Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 156 What are you looking for

Mentor, if I choose the exit, will I connect with you?

Any mentor is possible. The projects researched by Tutor Tali are more or less related to death. Tutor Kaz pointed out.

If it was before, Sol might not think too much.

But since he knew that the tower mainly revived Mrs. Yura, he immediately guessed whether all these research projects were related to the resurrection of Mrs. Yura?

If this is the case, then Golzata is unexpectedly an infatuated person!

I always feel that it doesn't match his appearance and personality.

Mentor, I want to choose an export job. Saul didn't let Katz wait too long, and made his own choice.

You are as bold as ever. Katz had a strange smile on his gloomy expression, wondering if he was satisfied with Sol's choice.

He turned his head to the corridor on the right and raised his voice, Kujin!

After waiting for about ten seconds, the door of the corridor on the right opened slowly, and a tall man came out.

He looked close to two meters tall, and Saul looked like a little kid in front of him now. The name tag on his chest clearly identifies him as a third-class apprentice.

When will I grow taller? As Kujin approached, Sol's neck was lifted up to an awkward angle.

In front of Katz, Kujin tried to calm himself down, but the corners of his mouth sank to reveal his reluctance.

Mr. Katz.

Prepare now and hand over the work to Saul. Katz didn't explain, didn't introduce, and didn't give Kujin a chance to win, and directly pronounced the final result.

Kujin looked at Sol, noticed the brand new name tag on his chest, his cheeks puffed up and then retracted, puffed up and then retracted.

He still couldn't hold back, Mr. Katz, let such a newcomer take over the job, in case something goes wrong...

That's his business. Kaz waved his hand, and he was always impatient in this regard.

No matter how much Ku Jin complained, he could only swallow it back.

If Ku Jin standing here was only a second-level apprentice, he would definitely not dare to say a word of nonsense.

Yes. Kujin lowered his head, he turned to Saul, Come here.

Sol followed Ku Jin and took two steps, only to find that Katz hadn't followed.

He looked back at Katz's tutor, only to find that the other party was looking at him with a complicated face.

Seeing Saul turn back, the emotion on Katz's face was hidden under the wrinkles, Go, why do you still want me to give you a gift?

Sol stopped and bowed to Katz, Teacher, go slowly.

Katz snorted softly, and walked away quickly with his hands behind his back.

Sol turned around again, and saw that Ku Jin was approaching the door, and he quickly ran two steps to follow.

There are hundreds of materials here, but this one is the most. Ku Jin said, pushing open the heavy door.

Behind the door is an extremely bright world.

There are so many candlesticks here that Sol was dazzled as soon as he looked over.

After he got used to the brightness inside, he saw...a lot of people standing inside the door.

His heart skipped a beat, he immediately held his breath, followed Ku Jin, and walked in slowly.

Behind the third door, hundreds of people stood neatly.

People are lined up neatly, and everyone is separated by a distance of one meter. Keep your legs together and let your hands hang down naturally.

It's like standing in a military posture.

But all of them had their eyes closed, and the skin on their faces was as pale as paper.

If you look carefully, no one's chest is still heaving.

These are dead people!

Scared? Kujin stared at Sol's reaction closely, as if wanting to see his joke.

But Saul did not lose his composure except that his face became more serious.

Fortunately, I worked in the morgue on the second floor before, and I have seen many strange-shaped corpses.

Oh, Ku Jin raised the corners of his mouth in disdain, The ones you've seen can only be called corpses. The people in front of you now were at least second-level apprentices.

At least a second-level apprentice? Sol was a little surprised. Are there still many third-level apprentices here?

The most powerful ones here are official wizards. After Kujin finished speaking, he admired Thor's wide eyes and slightly opened mouth.

But Sol quickly restrained his emotions and asked immediately: There must be many requirements and taboos in managing these corpses?

There are only two taboos here.

One, keep at least 81 candlesticks lit in the room.

Second, the materials marked with the serial number are not allowed to be touched or moved.

