himself in pink bandages with resentment, grief and fear. That way, he could last a little longer.

Winnie suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed it on the white candle flame, but the candle flame was actually extinguished by her.

It smells very comfortable, but it can only achieve temporary peace. Winnie withdrew her hand, and suddenly turned her flat head 90 degrees to look at Saul, You said, if one day, Mrs. Ura's skull and skin are not good Use it, what should Gorza do?

Sol didn't answer.

Hehehehe... Winnie laughed nervously, her figure gradually became thinner, and disappeared in front of Sol.

Sol stood silently on the spot until he stood there for nearly ten minutes before squinting his eyes to check the surrounding environment.

The red candle was extinguished, and the corpses did not know when they returned to their original positions.

The black shadow of Winnie disappeared completely, and she should have gone back to Gorza.

Although Winnie is subject to Gorza, she is not completely free.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to come and talk about the past today.

It's just that the truth of this statement and the intention of speaking are temporarily unknown.

Sol picked up the red candle on the table, Vini, it's actually Mrs. Youra, but she doesn't want to admit it.

Putting the red candle into his arms, he checked the four wounds on his arm by the way, but unfortunately none of them healed.

Eyes can return to normal, I am afraid there are other factors.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Saul went to Kujin's dormitory.

Sure enough, Ku Jin was waiting here.

Senior Kujin, please help me tell Ferguson that at 2:55, prepare enough magic crystals and wait for me at the outermost metal gate on the first floor of the East Tower. If he is late, I will treat him as giving up the deal.

Ku Jin was stunned for a moment, but before he nodded, Sol turned around and left, leaving no room for discussion.

Culkin stared at Sol's back for a long time before turning around and heading elsewhere.

Sol then went to Katz's mentor's laboratory.

Angela, who was still working there, jumped up from her chair in fright when she saw Saul.

I, I brought food today.

Saul nodded and smiled, Thank you, I'm not hungry.

He walked into the cabinets in the laboratory, opened one of them, reached out and took out a puppet, and then returned to Angela.

Rent a doll.

Angela couldn't help taking a half step back, Okay, okay.

Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

After getting the doll, Saul wandered outside for a while.

First went to Wright, then met Byron.

Finally, I went back to the dormitory, but it was a pity that Keli hadn't come back yet.

I don't know if she will be surprised when she comes back to see me?

Saul dawdled for a while before pinching, and returned outside the second warehouse at 2:55 in the afternoon.

Ferguson was already here.

I don't know how long he waited, but he looked restless.

Why did you come back? Ferguson barely put away the irritability on his face when he saw Saul.

Sol didn't talk nonsense with him, What does the senior want?

... Seeing that Saul was about to start trading as soon as he came up, Ferguson hesitated.

Senior regret it? I have no objection to terminating the transaction now.

Anyway, it's the first time, so I won't make it difficult for you. I need a candle in the warehouse, not a single section, but a complete one on the candlestick. This thing has no number, and there are a lot of them in the warehouse. I don't think you will Don’t even dare to take this thing?”

Sol crossed his arms and thought for a moment, Why don't you just grab one in the corridor for such a simple thing?

The candles in the hallway are completely different from those in the warehouse. Ferguson lowered his voice, The candles in the hallway are inspected every day, while the ones in the warehouse are only known to you.

Saul didn't really want to get to the bottom of it with Ferguson, 500 magic crystals.

Impossible. Ferguson looked down at Saul, an electric arc flashed in his eyes, It's just a candle, I can give you 200 magic crystals at most.

500 magic crystals. Sol stretched out his hand, Or say goodbye?

Ferguson's cheeks twitched twice, but he still took out a bag of magic crystals and a potion from his bosom.

I didn't bring that much. This is a bottle of illusion potion worth at least 150 magic crystals.

Sol took the money bag, opened it unceremoniously, and swept it with mental power.

The magic fluctuations emitted in the bag are very pure, almost four hundred, and with the hallucination agent, it is indeed more than five hundred.

Ferguson is giving it so happily now, probably because he is thinking that he will be able to threaten him to get it back in the future.

Saul put away his things in satisfaction, Senior is waiting for me here.

He went deep into the second storeroom, walked around the group of corpses that had returned by themselves, and counted the number of candlesticks lit on the wall that were still more than one hundred, before taking the time to go out.

When Sol pushed open the door on the right of the metal gate again, Ferguson outside was standing with his eyes closed, with electric arcs flashing across his body from time to time, and the third-class wizard apprentice was full of oppression.

But after seeing powerful third-level apprentices such as Byron, Bill and even Herman, Saul always felt that Ferguson was much worse in some aspects.

Saul stepped forward and handed the box in his hand to Herman.

Sensing someone coming out, Herman immediately opened his eyes and saw the box right in front of him.

He grabbed the box and checked it with magic power and mental power in turn, but found no abnormality inside the box.

So he opened one corner carefully, Why is it red?

A means of camouflage.

A bad premonition rose in Ferguson's heart, I want to check on the spot.

Check? Sol's heart tightened, but his face showed an impatient look, Here?

The darkness here makes it impossible to hide, so it is the safest place to inspect the goods.

As Ferguson said, he took out a mini lighter and poked it into the box.


The red candle instantly lights up with a white candle flame.

He stared at the candle closely, and after confirming that Bai Yan was correct, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

You're honest. After getting the stolen goods, Ferguson's serious expression finally showed a smile.

However, just when he raised his eyes, wanting to teach this greedy second-level rookie a lesson, countless faces suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ferguson's palm trembled, almost throwing the box in his hand to the ground.

Beside him, there were countless corpses with pale faces and eyes closed!


Herman, who had been cooperating with Kujin in private, naturally knew what these corpses were.

That is one of the taboos in the second warehouse!

Every corpse that can be displayed in the warehouse has a designated number, and every one of them was a powerful apprentice, or even a formal wizard!

Each one is a taboo among taboos!

Ferguson didn't even dare to breathe for a moment, he could only desperately roll his eyes, trying to find a way out among these people.

His rapidly rolling eyes suddenly froze at one point.

There, Saul stood in the middle of the crowd, the only one watching Ferguson with his eyes open.

Thanks for the big reward! ! !

I really like to read the analysis of the readers, I will take notes carefully. (laugh~)

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