Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 146 The Final Winner

The diary can be seen but cannot be touched, but if it exists somewhere, it must be my spiritual body.

Sol began to concentrate on sensing the location of the diary.

Almost instantly, Sol felt an inexplicable connection, one end was connected to his left shoulder, and the other end stretched into the endless darkness in the distance.

found it!

However, at this moment, Morton's big hand waved, and Thor could only dodge the attack first, but as soon as he was distracted, the faint induction was immediately interrupted.

Morton knocked down with a palm, was dodged by Saul, and slapped on the ground.

The corner of the round table, which was already severely damaged, shattered instantly, and the falling debris immediately disappeared into the darkness.

If Morton was still rational at this time, he might continue to attack the round table, destroying the ground, leaving Thor no room to hide.

But he didn't seem to notice it at all, only focusing on attacking Sol.

Fortunately, this guy is already crazy. Thor sighed, and continued to call the diary.

But Morton's tail swept again, and he had to jump to dodge, thus breaking the connection again.

It can't go on like this!

Morton's movements were slower than before due to the pain from time to time, but he had two hands and one tail, and he continued to attack without interruption, still leaving Thor no time to call.

Looking at the other hand that had already attacked, Thor gritted his teeth, no longer dodged, but rushed forward in an instant, and approached Morton's body again.

This time, he jumped onto Morton's back in twos and hugged him tightly around his neck from behind, avoiding his giant crocodile's long mouth.

Morton's two-clawed tail stretched back immediately, and his deformed body allowed him to attack behind him without any dead ends.

As long as it wasn't for Morton's huge mouth that can swallow everything...

Thor clasped both hands and feet on the neck of the giant Morton, exerting force, and his consciousness called the diary again.

This time, when the giant claws struck, he didn't dodge any more, and the sharp nails pierced into his body.

Thor gritted his teeth and opened his eyes suddenly.

He feels it!

The tail stabs down from the top of the head with a whistling sound.

To hide, or...not to hide?

At the most dangerous moment, a hardcover book suddenly appeared in Sol's hand.

Regardless of complaining or even having time to think, Sol gritted his teeth, tilted his head to the left vigorously, and at the same time swung the hardcover book in his hand, and smashed the back of the evil spirit's head with the tip of its cover.


The sharp tail pierced Thor's right shoulder and emerged from his left belly.


A faint sound of exhalation came from the back of Morton's head.

Thor's teeth were chattering from the pain, and he was trembling all over.

But once again, he was glad that this was a space of consciousness, not a body of flesh and blood, and his right hand could still move!

He pulled out the diary vigorously, and saw that there was a big hole in the back of Morton's head, and he was blowing air out, and tiny fragments of his soul were blown out.

Thor smiled, and the wound on his face became a continuation of his smile.

He slammed down the diary again, and a bigger gap appeared in the back of Morton's head.

Ah!!!! The evil spirit suddenly raised its head and yelled, and flicked its tail violently, sending Sol flying.

Thor slammed, fell to the ground, and rolled out, stopping only when he hit Herman's headless body.

Enduring the severe pain, Sol turned his head to look.

At this time, the evil spirit's body was constantly shrinking and expanding. Countless fragments flew out from the back of his head and were sucked in by his mouth.

The evil spirit was trying hard to recapture the fragments that flew out of his body, but he didn't see that his body had reached its limit.

It's going to explode! Saul instantly realized that something was wrong, grabbed Herman's metal body with difficulty, and blocked himself in front of him.

boom! ! ! !


Successive explosions, huge impact.

Saul grabbed Herman's back tightly, trying to curl himself into a ball.

Countless fragments flew past him, flying into the endless darkness behind him.

In the end, Herman's body couldn't hold on, and was shattered into pieces under the impact again and again.

In the next second, Sol was swept out by the hurricane, and he grabbed the edge of the round platform at the last moment, preventing himself from falling into eternal darkness like other fragments.

After an unknown period of time, the explosion finally stopped.

Sol held the diary in one hand, and held the round platform in the other, hanging in the air.

Enduring the pain, he supported himself on the round platform.

Limb fragments are everywhere in front of his eyes, and there are scattered soul fragments floating in the air.

The ground of the round platform was cracked everywhere.

The mental body must have been injured. I don't know if there will be any sequelae.

Sol held the diary and walked towards the center circle with difficulty.

It is obviously a legendary item, but I can only use it as a brick. I thought the diary was already my locator, but now it seems that I was too naive. The locator is not that simple. It is not easy for the diary to become my locator.

Because his whole body was aching, he walked very slowly.

Suddenly a purple color appeared in front of his eyes.

It turned out that Bill was not swallowed by the evil spirit, the only bit of purple foam left.

I didn't know where the bubble was hiding just now, but it didn't turn into pieces. At this time, it is like a bug, extending a row of tiny tentacles to crawl.

It seems that Sol will be one step ahead and climb to the center circle!

Bill's facial features actually appeared on the surface of the purple foam.

He is laughing.

Sol, you're dead this time! I'm about to take control of your body!

Sol's face was not in a hurry, but he secretly speeded up, I'll shoot you to death when I pass by.

The smile on Bill's face became even more exaggerated, and he grinned effortlessly to the corner of his eyes, Hahaha, you don't have time, once I control your body, I'll blow myself up immediately! I'm doomed, and you don't even want to live! !

Damn, despicable! Sol's face changed, and he immediately accelerated.

But Bill is closer to the center circle.

Hahahaha, so what if you've been to Mofan Town? How could your rotten instructor guess what we're doing? Hahahaha, wait for us... definitely...

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the central circle, the smile on Bill's face became more and more crazy, and the words in his mouth began to become intermittent.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a black shadow covering his head, and something was approaching.

What is that? It's impossible for Thor to release witchcraft here.

Before he could figure it out, a thick hardcover book fell from the sky and hit Bill's face with a smack, smashing the puddle of purple foam into pieces in an instant!

Bill's laughter also stopped abruptly.

Only then did Sol limped over, picked up the diary, looked at the foam on the ground that had turned into soul fragments, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Damn it, it scared me to death! He patted the diary and stepped into the center circle, I just threw it casually just now. So, brother diary, you automatically adjusted the trajectory, right?

Saul held the diary in his arms and sighed, You are still reliable!

Sol stands on the center circle.

Everything was quiet.

As if confirming something, the round platform began to disintegrate.

Whether it's the broken limbs of the soul, or the curses and whispers flying in the sky, they all gradually turn into little stars.

Most of the starlight dissipated in the darkness, while a small part was attracted by some kind and entered Thor's body, repairing his miserable spirit body little by little.

It doesn't hurt anymore? Saul said pleasantly, I still feel a little full.

At this time, Sol's body began to dissipate, but he was not in a hurry. He knew that he was going to return to his body.

After all, in this conscious world, everything is just a virtual image formed by the stereotype of human thinking.

Now that you don't need it, you will return to nothingness.

In the end, only the diary is suspended in the air, which is the most special existence in this consciousness space.

Waiting for no one here, the cover of the diary was slowly opened, and then the paper turned rapidly until it reached the last page.

Three black phantoms suddenly projected from the depths of the darkness, fell onto the diary, and turned into three black pages with irregular edges.

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