The fewer taboos, it means that the taboo cannot be violated.

There are a lot of rules, and they are all recorded in the manual over there. You can just read it slowly in a while.

Saul kept the two taboos firmly in his heart, but still remained suspicious, Senior Kujin, are the two taboos also written in the book?

...Yes, it's on the first page. You don't have to worry that I'll lie to you. Ku Jin stepped forward, You are the only one who broke the taboo and died, but if I deliberately failed to do my duty during the handover, then I will also run away. No.

When Ku Jin passed by a corpse with a tall stature, he rubbed his arm and twisted the corpse a bit.

He stopped immediately and straightened the corpse.

Sol silently wrote down this point, thinking about looking for this in the manual for a while.

Passing through this group of dead people is the tall cabinet that is common in the warehouse. A lot of storage equipment is displayed on the cabinet.

Bottles and cans, box pockets, metal brackets, running water and soil, etc.

Thor followed Kujin and walked in through the aisle in the middle of the cabinet.

At the end of the cabinet, there is a wide space away from the wall, which should be the place where Ku Jin usually studies and researches.

Sol saw a five-meter-long table at a glance, as well as cabinets nailed to the wall and floor.

The long table was very clean, and it could be seen that it had been cleaned up deliberately. I don't know if it's because of Ku Jin's personality, or if it's a temporary arrangement.

If it is the latter, it means that before Saul came, Ku Jin already knew that his job might be replaced by a newcomer.

Sol thought to himself: Perhaps, this job was actually arranged for me by the tower master?

After all, Gorza is the wizard tower, the first person to know that Sol has advanced and is about to return to the tower.

Moreover, Sol has been suspicious for the past two years that he can get the opportunity to work in the mortuary, which is also the arrangement of the tower master behind the scenes.

I hope that the only thing that the Tower Master likes is his soul talent.

Kujin took out the rule book and handed Saul three quills.

The quill was exaggeratedly large, and the overall length even exceeded Thor's arm.

This is a messenger pen. Once the instructor needs it, this pen will write the request on paper. Although the instructor will issue the request after three o'clock in the afternoon most of the time, if you are in a hurry, it is possible to get you up in the middle of the night to prepare things Yes. You can keep one in the dormitory as a spare, or you can choose to live here.”

Live here? Sol was stunned. Didn't you ask to leave the East Tower before eight o'clock in the evening?

Kujin moved his things to the trailer next to the table, This is one of the most dangerous places in the East Tower, but it's also the safest place.

Because the things had been tidied up, Ku Jin moved all his things in a few strokes.

Pushing the cart, he squinted at Sol, condescending, As long as you don't break the taboo.

After speaking, he pushed the car and left.

The hourglass clock for timekeeping was behind Sol, and he looked back and found that it was only past nine o'clock in the morning.

Sol picked up the manual and flipped through it twice, The second warehouse rules?

There are more than a dozen pages filled with words, but there are also more than a dozen pages that are blank, as if waiting for someone to add new rules at any time.

The two taboos mentioned by Kukin are clearly written on the first page of the manual.

Apart from these two taboos, nothing else is recorded on the first page.

Thor flipped through it from beginning to end, and checked the entire book, but found no smearing and modification, and no magic fluctuations remained.

He put the book back on the table.

It's still a long time until three o'clock in the afternoon. Sol's bony fingers tapped back and forth on the table, making a crisp sound, It's better to check the body and soul again, and let more professionals find that black figure to the end Where are you hiding?

Although after Byron and Nick's inspection, no other souls were found in Thor's body. But last night's experience made Sol sure that there was a ghost hiding beside him.

This time, he was going to find the apprentice physician in the Wizard Tower who was responsible for checking the physical and mental health of the apprentices.

It just takes a lot of credits.

But spending credits is better than keeping an unknown spirit body by your side all the time.

As soon as Sol took a step, he heard a voice sounding beside him.

What are you looking for? Me?

A black figure suddenly appeared in front of Thor, blocking his way.

Saul looked up and met a pair of charming red eyes.

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